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What do you play in 2018 or still playing from 2017

HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 962
edited March 2018 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM
Ok let me start.

I play Rift Prime but having doubts about the future of this game. So i cancled my sub. GG

I also played LOL but recently deinstalled it due to the toxic players that ruined my day and good mood.
And eventualy also made me a toxic frankenstein monster player.

Then i play Path of exile...casual trying new builds.

I recently just bought Farcry 5 and its great because i play coop with a friend.

I also installed ESO and tryed 1 month vip sub. but heard about this combat skill issue with people cancel the animation
when casting to cast faster.Also i got bored with only 5-6 skills cast.

What do you play now ?



  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    Vendetta Online
    Elder Scrolls Legends
    Dwarf Fortress
    A number of indies on Steam

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited April 2018
               Anarchy Online
               Ultima Online
               Path of Exiles
               Project Gorgon

     and next Friday Arcfall has a big update going in and have been itching to get back into that one
  • NephethNepheth Member RarePosts: 473
    World of Warcraft
    Return of Reckoning
    Rainbow Six
    For Honor

    These are the games I'm actively playing right now. I'll probably buy Ni no Kuni 2 soon. For now there is no other game that I'm interested enough.
  • snoockysnoocky Member UncommonPosts: 726
    Project Gorgon!

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allan Poe

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,118
    Black desert
    Some Elder Scrolls Online
    Fooling around with Project Gorgon.
    Starting Neverwinter nights again.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Ok let me start.

    I play Rift Prime but having doubts about the future of this game. So i cancled my sub. GG

    I also played LOL but recently deinstalled it due to the toxic players that ruined my day and good mood.
    And eventualy also made me a toxic frankenstein monster player.

    Then i play Path of exile...casual trying new builds.

    I recently just bought Farcry 5 and its great because i play coop with a friend.

    I also installed ESO and tryed 1 month vip sub. but heard about this combat skill issue with people cancel the animation
    when casting to cast faster.Also i got bored with only 5-6 skills cast.

    What do you play now ?

    If you keep playing all the games that are just popular you'll keep playing a lot of bad games.

    First of all the mindset of toxic is some new  term internet people have been tossing around the last couple years,seem nerds have to come up with some tech word to insult others every year.Some times it is HATER or TROLL,they just need so vile term to insult.

    The very premise of pvp is to entice anger,so why anyone would think that is an environment full of pink roses is beyond me.

    So my point is it depends on your mood.Oif you want pvp,then expect a different environment,it is the sole reason aimbots and cheats exist,people get riled and want is also exploit by developers using p2w cash shops.

    If you want a more relaxing environment you play a mmorpg or a rpg.It depends on the game design,i know playing FFXI i could setup camp and rest whenever i felt like it,in Wow not so good they auto spread trash mobs everywhere just to annoy you so your options to rest are a little less.

    As well devs will make TOO many mobs aggro,so if phone rings or an emergency or doorbell you can't just walk away without dying,sop game design plays a huge role in how relaxed you are playing a mmorpg.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,517
    Guild Wars 2
    Black Desert Online
    ESO sometimes
    FFXIV (trial at the moment)
    Various games on Steam (I hundreds to choose from)
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,562
    Hyper Universe
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    Nyctelios said:
    Vendetta Online
    Elder Scrolls Legends
    Dwarf Fortress
    A number of indies on Steam
    I always wanted to play Dwarf Fortress but the UI kills me. Do you have any sugest on guides or tutorial online?
    You can try following the Wiki:

    ...although to me this feels a bit too much like paint-by-numbers for what is supposed to be an unfettered canvas.

    What really did it for me was watching series after series by Kruggsmash on YouTube:

    You sort of get a feel for what gets the most weight given to it by an experienced player.  This helped ease the anxiety that I was doing something wrong: I realized the point wasn't to not make mistakes but rather to learn by doing.

    I also recommend spending some time in Legends mode to get a feel for the world you've generated, and playing lots of Adventure Mode.  Fortress Mode, the meat and potatoes, is hard-difficulty.  Definitely try Adventure Mode to get some really cool "DF moments" with less complexity.

    Figuring out the UI, for better or for worse, is literally half the game in DF for me.  The payoff is the level of simulation.  There's really nothing else like it.  RimWorld is maybe an order of magnitude less involved.
    [Deleted User]

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • munsil42munsil42 Member UncommonPosts: 96
    FFXIV 3 years strong now
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    GW2 since launch.  ESO off and on for a long time.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • bonzoso21bonzoso21 Member UncommonPosts: 380
    As far as MMOs go, I log into WoW 2 or 3 times a week and log into ESO every couple months or so. For gaming in general, I dabble in a bit of everything:

    Currently slowly chugging away at Monster Hunter World, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, though I haven't turned on any of them in at least a month. In the last month my gaming has been infrequent, but consisted mostly of trying out Sea of Thieves a few times on GamePass or dabbling in Battlefield 1 and Battlefront 2. I'm really looking forward to God of War, but not sure if I'll drop everything to start it right away or buy it and let it sit unopened for a bit while I wrap up those other games that I have in progress. 
  • KyarraKyarra Member UncommonPosts: 789
    Been getting back into Secret World Legends, but also doing a lot of VR stuff. Wipeout VR is so fun, also Skyrim VR and Moss keep my attention. Really sick of the main MMO's like ESO and FFXIV. Biding my time for a fun MMO to come along again.
  • shetlandslarsenshetlandslarsen Member UncommonPosts: 204
    I am a scizo misanthrope. So one day I may go BANZAI on your post.
    Have not yet though. Maybe there is hope?
    Nah there is really none for me or the human race. 
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    Just bought the Legion and BfA bundle.  I am enjoying Legion a lot more than I thought I would.  I haven't bought an expansion since WotLK.

