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Is it dead? Is it crap?



  • GladDogGladDog Member RarePosts: 1,097
    The game is still fun.  I played it from day one, but all of my friends left to play SW:TOR, & I followed them.  Recently I was looking for some space combat, and reinstalled.  I started a new character and went through the much improved tutorial (the original felt a whole lot like being thrown to the wolves).  So yeah, I am having fun and I think I will stick with it, at least until Bless Online or Revelation Online release.

    Graphics were great for when the game released, and still aren't bad.  I was able to crank it to max with my current setup, and it is more than adequate.  The sounds in this game are very familiar to trekkies, from the 'red alert' warning to the launching of photon torpedoes.  Lots of Trek related voiceovers, with Shatner, Nimoy, Takei and many others piping in.

    There are any number of ships available, although a lot of the fan favorites require purchase.  The NCC-1701 A, B, D & E classes are available in game, although the ToS Enterprise and the NX-01 require a purchase.  Intrepid class, Defiant class, Miranda class, Akira class, are all in game.  There are lots of others, although some favorites like Nebula class and the refit version of Voyager's class need to be purchased.

    This is all from the Federation standpoint.  There are more ship on the Klingon and Romulan factions!

    The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!

  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964
    Mannnn, the lack of forum activity for this game...Is it that bad?  Is it dead?  I was thinking of giving it a try, but I don't want to waste my time.
    The game is still alive and kicking, don't let this website judge you on the lack of participation that this game still has. Honestly, with the release of STO going to consoles, it's worth checking out.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Mannnn, the lack of forum activity for this game...Is it that bad?  Is it dead?  I was thinking of giving it a try, but I don't want to waste my time.
    The game is still alive and kicking, don't let this website judge you on the lack of participation that this game still has. Honestly, with the release of STO going to consoles, it's worth checking out.
    Great game , lotsa people playing , lotsa fun ..
  • darkboazdarkboaz Member UncommonPosts: 160

    I was more then little surprised by the CS in this game. I saw the post here about the 50th anniversary and always loved the command tunic so I figured that would be a great opportunity to try the game out and get that outfit. I still had an old code from here for the wrath of khan uniform so I registered and downloaded the game. Unfortunately it wanted to take about 6 hours to patch so by the time I got in and finished the tutorial the window had closed for the rewards and the old code I had says it is invalid. No prob right you just hit up CS and see what they can help with. I am told that it is too bad about not being able to get in but it’s nothing they can help with and the code I have is not valid, have a nice day…

    Unimpressed is an understatement it cost me nothing to see what they could do but in the end they will end up making nothing from me as I’m not willing to be a paying customer to such service. Is this the way it normally goes there or did I simply have someone on an off day?

  • angell81angell81 Member UncommonPosts: 12
    I just started playing this a couple days ago,  I am not sure the differences on pc and PS4, but I play on ps4 and there are actually a lot of people who play.. so far, it is pretty fun, worth trying for sure..
  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703
    I played the xmas event(2016) and decided do the anniversary event too(march(i think)2017) and no it's not dead, but it's nowhere near as alive as the fanboys say(they never are) and that was during the events and pre console servers.  You could only really pug a couple of stf's(gear instance) maybe 4 or 5 if you wanted to sit and wait, most just not a chance.  Pvp ques were dead i think I saw 1 person queing during that time(maybe even 2) due to massive imbalances now, since the game seems to have become about selling overpowered gear through cash shop and lockboxes(especially lockboxes).

    If u want to try u should be ok until u hit level 50(really doesn't take long) past that u may find yourself having trouble even doing the standrad story stuff if u don't own multiple tier 6 ships, good gear(upgraded now too) to use and a whole lot of other grinded stuff.  Balance got thrown out of the window and this would definitely be a p2w game if there was anything to win.

  • RawizRawiz Member UncommonPosts: 584
    This game will never die, but it is bad and will always be a shopping/gambling simulator for trek fans.
  • GladDogGladDog Member RarePosts: 1,097
    Rawiz said:
    This game will never die, but it is bad and will always be a shopping/gambling simulator for trek fans.
    I think it is great!  I am still having a lot of fun playing it, and I only spend $15 a month, or what a sub fee would be - Actually $16.67 a month, I spend $50 a quarter.  And I just throw away the RNG boxes.

    I am sure there are plenty of people that spend bucket loads on the game, but that is up to them.  You don't need to spend a ton of $$$ to have a good experience in this game, which is something I NEVER thought I would say about a PWE game.

    The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!

  • GladDogGladDog Member RarePosts: 1,097
    Mannnn, the lack of forum activity for this game...Is it that bad?  Is it dead?  I was thinking of giving it a try, but I don't want to waste my time.
    This is a rare FTP game that you can thoroughly enjoy without spending money.  If you decide you HAVE to be the baddest ass around, a hundred bucks and a sub will get you there.  That is it.  That is cheap compared to most FTP games.  You CAN spend a shit ton more IF YOU WANT, but you won't be any better than the guy who spent a hundred and got a sub.  This game is based on participation.  The more you play, the better you are.

    The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!

  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964
    I thought I would just be playing for a month or 2 till I burned out, well, still playing close to 1 full year now. I took a prior break for about a year and when I came back there was a lot of content for me to go through. Weekends seem the busiest in game, however if your in a good fleet, you will always find shit to do. Q Winter Wonderland is in effect and a great time to start for the new coming year if your a Star Trek fan.
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    The game is OK for a casual experience IMO.  I have had a lifetime membership from beta.  You can play this game without spending a dime if you want and still experience pretty much all it has to offer.  The space portion is the part of found to be the best as the ground missions are hindered by a engine that isn't that great.  Overall if you are just wanting something to kill some time here or there this can be a great game.  I don't know to many people that would say it is their main game though.
  • dreamer05dreamer05 Member UncommonPosts: 679
    I just installed it yesterday. The customization options are fun, and it looks great. It seems like it has good potential. I'm not a huge fan of the ship battles, but I've never liked stuff like that. My question is, is there ever grouping? I like playing healers so I picked science, but I don't know if I'm even to the part where I'm out of instance tutorial. How is grouping in the game in general?


