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Don't use Steam to purchase a MMO.



  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    I have experienced down time from many games not sold on steam. It's a problem that comes with the genre. 

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    AlBQuirky said:
    Sovrath said:
    Scot said:
    Steam is great. People just like to hate on what is popular to try and sound cool. 
    Maybe, I don't know, but the way some posters talk about a perfectly decent service bares no relation to reality. The changes may cause some big issues though, but only time will tell.
    I've had no issues with steam games. Maybe I don't buy enough indie games that seem prone to issues.

    All my games launch.

    Very rarely I might have an issue where steam doesn't log in for me. Usually a restart solves it.

    I can't tell if some people have extremely delicate sensibilities and they just fly off the handle when the smallest thing happens or if they are actually having major problems.

    For my "sensibilities", it is because I am not given a choice anymore. I bought Skyrim. Got the box and dvds and everything. I went to load it up and HAD to create a Steam account. Now, game developers release on Stream only, like their own companies can't handle the distribution.

    It's great loads of people love Steam. You're satisfied. When every game releases only on a "games as a service" (which is how I view Steam) platform, you'll be in my boat.

    It amazes me that people who love a product/service can't seem to listen anything bad about it. Woot! You have all your games in one place. I have always had my games in one place: My HDD. You (and apparently everyone else) love Steam. Great. I don't. It does nothing for me but get in my way.
    I had the same issue when I bought Skyrim at launch though I did have an account.

    I thought I was buying the disk but "no" they don't do that anymore.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432
    edited June 2018
    Oops... Misunderstood and now irrelevant ;)

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    edited July 2018
    itsover said:
    i put way too much moneys and game on steam, steam is only choice for every game i buy.
    I avoid Steam. They have had tons of issues with online games, and with applications You run into issues due to the client not being able to run concurrently on different machines. It's a bad option. popular, but bad .

    I only buy direct from developers, or not at all.

    There are probably some games id empty my wallet for on Steam, but it's  Steam, so I am safe from them. 
  • FrozenyearroundFrozenyearround Member UncommonPosts: 155
    I tried to buy ESO through steam and it kept trying to have me download it twice and then telling me I didn't have enough space.  I have played LOTRO, Age of Conan and Rift through steam with no issues though. 
  • FrozenyearroundFrozenyearround Member UncommonPosts: 155
    I tried to buy ESO through steam and it kept trying to have me download it twice and then telling me I didn't have enough space.  I have played LOTRO, Age of Conan and Rift through steam with no issues though. 
    Maybe you really didn't have enough space?
    My actual ESO folder is 68 GB !
    No I had plenty of space.  Even the warnings clearly showed I had enough.  

    It's a known bug.  I just refunded and bought it on the X.
    [Deleted User]
  • patrynspatryns Member UncommonPosts: 81
    ESO is having more issues then working with Steam at the moment.

    Ozmodan said:
    Case in point.  Elder Scrolls Online has an issue with Steam most of the day on Saturday and none of those accounts can login through Steam.  An account purchased outside of Steam works just fine.

    Pretty much done with Steam after this, Valve can't seem to fix a simple handshake problem with Zenimax.  Last time I ever get a MMO through Steam.

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    I tried to buy ESO through steam and it kept trying to have me download it twice and then telling me I didn't have enough space.  I have played LOTRO, Age of Conan and Rift through steam with no issues though. 
    Maybe you really didn't have enough space?
    My actual ESO folder is 68 GB !
    No I had plenty of space.  Even the warnings clearly showed I had enough.  

    It's a known bug.  I just refunded and bought it on the X.
    Yeah it's a common problem on PC through steam for some reason it double installs. I don't own it on steam and it's 68 gigs but my girlfriend does and it was exponentially larger than that. 
  • FrozenyearroundFrozenyearround Member UncommonPosts: 155
    patryns said:
    ESO is having more issues then working with Steam at the moment.

    Ozmodan said:
    Case in point.  Elder Scrolls Online has an issue with Steam most of the day on Saturday and none of those accounts can login through Steam.  An account purchased outside of Steam works just fine.

    Pretty much done with Steam after this, Valve can't seem to fix a simple handshake problem with Zenimax.  Last time I ever get a MMO through Steam.

