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Lets have some fun, tell us your dream game :)

delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
edited September 2018 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM
First, I'm not doing this to be sarcastic.  
- Please just take it as a way to have some fun, reminisce, or simply daydream 
- Let the community know what your mmorpg style is so we can know you better 
- It's NOT a post to argue, contradict, or ride others opinions, then voicing your own 

Give us details of features, payment models, how difficult.  How much time would you like to invest, the community you would like to see and your overall feelings and perceptions. 

FUN STUFF, be yourself and let everyone be their own individual,  best of all... be selfish :)
Post edited by delete5230 on


  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    edited September 2018
    My dream game is a cross between a First and Second generation mmorpg. 
    An example would be a MODERN EverQuest 1 and Vanilla World of Warcraft and all the features of both.  

    It would be a difficult game from the start, about 30% more so than Vanilla WoW. 
    It would have: 
    -A huge amount of solo content for when I'm in the mood or all the way to end game. 
    -A huge amount of duo content so I'll need help now and then.
    -A huge amount of Five man content for both open world and dungeons.   

    The game graphics would be good cartoon quality so it will be optimized easily, and play on EVERYONES COMPUTER. That way lots of friends ! 

    It would be open world no zoning, yet instanced like WoW for dungeons and raids. 

    NEVER Videos, and no personal story quest.  That's for single player games, It's frustrating when everyone has to do forced solo grinding all because exp demands it.  

    Something that really grinds my gears are Chain Quest, this leaves duo's having a hard time coordinating and a lot of frustration.  So none of that in my dream game. 

    Speaking of quest.  Question marks don't bother me.  But I would love if developers could be really smart and have EXTREME adventure quest, where you travel across the map.  Games like WoW had this, such as finding "the Mallet of Zul'farrak".  I had some great times with full coordinated groups to acquire this thing.  Infact it's not even a quest, you either wanted it or not depending on If you wanted to do that part of the dungeon.  Lots and Lots of this. 

    One thing about first generation games, word-of-mouth and finding special abilities around the world.  Sure your class gets abilities and talents but, more to make yourself unique is having things other's don't.  So you can be that special snowflake.  

    Leveling SLOW.  60 levels should take "ME how I play" 6 month to a year. 
    This insures a lot of things not found in mmorpg's any more: 
    - I want to get to know zones well, I want to spend weeks in a zone,  I would like choices much like Vanilla Wow so the game has to be large. 
    - I want to get to know players, much like a neighborhood with familiar faces. 
    - Longevity gives replay value, it makes you want to create that tank and start over.

    Crafting, often people say they want meaningful crafting.  Well you need slow leveling for this, something you don't see in games anymore.  What good is an out-leveled axe ?...… Vanguard had forges with quality and chance to break features, I want that ! 

    PvP ?... I don't really care.  BUT again Vanilla World of Warcraft nailed it. The world would have to be large.  Soooo large, people will gravitate to known hot spots, by word-of-mouth.  Or quietly find less known PvP areas, your choice,your mood.

    What I want: 
    I want the ability to be moody and PICK what I feel like and when I want to do it.

    Intrigue and mystery (yes I'm taking into account the power of the web).

    Creativity so I can dey dream at work, come home and execute my intentions. 


