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Day Dreaming :)

delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
edited April 2018 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM
I'll have a little secret going on that only you people can understand.  

I have a very active life with a job, family and many other activities.  My house is located in deep farm land that takes ten minuets to get to any highway or populated areas. 

Long time ago when mmorpg's were REALLY MMORPG'S, I would have an alternate story going on inside my head.  It was a fantasy world filled with excitement, intrigue yet the future was unknown.  I would have a group for friends and belong to a guild of people who shared a common goal.  I would have situations unknown to "real life people" where I wouldn't dare try to explain. 

I always felt I developed two states of mind keeping them separated from each other.  Every dry minuet in real life I would drift into fantasy and it would be at it's best when alone, such as driving the farm land to work in the dark, or before I fall asleep.  Even in the middle of doing something complicated at work such as locking a terminal onto a satellite, setting up for communications,  I would still catch myself drifting into fantasy..... This had to be kept a secret.  But one I was good at.   My daily goal was to take care of all business, responsibilities, and even fun activities so I could return to my mmorpg and continue my adventures.  

Off Line Video Games can only fill half this void, and modern mmorpgs "none at all".  It's almost like modern mmorpg's are like nothing !!!........ They fill no gap what's-so-ever !!!...... They're brainless, simple, easy, carrot-on-a-stick !!! 

I guess I'll have to accept the "new group" that took over this site that are looking for simple hit-and-run-fun.  But I'm searching for something more.... Call me crazy (I don't care), but I want more !!!!   

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
[Deleted User]CryomatrixConstantineMeruscraftseeker


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    The very distinct difference i feel from then and now is i used to have a feeling of i can't wait to get home and discover new stuff in game.NOW i feel like what goes through my head is ,i'll simply be looking for npc's with a ? over their head to do a bunch of errands.

    That feeling i had of no hand holding,no linear direction was and to this day done by VERY few games.If al the games were like Wow back in the day,i would have never got into mmorpg's and just stuck to playing single player rpg's.

    The designs that turn me off all resemble f2p/ Korean type games,stuff i never want to play.Maybe some day that will change but i doubt it,i see it getting worse as now these developers are aiming more at yet more shallow gimmicks like battle Royale's and "end game" and RAIDING and ARPG like combat.

    When i used to play my Ranger it was incredibly exciting,i would be thinking oh cool i wonder what i should use an accuracy arrow or a piercing arrow or a blunt arrow ir maybe i'll use an xbow and sleep bolts and elemental arrows and stun bolts and drain bolts etc etc.Then one day i would be thinking,hmm maybe i'll try using a gun sounds like fun,then a whole array of different bullets.

    Then i would set out to harvest the materials and craft my ammo,now a days i see most every game the Ranger class doesn't even have an ammo slot...sigh,such terribly bland boring crappy designs happening out there.
    [Deleted User]craftseeker

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476

    The original EQ is still out there, Looking for you.
    [Deleted User]
    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Elsabolts said:

    The original EQ is still out there, Looking for you.

    I know, I had a short experience with P1999.   I played it at a bad time in my life with many temporary situations going on that had cleared up for the most part.  

    However, I have to admit EQ1 shows it's age.  

    It's best played with ones that had an already experience with it.  It's not to say a noob's can't catch up, but playing catch up with established players is a hard thing to do...... I decided to let that one rest.  I'm  ready to play on an even playing field with something more up-to-date. 

    I'm sure millions of players would feel the same :)
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,631
    When we have a online virtual world you are going to be an early adopter. Make sure you don't end up like these guys! :)

  • Flyte27Flyte27 Member RarePosts: 4,574
    edited April 2018
    I feel the same way.  I don't know if it's the games or not.

    When I go back and watch old movies I can kind of feel that same excitement/imagination and get lost for an hour or two, but I find I'm a bit wary these days.  I've realized that people use media as a way to get people to think their way and take advantage of them.  It is the same today. 

