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MMO Sites Are Lying To You For Money



  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited June 2018
    AlBQuirky said:
    Scorchien said:
    Torval said:
    Scorchien said:
    Torval said:
    Eldurian said:
    Torval said:

    The "consensus", 90%, and the rest is stuff you made up and how you feel about it but not factually based truth.
    Actually I didn't make it up. A poll was taken on these forums in which 90% of people agree games like Destiny are not MMOs.
    Yes, and that poll is garbage. We invent facts to support our agenda. If that's all you got out of the last two posts then I have nothing else to add.
      What are the facts invented in that poll Torval, it was a very simple question and folks voiced there opinion , in sorry but you and others that think games like Destiny are MMOs are the extreme minority and the DEv/Pub( As they DO NOT Label Destiny an MMO)   very intentionally ill add,) agree with the community .. The only facts being bent and twisted are on  this site along with  a very small minority trying to push an agenda that will not work , As Dev/Pub continue to push back and label there games correctly .. Its the minority that needs to change...

     And its odd the only folks who criticize the poll again are a very very small minority who are unhappy it didnt go there way , Im certain if it had, there opinion of the poll would be very different and would be holding it up like Galadriels Light ..If the results were nearlyy 5-1 in there favor ..

        In there endless fruitless arguments trying to make it and other like it MMO' s
    Sorry, it's nothing personal. As data, it's garbage. It's not that you can't create a data worthy poll here, I don't think it's possible here period. So, even if your poll was good the results would still be garbage as a data point.

    The invented facts are the conclusions drawn from faulty data analysis.

    I have already addressed most of those other points (including your emotional accusations) in a couple previous posts above if you want to read my thoughts on that.
    LMao ,, nothing emotional.. lol

       The facts are the fcats the communtiy along with ATVI disagree with you and the very small minority that choose to push this agenda ..

     tell ya what

     Why dont you take all your thoughts and send them to ATVI in an email , telling them you think and that they have improperly labeled there game and would like to see it changed .. 
      Ill be waiting for the response ..

     But of course that wont happen , and again the minority will think they know better than ATVI how to label there products ........... go figure

    I'm sorry, but @Torval is right. How many people answered your poll (I have not looked it)? How many MMO players are there? Is the percentage acceptable as facts for you? Not me, no how :)
       Ohh my yes Torval is right and ATVI does not know what they are own product is .. lmfao ..aint that rich

      and it was 260 votes at a 5-1 , its not an MMO

      You cannot continue to attempt to push your agenda into the Industry it understands all to well what it is selling and it does not want the MMO moniker attached to its Coop/Multi player games ... It was a well thought out decision on how to label the game , and the correct one

      And . ill tell ya  what , beings you want to hang your hat on data , you know who has data that also weighs heavily on how to Desgin/Advert/Label/Update there games , ATVI , more data than you could collect in your entire life , and there Data influenced there decision on how to label there game..

      And as an Investor in ATVI since 2005 , i trust them completly on how to label and sell there products before ,i would listen to a very small but vocal minority on this site..

     Im pretty sure that ATVI knows what they are doing :wink:
    Post edited by Scorchien on
  • EldurianEldurian Member EpicPosts: 2,736
    edited June 2018
    For now that label still has meaning and those who understand the general sense of what you are saying when you use it. If we entertain the notion that Diablo and DOTA are MMOs then that label will become like RPG where everyone is like

    "A Game isn't an RPG without leveling!" "A game isn't an RPG without a scripted story!" "Oh, the roleplay community is ridiculed and nearly non-existent? The entire game revolves around power leveling and min-maxing? That doesn't make it any less of an RPG. But that game focused on immersion with an active roleplay community still isn't an RPG because it's power gap is too small and the players create their own story."

    Just because half of MMORPG got killed and turned into a useless mean-nothing phrase doesn't mean we should allow it to happen to other half while it still can be prevented. 
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Hmm thats a funny approach , because if we even look briefly at your history in this thread alone you are contradicting yourself as you have shown some very strong opinions to the contrary ..