    What do you want ?
    Post edited by delete5230 on
  • malikhigh1978malikhigh1978 Member UncommonPosts: 45
    I would like to see a game like World of Warcraft, but Sandbox built up like Ark, specific to Race, and then universal recipes. Completely open to mods, and unofficial servers. Perhaps with a PvP queue in a MOBA'esque format, with PvP specific recipies. But with fatalities like Mortal Kombat. If I were to encapsulate it all together, in a paragraph.
  • LithuanianLithuanian Member UncommonPosts: 562
    My dream game [and a long post]
    Setting: low fantasy.
    Type: Theme park. PvE only.
    Payment model: free to play
    Payment model explained: free players (with some restrictions), premium (spent some cash) and VIPs. Free players are restricted, but can always remove restrictions for game Grind Points or cash.  Grind points are granted for some deeds, meta-deeds. Of course, you can buy those for cash. Note: restrictions are minimal, like - reduced inventory or number of gold you can have etc. No chat restrictions etc.
    Cash shop: present, offering only vanity items. Item can't be sold for cash if it gives any bonus in game, be it crafting or fight.
    Difficulty level: mostly easy difficulty.
    Difficulty explained: game content is made so that player can solo almost everything. It could be possible that this lvl.27 Dragonfly Lord may be soloed only since lvl.69 - but still possible. However, game does encourage group play: groups get more xp and better loot. Dungeons clearly indicate difficulty: if it's marked solo - that means all developers tested on all possible classes and found it is doable solo; if it's for, say, 24 people - that means even developers could not win with 23.
    Controls: Tab-targetting only.
    Policies: absolutely no topics on religion and politics, except very general ones  ("Merry Xmas", "happy New year"). Political themes in game are forbidden for developers too - therefore, no political nonsense like Lotro's "refugee" theme (to silence people who doubt refugees).
    Choices: my game would be about importance of choices. Every choice you make will influence something. Example: lame peasant asks for help against landlord's attackers. Help peasant, earn reputation with local peasantry...alas, landlord's henchmen may be after you and noblemen may despise. Bright side: since there are villages, peasants would aid you: offer food, repairs etc if you continue to do good for them. Choose to kill local peasant, peasants hate you - but hey, landlord, his bankers and nobility may give you money, cool armour, weapons and great you in their castles. Race choice would matter: each is race is loved/hated by someone and it could be possible some race is almost universally hated or loved. Whatever the choice, you pay for it: faction A hates faction B, race C may hate race Z.
    Class choice would be at players expense too: heavy class is really cool for tanking.  Well, this class is slow to move, cannot swim and due to heavy helmets may have poor visibility. Take mage class: so cool from distance, healing allies or burning enemies! So good they move quickly, have superb the cost at their clothing has too little armour value.
    RNG: eliminated as much as possible. Each monster has guaranteed loot, each dungeon has guaranteed loot. Smart AI calculates loot for each toon, taking into account class, level, number of dungeons played on account, equipment already possesed. So, if you are total new into dungeon, are in big raid and have no dungeon equipment - you are number 1 to get quality stuff. If you have played dungeon thousands of times and have almost all equipment - sorry, you are number last.
    PvP: does not exist at all. "PvP full loot no safe zone" crowd, go to EVE.
    Grind: my game does offer (mostly optional) grind. You can go without killing, say, 1000 Decaying rats. If you kill - well, some Grind Points and title. And an option to kill a bit more for, say, "Rat exterminator" title. However, all grind is doable.
    I would take some nice things other players missed or mocked. Imagine town in the middle of land. Town burned by enemy, citizens ran away. Server may take hard task to rebuild town. Gather materials, tens of thousands of then, then build structures, then guard citizens back home, defend against monsters...and enjoy the town you just build with quests, deeds, lots of NPCs and alike. Like Istaria, some lands/races  could be unlocked only by server population working on some project. Wanna Trollrat race - oh good for you, just build this Mystic bridge that needs, say, 99 million Special lumber. 
    Crafting: player could pick some crafting. All materials are foundable, one easier, others not. Some monsters (think Istaria's golems) may be harvested after they are killed. Since the very best equipment is from raids, crafted items are second in quality.
    Housing: does exist. Tiny houses for free players, big plots of land for VIPs.  Player gets plot of land and may purchase pre-defined house OR built what he/she wants. In such case - find blueprints, initiate building. You will need resources, like "Savage hut: 50 lumber bricks, 125 rat ears and 22 mud". You start, then you or any other player may add lumber bricks or mud. There are lots of available structures, be it hut or vault or crafting stations, also numerous decoration items, from fountains to banners. Cash shop does offer some exclusive decoration things.
    Pets: yes, of course. Decorative, maybe - harvesting helpers (think of istaria's cargo disks and some spiders), fighting helpers. Player may ride some - most likely horses.
    Transportation: except roads - milestones, teleporters. Sea travel is provided by NPCs only from point A to point B.
    Landscape: this one is easy to navigate. No 3d several-levels type mazes like Lotro's Moria. No towns with curvy streets. Absolutely all towns/villages have linear planning (think about borders of some African states): this line is street A, this line is street B and where they cross there is Square A. There would always be direct root from point 1 to point 2. It could be dangerous, but it's soloable. Maybe you could spend some time and discover longer, yet safer route - choice is yours.
    Quests: I would demand that my dream game has at least, say, ten thousand quests. That's for the start. There are ordinary quests, repeatable quests, there could be random encounters (like in GW2) and possibly there would be quest line free for all (think of Lotro's epic quests). Quest choice would matter and may influence further things. If you fight for peasants, you could not get some noble quest, but receive peasant one.
    Skills: minimalistic ones. Sometimes games flood you with skills most users won't use. I would beta-test and introduce only those skills that are used often by most players. Sometimes less is more - if I have some 10,000 varieties of toon setup, I would end in copying someone's.
    Target of my game: PvE players that want soft, inviting world where you can roleplay or raid or become a well-known crafter...maybe even own your own mini-town. Of course, I would target free players: if they like my game, they would advertise it for free. If asked, they may answer: this game is nice, try it. Thanks, folks, for advertising me free of charge.