    I do feel that the more sand boxy environments of older games allowed for greater use of imagination.  Today very little is left to imagination and experiences are very directed.  Part of this is because not everyone has a good imagination IMO.  I used to get so lost in movies and games as a kid it's like I had a VR going on inside my head.  This even persisted throughout my 20s.  Most people need directions and good graphics.  There is more money to be made there.

    Another part is there is just too much entertainment.  I can feel the impact of this myself.  I was lucky enough to grow up right before the big video game/entertainment explosion.  Part of my life I had to use my imagination for almost everything entertainment wise.  There were movies, but they weren't quite as widely available.  I didn't have a TV in my room initially and ended up with a black and white small TV at some point.  Instead my friends and I mostly made things up for fun or played sports.  This was in the 80s. 

    In the 90s I started playing video games a lot more.  I think by the 2000s my imagination was already starting to suffer a bit from all the non stop entertainment.  Things have changed a lot.  People don't have time to stop and imagine things in this day and age.  Everything is about factual data and statistics.
    Post edited by Flyte27 on
  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    @Flyte27 nice post, but please use paragraphs in all your future posts.

    Nice post delete, I think what you are looking is for novelty and it hasn't been there in ages. Try something new and different, maybe it will help, my video game hiatus is going well, no games in the past week, feel better about myself, more motivated, etc. 

    Good luck trying to find something new.

    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Another of theses posts from the same guy... "today games suck, today gamers suck".  Keep in mind that this guy started MMORPGs with World of Warcraft !

    Personally, I can still log into one of those nasty "modern" MMORPGs and get lost in the world for 4+ hours at a time (sometimes 8+ hours when alone at home). Just like I was doing back in the old Ultima Online times 20+ years ago.

    - Hey, it's dinner time, wanna come help and eat?
    - What? But we just finished lunch and I logged in 5 minutes... hell ok, make that 5 hours ago.

    Happens all the time.

    Maybe some people aren't gamers anymore? I'm still one, and I'm still amazed by what the various AAA gaming studios can produce.

    Elsabolts said:

    The original EQ is still out there, Looking for you.
    They don't do that, because they know immersion in that game, by today's standards, sucks donkey ass ;)

    Your nasty
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,631
    "Keep in mind that this guy started MMORPGs with World of Warcraft !"

    Kids these days! :D
    [Deleted User]
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Scot said:
    "Keep in mind that this guy started MMORPGs with World of Warcraft !"

    Kids these days! :D

    I had so much fun,
    Remember the first run at level 6 from Darnassus on the island of Teldrassil to Darkshore, then the boat to Menethil Harbor, across the wetlands to the Loch, then into Dun Morough into the great city of Ironforge ?..... Years later, I did this run several times showing my RL friends, they loved it too!  

    We would have such battles just outside Scarlet Monastery, even sneaking from the Library to the Armory was hard when you had a Horde Warlock ready to blast you in the face !  

    Sunken Temple was my all time favorite, deep in the waters located in Swamp of Sorrows, we spent hours in their at level 50.     

    Good times !!.... Good Good times :)
  • dougha1dougha1 Member UncommonPosts: 152
    Scot said:
    "Keep in mind that this guy started MMORPGs with World of Warcraft !"

    Kids these days! :D
    I could have sworn Ultima Online came out before WoW by several years?  Oh, that's the joke. :p
    This forum is broken. It is time to move to proboards, because they're broken.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,631
    Scot said:
    "Keep in mind that this guy started MMORPGs with World of Warcraft !"

    Kids these days! :D

    I had so much fun,
    Remember the first run at level 6 from Darnassus on the island of Teldrassil to Darkshore, then the boat to Menethil Harbor, across the wetlands to the Loch, then into Dun Morough into the great city of Ironforge ?..... Years later, I did this run several times showing my RL friends, they loved it too!  

    We would have such battles just outside Scarlet Monastery, even sneaking from the Library to the Armory was hard when you had a Horde Warlock ready to blast you in the face !  