    I am always thinking of playing LOTRO again but just can't get back into it this time.

    I will check out any new games that actually launch after reviews.  Might try out Project Gorgon again or Eq2 (which I only played in beta).

    Kind of a sad list really.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    Torchlight 2


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 962
    Hmm NWN EE I might try this out..I loved NWN back then
    Also This gorgon game looks decent

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Mount & Blade Warband multiplayer (when cRPG is dead)
    Farcry 5 is on its way in mail
    Just got a cheap ps3 version of Max Payne 3 so am playing through that again, first time was pc version.
    John Woo's Stranglehold for ps3- a clunkier version of Max Payne but I still find it fun.
    Might pick up Holdfast Nations at War as it is on sale for $13 til april 13th.

    Scorchien said:

     and next Friday Arcfall has a big update going in and have been itching to get back into that one
    Looks like that game is going f2p next friday too. I might test it then.

  • dougha1dougha1 Member UncommonPosts: 152
    Sovrath said:

    My n'wah.  :)

    ATM, most of my game time is Guild Wars (one), but Morrowind gets some play as well.
    I would get (Dungeon Siege) Legends of Arana in there but I have an apparently unsolvable graphics glitch with it.
    This forum is broken. It is time to move to proboards, because they're broken.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,517
    Asheram said:
    Mount & Blade Warband multiplayer (when cRPG is dead)
    Farcry 5 is on its way in mail
    Just got a cheap ps3 version of Max Payne 3 so am playing through that again, first time was pc version.
    John Woo's Stranglehold for ps3- a clunkier version of Max Payne but I still find it fun.
    Might pick up Holdfast Nations at War as it is on sale for $13 til april 13th.

    Scorchien said:

     and next Friday Arcfall has a big update going in and have been itching to get back into that one
    Looks like that game is going f2p next friday too. I might test it then.

    Ahh the Albion Online knock-off. Seriously, is there really much difference between how the two play, minus the fact that one is now f2p?
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    edited April 2018
    PC I play Black Desert and Echo Of Soul. Waiting on ArcheAge 4.5, Bless Online and Aion 6.0 Free Fly

    Xbox One X I am playing a lot of everything. Game Pass is amazing. ;)

  • turinmacleodturinmacleod Staff WriterMember UncommonPosts: 166
    A lot of Vermintide, a game I would like to be better at than I am. Slay the Spire when frustration gets the better of me.

  • btdtbtdt Member RarePosts: 523
    Wizardry said:
    Ok let me start.

    I play Rift Prime but having doubts about the future of this game. So i cancled my sub. GG

    I also played LOL but recently deinstalled it due to the toxic players that ruined my day and good mood.
    And eventualy also made me a toxic frankenstein monster player.

    Then i play Path of exile...casual trying new builds.

    I recently just bought Farcry 5 and its great because i play coop with a friend.

    I also installed ESO and tryed 1 month vip sub. but heard about this combat skill issue with people cancel the animation
    when casting to cast faster.Also i got bored with only 5-6 skills cast.

    What do you play now ?

    If you keep playing all the games that are just popular you'll keep playing a lot of bad games.

    First of all the mindset of toxic is some new  term internet people have been tossing around the last couple years,seem nerds have to come up with some tech word to insult others every year.Some times it is HATER or TROLL,they just need so vile term to insult.

    The very premise of pvp is to entice anger,so why anyone would think that is an environment full of pink roses is beyond me.

    So my point is it depends on your mood.Oif you want pvp,then expect a different environment,it is the sole reason aimbots and cheats exist,people get riled and want is also exploit by developers using p2w cash shops.

    If you want a more relaxing environment you play a mmorpg or a rpg.It depends on the game design,i know playing FFXI i could setup camp and rest whenever i felt like it,in Wow not so good they auto spread trash mobs everywhere just to annoy you so your options to rest are a little less.

    As well devs will make TOO many mobs aggro,so if phone rings or an emergency or doorbell you can't just walk away without dying,sop game design plays a huge role in how relaxed you are playing a mmorpg.

    OP just wanted to know what games YOU are playing right now.  What games are YOU actively playing.  Because if you aren't playing anything, your comments are moot.
    Hyperpsycrow[Deleted User]PhryConstantineMerusKyleran
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    edited April 2018
    Monster Hunter World
    Rift Prime
    Project: Gorgon
    Grim Dawn

    And a seperate list for Switch games:

    SM Osyssey
    RE Revelations
    RE Revelations 2
    Azure Nights 2
    Bayonetta 1/2
    Wonder Boy

    Post edited by lahnmir on
    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

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