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Do I have any business playing PUBG or Fortnite?

MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
Hey folks,

I've seen the huge number of players giving these games a go, so I'm a bit intrigued.  The problem is, I'm a middle-aged man with the reaction time and coordination of a head of lettuce.  Is there any point in my trying one of these games?  Or am I just asking to get owned by hyperactive 12-year-olds?  Be honest, I can handle it!



  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    edited April 2018
    As a fellow middle aged man with the reaction time of a potato.. I am going to say, not really. At best, you might be able to play the games, have some fun, but you won't be competitive, and yes, you will be destroyed by the hyperactive 12 year olds, long before you make it to get destroyed by the 20 year olds that are jacked on prozac adderall to the point of smelling sounds.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    Here is a Penny Arcade Comic that Address your exact question.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • synnsynn Member UncommonPosts: 563
    go with fortnite since BR is f2p. That way you can decide for yourself if its fun and worth playing.
  • AnOldFartAnOldFart Member RarePosts: 562
    Ungood said:
    As a fellow middle aged man with the reaction time of a potato.. I am going to say, not really. At best, you might be able to play the games, have some fun, but you won't be competitive, and yes, you will be destroyed by the hyperactive 12 year olds, long before you make it to get destroyed by the 20 year olds that are jacked on prozac adderall to the point of smelling sounds.
    Personally I would disagree I am a middle aged man and do well enough in pubg, the main point is use a playstyle suitable to your reaction times
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    AnOldFart said:
    Ungood said:
    As a fellow middle aged man with the reaction time of a potato.. I am going to say, not really. At best, you might be able to play the games, have some fun, but you won't be competitive, and yes, you will be destroyed by the hyperactive 12 year olds, long before you make it to get destroyed by the 20 year olds that are jacked on prozac adderall to the point of smelling sounds.
    Personally I would disagree I am a middle aged man and do well enough in pubg, the main point is use a playstyle suitable to your reaction times
    Dude, as a middle aged guy, I am camping on top of a building, braced against the parapet, with a sniper rifle, and the newer age gamers jump and tumble away from my shots and don't even break stride as they shoot me off the building.

    That is what you are up against in Fortnight at least.

    Now maybe PUBG, has some great features that allow you to win without needing to have dead on mouse control and mili-sec reaction times, or, maybe 'Well enough" means you are not always among the first 5 to die.

    In either case, those games are very reaction-time, twitch-control dependent, and if you don't have that, You won't be competitive.

    in Fortnight, I would often make the top 25 (48% ratio), and I enjoy the build/destruct aspect of the game, but.. once the total newbs, AFK'ers, and blitzed to the point of passing out at the keys players were dead .. and my sneaky means to stay alive became exhausted, and I was forced to fight to win, they would often shoot me dead long before I could even respond, and in a lot of cases, before I even knew they were there.

    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    I had a great time in playing fortnight.  I only played about 5 times but I was able to end in the top ten twice.  I think that wasn't bad.  I'm 44 and am not really into shooters.  I am competitive though :)

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    Ungood said:
    Here is a Penny Arcade Comic that Address your exact question.
    That's funny.  I think they should have gone with about 100 years ago life expectancy was 50 though.  Not so long ago.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410
    edited April 2018
    i was thinking the same thing just a few months ago, so i chose to try Fortnite first because it was free (and i happen to have a ps4). i have since tried PUBG on a friend's computer as well. 

    Fortnite is a lot more forgiving imo, especially aiming wise. most fights are pretty close ranged. it seems to have a lot more average players, and is all around a lot more casual and silly in everything. a lot of time you can make it to the last 10 in the map simply by hiding, or camping (lol). the construction part is fun as well, once you get the hang of it. if you get lucky and find a spot where they leave you alone for a bit, you can literally construct yourself a defensive base, which does help. it's really hard to take seriously though. feels a lot like Team Fortress. just silly fun.

    PUBG feels a lot more serious. a lot more hard core and intense. however, it relies much more heavily on your shooting skills, as that's all you are able to do. you can't fortify yourself anywhere. the one with the best aim usually wins. there is luck involved in finding good weapons/armor, and knowing the map always helps, but in the end it really all comes down to your aiming and reflexes. i often get killed by players so far i can't even see (which doesn't really happen in Fortnite). 

    if you can find a friend to play with, it's a whole lot more fun though. 

  • BruceYeeBruceYee Member EpicPosts: 2,556
    I prefer PUBG out of the two cause it doesn't have the building + cartoon gfx and is on Steam. I personally don't like having multiple launchers on my system just for one game cause I'm lazy but also did not like the 1-2g updates for Fortnite almost every time I logged in around launch.

