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Diablo Immortal



  • ZhenoxZhenox Member UncommonPosts: 59

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Development involves marketing campaign. Interesting. 

    So Kano, does your line of work has something to do with mobile games by any chance? 
  • ItstimetodealItstimetodeal Member UncommonPosts: 284
    DMKano said:
    Ozmodan said:
    I feel sorry for all the fools that bought Blizzcon tickets.  That had to watch this disaster.   I think what we are seeing is Activison imposing their will on Blizzard.   Blizzard is no longer producing quality games, they are all into any game that will pull in the money without too many development dollars.  These short sighted designs will eventually kill Blizzard.  

    Oh come on - can we please stop with this myth that a top mobile game is cheap to make?

    It is not.

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Heck remember Game of War - those Kate Upton ads cost 40million alone.

    Well at this point the only thing that would make me pay attention to Diablo right now is an ad with her or some other model riding around on a horse.  
  • ZhenoxZhenox Member UncommonPosts: 59
    DMKano said:
    Ozmodan said:
    I feel sorry for all the fools that bought Blizzcon tickets.  That had to watch this disaster.   I think what we are seeing is Activison imposing their will on Blizzard.   Blizzard is no longer producing quality games, they are all into any game that will pull in the money without too many development dollars.  These short sighted designs will eventually kill Blizzard.  

    Oh come on - can we please stop with this myth that a top mobile game is cheap to make?

    It is not.

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Heck remember Game of War - those Kate Upton ads cost 40million alone.

    Well at this point the only thing that would make me pay attention to Diablo right now is an ad with her or some other model riding around on a horse.  
    Your lack of imagination is disturbing. 
  • ItstimetodealItstimetodeal Member UncommonPosts: 284
    edited November 2018
    Zhenox said:
    DMKano said:
    Ozmodan said:
    I feel sorry for all the fools that bought Blizzcon tickets.  That had to watch this disaster.   I think what we are seeing is Activison imposing their will on Blizzard.   Blizzard is no longer producing quality games, they are all into any game that will pull in the money without too many development dollars.  These short sighted designs will eventually kill Blizzard.  

    Oh come on - can we please stop with this myth that a top mobile game is cheap to make?

    It is not.

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Heck remember Game of War - those Kate Upton ads cost 40million alone.

    Well at this point the only thing that would make me pay attention to Diablo right now is an ad with her or some other model riding around on a horse.  
    Your lack of imagination is disturbing. 
    Piss off snowflake it was a joke.  
  • ZhenoxZhenox Member UncommonPosts: 59
    edited November 2018
    Zhenox said:
    DMKano said:
    Ozmodan said:
    I feel sorry for all the fools that bought Blizzcon tickets.  That had to watch this disaster.   I think what we are seeing is Activison imposing their will on Blizzard.   Blizzard is no longer producing quality games, they are all into any game that will pull in the money without too many development dollars.  These short sighted designs will eventually kill Blizzard.  

    Oh come on - can we please stop with this myth that a top mobile game is cheap to make?

    It is not.

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Heck remember Game of War - those Kate Upton ads cost 40million alone.

    Well at this point the only thing that would make me pay attention to Diablo right now is an ad with her or some other model riding around on a horse.  
    Your lack of imagination is disturbing. 
    Piss off snowflake it was a joke.  
    Snowflake? Somehow i'm left leaning in your eyes? Couldn't be further from the truth, snowflake. Don't be so butt hurt, if you're incapable of understanding banter, cause you end up looking as a snowflake yourself. 
  • ZhenoxZhenox Member UncommonPosts: 59
    Btw, just to keep some guys on track on this whole situation.

    Youtube deleted 100k dislikes from official Diablo "Immoral" trailer. 

    [Deleted User]Avarix
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Zhenox said:
    Zhenox said:
    DMKano said:
    Ozmodan said:
    I feel sorry for all the fools that bought Blizzcon tickets.  That had to watch this disaster.   I think what we are seeing is Activison imposing their will on Blizzard.   Blizzard is no longer producing quality games, they are all into any game that will pull in the money without too many development dollars.  These short sighted designs will eventually kill Blizzard.  

