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Bungie Developer Insights - Exotics & Crucible - Destiny 2 Videos -

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited May 2018 in Videos Discussion

imageBungie Developer Insights - Exotics & Crucible - Destiny 2 Videos -

Bungie has put out a new Destiny 2 developer insights video that lays out a lot of the details about what players can expect when Warmind releases on May 8th.

Read the full story here


  • achmedeachmede Member UncommonPosts: 215
    There is still hope guys !
    Destiny 2 is coming back, events are well populated, more then months ago.
    PhryCryolitycal[Deleted User]catofmanyAlexanderVendi
  • OnijinOnijin Member UncommonPosts: 50
    It'll be dead within a month after the launch of this short dlc, just like the predecessor it'll have nothing to keep it going. enjoy the last month of the games life, then sit and wait for Destiny 3
  • MurmaiderMurmaider Member UncommonPosts: 123
    edited May 2018
    It seems they are taking steps to make the game better, just like they did in D1.
    By HoW, D1 was getting in to a good rhythm.

    But it shouldn't be the case this time. They shouldn't have to do this all over again.
    They should have stuck with what made D1 great and expanded on it.

    Not create a sequel and take 3 steps back.
  • akiira69akiira69 Member UncommonPosts: 615

    Onijin said:

    It'll be dead within a month after the launch of this short dlc, just like the predecessor it'll have nothing to keep it going. enjoy the last month of the games life, then sit and wait for Destiny 3

    I love how you are so sure that the game is going to die soon. I have seen your kind say that about a lot of games. And not once has this type of prediction ever become true.

    "Possibly we humans can exist without actually having to fight. But many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with blood stained hands? Is that the truth?"

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    The game isn't going to die completely but the population will prob shrink again shortly after DLC comes out not sure how fast, that depends on if the new modes are as addictive as they say.

    I still say as a Destiny player the best hope for redemption is prob going to be this fall. If that fails then yea there's always D3 to look forward to I guess. I'm kinda over Destiny personally.
    Cryolitycal[Deleted User]
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • CryolitycalCryolitycal Member UncommonPosts: 205
    You're naive if you think this game can be fixed and the initial population returned. This is not even "WoW is dead" territory. This is dead fo' real territory. Having full clan, not ONE person logging anymore? Yeah. Not one, and not exaggerating. I still log like every 3-4 weeks to take a look, do some event, and by the time it's over I'd rather look at the sun and meditate on the meaning of the universe than "having fun" playing.

    Will I play the new "expansion"? Hell yeah. Because I bought it. But hell no, no more max light level or farming shit. Story over, goodbye Destiny, and this time there's nothing to bring me back, Season Pass is over.

    I don't regret getting the game though. Was really fun for a while until it was clear the raids were puzzles and that there was no actual difficult stuff one can do to separate from the crowd. When that realization set in, the game was over.
  • AlexanderVendiAlexanderVendi Member UncommonPosts: 378
    Warframe puts this pile of .. to absolute shame! bought d2 a few months ago played for a couple of weeks and finished everything the game has to offer (without PURCHASING THE DLC SO YOU CAN ACCESS ENDGAME) , got into warframe i am honestly really happy whit my decision... warframe is love! o/

    Thupli[Deleted User]
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    You're naive if you think this game can be fixed and the initial population returned. This is not even "WoW is dead" territory. This is dead fo' real territory. Having full clan, not ONE person logging anymore? Yeah. Not one, and not exaggerating. I still log like every 3-4 weeks to take a look, do some event, and by the time it's over I'd rather look at the sun and meditate on the meaning of the universe than "having fun" playing.

    Will I play the new "expansion"? Hell yeah. Because I bought it. But hell no, no more max light level or farming shit. Story over, goodbye Destiny, and this time there's nothing to bring me back, Season Pass is over.

    I don't regret getting the game though. Was really fun for a while until it was clear the raids were puzzles and that there was no actual difficult stuff one can do to separate from the crowd. When that realization set in, the game was over.

    Same here. Me and my friends played Destiny 1 practically non-stop for 2 years.

    Destiny 2, we got bored within a month. It was such a shambles of a game and such a huge step back!
    Such terrible changes they made, no idea they can be fixed this time.

    I don't see how they can pull another Taken King expansion here with Destiny 2. There is just too much wrong with this game. :(
  • paul43paul43 Member UncommonPosts: 198
    I really enjoyed Destiny 2 the first few hours, it was fun to grind up, untill you no longer could grind basicly. Then if I remeber corretly it was 1 week quest thing that got you further, and then I quit. Bit too dull to wait 1 week to play the game. Also group finder only worked on some content. Some content were considered "too hard", so you had to go to forums like a 3rd world country to find a group lol... 

    I would have loved to continue playing, I thoght the "adventures" were quite good for sidequests. But then the game tanked and I'll rather play some new games. 
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Destiny 2 still suffers from the same problems, if not worse, that Destiny 1 had, its about time they started supporting the game as a multiplayer one and give players some actual social tools that would enable them to play the game properly, its really not that complicated. Once they start supporting the multiplayer aspect maybe they can get their stuff together and add more content, if Bungie can't even manage that small thing, then, they can probably kiss goodbye to Destiny 3 being a thing too.

  • sipusipu Member UncommonPosts: 200
    edited May 2018
    It's unquestionable that it suffers from a lack of content for those who want's to play it more than few hours per week (PVE wise). Other than that the game is really great and refreshing (mostly coz of amazing gameplay and performance, esp. PVP wise). Hope it will be growing.
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779

    Onijin said:

    It'll be dead within a month after the launch of this short dlc, just like the predecessor it'll have nothing to keep it going. enjoy the last month of the games life, then sit and wait for Destiny 3

    Holy crap, it will be dead within a month of launch? It's weird because a lot of people are still playing Destiny 2. Actually quite a bit more than most games. You would think if the game was as bad as the loud group that don't like it make it seem than it would have died a month into being out. But nope, I can still log in and do any mode and get grouped at any time of day within seconds of queuing. Including Crucible which apparently everyone hates and is awful. I can go to any event happening and by the time it starts people will be around doing it.

    Sure Destiny 2 might not be on the same level of quality as Destiny 1 was in the end. But it seems like most people seem to forget that the first game had this same loud group yelling until The Taken King came out. I remember when everyone was so mad that there wasn't enough content, and that it was so bare bones.
    [Deleted User]
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