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Massive Graphics Overhaul & a Chance to Win a Founder's Pack - Legends of Aria -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

imageMassive Graphics Overhaul & a Chance to Win a Founder's Pack - Legends of Aria -

Legends of Aria News - Citadel Studios is ready to unleash some big news to Legends of Aria players, backers and fans with today's reveal of a massive graphics overhaul. As part of the exciting news, developers are sending everyone out on a scavenger hunt to find partner sites hosting "before and after" images showing off just how big this update truly is...and we might just be one of the lucky ones! Clues will be provided on the LoA site and the lucky one who finds them all wins a $90 Founder's Pack!

Read the full story here



  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    I actually think the first one looks a bit more atmospheric. The second sure has a lot more objects and textures and does look a little better, but it doesn't have the same feeling the first one gives.
    J-NiusXingbairong3dommarganculosOctagon7711NephethMadFrenchie[Deleted User]chocolate42069Tokkenand 4 others.
  • yonpachiyonpachi Member UncommonPosts: 191
    How about the Open Beta that was supposed to come in June? I guess it's delayed? Since CBT2 will come this July 12
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    If I see one more Diablo lookin' game...

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    If I see one more Diablo lookin' game...
    I thought this was an Ultima style game rather than a Diablo style. Or do you mean artistically?
  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    Be sure to check out the video too:



  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455
    I support the graphics overhaul!   Although it might not matter since probably wont be playing.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Their real problem is the beyond archaic systems. Just look at their inventory/'s as bad as they come.
  • SirBalinSirBalin Member UncommonPosts: 1,300
    Damn, this game actually looks like it could be really owpvp and it seems like this could have a lot of it. Problem is that I have never heard of it, I just looked around the community site and there isn't much chatter. A game like this really needs a heavy population, while it looks fun, I personally don't for see it having a population so I won't be buying it.

    "You're either with us or against us"

  • blamo2000blamo2000 Member RarePosts: 1,130
    Looks good, but as the comments above show - people interested in graphics aren't leaving their console games. Indie devs would be better served in focusing exclusively on systems, mechanics, and gameplay - basically the exact opposite of what console games focus on.

    I'll definitely be playing this but I'd have much rather a UI revamp over graphics.
  • aslan132aslan132 Member UncommonPosts: 630
    I have tried the alphas/betas so far, and im not much impressed. Hasnt been any real improvements to systems and features as we go along, and honestly graphics dont matter much unless the game is fun. still watching and playing, but I wont be spending any money on it any time soon.
    Tokken[Deleted User]
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653

    I actually think the first one looks a bit more atmospheric. The second sure has a lot more objects and textures and does look a little better, but it doesn't have the same feeling the first one gives.

    Everything in gaming must get more colourful, more cute, more child friendly. Having said that, they have added a lot more detail which looks good.
  • WizbuizWizbuiz Member UncommonPosts: 215
    Been nuking everyone in this game, problem aint the graphics the problem is the skill system, they want everyone to be a hybrid. Hopefully theyll wake up and make pure Archtype classes viable again like Mage which Got totally obliterated..
  • deniterdeniter Member RarePosts: 1,440
    At first the game looked interesting. Studying it more revealed the sad truth: it's FFA PvP!

    So much for being a noble, crafter or a fisherman. You'll only be cannon fodder for griefers and gankers.
    [Deleted User]
  • TweFojuTweFoju Member UncommonPosts: 1,236
    i never even seen those maps before, like, how the fuck do i get to the place in the video? this is how bad this game is, i have no clue how to even travel around the world since they do not include a world map.

    So What Now?

  • couponforkcouponfork Member UncommonPosts: 114

    deniter said:

    At first the game looked interesting. Studying it more revealed the sad truth: it's FFA PvP!

    So much for being a noble, crafter or a fisherman. You'll only be cannon fodder for griefers and gankers.

