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RUMOR: City of Heroes & WildStar Closures - An Alternate Viewpoint from the Inside - New

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited September 2018 in News & Features Discussion

imageRUMOR: City of Heroes & WildStar Closures - An Alternate Viewpoint from the Inside - News

An interesting RUMOR has been posted on Kotaku as a comment on last week's news that WildStar and Carbine Studios would be closing later this fall. A poster named exChua, ostensibly a former employee of both Paragon Studios and Carbine Studios, admits to creating a burner account in order to "correct the record here". What follows is a RUMORED alternative the closure of both companies and the games they made. We have reached out to NCSoft & Carbine for a statement about the RUMORS.

Read the full story here




  • Sparx-1Sparx-1 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    If this was true why didn't they say something from the start!? I think NCSoft came up with a more flattering story and is now just trying to save face.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    I thought I already commented on this asking if City of Heroes was shut down as revenge against Paragon for what they did.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    Pretty much line up with how NCSoft have acted over the years. They cut Paragon a massive amount of slack with CoH. It was never a big earner and the studio did have a fair amount of issues as far as organization. But i did honestly thought it was a good but not enough thing and not a "you pissed in my cereal" thing. The later is way more justified and in some ways make more sense. Especially as there was rumors of things like that going back to the early days of CoH.

    So i can belive this, in fact it makes a bit to much sense.
    NephandusJeroKaneOctagon7711NephethThaharDarkpigeonHarikenRich84wingoodBlaze_Rockerand 6 others.

    This have been a good conversation

  • elveoneelveone Member RarePosts: 430
    Anyone who makes up NCSoft to be the bad guy for shutting down Wildstar has been asleep for the last few years. Multiple accounts have come up about the severe mismanagement in Carbine Studios and the game has been a financial disaster. NCSoft is a business, not a charity.
    NephethDarkpigeontirwenHarikenjimmywolfValentinaRich84wingoodceh430Alomarand 2 others.
  • Whiteshade92Whiteshade92 Member UncommonPosts: 95
    NCsoft is that you?
  • bennylongbennylong Member UncommonPosts: 100
    Sounds legit. Like Brad wasting Ms dollars on vanguard
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • time007time007 Member UncommonPosts: 1,062
    wildstar wasn't that great. i mean it was a fun themepark but i dunno, it was just a gigantic themepark. i guess, well i hope we are trending away from that

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  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698
    edited September 2018
    Taking money for one project but actually using it on another... Sounds an awful like what gearbox did to Sega..
  • jgDuffayjgDuffay Member UncommonPosts: 237
    Wildstar should have been burried so long ago..
  • El-HefeEl-Hefe Member UncommonPosts: 760
    Wait, people are mad at NCSoft for shutting down a game no one played? I'm confused.

    I've got the straight edge.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    El-Hefe said:
    Wait, people are mad at NCSoft for shutting down a game no one played? I'm confused.
    People are mad at NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, not for shutting down Wildstar.  Reactions on the latter are more along the lines of being surprised that it wasn't shut down sooner.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    Quizzical said:
    El-Hefe said:
    Wait, people are mad at NCSoft for shutting down a game no one played? I'm confused.
    People are mad at NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, not for shutting down Wildstar.  Reactions on the latter are more along the lines of being surprised that it wasn't shut down sooner.
    Precisely Wildstar is a no brainer to shutdown but not City of Heroes. That was uncalled for and if it was done because of what Paragon did it is a bad way to run a business.
    [Deleted User]Thaharwingood

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    anonymous source ... wasted bytes in the world
    Blaze_RockerFrodoFraginsTyranusPrimeAlomar[Deleted User]
  • WBadgerWBadger Member RarePosts: 381

    Either post this shit under your own real name, or continue to suffer in silence you craven bunch of Muppets.

    The problem with doing that though is if they post it as their real name they are essentially blackballing themselves from the entire industry. That's their career, right down the drain; because no company is going to hire a whistleblower. Otherwise, they run the risk of their own dirty laundry going up into the air.

    If the reporter can verify that they are who they say they are, then that's all you need to know that it is a former employee; because no person should find themselves thrown out on their ass out of their career field just because people reading the article don't believe them.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914

    Torval said:

    Either post this shit under your own real name, or continue to suffer in silence you craven bunch of Muppets.

    Why should they? Also, unless you're willing to throw yourself and resources on the line along with them as an ally then even more so, why should they? It's some stranger letting you know they think you're being lied to. They obviously have no love for NC either so it's not like they're apologizing for them. Believe whatever you want or not, or file it away and watch how industry actors behave.

    Even if what he says is true NC still shoulders the majority of the blame for being such a poor manager. And if what he says is true it is testament about the lack of integrity rampant in this industry.

    NC should be embarrassed. Their incompetence and dishonesty is shameful. EA should be embarrassed for lying and saying they learned a lesson in SW:BF2 and then telling Belgium to fuck off. I'm not going to criticize someone for not going head to head with billion dollar companies as a martyr.

    Difference is we cant effect any others lives and livelihood ....This does ... And its dirty simple as that , as all anonymous filth is ..
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Like I’ve been saying for years. What carbin did was almost criminal.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,637
    NCsoft should have checked to see CoH2 was being made! But I never blamed them that much these issues are always far more complex than they appear on the surface, you don't support a game for years then pull the plug without reason.
    [Deleted User]
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited September 2018
    Torval said:
    Either post this shit under your own real name, or continue to suffer in silence you craven bunch of Muppets.
    Why should they? Also, unless you're willing to throw yourself and resources on the line along with them as an ally then even more so, why should they? It's some stranger letting you know they think you're being lied to. They obviously have no love for NC either so it's not like they're apologizing for them. Believe whatever you want or not, or file it away and watch how industry actors behave.