    Sunken Temple was my all time favorite, deep in the waters located in Swamp of Sorrows, we spent hours in their at level 50.     

    Good times !!.... Good Good times :)
    The thing is although WoW was a real departure from earlier MMOs in comparison to what we see now it was actually not hugley different. Todays versions of WoW are so far from UO, AC, EQ etc we question if they should be called MMOs. I can't remember anyone saying when WoW came out  "this is not a MMO".
  • postlarvalpostlarval Member EpicPosts: 2,003

    However, I have to admit EQ1 shows it's age.  
    I think you mean EQ1 graphics.

    Great gameplay is timeless.
    ~~ postlarval ~~

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    OP do you recall during your furious thread posting when @DMKano would come by and respond that the current generation did not have the time to spend on a game like Everquest. You defended that by saying that it wasn't true that people would find the time to play and that he was generalising in the worst way and so on and so forth about how there were millions of players waiting to play Pantheon.

    Now you are guilty of giving the very excuses he said would be the reason for people not playing a game like Pantheon for why you quit playing Everquest. I don't think you even recognise how your threads reveal your own enthusiasm for something you have no clear idea of and yet support but in reality may be a game you cannot actually hack. Complaining about Everquest graphics... gameplay as pointed by @postlarval is timeless. Any true connoisseur of good gameplay will not condemn a game for its graphics. 

    The other thing about your excuse is the reason that there were too many high level players in the classic server of Everquest but you played till like level 5 so another lame excuse. I don't think there was any danger of you actually seeing the end game at the time you made the decision to quit the type of game you have been clamouring for on these boards.

    I wish you would admit while posting these threads that the lofty vantage from which you purport to give your views is false and has no real footing since you do not have any experience other than vanilla WoW to back it. Vanilla WoW was a terribly easy game in comparison to Everquest.

    @Jean-Luc_Picard had  a point.

  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    kitarad said:
    OP do you recall during your furious thread posting when @DMKano would come by and respond that the current generation did not have the time to spend on a game like Everquest. You defended that by saying that it wasn't true that people would find the time to play and that he was generalising in the worst way and so on and so forth about how there were millions of players waiting to play Pantheon.

    Now you are guilty of giving the very excuses he said would be the reason for people not playing a game like Pantheon for why you quit playing Everquest. I don't think you even recognise how your threads reveal your own enthusiasm for something you have no clear idea of and yet support but in reality may be a game you cannot actually hack. Complaining about Everquest graphics... gameplay as pointed by @postlarval is timeless. Any true connoisseur of good gameplay will not condemn a game for its graphics. 

    The other thing about your excuse is the reason that there were too many high level players in the classic server of Everquest but you played till like level 5 so another lame excuse. I don't think there was any danger of you actually seeing the end game at the time you made the decision to quit the type of game you have been clamouring for on these boards.

    I wish you would admit while posting these threads that the lofty vantage from which you purport to give your views is false and has no real footing since you do not have any experience other than vanilla WoW to back it. Vanilla WoW was a terribly easy game in comparison to Everquest.

    @Jean-Luc_Picard had  a point.

    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    I used to be like the OP but these days I just argue with the voices in my head,  keeps all of us entertained.

    [Deleted User]

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • sunandshadowsunandshadow Member RarePosts: 1,985
    In the past few years I've found reading stories about people playing VRMMO games to be more satisfying than any actual MMOs I can play.  So that's what I recommend, reading.
    I want to help design and develop a PvE-focused, solo-friendly, sandpark MMO which combines crafting, monster hunting, and story.  So PM me if you are starting one.
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    Its the community and friendships that I miss.  Newer games don't "require" you to make the same level of friends.  You end up grouping with whoever.  Even in a guild people come and go.   Those things are still there.  Even my old guild had a hard time keeping together.  People drift to other games.  There were only a few games before as well.

