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The Blizzard team has acknowledged that there are issues with the current iteration of Azerite gear in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Azerite armor fits into three available slots (head, shoulder, chest) and contains a number of mostly passive traits that can enhance a variety of abilities for players. However, the community has generally had a number of issues with the system. Blizzard has now admitted that there are three key areas where improvements are needed.
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No mention of the issue of having to regrind rings over and over as you climb the iLvl ladder. This makes catching up alts much worse, and leaves little to no improvement over Legion.
Disappointed in this expansion's endgame content in general.
According to Lore, the general re-grind is "just a down-side to the system that both the team and the playerbase will just have to accept..." like wtf lol. But lets be real about that, it was designed that way on purpose to extend the longevity of content. Thus is why he said the dev team would be more likely to be more restrictive on reforging azerite armor vs forgiving. So if you like playing multiple specs, you better get to grinding all those sets of azerite gear. AND dont forget those sets for different types of content for the same spec, RIP.
Step 1. Deny there are any problems; obsfucate (blurr the issue). Done,
Step 2. Admit there are issues and that they are going to look into them. Now done.
Step 3. The downstream patch - presumably some time next year,
Syep 4. Make the whole thing trivial so anyone can easily get anything to do with the system.
Step 5, Scrap system with bxt expansion. Hoping they keep it as ONE way to personalize characters ...... that is wishful thinking yes?
I am not just talking azerite items either, the entire expansion lacks any kind of substantial rewards. I recall doing Legion emissaries up until BfA released because the rewards were actually worth it, I already lost all will to do them in BfA. That is an epic fail this early in.
Ummm….how do you get the additional armor to get other effects if not by grinding? Your azurite grind may affect all the armor, but you still have to grind in order to get additional pieces. With the artifact weapons you had a set goal to grind for, you knew X ability/effect was waiting for you down the road, with azurite pieces it is all RNG as to what effect/abilities you will get when you pick the piece up. Not only that....but you spend X number of hours grinding to get that one ability you want then Blizzard nerfs the shit out of it. Nothing to defend here, it is all just poor design.
That is what WoW has become in a nutshell! and why I won't be coming back anymore.
Blizzard is experimenting with all kinds of new systems and then quickly abandons it again with each new expansion.
For new/returning players it's just crap to level from 1 now, having to go through abandoned features in Draenor ( Garrisons ), Legion ( Artifact Weapons ) and then finally into BfA with Azerite armor that will be abandoned with next expac.
They practically want you to not play the old content anymore and just spend the extra 50 bucks on Boost potions.
Especially with Garrisons they could have done so many new cool things with it and expand on it. Sure it wasn't perfect, but it was fixable... but instead they just outright abandoned it. It was the closest thing we had for player housing.
IMO Island expeditions are not very exciting, rewarding, or fun, but it's the only efficient way to get azerite. I gave up trying to level up my azerite. Currently sitting with level 370 gear and azerite level is 20. I don't care anymore. I refuse to run island expeditions anymore. There is enough grinding for rep, I don't need anymore of it.
I'm not an IT Specialist, Game Developer, or Clairvoyant in real life, but like others on here, I play one on the internet.