      And i i dont know why you feel the need to start slinging insults around , I didnt insult you , Very unlike you .

       Ill overlook it
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    What people adopt is more important than a label. If you lose the fight in the end it won't matter what you call it.
    Garrus Signature
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Mikeha said:
    Interesting video where Skylent proves that mmo sites now promote almost any type of game for clicks. ;) 

    Quote from the video description,

    "MMObyte, you can do better. I KNOW you have the passion in you somehwere.  All the rest are probably worthless causes, but I think we can make a change that could ripple out and do a lot of good.

    This is my rant, a bit of drama, and the current MMO press landscape.  I clearly show, that MMO sites are lying to you, clickbaiting for money."

    Anybody here remember when I tried to combat that deception on this site when I came up with the terms Soft Cap Multiplayer Online Game (SCMOG), and Hard Cap Multiplayer Online Game (HCMOG) and the staff banned me for the use of these terms. 

    One term described Multiplayer games that are built around a Fixed group size, like game like Call of Duty, which may have a fixed 10 people (5v5). That has a direct Hard Cap to the number of players, hence HCMOG.

    Were as a game like Guild Wars 2 has a more flexible cap to the number of players that can play together. It could be 2-100+ Its not at a hard cap. Thats why its a Soft Cap, since all games have a cap of some kind before performance cease to work. hence SCMOG.

    I got the ban hammer for this suggestion. Never forgot that. 

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • Quizar1973Quizar1973 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Eldurian said:
    @maskedweasel, @SBFord ;- Look at the top of the page:

    Having a header that says "All MMO Games" over a list that includes Diablo 3, DOTA 2, and Heathstone is very deceptive.

    Like I said. It's fine to adapt. Just be honest about it.
    Thats NOT saying MMORPG is unhonest with there Header.....Saying All MMO Games does mean only MMO games...Thats saying they have ALL mmos on this site....Now if the header said ONLY MMO games then i can see your point....

    No one shall Rent space in my head!!!!!  B)
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    On the one hand it's truly sad how much these fake mmo sites have watered down the acronym.

    On the other hand mmo devs have delivered such garbage for the past decade, these sites literally have nothing to talk about. So it's either throw in the towel or pretend Diablo 3 news belongs here until something decent arrives.
    covering Non MMOs is not the problem. is a gaming site that covers gaming of all genres. No need to be misleading and calling NON-MMOs, a MMO just to justify covering it. World of Tanks is listed as a MMO and its not. In another thread one of the staff here said pretty much any game can be a MMO if it has Online play. Sounds similar to a article Massively made a few years ago saying anything that was Online was a MMO, including Call of Duty. Thats bad for the real MMO genre of gaming.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • Quizar1973Quizar1973 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    No one shall Rent space in my head!!!!!  B)
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Mardukk said:
    There are so few MMO's being developed or updated that it isn't tough to figure out what is an MMO and what isn't.  You can memorize them easily.  I skip over the non MMO items by using my brain...imagine that.
    Again like said for the 1,000,000,000th time, Nobody has a problem with the site covering NON MMOS!! the Problem is when they mislabel a NON MMO as a MMO when its not a MMO at all!! Calling Call of Duty a MMO because it has Online Multiplayer is just plain old misleading. Covering Call of Duty 999 is not a problem.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    edited June 2018
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • Quizar1973Quizar1973 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    No one shall Rent space in my head!!!!!  B)
  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311
    It's almost amusing how hypercritical my forummates can be of a couple minute details of 

    Why are you equating a header that hasn't changed in years to "Deception, and misleading"? When they clearly labeled the individual games. Sure they could change the header, but stop making it seem like they were trying to steal your SSID because of it.

