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Diablo Team Q&A + Immortal World Information



  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    nastilon said:
    0 interest in a mobile game. Guess this will be great for 12 year olds and the burgeoning market in Asia.
    I remember when consoles were for kids....look at them now.
  • arbi15arbi15 Member UncommonPosts: 41
    "hey audience/fanbase, some of you paid to be here and hundreds of thousands are watching online rightnow, so today after years of waiting we gonna announce something that isnt targeting you but totally diffrent people, enjoy" - basically the diablo booth this year
  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    laserit said:

    DMKano said:
    Wizbuiz said:
    What a bummer, they are so arrogant, just cuz blizz fanbois Will play any expansion they make and have had Great success, they Think they Can get away with everything since fans arent boycotting them. This is the time to show that the customers wont swallow any crap they make just cuz it has a blizz tag. Diablo 3 was fun the first 6 months. But a spin-off on mobile is just ridiculous, getting more attached to our phones is what we need the least

    Why are they so arrogant? Do companies not have the right to release products on platforms that you don't like?

    Diablo Immortal is NOT and never was meant for PC gamer crowd. A proper PC version is in the works.

    What's more arrogant is players thinking that their personal needs must always be met and are the sole focus of everything game companies do - and that announcing one product that doesn't cater to them specifically give them the right to sling poo at the company.

    Announcing it as a big deal at a convention where your biggest PC fans paid money to see news and reveals on games they care about is just shit practice.

    Quit with the "they're entitled to make the games they want!" horseshit like it wasn't a straight gaffe for Blizz to make Diablo Immortal some big Blizzcon announcement.
    I believe Blizzard actually thought Diablo fans would groove on it,  Diablo on the go, ching$ ching$

    There has been a huge miscalculation here.
    Agreed. They used this announcement to close out the opening ceremony. They were expecting a far different reaction. Which sucks because it makes me feel like they truly are out of touch with their players.
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376
    "there’s multiple Diablo projects being worked on by multiple teams. We love Diablo"

    what other projects? why arent they announced at Blizzcon? what a joke
  • wesjrwesjr Member UncommonPosts: 506
    If they had made it mobile + desktop like Hearthstone I think it would have been received much better.
  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531
    I'm willing to wager it took them less than a year to shit out this hot mess of a game. Probably less than half a year

    It's actually shovelware, Blizzard actually makes shovelware now, what a fantastic timeline.

    The Season of Greed is real!
  • ShinobeShinobe Member UncommonPosts: 91
    Don´t question anything teh ELITE here at MMORPG is saying. They are orange, they have powa and much more inside info about everything in the game industrie.

    Blizzard fooked it up. Nothing more to say. Buy the yproduct, or don´t.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited November 2018
    Warlyx said:
    "there’s multiple Diablo projects being worked on by multiple teams. We love Diablo"

    what other projects? why arent they announced at Blizzcon? what a joke
    THIS right here is why people are so pissed of. You're at Blizzcon, the companies biggest event of the year, to get B-I-G Blizzard related news. Multiple projects were stressed as to being worked on by multiple teams with Blizzard going into a hiring frenzy and even moving some people from other projects to work on these new Diablo projects. You get to Blizzcon and your only Diablo news is a mobile game.....

    I was typing more but honestly this is making me even more pissed off the more I have to explain it to both Blizzard and to people that dont understand the sure amount of HATE, not at the mobile game, but towards Blizzard for doing something like this at a WESTERN MARKET FOCUSED EVENT. It honestly feels like they got their presentations mixed up with the mobile reveal being for their investors and something else being meant for Blizzcon....

    This mobile game wont hurt Diablo in anyway and anyone who genuinely thinks that is just naive. But it does damage Blizzard because their perception has been completely out of wack with reality since BfA alpha.
  • BobVaBobVa Member UncommonPosts: 125
    DMKano said:

    Every Blizzcon has been a loss for Blizzard in terms of cost vs sales of tickets.

    You can quote me on this and take this to the bank if you want.
    I will quote you.

    That's a 2009 article. Beside D3, WoW, SC and .. WoW? .. they basically didn't had anything else to show. Now there are 4 more games in Blizzard portfolio : Overwatch, HS, HoTs, SC2.

    The prices : 125$ ( then ) vs 250$ ( now ) for 1 ticket. Virtual tickets not available in 2009 vs now. Plus the very big sponsors they have now like T-Mobile. 

    I still don't know if they managed to get all the .. investement back from this year Blizzcon, but I'm pretty positive that the losses are not that big as from 2009 for exemple.