    "God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."

  • Judasgoat98Judasgoat98 Member UncommonPosts: 158
    edited January 2017
    I personally liked the voice acting and the main quest lines. There's plenty to do if you like PVE, and there are player made quests too if you've already ran through everything. My only wish is that more people PVP, but either way it's a great f2p game.
  • meonthissitemeonthissite Member UncommonPosts: 917
    Is it dead? Yes. Only 4 ques are active at any time.
    Is it crap? Yes. With their forcing of the STD (aka Discovery) crap down your throat coming up soon, I'd have to say yes, that part is going to make it crap!
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    Have a life time membership to the game.  It is OK for just jumping in an playing when I take breaks from other games but it is in no way a great game.  The space stuff is decent, but the ground isn't so great to be honest.  They attempted to give it an FPS feel when it just doesn't work with the engine they used.  The stories are interesting and that is the main reason I go back is for that myself.  Overall give it a go, you will ether like it or not.

  • BaxslashBaxslash Member UncommonPosts: 237
    The game isn't dead, but, it might as well be, Cryptic, has done absolutely nothing to improve the game engine in any way shape or form, *using the old City of Heroes/Villians game engine* that had numerous bugs and failed game fixes that were never really patched*. This game could have had so much great potential, but, now all the Devs and GMs do, is copy/paste new content onto the game engine. I wouldn't even be surprised if the company isn't still using P3 server hardware as their game servers, because, it certainly seems like they spend more cash on their management team, then actually do on the game, wouldn't be surprised if all the Devs and GMs they now have, barely passed their college courses, because, they certainly don't know how to do any actual original programming, or, creative ideals.
  • meonthissitemeonthissite Member UncommonPosts: 917
    Mannnn, the lack of forum activity for this game...Is it that bad?  Is it dead?  I was thinking of giving it a try, but I don't want to waste my time.
    Might wanna check out why there's many of us leaving their game.

    Cryptic is currently in the process of pushing the terrible crap from Star Trek Discovery as full canon on the playerbase. If you happen to speak out then they ban you from the forums and block you on twitter. It's. Just. That. Bad.
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    edited September 2018
    Mannnn, the lack of forum activity for this game...Is it that bad?  Is it dead?  I was thinking of giving it a try, but I don't want to waste my time.
    Its a game for whales now. To be any good you have to spend real money for T6 ships. But if you plan to just solo the game you might be ok with T5 ships that you get when you level up but they are crappy compared to the store ships. And every thing on the AH in game cost millions of credits now. As a new play you will be broke.
  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    This game is crap and an embarrassment to the Star Trek name.  It had so much potential but they really screwed the whole thing up.  The best thing they could do is scrap the game now and let someone else take a shot with the Star Trek name. 
  • jusomdudejusomdude Member RarePosts: 2,706
    The space gameplay is pretty fun... the ground gameplay is beyond crap.
  • HuntrezzHuntrezz Member UncommonPosts: 92
    This game is crap and an embarrassment to the Star Trek name.  It had so much potential but they really screwed the whole thing up.  The best thing they could do is scrap the game now and let someone else take a shot with the Star Trek name. 
    This right here sums it up.
  • meonthissitemeonthissite Member UncommonPosts: 917
    I'm beginning to see why people say it's dying.

    I look at the instance list and they've sneakily removed all of the indicators showing whether people are joining or not, in favor of wait times...which means you can no longer gauge how long you'll really have to wait before an instance is filled!

    I think since the addition of the Star Trek Discovery crap, it was the last straw for most players and they got tired of the pandering to the SJWs rather than the actual point of Star Trek under Gene Roddenberry's vision. I think people left en masse in protest.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,517
    edited May 2019
    I'm beginning to see why people say it's dying.

    I look at the instance list and they've sneakily removed all of the indicators showing whether people are joining or not, in favor of wait times...which means you can no longer gauge how long you'll really have to wait before an instance is filled!

    I think since the addition of the Star Trek Discovery crap, it was the last straw for most players and they got tired of the pandering to the SJWs rather than the actual point of Star Trek under Gene Roddenberry's vision. I think people left en masse in protest.
    Nice troll attempt. That has nothing to do with why the game is declining in population. It's because it's getting old, and not bringing many new players in to the fold. Stories are pretty basic, and ground and ship combat is marginal at best.

    The whole premise of Star Trek was and has always been what some would consider to be filled with SJW stories back in the day, and even now. If you didn't know what GRs original vision for Star Trek, you aren't a true fan.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,642
    Huntrezz said:
    This game is crap and an embarrassment to the Star Trek name.  It had so much potential but they really screwed the whole thing up.  The best thing they could do is scrap the game now and let someone else take a shot with the Star Trek name. 
    This right here sums it up.
    Agreed, a very fitting summation.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • vegetableoilvegetableoil Member RarePosts: 768
    Asm0deus said:
    Huntrezz said:
    This game is crap and an embarrassment to the Star Trek name.  It had so much potential but they really screwed the whole thing up.  The best thing they could do is scrap the game now and let someone else take a shot with the Star Trek name. 
    This right here sums it up.
    Agreed, a very fitting summation. 

    Yeah I just want to add I got reported in game for saying the F word. Imagine paying for all ships then get treated like you don't have the first amendment right. and They have profanity filter. The only mmo where I got reported for typing F word.

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