    Maybe that is. If I forgot something-would add *evil grin*
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
      i can give several answers to this ..

      1. First UO in a new engine , improved UI and QoL improvements , and a reworked PK model to slow the tears of those who had there pixel vaginas bruised so badly by UO ..

                       For ex.. you can only drop 2 random items from your inventory(not worn) every 24 hours..Improved bounty systme etc ..

         2. Bring Anarchy Online to 2.0 New Engine, UI, QOL    , the game is fuggin fantastic and imo could do well .. Maybe down the road FCMKF will procure the resources to do so..

       3. Vanguard .. same thing (maybe Pantheon will be close enough) , time will tell , But no game imo has put together a better group of classes that were functional for group and solo play ..Great exploration/Gathering/Crafting/Ships and Guild halls that are still one of the best ever done ...


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited September 2018
    A game that devs won't make because there would be no cash shop,no pay to win,too robust,many in depth systems,several classes/races and ongoing AI/learning so that the game can change and advance in technology.
    It would have an ECO system,certain mobs would attack others it desires as food,weather would matter,under water physics would matter,the entire game would make sense,nothing stupid looking like somersaults or do a flip and it auto heals your party  etc etc.
    I guess my game would be an adult,grown up game,no childish stuff,NO automation stuff like dungeon finders or bot fishing.
    You would live within the game world much like you would expect your life to be in the game world,that means NO end game crap,no 24/7 dungeon loot runs,as i said the design would make sense and not be some superficial gaming ideas.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Wizardry said:
    A game that devs won't make because there would be no cash shop,no pay to win,too robust,many in depth systems,several classes/races and ongoing AI/learning so that the game can change and advance in technology.
    It would have an ECO system,certain mobs would attack others it desires as food,weather would matter,under water physics would matter,the entire game would make sense,nothing stupid looking like somersaults or do a flip and it auto heals your party  etc etc.
    I guess my game would be an adult,grown up game,no childish stuff,NO automation stuff like dungeon finders or bot fishing.
    You would live within the game world much like you would expect your life to be in the game world,that means NO end game crap,no 24/7 dungeon loot runs,as i said the design would make sense and not be some superficial gaming ideas.
    Amazing !!!!! 

    Love it :)
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  • BaxslashBaxslash Member UncommonPosts: 237
    My dream game, Star Trek Online, but, styled like Star Citizen, wonderfully designed ships, and, the ability to walk the corridors of a full ship, instead of the lazy excuse that Cryptic has done with their varation.

    Plus, ALL Factions are given entirely equal representation, instead of making the Romulans and Jem'Hadar a watered down joke of a faction.
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Baxslash said:
    My dream game, Star Trek Online, but, styled like Star Citizen, wonderfully designed ships, and, the ability to walk the corridors of a full ship, instead of the lazy excuse that Cryptic has done with their varation.

    Plus, ALL Factions are given entirely equal representation, instead of making the Romulans and Jem'Hadar a watered down joke of a faction.
    I always dreamed of a solo or mmo game where the game setting is on ground world, BUT you can have a workable ship(or boat) that you can move around and take care of personal matters and a mini game of controlling the necessities of the ship (unrelated to the game itself). 