    And as the guy said from your article : It's a huge marketing opportunity, so that's the benefit we get out of that. 

    that's all it matters in the end : Huge Marketing. So don't cry for Blizzard losing (if) some millions , while they will get much, much more because of the BlizzCon marketing that is.
  • SplitStream13SplitStream13 Member UncommonPosts: 253
    I don't get what the fuss is all about. I am excited about this game. Especially if its not free2play/lootbox bullshit. I play Darkness Rises on my phone and tablet and it's really good game with a really good pvp system. If DI trumps that I'm all in for it. 

    Not everyone has 5-6 hours to play games kids. I run a game or 2 while in the shitter or a break at work and that's fine. I welcome games with more depth on mobile. 
  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981

    DMKano said:

    itsover said:

    Only way to fix our fan is announce d4 or d2 remaster

    Which they already said that "other Diablo games are in the works" 

    D4 for PC/console has been in the works before Diablo mobile - I can tell you that - that's what majority of Diablo team at Blizzard has been working on for a long time already.

    Diablo Immortal has been mostly outsourced to Netease as Blizzard doesn't have enough mobile devs in house to make mobile games themselves. The upside of this is that Diablo Immortal didn't take away much focus from the teams working on D4.

    I don't play mobile games - so to me Diablo mobile doesn't even register - it's like ok they announced something I absolutely don't care for - next.

    I don't get why PC gamers are in an uproar over something they were never gonna play - when a proper and much better version for PC is in the works.

    If Blizzard was  said "we are never going to make another PC diablo game and this mobile game is all you will ever see" - yep I can see how being this pissed off is justified.

    But that's not the case - but hey - majorly overblowing stuff and shitting all over Blizzard right now - and then cheering and singing high praises for them when D4 gets officially announced - yep that's the bullshit fickleness of players nowdays.

    If the D4 was anything more than pre production stage project at this point. They would now admit they are working on it. If anything, just to calm the spirits.

    What I suspect is this : They already did their best with Diablo 3. They simply do not know where to take it from there. If they go with isometric game they will have to compete with POE and several others that are taking the field quite strong. And even than they have a problem cause Diablo players want hardcore experience, and this does not translate good to revenue.
    Another venue they could try is MMO. But than it would compete with WoW, and they are not ready for that. And beside that, MMOs cost lot of money and Activision is stingy.
    Finally they could do first perspective ActionRPG wich would be great, but Blizzards are good copiers never innovators.

    So what they have is probably many pre production concepts, and some demo prototypes. So yes they are working on it. Just as they were working on Titan and Ghost.

    And even if they do announce it right now. You can bet it would take 6 years minimum to be released.

    At this point. D2 remaster is best we can hope for. And honestly POE is much better D2.

    So screw them.

    Blizzard is dead

  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531

    APThug said:

    I'm just bummed the game doesn't have witch doctor. Why not include it? Witch doctor was my favorite class to play in D3.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    The cynical part of want to say this was a calculated risk from Blizzard. Calculated as in "we count on this not causing to much damage compared to the free marketing we will get. But we are confident in our brand surviving this" because by now EVERYONE has heard about Diablo. Sure it has probably galvanized some pc users but they will come back with the next PC game. It also plays in to the image of PC users being very arrogant and elitist towards mobile games.

    But mostly i think it was a case of creating controversy for marketing reasons... But maybe the backlash was bit bigger then expected. But there is no chance in hell this was done accidentally.

    This have been a good conversation

  • Spriggen1337Spriggen1337 Member UncommonPosts: 276

    APThug said:

    I'm just bummed the game doesn't have witch doctor. Why not include it? Witch doctor was my favorite class to play in D3.

    probs a limitation of the engine/specs of phones GPU ram combo and teh WD ability to fudge FPS up with all the dots and pets.
  • zaberfangxzaberfangx Member UncommonPosts: 1,796
    I give it a few months people will forget about Diable moble and WoW classic be all over the news how great blizzard is.
    Soki123[Deleted User]
  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    I think Diablo Mobile will be a huge disaster. I actually hope it does well, but I think players feel jaded about this since it is only Mobile. Mere resentment will ruin this game. I'm actually surprised Blizzard made such a bad mistake.
  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
     I'm actually surprised Blizzard made such a bad mistake.
    Not a misstake, a calculated risk. 

    Do you really think that Blizzard, after all these years.. still has no clue how their fans react. Nah.. They knew full and well that this was going to blow up. 

