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Paths Will Help Define Your Character Through Multi-Part Story Quests - City of Titans -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited January 2018 in News & Features Discussion

imagePaths Will Help Define Your Character Through Multi-Part Story Quests - City of Titans -

City of Titans News - The City of Titans site has been updated with a detailed look at the Path System that the game will utilize to help players define their characters. These story arcs are multi-part and allow players to interact with "enemies, allies, locations and plots" that are packed with lore.

Read the full story here



  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311
    Already more personalized progression than almost every MMO out there.
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    I really hope this one gets off the ground.

    @SBFord I demand we create an awesome supergroup for the site if one of these titles makes it!

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,108
    I am cautiously interested in this one. I want to see a new success in the superhero subgenre.
  • blamo2000blamo2000 Member RarePosts: 1,130
  • DavodtheTuttDavodtheTutt Member UncommonPosts: 415
    I don't know... $50 buy in PLUS the $15 sub? Having villains at the start, 50/50? Not making me happy. And I looked at their website and they still don't seem to have much going except descriptions, some art, forums and ... Merchandise.

    Much as I'd like to see any successor to City of Heroes make it to public participation of some kind, I'm not holding my breath on this one. : (
  • ZNSingerZNSinger Member CommonPosts: 1
    @DavodtheTutt Our plan is something of a hybrid, the standard mmorpg format can't help but mis-represent it. It is buy to play with a subscription *option* afterward, BUT most of the things you associate with a subscription are available to all who bought the game. All content, all game systems (ie bases in all forms and levels) etc. You can read the full details here:
  • AvelWorldCreatorAvelWorldCreator Member UncommonPosts: 5
    Also thanks for the positive comments. Putting a game together of this size isn't at all easy.
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