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Need a new MMORPG to play!

GuizeeGuizee Member UncommonPosts: 34
Help me out please! - I'm looking for a new MMORPG to sink my time and blood into, but I am not sure which one should I pick because there's little variety nowadays (or maybe I'm blind) and the opinions are very mixed, and that doesn't help.
I've been playing Guild Wars 2 since 2012 and now I decided to look for another MMO because I just can't stand the Balance Team incompetence in that game, seriously. I'll just tell you guys what I'm looking for:

* I don't care much about graphics because they tend to disguise the game's lack of content
* I enjoy good story (lore)
* I am mostly PvPer, but when I begin to play a new game I simply go through all its PvE content, however I tend not to stay at PvE scenarios because the endgame content is just boring.
* I know that achieving a perfect balance state between classes is quite hard, perhaps impossible (another time...) but I do appreciate devs teams committed to their job, taking it seriously (not like GW2's) and giving almost zero ground to blatant broken stuff.
* The only thing I can't stand is pay 2 play model, aka WoW. I'm comfortable with b2p games.

So, I considered some MMOs already but I just can't decide which one I'm going to play. So far I feel tempted in buying ESO due to marvelous experience with Skyrim but I know for a fact that ESO doesn't have the same gameplay quality as Skyrim, well, both are different games. BDO is out of question because of IP block (I live in Brazil) and as I mentioned above I don't want to play WoW. What's left for me to play in this savage market???


  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    edited July 2018
    Black Desert is actually getting ready to launch in Brasil soon.  They have registration for closed beta open now but it will be closing tomorrow so you need to go ahead and apply if you want to play.  The closed beta will be at the end of July.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914

  • GuizeeGuizee Member UncommonPosts: 34
    Mikeha said:
    Black Desert is actually getting ready to launch in Brasil soon.  They have registration for closed beta open now but it will be closing tomorrow so you need to go ahead and apply if you want to play.  The closed beta will be at the end of July.
    I saw a couple of videos about BDO and it didn't attract me much. I'd like to know another MMO that's not asian (they scream bad balance and grinding)
  • GuizeeGuizee Member UncommonPosts: 34
    Scorchien said:

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Sounds like ESO is your next stop.  Lots of content but it tends to get bland after awhile. It's a deep and rich world and can keep you busy for years before getting bored with it.  The big thing is the combat.  Some hate it, some put up with it, and some say they love it.  For me it's not the best nor the worst of combat.   I'm still mostly with GW2. 

    Other then that just go down the most popular list of MMO's until you find one that fits your playstyle.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    ESO for the win!
  • GuizeeGuizee Member UncommonPosts: 34
    Sounds like ESO is your next stop.  Lots of content but it tends to get bland after awhile. It's a deep and rich world and can keep you busy for years before getting bored with it.  The big thing is the combat.  Some hate it, some put up with it, and some say they love it.  For me it's not the best nor the worst of combat.   I'm still mostly with GW2. 

    Other then that just go down the most popular list of MMO's until you find one that fits your playstyle.
    I was already thinking about trying ESO, it looks pretty good. The only thing that's keeping me away from GW2 is the pvp :( but it's a good game

    My recommendation is to get over the pay-2-play aversion and try World of Warcraft.
    Too old. I would try a private server instead. But the game is way too old and...well...nvm.
  • Indigo3x3Indigo3x3 Member UncommonPosts: 11
    @Guizee Toontown (toontown rewritten)
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited July 2018
    ESO is your only real option tbh based on what you've said.. and it's not a bad one. Balance is totally messed up in PvP though. I mean really messed up. If you're going to play all the PvE content first you won't be doing any PvP for about a year... game is massive.

    Aion? That's PvP focused. It's a very hardcore PvP experience once you get to endgame. You may think it's too old though if you think WoW is too old. I mean, WoW is more modern and better looking these days than most games that were made up to 8 years after it... once you get to Warlord's expansion and onwards.
    Post edited by TheDarkrayne on
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Guizee said:
    Sounds like ESO is your next stop.  Lots of content but it tends to get bland after awhile. It's a deep and rich world and can keep you busy for years before getting bored with it.  The big thing is the combat.  Some hate it, some put up with it, and some say they love it.  For me it's not the best nor the worst of combat.   I'm still mostly with GW2. 

    Other then that just go down the most popular list of MMO's until you find one that fits your playstyle.
    I was already thinking about trying ESO, it looks pretty good. The only thing that's keeping me away from GW2 is the pvp :( but it's a good game

    My recommendation is to get over the pay-2-play aversion and try World of Warcraft.
    Too old. I would try a private server instead. But the game is way too old and...well...nvm.
    WoW looks really good and alot of content. Try a trail, or even a one month sub and you have all expansions except the current one.

