So I used to play WoW almost religiously back in the day when I didn't really wanna do anything else besides go to work then come home and game with online friends. I played a little bit of the last expansion but my living arrangement has changed a few years ago and work's been keeping me busy and on my three off days that I have I've been spending a lot time with my girlfriend. So I'm curious for those who play with limited time or even less than what I have. Is it worth it? I would like to give BFA a chance but I'm not sure if it's worth a sub. I'm mostly interested in farming old tier sets and doing PvP.
Personally the whole FUN factor was just being intrigued by mmorpg gaming for the first time.Seeing the different mechanics we never saw in fps games,the different kind of worlds fps'rs never had,Lore,housing,different types of weapons,it was a NEW experience.Since that initial shiny new experience,mmorpg's have done nothing to improve that experience nor have they added any depth to their games.
Game development across the world as of right now has become very cheap and shallow.I tend to play TCG's the most now but they are way too costly and can become aggravating as well.
I just recently bought a single player rpg ,hoping that would give me a new found excitement.Nope very linear,shallow and way too easy,like it was made for a 7 year old.
Bottom line,Wow does little to do anything well in a RPG,it is not fun and if you witness most players are just running dungeons and look bored doing so.Go watch streamers play and you'll see just how NOT interested they are,but simply playing because streamers make money doing so.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.