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Which multiplayer FPS to play?

LuminattiLuminatti Member UncommonPosts: 45

Hi all, older gamer that hasn't played a multi player FPS in some time (The original Unreal tournament, Battlefield, and Planetside).

I'm a little overwhelmed by the number of titles and hoping someone might be able to help narrow it down with my preferences...

  • Multiplayer
  • You create/name your avatar - not choose from a group of pre-made heroes
  • Ability to create/join a clan
  • Advancement in rank or some type of cumulative reward (bonus if it has nice stats page where you can look up career kills, K/D ratio, W/L record...)
  • Not over run with hackers - aimbots
  • Lastly, it is nice if there is some element of customization available - I think the free to play model this is standard now as a way to make revenue

Appreciate any recommendations...



  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Planetside is worth another look. The level of customization isn't all that great until you can get the cool armors and such. But it is fun right now.

    Not a whole lot out there (that I would recommend) based on your criteria. There are a lot of shooter titles out right now, most of them are just trash. Uninspired gameplay combined with boring off the shelf design, it's like there is a crap game factory out there somewhere just flooding the market with cash grabs and junk.

    I would recommend just playing One of the better arena shooters, Overwatch (be aware of the community here) Palidens, COD (Any) or a Quake title.

    I understand this is not what you were looking for, but there really is not much worth recommending at this point.


    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • LuminattiLuminatti Member UncommonPosts: 45

    I appreciate the responses, thank you Hatefull for recommendations.  I am assuming you mean to try Planetside 2.

    It's sad with all of the FPS's no one can make one that stands apart...  I guess it does explain why everything has mixed reviews...

  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    edited June 2018
    Battleground Europe Is nice, old name for it was world war 2 online.
  • kjempffkjempff Member RarePosts: 1,760
    If PvE, Warframe. If PvP, ask someone else.
  • GilcroixGilcroix Member UncommonPosts: 263
    edited June 2018
    If you're looking for pve I'd recommend Ghost recon wildlands if you like stealth/covert play. Warframe if you like more of a fast pace.

    PvP you will not find a game without aimbots , at least i never have. That being said I'd then choose the most fun and for me that is Planetside 2.
    Post edited by Gilcroix on
  • LuminattiLuminatti Member UncommonPosts: 45

    Thanks once again for the comments, several of the COD's are on steam at 19.99, might try one - not sure which is the best of those at that price point... not paying 59.99 for the one that is that price.  May look at Warframe and GR Wildlands.

    I decided to download Planetside 2... not liking it at all the first night.  I know I need to be patient early in any game with the learning curve but I absolutely hate how compared to the first version I could tell enemies from friendlies easily.  I either shoot my own team or am way too cautious and slow making sure it isn't my team and get killed.  Now I guess I'm supposed to look at a little icon above the avatar.  I'll try to get in a squad to follow around and make more sense of everything... hopefully find an outfit to at least get some social aspect going that may keep me around long enough to fairly judge the game.

  • techblogger911techblogger911 Member CommonPosts: 18

     Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare which was launched in 2007 is one of the best out of the other COD'S. 

  • OutaiOutai Member UncommonPosts: 77
    edited June 2018
    I recommend Squad. It's from the makers of BF2: Project Reality. Found it to be much better than PUBG, TF2, CSGO or Planetside 2. It's the cooperative squad play, immersive simulation-ish gameplay and slower pace. Community is mostly very good.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Luminatti said:

    I appreciate the responses, thank you Hatefull for recommendations.  I am assuming you mean to try Planetside 2.

    It's sad with all of the FPS's no one can make one that stands apart...  I guess it does explain why everything has mixed reviews...

    Planetside 2 has a surprising population, i was playing it again recently and was pleasantly surprised to find it well populated, its a combined arms FPS, tanks and other vehicles, aircraft etc. along with various flavours of infantry, all of which is pretty much accessible from the start.
  • VelifaxVelifax Member UncommonPosts: 413
    Angels Fall First on Steam is the only spiritual successor to Dust 514 I've found; high TTK, full scope of vehicles (4 wheeler to battleship), and varied game modes (territories etc).

    Not sure on avatar choice or progression.

