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Everquest: Gates of Discord announced

DjinDjin Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,263

Sony Online Entertainment announces plans to release a new expansion pack for EverQuest in February 2004.

For the full story, head over to Gamespot to get 12 screenshots and more...

-=[ STAFF ]=-
[email protected]

What will he do next?


  • MunkiMunki Member CommonPosts: 2,128

    another one....

    after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...

  • SquareSquare Member Posts: 254

    "Players will embark on a quest to unearth long-hidden artifacts of power from temple ruins, secret catacombs, dank sewers, and vast marshlands."

    Sounds very cool.

    Screw ENIX

    It's hip to be square.

  • The_WizardThe_Wizard Member Posts: 2
    ANOTHER one? This is starting to get like The Sims... expansion after expansion.

    Good and Evil didn't create the world, for it is the world that created Good and Evil...

    Good and Evil didn't create the world, for it is the world that created Good and Evil...

  • ZiegZieg Member Posts: 32
    Bah. They're still hoping to get money even with EQ2 just around the corner!? This one better be worth it. But really now, what kind of items would be more powerful then the ones in POP?

    EQ: Zieg-Level 46-HalfElf-Paladin-RZ Server(Retired)

    FFXI: Zieg-Lv21RDM/5WAR-Hume-Phoenix Server(Active)

    EQ: Zieg-Level 46-HalfElf-Paladin-RZ Server(Retired)

    FFXI: Zieg-Lv26PLD/9WAR-Hume-Phoenix Server(Active)

  • killerTwinkiekillerTwinkie Member CommonPosts: 1,694
    SOE plans to keep making Expacs for EQ1 after EQ2 is released.  They're staying true to their market.  Also, those that played EQ1 and move to EQ2 get an item passed down through their family/guild ranks and shit.  it's pretty neat.


    KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.

  • SatansDiscipleSatansDisciple Member Posts: 2,782

    Originally posted by Square
    "Players will embark on a quest to unearth long-hidden artifacts of power from temple ruins, secret catacombs, dank sewers, and vast marshlands."
    Sounds very cool.-----------------------
    Screw ENIX

    isnt that what you did in every other freaking eq ex pack?

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
    - Unknown Author


  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited July 2018
    ohh hell a Necro, and here i was thinking we opened a new Discord channel
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