    The majority of passing viewers looking for a list probably aren't going to lose their minds over anything on this website other than the fucking forums posts arguing bullshit semantics because someone feels like being a contrary little bitch. 

    I've been lurking here for YEARS and the only loss of quality I've seen is in the discussions on these forums. The staff has continued to grow and get better at what they do, and the only appreciation they get for it from us is a bunch of bitching over nothing. 

    As for what is an MMO, or what isn't. Stop. It honestly doesn't even matter. You know what to look for when it comes to the type of games you want to play, so look for that and stop giving a damn if someone is calling Worms 3d an MMO. It doesn't matter. Half the people in here stoking these arguments are just trolling anyways.

    I'm angry. I keep getting my ass handed to me in vMA.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    As is often the case, like many you have mistaken what the first letter represents.

    It is the adjective Massively, not Massive, and it modifies the word Multiplayer.

    It has nothing to do with world size. 


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Quizar1973Quizar1973 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Kyleran said:
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    As is often the case, like many you have mistaken what the first letter represents.

    It is the adjective Massively, not Massive, and it modifies the word Multiplayer.

    It has nothing to do with world size. 

    Do you think a game like Diablo is an MMORPG?
    No one shall Rent space in my head!!!!!  B)
  • EldurianEldurian Member EpicPosts: 2,736
    No. Because only a handful of people can inhabit the same instance of the world at the same time. Therefore it isn't massively multiplayer.
  • SpiraldeathSpiraldeath Member UncommonPosts: 29
    You guys have to make money, totally understandable. With that said used to visit this site daily now it's hardly worth visiting once a week, most the news is irrelevant or sponsored BS. Giveaways are crap compared to what used to be on offer.

    Like surely every man and his dog already has whatever crap your giving away for Wizards 101 when isn't there a Wizards 101 giveaway, used to enter your giveaways and sweeps quite often have not entered one in months as they are all pretty much crap.

    Your giveaways used to be for games that where ranked and rated reported on by MMORPG, now most the games in sweeps are just crap web based money grabbing BS that you would never bother to write a review of as it wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on.

    Don't believe me just look at the comments of your giveaways with people giving out the codes as they don't want them.

    MMORPG is a decent gaming site unfortunately it used to be legendary now it's nothing more then a green common, blue special at best.
  • AAAMEOWAAAMEOW Member RarePosts: 1,620
    I bet the video ranting on mmorpg site are just making video for clicks and money too.  

    Why else would people spend all that effort making rant video when they can just finish the ranting in a few minutes on forum.
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    edited June 2018
    It's almost amusing how hypercritical my forummates can be of a couple minute details of 

    Why are you equating a header that hasn't changed in years to "Deception, and misleading"? When they clearly labeled the individual games. Sure they could change the header, but stop making it seem like they were trying to steal your SSID because of it.

    The majority of passing viewers looking for a list probably aren't going to lose their minds over anything on this website other than the fucking forums posts arguing bullshit semantics because someone feels like being a contrary little bitch. 

    I've been lurking here for YEARS and the only loss of quality I've seen is in the discussions on these forums. The staff has continued to grow and get better at what they do, and the only appreciation they get for it from us is a bunch of bitching over nothing. 

    As for what is an MMO, or what isn't. Stop. It honestly doesn't even matter. You know what to look for when it comes to the type of games you want to play, so look for that and stop giving a damn if someone is calling Worms 3d an MMO. It doesn't matter. Half the people in here stoking these arguments are just trolling anyways.

    I'm angry. I keep getting my ass handed to me in vMA.

    Honestly, given how many people play MMOs like single-player or very small group games, why not include all kinds of games that can have 100 or so per server in them? Survival games do. Battle royale games do. Even lobby-based games do. The lines have blurred hugely.