    Matches have huge player counts (if you have friends or play during primetime) but not Planetside 2/MMO scale.
  • FonclFoncl Member UncommonPosts: 347
    edited July 2018
    Gorwe said:
    Character creation / customization in an FPS? The only one that comes to mind is Unreal Tournament 2004 / 3. I'd really love a new UT btw, where is it?
    Here is the new UT: it's free to play.

    I prefer UT2004 personally but the new one is definitely worth a try.
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    not a fps but tps  APB Reloaded got some better devs working on it now. Extreme customization options.
  • esc-joconnoresc-joconnor Member RarePosts: 1,097
    kjempff said:
    If PvE, Warframe. If PvP, ask someone else.
    It was a long list of requirements, but point 2 was create your own avatar ;)
    If it had been "play as some weird half melted insect creature" Warframe would be a perfect match.
  • LowellsandersLowellsanders Member UncommonPosts: 134
    CSGO the best FPS game I must say!
    No one can beat CSGO, CoD is also a good FPS game!
  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    edited August 2018
    You don't have an avatar but as far as multiplayer FPS are concerned, R6:Siege is one of the best.
    It's been my favourite FPS for a few years now.

    Just be warned, it has an extremely high skill ceiling and is very punishing to beginners.



  • xLoveless1102xLoveless1102 Member UncommonPosts: 54
    I would say CSGO as well for a multiplayer FPS game to play. 
    Never give up ~
  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Luminatti said:

    I appreciate the responses, thank you Hatefull for recommendations.  I am assuming you mean to try Planetside 2.

    It's sad with all of the FPS's no one can make one that stands apart...  I guess it does explain why everything has mixed reviews...

    I did mean PS2. I am enjoying Overwatch right now. The competitive mode has a lot better community than Quickplay. By far. So if you can stand pre-made role specific toons then I still recommend that.

    I have not been back to PS2 in a couple months, but I would still recommend that as long as you are in an active outfit.

    CSGO is so run of the mill that I won't recommend it. I know it is wildly popular, and its simplicity makes it that way, but I found it dull and very uninspired.

    Black Ops 4 will drop in a couple months, I will be playing that as well, however, overall it's a pretty dismal time for the shooter genre. UNLESS you like PvE at all, then try out Warframe.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Asheram said:
    not a fps but tps  APB Reloaded got some better devs working on it now. Extreme customization options.
    I loved that game when it came out as reloaded. I may have to take another look at it! Very cool, that is a really fun game.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • GustieGustie Member CommonPosts: 6
    Yep, i agree on planetside 2, it has the qualities you've looking for. Overwatch is somewhat competetive and you've probably played it before. 

    I guess titles like Warframe is not an option, right? It has a very long replayability, but in game item shops and already an old title and really more like an rpg than a shooter. hmm
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    Gustie said:
    Yep, i agree on planetside 2, it has the qualities you've looking for. Overwatch is somewhat competetive and you've probably played it before. 

    I guess titles like Warframe is not an option, right? It has a very long replayability, but in game item shops and already an old title and really more like an rpg than a shooter. hmm
    Welcome to the Boards! For the OP it depends what sort of FPS he wants, teamwork is very different in BF, Overwatch, Warframe and PS2 for example.
  • wielkipwielkip Member CommonPosts: 13
    CS:GO because it is the top e-sport game. 
  • mikeb0817mikeb0817 Member UncommonPosts: 171
    Warhammer Vermintide 2 - not the traditional FPS, but a great game that gives the same feeling as the traditional FPS experience,  I think. 
  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    I have to chime in with PS2 as well.  The combined arms aspect of it alone, ( playable infantry, tanks, and aircraft) puts it heads above the rest.  However, if you are into quick 10-15 minute matches of run-and-gun where team coordination and/or vehicles are either absent or unnecessary then PS2 would be one to avoid. 

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • katiewilliams2233katiewilliams2233 Member CommonPosts: 1
    I like to play Battleground Europe... very nice game...
    My favorite game of all time is drive multiplier mayhem rtp
  • xtremeplayxtremeplay Member CommonPosts: 1
    CSGO for its mechanics 
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