    Like someone else said PUBG is more skill based and Fortnite has the building aspect that you can either love or hate depending on your play style.

    CS:GO or The Division are waiting if those two don't work out for you.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Well, even though Fortnite is f2p, I'd say it wouldn't be a good representation on if you'll like the genre as a whole or not, mainly due to the building mechanic. Paladins BR mode is free though and probably has a closer rep, but h1z1 br mode is free as well. As for the genre as a whole, it really is about tactic vs skill. I've gotten to single digit survivals in both games by simply just knowing where to hide and taking advantage of close fights between other players. Patience can win the day in this game, even though I'd say its more about skill than tactic when you do reach the single digits. Just try a variety of them and see where you "fit in." Radical Heights is another f2p br game as well.
  • centkincentkin Member RarePosts: 1,527
    My advice?  Get yourself a monitor with as fast a refresh as you can, a middle aged person can use the wallet to use superior equipment to make up for some of the youth advantage.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    It's not just age and reflexes.  If you're new to a genre, you wouldn't be competitive with people who have years of experience with similar games even if you were 20.
  • LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
    sure !   I'm HORRIBLE at shooters and really never play them, I got PUBG for whatever reason knowning I was shit at shooters but its fun, I'm lucky to get 1 kill a match but still log into it daily 
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Hey folks,

    I've seen the huge number of players giving these games a go, so I'm a bit intrigued.  The problem is, I'm a middle-aged man with the reaction time and coordination of a head of lettuce.  Is there any point in my trying one of these games?  Or am I just asking to get owned by hyperactive 12-year-olds?  Be honest, I can handle it!

    You know who and what is driving games now a days?

    BUSINESSES/streamers >>$$$$

    These devs quickly pay off big name streamers like NINJA for example to play these games and it 100% definitely intrigues many onlookers.
    What gets me is that all these onlookers can clearly see what is going on,these streamers move fro game to game,whatever their marketing or team has partnered with yet they still THINK the streamer loves every one of these games so they go out and buy them so they can feel a part of it.

    Fortnite is a good example of what is WRONG with this industry.I have for years loved Epic games,they did some nice things with Fortnite however ditched AL of it to simply jump in on the Battle Royale $$$ craze.
    It is VERY hard to believe,i still find it mind boggling but PUBG has been making boatloads of money.

    The other intrigue is people see the ESPORT side of it but they SHOULD realize that a VERY small % of the community makes any money,likely less than 1%,the rest are just spenders.

    Long winded point is that i find it disgraceful that Epic took a game that was doing some nice things and ditched that and moved towards a VERY shallow version to support making more $$.

    This is almost ALWAYS the trend in gaming,it is more about the business than the quality of the games.Devs would sell you a blank piece of paper for $100 bucks if that is what was popular.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • GameolioDanGameolioDan Member UncommonPosts: 50
    If you're intrigued enough, sure, why not? I'm not that young anymore and I do enjoy a PUBG session from time to time. Am I competitive? Hell no, but I do enjoy the thrill of making it to the final 10 every once in awhile.
    G'day! Aussie guy that records videos of his gameplay. I stream gameplay too.

  • btdtbtdt Member RarePosts: 523
    Ever play CoD or BF?  That is what PUBG and FN really are.  The guy with everything against the guy with nothing.  The only real twist is you start out naked, but the end result remains the same. 
  • DuckDuckBoomBoomDuckDuckBoomBoom Member CommonPosts: 8
    unpopular opinion but both games just feel really shallow and repetitive to me. after decades of MMO gaming, just not a fan. if I had to choose though? h1z1 : ^ )
  • Dagon13Dagon13 Member UncommonPosts: 566
    I've enjoyed PUBG for a while now but it has gotten repetitive.  It's easy to reach the top 10 if you play sensibly, which happens to lean towards the boring side.

    5 times out of 10 I run building to building uneventfully for 20 minutes, forget I'm playing a competitive shooter, and then crap myself when someone shoots me in the face suddenly.

    The other 5 times out of 10, I get the drop on somebody just to get mowed down anyway.  Watch the kill-cam and learn the 5 shots I fired didn't really happen and the guy head-shot me before I ever pulled the trigger.

    This game is a technical failure but the nature of shooting people before they can fight back hides the problem.  It can be frustrating but checks some boxes for me.

    Also, the 1 time out of 100 where you take the chicken dinner with a fully kitted, silenced AR kind of makes it worth it.
  • AnOldFartAnOldFart Member RarePosts: 562
    just recently I've been getting bored of pubg...

    run, run, run for 15 mins to get into zone, after zone, after zone to get shot in the head by someone who happened to drop in the "best" spot
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