    Invite friends and have a coffee while you take them places.
  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
    edited September 2018
    Testing , few minutes drawing . edit lol , the image get resized . Sorry

    2D (3D ?) cute underwater RPG game . Have very little animation , easy to add new contents ,have undersea housing , farming .
    The game mostly about you avoid mobs (all kind of fish) to gather materials to crafting or improve your own levels . Killing fish don't gain much level compare to harvesting materials , fishes are strong so fighting directly is not a wise chose

    Will have around 21 skill trees (or more) to pick up , max number is 3 (like diablo 2) each skill tree have 10 skills active and passive (like diablo 2)

    100+ open world maps

    Payment model , not think about it yet . But i may use F2P with donation only . I plan to use my retire time to run it so i need it to be positive as possible .

    Post edited by iixviiiix on
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    Anything that puts gameplay before graphics and a fair playing field before P2W.
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    iixviiiix said:
    Testing , few minutes drawing .

    2D (3D ?) cute underwater RPG game . Have very little animation , easy to add new contents ,have undersea housing , farming .
    The game mostly about you avoid mobs (all kind of fish) to gather materials to crafting or improve your own levels . Killing fish don't gain much level compare to harvesting materials , fishes are strong so fighting directly is not a wise chose

    Payment model , not think about it yet

    Open world ? 
    In other words can I go to that tree in the bottom left corner if I would like ?
  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
    edited September 2018
    iixviiiix said:
    Testing , few minutes drawing .

    2D (3D ?) cute underwater RPG game . Have very little animation , easy to add new contents ,have undersea housing , farming .
    The game mostly about you avoid mobs (all kind of fish) to gather materials to crafting or improve your own levels . Killing fish don't gain much level compare to harvesting materials , fishes are strong so fighting directly is not a wise chose

    Payment model , not think about it yet

    Open world ? 
    In other words can I go to that tree in the bottom left corner if I would like ?
    yes , plan to be open world (if possible) that tree can be cut with [F] key .
    Mostly to get craft materials .

    but i have no skill (not now) so is will be dream then .
    Currently i only doing research about graphic curve that acceptable while keep things run smooth

    Post edited by iixviiiix on
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    My game would be a cross between Swtor and Earth & Beyond. Meaning a universe with hundreds or worlds and space stations. Missions would take place on planets and in space. All players at character creation would also have to design how their space ship looks.

    The tutorial would show you how to do mission on planets and in space. Combat would take place in both area's. The game would have many factions you could join. Planets and space stations would have social zones and would feature using them to make friends and to just hang out after a long day of doing missions.

    The game would have many options for customization of your character and ship load outs. Missions can be either combat/Trade and explore. You get to chose what you want to do. The higher you get in a profession the more fame and titles you get. Say you what to focus on trade your reward would be a bigger cargo hold for your ship changing its look or for combat extra weapon slots on your ship.

    The game would have equal amounts of solo and group content. You chose how to play. The game would be the first mmo with zero PVP. The game at launch would be the first to open with a massive amount of content and would grow as time goes by. Advertising the game would match anything Blizzard has done for Wow. The business model would be B2P with a cosmetic cash shop and other goodies. Since the game has zero PVP it wont be P2W. 

    The game would also have an interactive website. You would have a ingame browser so you can use it on those long trade runs. You would also be able to post on forums from ingame. Social zones on stations and planets would have many events held such as world bosses to take down or city invasions. This is my dream mmo that will never happen.
  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    I would love a transformers-esq open world game. Maybe skip the license but the same idea of transforming robots. Maybe more action based than your typical WoW. 

    Maybe keep it to land vechicles to begin with in order to not have to develop to many different physics models but seeing as PS/2 did it maybe it is not entierly of the table to have planes and boats added later. 

    I would love for it to have a more CoH style character builder, as in you have everything you need to make a cool charatcer right of the bat but you can earn faction specific stuff and ceartin styles from doing content. 

    Not really sure how to make money form it. I am not sure it would be enough with just box sales, so maybe a system of DLC expansion where everyone can play but in order to earn rewards you need to actually buy it. 