  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited July 2018
    I gotta say that WoW's new War Mode is something that you would enjoy to ridiculous levels. No private server is going to offer anything like it. Private servers ARE old Wow, not new WoW.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • AgeniAgeni Member UncommonPosts: 44
    edited July 2018
    You could also try to look at RIFT:

    But I don't know about population of servers etc....but I remember I enjoyed this game for some time.

  • MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
    Stop being cheap and give WoW a try.  You usually get what you pay for.
  • GuizeeGuizee Member UncommonPosts: 34
    ESO is your only real option tbh based on what you've said.. and it's not a bad one. Balance is totally messed up in PvP though. I mean really messed up. If you're going to play all the PvE content first you won't be doing any PvP for about a year... game is massive.

    Aion? That's PvP focused. It's a very hardcore PvP experience once you get to endgame. You may think it's too old though if you think WoW is too old. I mean, WoW is more modern and better looking these days than most games that were made up to 8 years after it... once you get to Warlord's expansion and onwards.
    Ah it makes me sad to know that ESO class balance in pvp is messed :( I played AION once but that was a long time ago, I don't know how the game is right now. Need to check it out.

    Ageni said:
    You could also try to look at RIFT:

    But I don't know about population of servers etc....but I remember I enjoyed this game for some time.

    I played RIFT once, got a character up to level 17 and got really bored of pve, I never had a taste of the pvp though, how is it? Can you tell me about the pvp?

    Stop being cheap and give WoW a try.  You usually get what you pay for.
    As far as I know, WoW looks very traditionalist, it has tons of stupid quests and I found the exploration very lame. Don't get me wrong though, I tried the free trial (up to level 20) and didn't like the experience I had. I just don't want to waste money on a game that I might slightly enjoy it (I live in Brazil and games here are more expensive, hence why I don't want to take risks).ikcin said:
    Guizee said:
    Help me out please! - I'm looking for a new MMORPG to sink my time and blood into, but I am not sure which one should I pick because there's little variety nowadays (or maybe I'm blind) and the opinions are very mixed, and that doesn't help.
    I've been playing Guild Wars 2 since 2012 and now I decided to look for another MMO because I just can't stand the Balance Team incompetence in that game, seriously. I'll just tell you guys what I'm looking for:

    * I don't care much about graphics because they tend to disguise the game's lack of content
    * I enjoy good story (lore)
    * I am mostly PvPer, but when I begin to play a new game I simply go through all its PvE content, however I tend not to stay at PvE scenarios because the endgame content is just boring.
    * I know that achieving a perfect balance state between classes is quite hard, perhaps impossible (another time...) but I do appreciate devs teams committed to their job, taking it seriously (not like GW2's) and giving almost zero ground to blatant broken stuff.
    * The only thing I can't stand is pay 2 play model, aka WoW. I'm comfortable with b2p games.

    So, I considered some MMOs already but I just can't decide which one I'm going to play. So far I feel tempted in buying ESO due to marvelous experience with Skyrim but I know for a fact that ESO doesn't have the same gameplay quality as Skyrim, well, both are different games. BDO is out of question because of IP block (I live in Brazil) and as I mentioned above I don't want to play WoW. What's left for me to play in this savage market???
    Try L2 Classic, even the private version. It is pretty PvP intensive, the story is good, but the PvE is lame. There are clans from Brazil on the private server. L2 H5 or Intelude are better, but you have to find a good private server.
    I once heard about Lineage 2 and was thinking about giving it try but it's been eras ago and I just lost track of it. I don't know about the game state right now and I know very little about L2 but thanks for mentioning it! It didn't even cross my mind when I was writing this post :)
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Secret World

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    It's been awhile since I played L2 but the last time I played it was still fun and had all kinds of leveling boosts to make it less a grind but only for the lower levels.  Once I hit a certain point I ran into a wall of bots all over the place which was terrible.  So much for going back plus the economy was messed up with individual stores selling gear for billions of credits.

    Secret World Legends is an improvement over Secret World, imo. A lot of people don't like the combat. 

    Might be fun...

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • GuizeeGuizee Member UncommonPosts: 34
    It's been awhile since I played L2 but the last time I played it was still fun and had all kinds of leveling boosts to make it less a grind but only for the lower levels.  Once I hit a certain point I ran into a wall of bots all over the place which was terrible.  So much for going back plus the economy was messed up with individual stores selling gear for billions of credits.

    Secret World Legends is an improvement over Secret World, imo. A lot of people don't like the combat. 

    Might be fun...
    I had RIFT installed, but I don't know...I didn't understand the game :dizzy:
    Might give it another try as well, but I am tempted to buy ESO, everyone talks good things about that game.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    edited July 2018
    Guizee said:
    ESO is your only real option tbh based on what you've said.. and it's not a bad one. Balance is totally messed up in PvP though. I mean really messed up. If you're going to play all the PvE content first you won't be doing any PvP for about a year... game is massive.