    The other issue is that you can complete most goals on your own.  The only guild recently that I was involved in much and felt sad leaving was in WoW.  (I loved my old one from DAOC and WOW).  This new guild was pretty tight but moved into raiding as most groups that play a lot together tend to do in WoW.  I was asked to help run the guild but wasn't into raiding and eventually grew board of the game.

    The Realm and UO had hte best guild / Friendship experience for me.   I would say it was the older player base but at that point I would have been in my 20s maybe. :)  The most mature person in my guild on the realm was 16 :)  I almost didn't let him join.  Imagine that today :)

    I thought about the game often but never did get into a fantasy mind-frame.  I always had too many other tings I was thinking about :)

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    It's all about variation.  The difference is this: 

    Auto mechanic - Like it or not each day is a different adventure.  You walk into the unknown depending on the job given.  You may pull a transmission or change breaks or change ball joints, maybe a simple day of changing oil in five vehicles...... Variation ! 

    Restaurant waitress/waiter - Like it or not each day is the same.  Customers arrive, you may talk a little, take their order and serve them food....... No variation !  

    "I can't believe variation needs to have an explanation"  

    No creativity in mmorpgs any more ! 
    After playing two hours straight, do you really have to give any thought of what you have done, or what you will be doing next time ?  

    Many here think I'm insulting modern games or game players...... Honestly, yes the modern games, the players no !!!!!....... Except the ones that think their should be only "no variation". 

    I could name at least five heavy posters that feel their should be no variation EVER.
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Another of theses posts from the same guy... "today games suck, today gamers suck".  Keep in mind that this guy started MMORPGs with World of Warcraft !

    Personally, I can still log into one of those nasty "modern" MMORPGs and get lost in the world for 4+ hours at a time (sometimes 8+ hours when alone at home). Just like I was doing back in the old Ultima Online times 20+ years ago.

    - Hey, it's dinner time, wanna come help and eat?
    - What? But we just finished lunch and I logged in 5 minutes... hell ok, make that 5 hours ago.

    Happens all the time.

    Maybe some people aren't gamers anymore? I'm still one, and I'm still amazed by what the various AAA gaming studios can produce.

    Elsabolts said:

    The original EQ is still out there, Looking for you.
    They don't do that, because they know immersion in that game, by today's standards, sucks donkey ass ;)

    First here are some facts: 
    - Because of the state mmorpg's are in, many posters here are gone and are not here to vote.  They simply gave up and moved on.  They would have voted negatively and you know it.  I would like to say thousands if not millions, but if I attach numbers, this would open your small attempt to white wash this poll. 
    - This poll runs approximately every two months, ALWAYS with the same results.  Yet it's ignored for SOME REASION ! 
    - Other than this site polls, their is no other way to be sure other poles are not white washed.  This site has at random mmorpg players and are not affiliated with any company.  It's basically the best you could get in all fairness.  "Reputable" is the key word !!!!!
    - This poll ran for 6 days and had 56 votes, again the best results you could find any place.  Other polls have ran longer and more results ALWAYS THE SAME RESULTS ! 
    - developers admits this site needs to go beyond mmo's for advertisement's.

    How are things: 
    1  Yes, better than ever 19.64% 
    2  Yes, but not as good 17.86% 
    3  Maybe 1.79% 
    4  No, but some in development 16.09%
    5  No, but absolutely nothing like before 44.64%  

    Ok, now for some math: 

    4 and 5 = 60.73% 
    2, 4 and 5 = 78.59% 
    3 doesn't seem to count  

    That's 60.73 or 78.59% say "not good", depending on how you would like to view the results !

    Hay, lets try and NOT ignore another poll !!!
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,631
    In the long term I think Deletes dream will come true, but it may turn out to be a nightmare. People do seem to want to have an existence online, so I question the idea that people now just want casual games.

    Look at the amount of time people can spend in social media, that is living online surely? Is it casual, well just like gaming you can put it down, but people do spend hours at a time on it. Many play "casual" games for hours at a time too. Some sort of digitally interconnected life seems to be desired by most people on the planet. But what form would it take?

