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Introducing Reign of Guilds - a First Person Medieval MMO in the Making (Sponsored) -



  • XanzoXanzo Member UncommonPosts: 137

    148 days till open alpha? I'll prolly forgot about this game lol

    I was thinking the same thing.
  • blamo2000blamo2000 Member RarePosts: 1,130

    blamo2000 said:

    Vorch21 said:

    Personally already familiar with gameplay a bit - it's more like medievil mmo-action(with rpg elements).

    Fight pretty monotonous(but still has some dynamics). Character development is very primitive.

    PVP, grinding, and crafting is all these games offer. Which is all a lot of people are looking for. I just wish people looked for a little more in these games. Crowfall, at least, looks like it will have a decent character development system.

    Grind describes character development in my opinion... Not sure what development you'd have without the grind.

    Raise skills.
    Raise attributes/stats.
    Farm/craft gear
    Farm spells
    Raise/lower factions
    Level up (may not apply here)
    The main reason I enjoy the grind is because the grind is the means of character development.

    I like choice-heavy chardev, with tons of opportunity costs.  And I enjoy varied content, like you'd see in a SP game.  If the content is fun to play through, it isn't a grind.

    But, my definition of grind is the traditional one of killing mobs over and over with the express purpose of advancing by the grind.  I've seen some people say doing quests is a grind to them, and in some games I've felt the same.  I dislike any form of repetitive monotony.  
  • DAOWAceDAOWAce Member UncommonPosts: 436
    Is that Unreal Engine 3?

    Looks dated already.. and third person.
  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381
    Stopped to read at "first person".
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Another heavy PvP focused game.  I didn't read about anything overwhelmingly new or innovative.  I *did* very much like the main theme music.  Very atmospheric.  I may have to dig into this one a bit.


    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • SignexSignex Member UncommonPosts: 319
    The combat looks horrible, alpha or not i don't think this game will survive. They have a few video's up with combat. I don't mind if it looks dated but this is worse.
    AMD Ryzen 5800X3D - Gigabyte Aorus RTX 3080 10G Master - 16GB RAM
  • DavodtheTuttDavodtheTutt Member UncommonPosts: 415
    Again, lots of promise, but rather vague. I've seen too many games that talked about crafting, but when you go to craft, it says "go kill a bunch of X until you get 10 of their part A," then "go kill some Z until you get 10 of their part C" and then you "combine" them in the prescribed manner and you get the exact same whatchamacallit as everyone else who follows this entirely prescribed procedure. I think crafting should involve exploration and/or trading, experimentation and discovery, and options, skilled and timed processing, and some intelligence, with variable outcomes.
  • wilcoxonwilcoxon Member UncommonPosts: 98
    "We so often hear about players wanting non-tab targeting and open world PvP right from the first steps in the game world"

    Really? I personally don't know a single MMO player looking for these aspects to a game. I will definitely be giving this one a miss (due to those exact things). In my views, too many games have now gone to non-tab targeting (and/or pvp).

    Active: D&D Online (alpha,beta,&unlimited)

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  • LasterbaLasterba Member UncommonPosts: 137
    I don't even have to go to the website.  I can tell by the name that this game will be a worthless pile of shit.
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
  • LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
    lost me at 1st person only .... dunno why I just can never get into 1st person games , maybe ill give it a try if the pvp turns out good
  • craftseekercraftseeker Member RarePosts: 1,740
    "wanting non-tab targeting and open world PvP right from the first steps in the game world. 
    Read more at" and right there you have lost me. Walking quietly away now.
  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
    Just reading the article and looking at the site raises a lot of flags.  First off, the first-person pvp is problematical at best.  Secondly,  we are talking about a MMO here and the timetable seems rushed for what anyone would reasonably expect from such a game.   A niche game at best, it will probably not be on many people's radar for the foreseeable future.
  • Obscure42Obscure42 Member CommonPosts: 2

    Again, lots of promise, but rather vague. I've seen too many games that talked about crafting, but when you go to craft, it says "go kill a bunch of X until you get 10 of their part A," then "go kill some Z until you get 10 of their part C" and then you "combine" them in the prescribed manner and you get the exact same whatchamacallit as everyone else who follows this entirely prescribed procedure. I think crafting should involve exploration and/or trading, experimentation and discovery, and options, skilled and timed processing, and some intelligence, with variable outcomes.

    Soon there will be articles from developers that will provide more deep look into crafting system.
  • Obscure42Obscure42 Member CommonPosts: 2

    googlemo said:

    I got a little scared there for a second thought this was the same team that did Reign of Kings and abandons every game they start.

    But this does look quite interesting. Seems a lot of Russian projects pop up out of nowhere.

    Exactly. Am now dubious to any russian game's comming into early access. Have purchased far too many of them now for them to get abandoned partway through and they dont even notify the players that bought into their game to support it. Now if its a single player non online game then more chances that it will be finished, however if its multiplayer or online or both chances are 98% that it will be abandoned.

    Thats how things right now have come across for Russian based game developers.

    Em... name 3 russians mmorpgs that came out in the last 5years and were left "abandoned"? Because I know only 1 and it came out few months ago(and is far from abandoned).

    As for this game, it can be good, but one thing in this article caught my attention in a bad way: "PvE", the whole pve is crafting? No NPCs, quests, mobs to kill? Thats a bigass chunk of the game out from the very beginning.

    There will be world quests, mobs, Bosses to kill and different PvE activities. Though the game is PvP oriented, true
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Looks like Mortal Online

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

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