    Oh come on - can we please stop with this myth that a top mobile game is cheap to make?

    It is not.

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Heck remember Game of War - those Kate Upton ads cost 40million alone.

    Well at this point the only thing that would make me pay attention to Diablo right now is an ad with her or some other model riding around on a horse.  
    Your lack of imagination is disturbing. 
    Piss off snowflake it was a joke.  
    Snowflake? Somehow i'm left leaning in your eyes? Couldn't be further from the truth, snowflake. Don't be so butt hurt, if you're incapable of understanding banter, cause you end up looking as a snowflake yourself. 

    Snowflake = right wing nutter, so its probably an accurate description :)
  • ItstimetodealItstimetodeal Member UncommonPosts: 284
    Zhenox said:
    Zhenox said:
    DMKano said:
    Ozmodan said:
    I feel sorry for all the fools that bought Blizzcon tickets.  That had to watch this disaster.   I think what we are seeing is Activison imposing their will on Blizzard.   Blizzard is no longer producing quality games, they are all into any game that will pull in the money without too many development dollars.  These short sighted designs will eventually kill Blizzard.  

    Oh come on - can we please stop with this myth that a top mobile game is cheap to make?

    It is not.

    the marketing campaign can easily push this into 100million+ range.

    Heck remember Game of War - those Kate Upton ads cost 40million alone.

    Well at this point the only thing that would make me pay attention to Diablo right now is an ad with her or some other model riding around on a horse.  
    Your lack of imagination is disturbing. 
    Piss off snowflake it was a joke.  
    Snowflake? Somehow i'm left leaning in your eyes? Couldn't be further from the truth, snowflake. Don't be so butt hurt, if you're incapable of understanding banter, cause you end up looking as a snowflake yourself. 
    Now you are all triggered.  Just let it go it was a joke.  I believe on the Fist Amendment and boobs.  So an ad with either one I'll watch ok. 
  • LuidenLuiden Member RarePosts: 339
    Blizzard reminds me of Metallica, they were the best of the best but then sold out, telling their fans to go f themselves.

    There biggest problem is that for all the billions they are raking in they haven't done anything innovative in a long.. long time.  In fact it's been 20 to 25 years since they have released a new interesting IP.  The sad fact is as a gaming company they are washed up and in time the idiot fans who continue to follow them will figure it out.  Kind of like the current Metallica fans who ran around and act like they are the heaviest band around.. when in fact there are nothing more than a in-between pop/rock band.
  • bartoni33bartoni33 Member RarePosts: 2,044
      I believe on the Fist Amendment and boobs. 
    I've seen that porn movie. The Pink Sock scene was intense!

    On Topic: Can't be surprised that Blizz did this. They are in it for the money. Never forget that.

    Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.

  • kjempffkjempff Member RarePosts: 1,760
    edited November 2018
    Well should they actually make mobile games ?
    It is like a Michelin star restaurant selling bad fastfood at the back entrance.
    Let someone else make those games ... create a sub-studio to develop for mobile ... it is not really right to mix it.
  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    Zhenox said:
    Btw, just to keep some guys on track on this whole situation.

    Youtube deleted 100k dislikes from official Diablo "Immoral" trailer. 

    Glad someone is talking about this. I seen a video on the Diablo stuff earlier today and in the video he showed how the trailer had 261k dislikes. When I looked at the video it was barely above 200k. Not sure if it's intentional but it's the more interesting story to me at this point. 
    [Deleted User]MrMelGibson
  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665

    5:35 he shows 260k dislikes. Other videos with footage of higher numbers on YouTube but I am on mobile and going back and forth isn't the easiest.
  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    Nice Video SedrynTyros. Love how he got booed and tried to justify it.
  • BeyornBeyorn Member UncommonPosts: 372
    edited November 2018

    Ok, Ok, Ok I won’t start cutting myself…….but drinking bleach is still on the table Blizzard….Don’t make me do it!!

    Also I has a phone ;P

  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Nilden said:
    klash2def said:
    I will never understand why people get so upset because their favorite game company made something that's not for them. Its the same thing to me as getting upset because Marvel is making toys aimed at 10 year olds instead of a film. 