    Funnily enough I think the social media types would want what has diminished so much in MMOs, a community. Where as gamers want to game, but maybe now you are seeing how those two separate visions could unite?

    Something like Second Life, but with decent games and graphics, indeed you could drop some themepark and sandboxes in something so vast. AOL had an idea for a vaguely similar sort of online life community.

    But it could be quite awful, bringing with it all the inanity of YouTwit, the virtue signalling and witch hunts of Twatter and the privacy intrusion of Facepalm. Ok by now you have realised my opinion of social media is not high. :)

    In many ways we are better off in games worlds where all that is kept firmly outside.
  • sunandshadowsunandshadow Member RarePosts: 1,985
    kitarad said:
    Complaining about Everquest graphics... gameplay as pointed by @postlarval is timeless. Any true connoisseur of good gameplay will not condemn a game for its graphics. 

    Sorry man, but that's just not how it is.  I have been an amateur game designer for many years, and spent plenty of time thinking about gameplay, but I've been someone who enjoys nice art for even longer.  I wouldn't play chess with a fugly or gross chess set even though it's the exact same gameplay there would be with a pretty chess set.
    Cryomatrix[Deleted User]
    I want to help design and develop a PvE-focused, solo-friendly, sandpark MMO which combines crafting, monster hunting, and story.  So PM me if you are starting one.
  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    I'm a graphic whore, I just can't play crappy graphics as it feels cheap and unpolished, even though it is true that it is cheap, it is not true that it is unpolished, but it is how I feel about it.
    [Deleted User]
    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • postlarvalpostlarval Member EpicPosts: 2,003
    kitarad said:
    Complaining about Everquest graphics... gameplay as pointed by @postlarval is timeless. Any true connoisseur of good gameplay will not condemn a game for its graphics. 

    Sorry man, but that's just not how it is.  I have been an amateur game designer for many years, and spent plenty of time thinking about gameplay, but I've been someone who enjoys nice art for even longer.  I wouldn't play chess with a fugly or gross chess set even though it's the exact same gameplay there would be with a pretty chess set.
    You sound more like a graphic designer than a game designer. I know several game developers and I can't think of one that would be passionate about graphics over gameplay. Most of the game developers I know obsess over gameplay.
    ~~ postlarval ~~

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    kitarad said:
    Complaining about Everquest graphics... gameplay as pointed by @postlarval is timeless. Any true connoisseur of good gameplay will not condemn a game for its graphics. 

    Sorry man, but that's just not how it is.  I have been an amateur game designer for many years, and spent plenty of time thinking about gameplay, but I've been someone who enjoys nice art for even longer.  I wouldn't play chess with a fugly or gross chess set even though it's the exact same gameplay there would be with a pretty chess set.
    You sound more like a graphic designer than a game designer. I know several game developers and I can't think of one that would be passionate about graphics over gameplay. Most of the game developers I know obsess over gameplay.

    Greed and need for great graphics are killing mmorpg's.  Too much time is put in both.
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,650
    kitarad said:
    Complaining about Everquest graphics... gameplay as pointed by @postlarval is timeless. Any true connoisseur of good gameplay will not condemn a game for its graphics. 

    Sorry man, but that's just not how it is.  I have been an amateur game designer for many years, and spent plenty of time thinking about gameplay, but I've been someone who enjoys nice art for even longer.  I wouldn't play chess with a fugly or gross chess set even though it's the exact same gameplay there would be with a pretty chess set.
    You sound more like a graphic designer than a game designer. I know several game developers and I can't think of one that would be passionate about graphics over gameplay. Most of the game developers I know obsess over gameplay.

    Greed and need for great graphics are killing mmorpg's.  Too much time is put in both.
    And yet, you find dated graphics off putting. Many agree, which is why good graphics have become more of a focus. As for greed, they can only sell what players are willing to buy. We are just as responsible as they for the state of things.
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