Which MMO has the largest, most vast, open world? Space games are not included as most of the space in space is nothingness. ESO, WoW, GW, BDO, FF14 etc etc.
EQ maybe, 20 expansions should do it. But I guess you want to know about modern games that you might want to play.
But why you want to know? The answers could be different depending on your answer. As you can see by my first sentence where I probably gave you an answer you didn't expect/want (because no input).
WW2 online is ...Gameplay takes place in a single game world, which is a 1/2 scale map of Western Europe. It is the largest MMOG game world map, at over 350,000 km2 (135,136 sq mi)
If space doesn't count but oceans do, then Uncharted Waters Online would have a decent shot. Those oceans are awfully big, and sailing around the world even in a fast ship could take you about an hour. In a slow ship, it could be a few hours. Even if you exclude the oceans, UWO would still be awfully big, as it has hundreds of zones.
The other game that comes to mind is A Tale in the Desert. Running from the north edge of the map to the south edge would take about five hours if you can run in a straight line. That's partially because you run slow, but still, it's huge.
That does highlight the problem that it's hard to normalize maps from different games to get a coherent notion of size. Do you try to normalize it to in-game units? Do you assume that all characters across games are about the same height? Run at about the same speed?
Lotro isn't anywhere near 30,000 square miles, the whole map of middle earth is. Guy who did that old visual comparison had no idea what they were doing.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Doesn't matter how big an open world is if it is full of nothing like Asheron's Call was.
Running for 17 years it seems we had something in it to keep us entertained
I played plenty of AC, played it for years. It was my first MMO. I don't mean there was nothing to the game.. I mean there was nothing in most of the space, it was not filled.. it was empty. You had to run for an hour sometimes to go between dungeons if no one had a handy portal. Dead space is not world content, it's just a waste of everyone's time.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
All the comparisons I'm seeing are to games that are for the most part zoned and instanced or single player games. What happened to the days when MMOs were supposed to only get bigger and be openworld? Western developers seem to be afraid of creating large empty areas for players to find themselves in. Not everyone has a fear of being alone in an MMO xD. Stick some random NPC in to farm, some harvestables, maybe an event or two and there you go, purpose to that open area; or dare I say it, openworld player housing.
Games like WoW, GW2, ESO are relegated to maps made of small zones. While they are large games for the most part with lots of content, you still feel like you are playing inside of a big basin.
To answer the OPs question, SWG had the largest single open world Maps that were around 200 sq miles each, WoW is not open world. EVE is a space sim so it's not really a map per say, it's just made up of big zoned boxes. In my opinion If they had added actual quests and content to SWG I think it would have survived, but as much as I once loved the game there was nothing to do in it from a quest perspective but hunt and farm.
One up and coming game I am looking forward to is Beyond Good and Evil 2. From what I am seeing it will have the largest playable area in any game past or present , and I heard it will feature online gameplay, though as of this point not on a massive scale like an MMO.
BDO is probably the most genuine open world experience now. There is no instancing at all. Even WoW can't be considered open world anymore because each expansion is instanced. Even kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms have always been instanced separate from each other. WoW has open continents, not an open world.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
But I guess you want to know about modern games that you might want to play.
But why you want to know?
The answers could be different depending on your answer.
As you can see by my first sentence where I probably gave you an answer you didn't expect/want (because no input).
But EQ is definitely the biggest, if you add up all the expansion zones.
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Even after all these years, it isn't even as big as Asheron's Call, which didn't use instancing at all.
The other game that comes to mind is A Tale in the Desert. Running from the north edge of the map to the south edge would take about five hours if you can run in a straight line. That's partially because you run slow, but still, it's huge.
That does highlight the problem that it's hard to normalize maps from different games to get a coherent notion of size. Do you try to normalize it to in-game units? Do you assume that all characters across games are about the same height? Run at about the same speed?
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You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/The biggest world? GW2 is up there I think. Possibly ESO too