    I dunno. I like both reading about and covering all kinds of games. We've kept the scope here pretty narrow, tbh. 
    We're trying to expand the categories on the Games List and on the featurette slider images by labeling them as what they are.
    And, once again, it's adapt or die. 
    Post edited by SBFord on May 12

    that to me, tell me the site staff is clearly aware of this deceptive change in meaning of what is considered a MMO and whats not, but choose to blur the lines intentionally. But take the context for yourself.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    Its not MASSIVE, its MASSIVELY which is a descriptive word for the following word which is Multiplayer. So thats MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER. Not Massive. 

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,637
    Kyleran said:
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    As is often the case, like many you have mistaken what the first letter represents.

    It is the adjective Massively, not Massive, and it modifies the word Multiplayer.

    It has nothing to do with world size. 

    I recon its world size, number of players and number that can effectively interact in the same place...but I am just a pain like that. :)
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Scot said:
    Kyleran said:
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    As is often the case, like many you have mistaken what the first letter represents.

    It is the adjective Massively, not Massive, and it modifies the word Multiplayer.

    It has nothing to do with world size. 

    I recon its world size, number of players and number that can effectively interact in the same place...but I am just a pain like that. :)
    Well there are other qualifiers, persistence being another requirement of course.

    A single small map BR wouldn't qualify even if it held 500 players at one time. Nor did GW1 because though hundreds could interact in the lobbies, in the game itself only a handful hence ANET correctly labeled their game as a CORPG which I guess Diablo 3 might more closely resemble.

    At the end of the day, MMORPG, I know one when I see one.

    Some others apparently lack this ability,  but I'm here to help them see the light.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Torval said:
    Kyleran said:
    Scot said:
    Kyleran said:
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    As is often the case, like many you have mistaken what the first letter represents.

    It is the adjective Massively, not Massive, and it modifies the word Multiplayer.

    It has nothing to do with world size. 

    I recon its world size, number of players and number that can effectively interact in the same place...but I am just a pain like that. :)
    Well there are other qualifiers, persistence being another requirement of course.

    A single small map BR wouldn't qualify even if it held 500 players at one time. Nor did GW1 because though hundreds could interact in the lobbies, in the game itself only a handful hence ANET correctly labeled their game as a CORPG which I guess Diablo 3 might more closely resemble.

    At the end of the day, MMORPG, I know one when I see one.

    Some others apparently lack this ability,  but I'm here to help them see the light.

    Massively is an adverb that describes scale, it modifies mutliplayer referring to the number of players. The online component means it's online. It doesn't speak about persistence. So now you're perverting the term as bad as people who use it with Diablo.

    Additionally, you're making a claim that a single zone non-instanced world doesn't qualify because, but MMO doesn't refer to map size. It refers to the multiplayer component.

    Requiring a game to have a massive population and be able to house that population concurrently within a map is reasonable by the literal definition of the catchphrase. You're introducing subjective caveats that have been attached to it as it's matured and evolved, just like those guys who insist Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 are MMOs. You're doing the same thing.
    Not really, I'm measuring them against the first 20 or so titles that were released from 1998 to 2006 in terms of designs.

    For the most part they all supported 500 or more players in a single, persistent game world. 

    Some could handle a few hundred in a single zone, one can handle 2000 to 5000 in a single fight.

    Some had instances, most had a fairly large open world area.

    I'm not the one introducing subjective caveats....


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    edited June 2018
    Torval said:7
    Kyleran said:
    Torval said:
    Kyleran said:
    Scot said:
    Kyleran said:
    This all seems like a pointless argument. Out of all the mmo sites that are out there this is HANDS DOWN, the best one, its clean, laid out neatly. The community here for what I have seen is very kind and seems slightly tight. 

    People complaining that D3 is on here and isn't an "MMORPG" yet it is Online, there is alot of people playing it, you do gain levels. So I would say it is Massively multiplayer (Being theres alot of people and you can play it with others) It is online, it is an rpg.....

