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Neverwinter Professions to be Retooled from the Ground Up -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited September 2018 in News & Features Discussion

imageNeverwinter Professions to be Retooled from the Ground Up -

The latest Neverwinter blog has been posted to reveal big changes coming to professions with The Heart of Fire. "The professions overhaul is a ground-up redesign of the entire professions system including entirely new recipes, a personal workshop, over 200 unique artisans to hire, and big changes to how recipes themselves are completed." reads the blog. Today's post deals specifically with the player's workshop.

Read the full story here



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  • ParagonianParagonian Member UncommonPosts: 39
    Cryptic is one of my favorite MMO companies, but their crafting systems always suck. I strongly prefer the WoW & LotRO styles of crafting better.

    - Guy that actually loves crafting in MMOs.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    The Cleric class was in dire need of 'fixing' instead of an armour wearing, mace weilding frontline healer/support they turned them into some kind of weird magic user, which isn't D&D at all, which is what Neverwinter was supposed to be based on. :/
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    Phry said:
    The Cleric class was in dire need of 'fixing' instead of an armour wearing, mace weilding frontline healer/support they turned them into some kind of weird magic user, which isn't D&D at all, which is what Neverwinter was supposed to be based on. :/
    this game classes have nothing to do with D&D
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Phry said:
    The Cleric class was in dire need of 'fixing' instead of an armour wearing, mace weilding frontline healer/support they turned them into some kind of weird magic user, which isn't D&D at all, which is what Neverwinter was supposed to be based on. :/
    this game classes have nothing to do with D&D
    True, they really don't. The Neverwinter title of the game is very misleading because of this. :/
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Cryptic is one of my favorite MMO companies, but their crafting systems always suck. I strongly prefer the WoW & LotRO styles of crafting better.

    - Guy that actually loves crafting in MMOs.
    I really like LotRO's crafting, the interdependencies, the (now removed) crafting missions, etc.
    And I have to agree, crafting is not Cryptic's strong suit... CO had a fairly easy but still decent system, they changed it into a dull eastern-type fusion system.
    STO had a pretty good system, very flexible (had a captain stationed on Memory Alpha all the time...) and they simplified it.
    And Neverwinter has an almost browser game-like, very easy, and pretty boring system since launch. In this sense it really is an interesting change, as turtle said. This is the first time when they are going the opposite direction and spice it up a little bit, instead of the usual easification.

    Maybe I'll dust off my characters and go back to Neverwinter for a while, when this update goes live. I'm curious how will it be in practice.
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    This is actually cool, seems more in tune with a game and less about a web based app they once had.

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  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353

    Cryptic is one of my favorite MMO companies, but their crafting systems always suck. I strongly prefer the WoW & LotRO styles of crafting better.

    - Guy that actually loves crafting in MMOs.

    I haven't played in years but there seemed to be no point in crafting in NW but to do it for the sake of doing it. I like crafting too but everything I made was inferior to items I found. I couldn't even sell them for more than the materials/labor. So why bother?
  • veiojeffveiojeff Member UncommonPosts: 4
    edited September 2018
    [mod edit] has a very bad pvp match system,n a painful currency crystal limited system ><
    Post edited by Vaross on
    [Deleted User]Kwestorek1
  • KaliGoldKaliGold Member UncommonPosts: 138
    Well, I will be testing this and the new content Acquisitions Incorporated hopefully by end of week when it's suppose to hit PTS. The past several expansions have been almost a copy paste of a map with dailies from npcs and heroic encounters. The game is still alive but has been flatlining for a long time. This upcoming expansion MIGHT indicate a turnaround.
  • Vorch21Vorch21 Member UncommonPosts: 58
    what about other iconic classes - monk, bard, druid ..?
  • DelondialDelondial Member UncommonPosts: 124
    When they removed AD from leadership with 0 compensation for the months of work it took to max it out, I decided to move on. Sadly, even a retooling of the professions doesn't interest me enough to revisit. Shame since the combat was pretty damn solid.

    Clever things.

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    It's better than the facebook app they have as a crafting system now. Won't get started on how un D&D the game is unless people like reading a wall of text stating how un D&D the game is.

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