    Ultima Online did this for years without problems, grow a pair.

    also, if you intend on playing just go to the Legends of Ultima server, it is far better than the actual game.
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505

    deniter said:

    At first the game looked interesting. Studying it more revealed the sad truth: it's FFA PvP!

    So much for being a noble, crafter or a fisherman. You'll only be cannon fodder for griefers and gankers.

    Ultima Online did this for years without problems, grow a pair.

    also, if you intend on playing just go to the Legends of Ultima server, it is far better than the actual game.
    There's a reason UO added Trammel.
    [Deleted User]

  • DrewwhoDrewwho Member CommonPosts: 17
    It was nice to hear recently they intend to add a cartography skill and friends list .
  • ManWithNoTanManWithNoTan Member UncommonPosts: 96
    Only FFA PVP in certain zones. I haven't even been in one yet as I've been hanging out in zone outside of town - gathering, crafting, killing skeletons and orcs to level, and decorating my non-instanced player house with piles of skulls.
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Torval said:

    deniter said:

    At first the game looked interesting. Studying it more revealed the sad truth: it's FFA PvP!

    So much for being a noble, crafter or a fisherman. You'll only be cannon fodder for griefers and gankers.

    Ultima Online did this for years without problems, grow a pair.

    also, if you intend on playing just go to the Legends of Ultima server, it is far better than the actual game.
    Yes, being an asshole will attract people to your game. Keep it up cowboy.
    Some developers do the same thing.  They setup the whole US vs THEM mentality and somehow raise millions of dollars doing so.   I can't understand how...  but it seems to be a "thing" nowadays.

    [Deleted User]

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • DkuangDkuang Member UncommonPosts: 37
    edited July 2018
    Ultima Online was NEVER FFA pvp, there were consequences. No access to towns, well except for the "RED town", stat loss, and obviously being perma-red/flagging system. That being said, Aria lacks so much more than just a watered down system of UO pvp rules (which did work and not everyone was running around killing/griefing back in '97, although you always had those crazy perma red pvp 24/7 guys). That being said, once UO did introduce Trammel they experienced like a 4x population boom...which goes to show you, having crazy ass pvp wasn't what 90% of the players wanted 24/7 contrary to what anyone will tell you. The numbers don't lie.

    Their UI sucks terrible, even though the Legends of Ultima player server does the UI a bit better (like show how many reagants, weight, arrow, bandage count on the top of your screen) it's still a very archaic and honestly...shitty system because they're using assets and tools offered by Aria itself. Playing the game feels very cumbersome and just outright frustrating most of the times maneuvering your character around trying to harvest, loot, and fight. The loot all function is slow as maple syrup, but beats you manually trying to find and drag the stuff you want off the corpse...which is sad and funny because even though UO had the same system, it was leaps and bounds easier to loot things on UO than Aria. So this alone has to say something about Aria and Citadel no? For them to use pretty much the same blue print that UO had, but yet do it so wrong and half assed.

    I think Citadel Studios needs to worry more about the crappy design choices, bugs, low budget animations, and lack of actual content/play value than more shiny graphics. Then again, this is the guy that hasn't logged into Legends/Shards for 7+ months, to only play it for a 2 days and realize everything is still buggy and low end in terms of their game design/mechanic choices. Combat overhaul? Yeah, game still fights and plays like a shittier UO. At this point, they're better off copying UO to the T and just using their graphics engine...because as a fan of UO and Shards Online...Legends of Aria is turning and likely staying as one big ass disappointment.

    I can not wait for EA for Legends of Aria to hit Steam, so they can get ripped by the reviews so they can finally snap out of the day dream they're in because lord knows, the critiques players have given them doesn't seem to have done much to make the game better.

    You reap what you sow.

  • LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
    I WANT to try this game being a old UO vet , but damn those animations look worse than UO 2d did in 97 you would HOPE this many years later even a small team could get it better than UO did with a 2d client in 97 everything looks stiff, horse animations are horrid combat looks slow compared to UOs pvp and worse of all no hit detection and toons run right through eachother it sucks that no devs can make a decent ISO view MMO
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