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A new interview with Final Fantasy XIV's Yoshida Naoki has been published on Korean site where he is specifically asked about the possibility of moving the game to a free-to-play revenue model. His answer is unequivocal, "We have no plan for F2P at all." The answer came as part of a larger discussion of the 4.3 update and general gameplay in Final Fantasy XIV.
Sticking to the pay 2 play monetization is the best way to ensure players don't get toyed with. There's many mmorpgs lately that are offering shiny items or content in the cash shop just for a quick buck. Very few are lasting for long.
I command them for sticking to their notion after all these years.
Last i heard this game was doing very well with subs, I can't see why they would go to a F2P model.
Aloha Mr Hand !
Probally, But it won't happen, not only do they have million of subs to this wow clone, they also have tons of idiots paying a fortune for overpriced cosmetics in the cash shop. I gave up on FF14 as every class feels to much the same as each other, like the melee dps all felt the exact same to me. I actually prefered how 1.0 was, as it was actually unique in a good way and not just a cookie cutter wow clone like ff14 2.0+ is.
What can ya say though? Wow clones is where the money is today. Till that changes were never going to see an actual mmorpg, just more of the same repetive themepark bullcrap thats been spewed out since wow was successful.
I used to love mmorpgs, then wow happened, I tried wow, was on in 1.0, but then every single mmorpg that came out kept trying to clone wow, and the genre is pretty much a stagnating cesspool now of games that are essentally the same with just a diffrent skin on it.
I recently went back to play FF11, and I have to say its by and far better than any current mmorpg, might be part nostalgia talking though.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
How long ago did you play ff14? Heavensward and blood made the gameplay for most classes alot better... And it still makes WoWs pve look like a calm schooltrip compared to the savage dungeons of ffxiv
So Square has no care to scam gamer's with greedy cash shops.
FFXI already had the numbers drop by a lot and guess what,NO cash shop crap.
Perhaps people are just not used to a dev doing things fair ,so use to garbage devs and their loot boxes and cash shops.
Just a couple hours ago,i am greeted on Blizzard's app with FREE golden loot box advert.To me that is scummy,i play games for fun that are fun to me,i don't want your scummy bribes to play your lousy games.You can try and bribe me with 500 golden loot boxes,it won't work.
Seeing devs try to BAIT users in by use of a FAKE term...FREE makes me sick,even more so that people support that crap.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Yes and it always has been.
"Square has no care to scam gamer's with a greedy cash shop?" Lol. Final Fantasy XIV has a cash shop they called the Mogstation. They update that shop every month. They also have a companion app that has a premium plan option. They do not need free to play because they are getting money from users through their force subscription while selling them cosmetics that they can only use while being subscribed.