    It not like Blizzard is never going to make another Diablo, and even if they didn't, you can still play the other Diablo games or products by blizzard. Hell there are thousands of games to play not named Diablo. 

    I find it hard to be upset because some new thing isn't made with me in mind. I'm not even trying to defend blizzard, I personally dont care for diablo that much but its just nuts seeing people get so upset over this new game because they feel like it wasn't for them. I really dislike gamer entitlement, and the sooner we move past it the better quality content we will get. Devs already have enough pressure as is. Some reactions are just not necessary. 

    Btw there is a huge market for Mobile gaming so Blizzard did nothing wrong b trying to throw a real contender in that market. Even Bethesda has a big Mobile game coming. Mobile is part of the future of gaming. 
    Mobile gaming is a plague.

    That's a pretty insightful video and makes some really good points on how the mobile market seems to be viewed by the industry, which is completely out of touch with reality (well, at least here in the west).

    Playing Words with Friends on your phone doesn't mean you enjoy or like "video games" in the traditional sense.  Interesting comparison between Steam and the mobile app stores, too.  I think we've all noticed the explosion of Early Access/Throw-away titles on Steam.

    I don't see it as sustainable for PC or console markets.  Industry devs really shouldn't consider the markets to be highly overlapping with mobile.
    ConstantineMerusNildenCazriel[Deleted User]

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    I'm just going to throw this out there, that there are very popular ARPG games on mobile devices. I've played a few.. and several of them are top grossing on both iOS and Android platforms.  

    That being said, I'm not a huge diablo fan. I played diablo 3 for a bit, got the gist of it, but the franchise doesn't entice me to play this on mobile.

    The reality of the situation is, Blizzard has followed their gameplan of taking something that's already on the market in the industry and trying to migrate it to a somewhat more polished version of it.  

    Clearly, it's not built for core gamers.  I don't know a lot about the game, but we'll know pretty quickly who this was built for simply by the mechanics they utilize. For example, most ARPG games for mobile have auto play features.  Most games are very simplistic when it comes to those autoplay features to, with a few exceptions.  If we see that up front, it'll be pretty clear this is going to be a game created just to cash in on the IP and not really push the envelope in the mobile space.

  • KellerKeller Member UncommonPosts: 602
    Avarix said:
    Zhenox said:
    Btw, just to keep some guys on track on this whole situation.

    Youtube deleted 100k dislikes from official Diablo "Immoral" trailer. 

    Glad someone is talking about this. I seen a video on the Diablo stuff earlier today and in the video he showed how the trailer had 261k dislikes. When I looked at the video it was barely above 200k. Not sure if it's intentional but it's the more interesting story to me at this point. 
    can't find the link, but apperently a bot and a lot of dummyaccounts were used to generate a lot of those dislikes.
  • VorthanionVorthanion Member RarePosts: 2,749
    Color me disappointed, but not surprised.  It's starting to feel like these companies are less and less interested in chasing after our cash and settling for the nickel and dime mobile crowd.  Lets hope this trend doesn't result in gaming companies completely ignoring smaller cash cows altogether.

  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    DMKano said:
    DMKano said:
    Oh they knew

    They would have walked off stage if they were so shocked and blindsided. But no they had a quick come back - you guys have phones right?

    lol - nice

    So yes - even those guys were well aware that this was gonna go as well as a turd in a punchbowl
    Just because they were not ignorant of the backlash does not mean they aren't stupid for doing it.  Especially with that response.  

    Even worse than "you think you want it, but you don't".

    I actually really liked the way Blizzard handled this - they were in a no win situation. But then again - I am not watching this a disappointed PC gamer - that's not my mindset.  I know it's only a matter of time before we get a proper PC Diablo game - might be 7 years from now but it will happen.

    I think it's actually a pretty snarky remark - it's like "hey we know you guys hate this - but we don't care - you do have a phones don't you" - hahahah that's just cold 

    The response was not really meant to change anything - as they knew - no matter what they said they were not going to change anyone's mind, they audience was going to remain pissed off no matter what.