    Ah it makes me sad to know that ESO class balance in pvp is messed :( I played AION once but that was a long time ago, I don't know how the game is right now. Need to check it out.

    I would question the "balance is messed up in PvP" comment since - fundamentally ESO isn't a class based game. 90% or so of abilities are the same and available to everyone. And only so many abilities can be used at once and essentially all class abilities have equivalent non-class abilities.

    Even more so in the champion point campaigns - each champion point being minor tweaks that make a character more powerful. Again they are available to everyone - and whilst one is trivial a few hundred make more of a difference (although the added benefits diminish). There are non-CP enabled campaigns for "less developed" characters.

    Now yes a good player with a max level class A with great gear vs. an equally good player with an equally max level character of class B and equally great gear ..... OK at that point one can discuss class balance. There are differences. But you are a long way into the game at that point.

    Much more fundamental I suggest is that not only does ESO have excellent open world large scale PvP campaigns with siege weapons, capturing keeps and other objectives along with no death penalty - so no need to worry about having the gold to repair gear etc. - that are nearly always full as a result of the mega servers but ...

    It also has mixed PvE / solo to small team PvP - in twisty tunnels and so forth - with the occasional boss PvE mob thrown in for good measure. Takes place in Imperial City. Which gives rise to a different class balance discussion at really high levels - is the best class here the best in the open world PvP hmmmm 


    arena - team - PvP. Different again.

    ESO is a spiritual successor to the likes of DAoC. It has PvP that people who don't like PvP can jump in and enjoy.

    the open world PvP comes with the base game; Imperial City was a DLC which is included in some of the editions such as ESO Gold or on its own or as part of a 4 DLC pack; the arena PvP was introduced with Morrowind - which also comes with the base game. 

    Maybe get the cheapest option to give it a try. It should be pretty cheap and doesn't need a sub. And if you decide later to e.g. add Morrowind you should be able to do that later for not a lot. 
  • DeddmeatDeddmeat Member UncommonPosts: 387
    Ultima Online is still going since graphics dont bother you, it has a restricted free version.  AO is in survival mode (STILL) and gets some players, just go froob if you try that.

    Champions Online
    Dungeons & Dragons Online
    SWTOR - if you havent tried it you will have limit to 2 characters, money will have a cap limit but not anything to worry about really

    I went off ESO .. so i won't suggest that

    Others i've got playing 

    Neverwinter (X1)
    Star Trek Online (X1)
    Defiance 2050 (X1)

    Oh and ofcourse EVE !!


  • AnthurAnthur Member UncommonPosts: 961
    If the main reason to leave GW2 is class balancing I would suggest that you get over it and keep playing GW2.

    I make this recommendation based on my own experience, though in another MMO. I played EQ2 for many years, had my preferred classes but after class revamp after class revamp I had enough and stopped playing. Which was a mistake because I still liked the game and community. 
    The developers have to make class changes over the years. MMOs are no static games which get developed once and never change. Sometimes their changes are great, sometimes not. But to have no change at all is not an option for MMOs.

    At least you have the chance to go back to a living game which is still actively developed. EQ2 is just on life support by DBG unfortunately.

  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    One of the reasons I hate pvp in my mmorpg titles is that pvp balance always screws over pve content. I wish they could just keep them seperate.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited July 2018
    Gorwe said:
    Margrave said:
    One of the reasons I hate pvp in my mmorpg titles is that pvp balance always screws over pve content. I wish they could just keep them seperate.
    Like they eventually did with GW 1? ;)
    Except GW1 is not an MMORPG , even Arena Net acknowledges that.... ;)
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,637
    Scorchien said:
    Gorwe said:
    Margrave said:
    One of the reasons I hate pvp in my mmorpg titles is that pvp balance always screws over pve content. I wish they could just keep them seperate.
    Like they eventually did with GW 1? ;)
    Except GW1 is not an MMORPG , even Arena Net acknowledges that.... ;)
    Are they still calling GW2 a MMORPG or have they owned up to that too? :)
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Scot said:
    Scorchien said:
    Gorwe said:
    Margrave said:
    One of the reasons I hate pvp in my mmorpg titles is that pvp balance always screws over pve content. I wish they could just keep them seperate.
    Like they eventually did with GW 1? ;)
    Except GW1 is not an MMORPG , even Arena Net acknowledges that.... ;)
    Are they still calling GW2 a MMORPG or have they owned up to that too? :)
    ALtho GW2 is a complete shit game IMO and has set the entire genre back ... It is and they do acknowledge as an MMORPG ...
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    edited July 2018
    I just started playing Neverwinter and actually enjoying it. Players are everywhere so the game is really popular. Worth a try if you have not played it. 
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