    This have been a good conversation

  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    tawess said:
     I'm actually surprised Blizzard made such a bad mistake.
    Not a misstake, a calculated risk. 

    Do you really think that Blizzard, after all these years.. still has no clue how their fans react. Nah.. They knew full and well that this was going to blow up. 
    I disagree but respect your opinion. I think some yahoo convinced the uppers this will be a great idea. Time will tell I guess.
  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    tawess said:
     I'm actually surprised Blizzard made such a bad mistake.
    Not a misstake, a calculated risk. 

    Do you really think that Blizzard, after all these years.. still has no clue how their fans react. Nah.. They knew full and well that this was going to blow up. 
    I disagree but respect your opinion. I think some yahoo convinced the uppers this will be a great idea. Time will tell I guess.
    Ok now you got me curious... =) 

    Can you motivate why... given the history of Blizard (and activision for that matter) and controversy? 

    This have been a good conversation

  • DookzDookz Member UncommonPosts: 562
    I'm happy they are releasing Diablo for mobile. It's long overdue Just this week Old school runescape for mobile was released and there is zero micro transactions. You either pay a monthly fee or you pay none. I hope blizzard follows this business model.

    Playing now: Cities: Skyline / Ori and the Blind Forest / Banished

  • BeyornBeyorn Member UncommonPosts: 372
    To announce this in front of a pc crowd was a bad decision.  I dont understand what they were thinking or shocked that they got such a reception. 
  • Mylan12Mylan12 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    DMKano said:
    itsover said:
    Only way to fix our fan is announce d4 or d2 remaster

    Which they already said that "other Diablo games are in the works" 

    D4 for PC/console has been in the works before Diablo mobile - I can tell you that - that's what majority of Diablo team at Blizzard has been working on for a long time already.

    Diablo Immortal has been mostly outsourced to Netease as Blizzard doesn't have enough mobile devs in house to make mobile games themselves. The upside of this is that Diablo Immortal didn't take away much focus from the teams working on D4.

    I don't play mobile games - so to me Diablo mobile doesn't even register - it's like ok they announced something I absolutely don't care for - next.

    I don't get why PC gamers are in an uproar over something they were never gonna play - when a proper and much better version for PC is in the works.

    If Blizzard was  said "we are never going to make another PC diablo game and this mobile game is all you will ever see" - yep I can see how being this pissed off is justified.

    But that's not the case - but hey - majorly overblowing stuff and shitting all over Blizzard right now - and then cheering and singing high praises for them when D4 gets officially announced - yep that's the bullshit fickleness of players nowdays.

     Blizzard has always seem inept at times in public relations. Its not that they released a mobile game its how they did it. They should not have set it up at the front like it was going to be a major Diablo announcement. It should have been more in the background. 
     Also how hard is it to say that "we are working on a new PC game in the diablo world but its not far along enough for any discussion" .
     Instead they say "other Diablo games are in the works" so what does that mean, maybe a PS4 version or a xbox version or maybe even more mobile ones. Ok I agree any one with a brain has to assume they are working on a PC version but why could they just not say it. It would have cost them nothing. They did not have to give a time line or even any kind of description of they game.

    Personally I don't care myself. I not play the mobile one. If they make another PC one and it looks decent then I get it otherwise they not get any more of my money as I don't like any of their other games.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Yeah... they are working on a PC game @dmkano
    Work started yesterday.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • KabulozoKabulozo Member RarePosts: 932
    edited November 2018
    Pick a mobile game made by another company and take it to the show, announcing it as their BIGGEST GAME of the event, expecting hardcore Diablo fans that went there just to see a D4 announcement to smile and clap their hands was a terrible mistake.

    If bethesda left the E3 panel with only a mobile Elder Scrolls as their biggest shit on the show, they would have gotten a big hate wave, but they managed things well showing the public that at least Elder Scroll 6 exists.

    Instead of deleting dislikes on DI, they should just announce a proper PC Diablo game asap.
  • epoqepoq Member UncommonPosts: 394
    If you're wondering why this is even a thing at all - remember that a couple of years ago Blizzard aquired King (the makers of candy crush and all of those bullshit mobile games) -- the monthly active users of King *FAR* surpasses Blizzard's own (at 270 million or so for King) -- hence the push to move into the mobile world. The money they are going to make from this utter garbage is likely nonsensical (A LOT) -- despite it being total shite. A good move for Blizzard financially, but in poor form, and a waste of a Blizzcon announcement that people paid money to go see. I would be pissed too as a longtime fan of the Diablo series if I paid money to show up to hear about this crap.
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