    Most of all, why is everyone complaining. 
    A lot of people play Candy Crush online. is that also a MMO?
    You can play Multiplayer or Co-op on Candy Crush????  LOL....I always thought you played by yourself....LOL
    but Thousands of people play it and send each other bonuses and its Online! so its a MMO!!!.....

    edit: forgot my dots
    But its far from Diablo, Anyway im not one saying Diablo is an MMO....The way i look at it people are arguing the fact of 1 word in MMORPG and that is Massive. Yes Diablo is Multiplayer and yes Diablo is an Online Roleplaying Game.....But the Word Massive is the key word.....The way i see Massive is a game with a Massive World, a Massive enviroment , Or Exploration. IMO Massive does NOT mean how many people play the game. So no i do not beilive Diablo is an MMORPG....
    As is often the case, like many you have mistaken what the first letter represents.

    It is the adjective Massively, not Massive, and it modifies the word Multiplayer.

    It has nothing to do with world size. 

    I recon its world size, number of players and number that can effectively interact in the same place...but I am just a pain like that. :)
    Well there are other qualifiers, persistence being another requirement of course.

    A single small map BR wouldn't qualify even if it held 500 players at one time. Nor did GW1 because though hundreds could interact in the lobbies, in the game itself only a handful hence ANET correctly labeled their game as a CORPG which I guess Diablo 3 might more closely resemble.

    At the end of the day, MMORPG, I know one when I see one.

    Some others apparently lack this ability,  but I'm here to help them see the light.

    Massively is an adverb that describes scale, it modifies mutliplayer referring to the number of players. The online component means it's online. It doesn't speak about persistence. So now you're perverting the term as bad as people who use it with Diablo.

    Additionally, you're making a claim that a single zone non-instanced world doesn't qualify because, but MMO doesn't refer to map size. It refers to the multiplayer component.

    Requiring a game to have a massive population and be able to house that population concurrently within a map is reasonable by the literal definition of the catchphrase. You're introducing subjective caveats that have been attached to it as it's matured and evolved, just like those guys who insist Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 are MMOs. You're doing the same thing.
    Not really, I'm measuring them against the first 20 or so titles that were released from 1998 to 2006 in terms of designs.

    For the most part they all supported 500 or more players in a single, persistent game world. 

    Some could handle a few hundred in a single zone, one can handle 2000 to 5000 in a single fight.

    Some had instances, most had a fairly large open world area.

    I'm not the one introducing subjective caveats....

    Yes, you are adding a bunch of strings. You just tried to pass off not doing it and then in the following sentence added another.

    You're trying to define what you think MMOs should be as games, not what the catchphrase means.
    No, I  am providing features common to most of the original games that defined the genre when there was really very little confusion about the term.

    You are being willfully and unnecessarily obtuse here on a very clear thing. 


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • NarwrynnNarwrynn Member UncommonPosts: 83
    That guy sounds like possibly the most self-absorbed shit head I have ever had the misfortune  of having to listen to, and the includes the Kardashians.  The whole argument of the video is that sites with MMO in the name are covering non-mmos. The best part is that Bill Murphy already wrote the best response possible to the argument made by Skylent, and Bill did it three years before Skylent made his video. 

    Let me tell you a true story: there is a store in my town named "Dan's Fan City" and no joke they started to sell lights. They sell lights now but still call themselves "Fan City." This isn't a joke, you can goolge their site. Businesses expand and adapt or they fall apart. This doesn't mean they have to lose their roots by changing their name. 

    The sites he showed in the video, like massivelyOP had the genre of the game listed right in front of him but he chose to ignore that. He was also mad that a game list wasn't a top-10. Top-10s are the very definition of click-bait bullshit. 

    Then we get to the real reason he made the video, he is mad that people watch those channels instead of his. He is jealous he doesn't get more views. He wants your ad revenue and Patreon dollars. 

    If that fucking tool sees this here is the reason I don't watch you: because I don't find you entertaining or informative. Your work has no value to me. You are click-bait bullshit too, you just don't want to admit it.
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