    Would have a webisode show as a companion if catch a big investor. 

    This have been a good conversation

  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    Wizardry said:
    A game that devs won't make because there would be no cash shop,no pay to win,too robust,many in depth systems,several classes/races and ongoing AI/learning so that the game can change and advance in technology.
    It would have an ECO system,certain mobs would attack others it desires as food,weather would matter,under water physics would matter,the entire game would make sense,nothing stupid looking like somersaults or do a flip and it auto heals your party  etc etc.
    I guess my game would be an adult,grown up game,no childish stuff,NO automation stuff like dungeon finders or bot fishing.
    You would live within the game world much like you would expect your life to be in the game world,that means NO end game crap,no 24/7 dungeon loot runs,as i said the design would make sense and not be some superficial gaming ideas.
    This is an honest question, How would this game be different then "Life is Feudal" ?
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    Path of exile in 3d, with hardcore mode and great graphics with an open world.

    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • DrunkWolfDrunkWolf Member RarePosts: 1,701
    they can just turn asherons call back on and i would be happy. but if they wanted to update it to todays graphics that would be cool.
  • anemoanemo Member RarePosts: 1,903
    Automatic plot and story generation.   Mix between ad-libs and AI generation.

    An AI that moderately drives/directs people with similar play styles together.  (IE: modifies where quests send you or  your good rewards are.  So that a group of gatherers tend to see each other and group with each other, so that your hunters don't have to painfully wait for them to gather each time).

    Enough secrets that everyone knows a few.  And too many for guides to have them all.

    Things that P&P can't do well.  Crafting rules, individual stories, and individual interaction/rewards.

    To take those individual based things and use them to leverage 2 to 5 man content.   (use that shortcut to let your friends get to a city faster, get in on someone else's challenging content, and similar).

    Enough players that there are indirect interactions, and that they matter (IE: market effects, you might alter your build to be less common, and similar).

    very little PvP, and that the devs leverage that so that people can make utterly off the wall builds or very specialized ones.


    Actually sounds pretty unreasonable.   Though when you say "Dream" you might as well go all the way with your demands :D

    Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.

    "At one point technology meant making tech that could get to the moon, now it means making tech that could get you a taxi."

  • malikhigh1978malikhigh1978 Member UncommonPosts: 45
    DrunkWolf said:
    they can just turn asherons call back on and i would be happy. but if they wanted to update it to todays graphics that would be cool.
    I think that would be pretty awesome as well. Though I would also want default classes, active/passive skills in trees, in addition to the old xp skill system. Broke my heart when they shut AC down.
  • WarWitchWarWitch Member UncommonPosts: 351
    My Dream game would be a MA fighter where you put bands on your hands and feet and your charcter moves as you move. You could even teach Kung Fu over the net etc. 

    In the past, SWG was the best ever awesome classes skills crafting housing along with spaceship fighting.
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Original Everquest, with modern graphics 

    City of Heroes (as it was)

    SWG, as it originally was, with some graphical improvements

    Any one of those will do.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    edited September 2018
    A MMO where  the NPC's are controlled by LIVE Gm's. Content is created live & daily . One day a GM controlled dragon may be attacking a city the next minute a rare vendor lurking in a back ally may be offering powerful items only to those he chooses to speak with. Entire guilds are sent on unique quests specific to them only. 

      I realize what a massive undertaking and how unrealstic it would be to employ that many live actors/Gm's but hey, OP Asked.
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • H3llsingH3llsing Member UncommonPosts: 11
    Everquest how it was during planes of Power, just with modern upgrades like graphics and quality of life.
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    My dream game would be a mix of a bunch of things.

    I would love a sci fi themed MMOFPS. Kind of like Planetside 2, but only in tone. Open world, relatively large world, lots of customization options. Clan warfare, owning territories maybe similar to Planetside but actually meaningful. Quests, leveling, gear. 

    We have a severe lack of Sci Fi games that aren't slow plodding boring games. Even games that have action combat, are trying so hard to be realistic that it takes all of the fun out like in elite dangerous. 

    I really liked the idea of Tabula Rasa back in the day, it might be similar to that but as an FPS with PvP. 
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