    So they decided - hey instead of being miserable - might as well have some fun with the angry mob "you guys have phones right?" 


    Nothing about the way they handled this was right.  You think it is right to basically disrespect your fan base by throwing out gasoline on a fire.  I pray you don't work in PR or resolutions because that is the opposite way to handle something like this.

    It was OK for them to announce it, no problems there from me.

    It also was OK to have upset fan base that Blizzcon is actually for, you know the PC and console crowd, mostly PC to be honest.  To come out and say we are releasing something but not for your platforms and it will never be on your platform was probably the dumbest marketing strategy I have ever seen, even worse that the whole loot box crap from EA to be honest and look how that turned out.

    Got the feeling this will hurt them more than you think in the long run.  Yeah the game may make them some fast cash, but guess what that is all it is, mobile games go down as fast as they rise in reality.  The mobile crowd isn't the ones that keep coming back over and over, they play a game for a couple weeks and done with it an move on, if that long to be honest.

    They didn't even have to give an information about another Diablo PC game in reality.  They could have pulled an elder scrolls thing just showed a Diablo 4 splash screen, that is if they are actually really going to make one or have even started to be honest, an it would have most likely sated the masses to accept the mobile game most likely.

    They also should never have removed the downvotes though because that just made the issue worse and will continue to do so as long as they do it.  They got snippy with their fans and their fans showed them they wouldn't accept it.  So what happens when you piss off people even more by doing what they did the people make it their mission to give you as bad PR as they possibly can.  That is what is happening now.  It doesn't matter if the game itself is amazing, it will have a black eye coming out the door.  Most likely people will leave bad reviews without ever playing it to be honest.

    Got the feeling they lost many people with this stunt that have held out hope for Blizzard.  I had family that worked for the original Blizzard, it is not the company that created WoW.  It is a shell of what it used to be, and to be honest they are slowing killing what was once a very good company.  Don't think it will be to much longer before you see people lumping them in with EA which is about as bad as you get.
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    Instead of buying D3 for the third time, for the Switch, like I was planning too I just uninstalled it from my PC last night. I am not hating, I am not taking a stand, but when I fired it up yesterday all I felt was disappointment which completely overshadowed my desire to play. I booted up LotRO, created a fresh minstrel on Laurelin and that frown went upside down, I will stay a while and listen. Not in your game though Blizzard, I got some sour taste to get rid of first.

    MadFrenchie[Deleted User][Deleted User]MrMelGibson
    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • hamlathishamlathis Member UncommonPosts: 25
    edited November 2018
    I stop with those cies Enough I'm done. I stay with my good old wIII and I stop with blizzard. 

    Less fun zero creativity more and more cash. OVER DONE.

    Old versions of warcraft, SC and Diablo  = the best ever.

    Wow vanilla was great at launch, time to switch. 

    Enough .... on video games, I only play fun and great games. I'll play ancient games, np, because they are still the best : ancient versions of WIII SC and Diablo, DAOC, UO, SWG if can find it, EQ1/EQ2, LIneage, Lotro.

    Consumer can stay with  Bless, BDO if they want, and play  Bless with one hand and eat their lucio kelloggs with the other I don't CARE

    They can play their lite version of diablo on the bus.

    I don't care.
    I won't buy wIII reloaded and Diablo for phones.
  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337
    The funny bit is that there is a number of "game journalists" that started parroting the same overused script about entitlement and toxic masculinity and similar rubbish concepts.

    When the situation is so simple really. The people at Blizzcon paid an overprised ticket to watch the equivalent of "The avengers" and got "The little engine that could" instead.

    That was one sure way to make sure all those people felt stupid for wasting their money and time. And the worst part was that there was no "outrage". Just stunned silence followed by indifference towards Blizzard.
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    i'm thinking maybe the reason they didn't tease any of the other projects is because of what happened with titan.

    so maybe they're not sure that any of those are good enough yet and may end up scrapped.

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • ZhenoxZhenox Member UncommonPosts: 59
    Snowflake = right wing nutter, so its probably an accurate description :)
    Are you serious? 
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