    Even if what he says is true NC still shoulders the majority of the blame for being such a poor manager. And if what he says is true it is testament about the lack of integrity rampant in this industry.

    NC should be embarrassed. Their incompetence and dishonesty is shameful. EA should be embarrassed for lying and saying they learned a lesson in SW:BF2 and then telling Belgium to fuck off. I'm not going to criticize someone for not going head to head with billion dollar companies as a martyr.
    Only problem with is is KRX is a publicy owned co., (and i have stock in KRX, and EA,FCMKF,ATVI) , and when you start with the Billion dollar co stuff its misleading KRX is publicly owned some of your family and friends may have there retirement or part of tied to them , Lol maybe you do ..

      I dont see the point when folks want to see bad come to them , its like very possibly wishing ill will on your friends , family/neighbors..

          Funny thing is , there alot of people that would cheer if KRX folded up , (thats not going to happen) but People would be happy not realizing that the only ones to get hurt would be your little folks retirement funds and smaller investors .. The big guys will walk away smiling (most times)..

      All publicly owned corporations have there share of PR problems and decisions from Aldi to Wal -mart and everything between , these are large undertakings with Many peoples livelihoods/retirements/college funds etc dependent on ...

          And anonymous shit like this helps nothing ..

     what good did it do .. CoH comunity ... Wildstar community .. This comunity any other online gaming community .. NcSoft/Carbine  .. it did no good at all.. All this does is cause further distrust for all involved .. Including co workers at said entities

     Hence why there is merit to

        Leave sleeping dogs lie..

        What you dont know wont hurt you..

      Some things are better left unsaid ..

       Dont air dirty laundry ..

     To much of this anonymous shit going on in the world and it stinks, and it gets out there and everyone Goes" Wow this really stinks "   No shit your sniffing Dirty laundry ....Never sniff dirty laundry.. nothing good comes of it
    Post edited by Scorchien on
  • HighMarshalHighMarshal Member UncommonPosts: 415

    Scot said:

    NCsoft should have checked to see CoH2 was being made! But I never blamed them that much these issues are always far more complex than they appear on the surface, you don't support a game for years then pull the plug without reason.

    Even if this was true, you fire the devs. You don't piss off the customers. This is like finding out your managers are extorting money from your bank and instead of just firing them, you shut the bank down and close its doors.

    I question the sanity of anyone who would do this, which is why I question this as truth.
  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311

    Scot said:

    NCsoft should have checked to see CoH2 was being made! But I never blamed them that much these issues are always far more complex than they appear on the surface, you don't support a game for years then pull the plug without reason.

    Even if this was true, you fire the devs. You don't piss off the customers. This is like finding out your managers are extorting money from your bank and instead of just firing them, you shut the bank down and close its doors.

    I question the sanity of anyone who would do this, which is why I question this as truth.

    Game studios aren't banks though, and South Korea has an entirely different business culture than we do in the West. What exChua described makes a LOT more sense under that context than what we saw on the surface.

  • Blaze_RockerBlaze_Rocker Member UncommonPosts: 370
    Well this is odd. I posted a comment here about nine hours ago and it is gone. Since there was nothing offensive in it and it did not violate this site's ToS I will repost it as best as I can remember it. Perhaps there was a glitch in the matrix and it wasn't just someone at deleting posts because they disagreed with it. (I will also copy it and continue to repost it in the event it comes up missing again.)

    The statement made by exChua is highly suspect to me. In the years since the shutdown this is the first time I've heard anyone claim that NCsoft gave Paragon Studios money to begin work on CoH 2. Several years ago I heard a contradictory story. I heard that NCsoft wouldn't give PS any money to work on CoH 2 or any other game, which alludes to an intended future shutdown. With nothing else to do the Paragon devs worked on their own game in their spare time with hopes NCsoft would pick it up, and we know that didn't happen.

    Now I've read some of the comments preceding mine so I understand about being blackballed in the industry, but I've also seen the lamestream media cite too many anonymous sources in their news stories and they almost never check to see how accurate or factual their information is. I refuse to believe anything from anonymous sources until it is backed up or confirmed by facts. If this exChua wants to be believed then let them come forward with their real identity so that their employment history can be confirmed. I'll take their claims a little more seriously then.

    I've got a feevah, and the only prescription... is more cowbell.

  • SandmanjwSandmanjw Member RarePosts: 531

    Either post this shit under your own real name, or continue to suffer in silence you craven bunch of Muppets.

    Agree..i am so sick and tired of this "anonymous" sources being used for "truth" and "the real story" now-a-days.

    So much BS. The slow death of any, and all, journalism.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    Why do these supposed insiders always talk like they are some angry 13 year old?
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680

    Scot said:

    NCsoft should have checked to see CoH2 was being made! But I never blamed them that much these issues are always far more complex than they appear on the surface, you don't support a game for years then pull the plug without reason.

    If they used the money that was given for COH for something else that's flat out stealing. What always amuses me about the COH shutdown was it didn't seem to make since. Now it kind of does if this is true.
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