    Yeah I have a couple older mmos in my steam library but not sure I would buy an mmo through them again.  
  • Cybersig211Cybersig211 Member UncommonPosts: 174
    edited July 2018
    id rather have my purchasing information used/stored on ONE marketplace i trust than with every hole in the wall publisher.  Ill take whatever update issues steam brings to the table for that peace of mind.  I still remember when my old and abandoned SWTOR account, which i had when it was a monthly sub game, suddenly started showing up on my bank statement for a sub, i managed to reset my account and log in to see pages of failed "$99 currency packs" but the monthly sub was allowed to go through, someone from romania hacked my account and EA decided it good business to keep a CC stored on account for an abandoned account.  I got back the $15 and changed my card # but after that i had to dig up about 20 publisher log ins to make sure i removed any CC information stored (luckily stored but not visible in all cases otherwise it would have been a nightmare)

    So yeah i love that i can have my CC in one place for gaming, even if i have to wait for an online games update to filter through steam before i can play, even if the update is up and ready on the main site.  Also i love the community access and resources steam brings, even if its bloated and buggy at times.

    This safety net is especially needed with all these old mmorpgs getting repackaged and with new publishers popping up trying to make a quick buck these days.  Amazing how many old mmorpgs i see launched on steam under new management.  Wouldn't trust my info with any of them.
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    That's funny,

    I nave never bought an MMO through steam but I do play almost all of them through steam with out a problem.

    The only MMO I have considered buying through steam was EVE because they have sales often.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • pantaropantaro Member RarePosts: 515
    Tiller said:
    I would never buy an MMO on Steam unless it was the only place it is sold, and even then I would question why lol

    yep my logic has always been LESS is MORE!
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    I agree, the Steam service is unreliable, MMO's tend to have problems with it, especially on logins.

    ESO has had its worse downtimes due to the steam server login outages, and seems ESO devs are also with their hands tied having to be working with Steam to figure out why is the service so unreliable.

    Steam also does sudden changes to its API and so that sometimes are not even documented and break everything, months ago they changed stuff in the auth API that broke logins and registration methods all over the internet that used Steam and people had to fix it themselves after figuring out what Valve changed.

    So yeah don't buy MMO's on Steam if you don't want to risk problems, the direct play will always only depend on the game devs to work at 100%.
  • etrdadetrdad Member CommonPosts: 1
    One case and point doesn't mean every MMORPG purchases through Steam will have problems. 

    Brought the Steam version of FFXIV, later got Stormblood physical as a gift from my wife.  The code for Stormblood wouldn't work on my account because my original code was a steam copy ... Gamestop won't take physical back because it was opened.

    Lot of problem players there but Steam is part of it.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    etrdad said:
    One case and point doesn't mean every MMORPG purchases through Steam will have problems. 

    Brought the Steam version of FFXIV, later got Stormblood physical as a gift from my wife.  The code for Stormblood wouldn't work on my account because my original code was a steam copy ... Gamestop won't take physical back because it was opened.

    Lot of problem players there but Steam is part of it.
    Next time I would go around the nerd in the store and call Gamestop customer service and explain what happened. See if they can give you some type of gift card in exchange. Sometimes you get lucky and get someone who understands and wants to actually help, they might get a supervisor override to do it, but trust me, it's possible.
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • DeddmeatDeddmeat Member UncommonPosts: 387
    Yeah... No.
    Never base your habits on some random stranger's anecdote from the internet which they provide with a "never should you xyz" imperative.

    Oh and btw, Steam is the best thing to happen to PC gaming.
    I was gonna say 'Windows' but then i fell off the chair ;-)


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    Deddmeat said:
    Yeah... No.
    Never base your habits on some random stranger's anecdote from the internet which they provide with a "never should you xyz" imperative.

    Oh and btw, Steam is the best thing to happen to PC gaming.
    I was gonna say 'Windows' but then i fell off the chair ;-)
    And quite right to! Although I consider Windows the best OS for gaming, you can play games on other OS which do have a number of advantages. Eat that console lovers. :D
  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    YOU DONT SAY !!!

    Who the frak would buy a MMO through SteamWorks ?

  • GutlardGutlard Member RarePosts: 1,019
    I bought ESO when it originally came out before it was on Steam, but then when I got my new rig I DL'd through Steam. I'd say I have issues with logging into ESO about half the time, that I don't experience with any other game.

    I didn't look into it, and I didn't care who's fault it was. I just want the damn issue to go away and I'm tired of jumping through hoops and troubleshooting someone else's problem, so I just play another of my 700 Steam games, 30-40 GoG games, U-Play games, Origin games, etc. Desura still around? I could try that next!

    I have so little game time I WILL NOT waste it on troubleshooting! I'm always on the clock before necksnapping ensues!

    I check the web, I check the Dev site, see it's a current known problem they're working on, and move on.

    Gut Out!

    What, me worry?

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    I get steam gift cards for presents....I know the MMOs arent often the best investment there but it doesnt cost me anything.
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