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A few weeks ago, I received the noblechairs: ICON gaming chair in order to write a review for Honestly, I’m not usually the type for hardware or peripheral reviews, but when I saw this one, I knew it was the chair for me. This is our noblechairs: ICON review.
I do I admit, a computer chair is very important, if I am going to put in the time I want to at least be comfortable
Use a standing chair! lol
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
I'm pretty sure my wife would beg to differ.
My chair is also a geesh very close to 4 years old now,well lets say 3 since i was in the Hospitol quite some time and has ZERO wear and tear,is still very comfortable,i never get a sore back and i used to in other chairs and i often sit back in it to watch movies as well.
Point being,you SHOULD be able to find a very good chair for 150 bucks give or take 20 and be every bit as functional,comfortable and as good as 90% of the gaming chairs that cost twice as much.
If i was going to buy one of these,it would likely be from Secret Labs,but i won't be because every time i see cheap looking arm rests "yes i know adjustable",i get turned off.
Want to see some REAL CHAIRS,albeit extremely costly ,but these are chairs one could actually talk..brag about and practically live in them lol.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Fast forward to the gf getting a Vertagear, and well, it was surprisingly far more comfortable than the nice "office chair". Just being able to lean back like a car seat is a big improvement over the regular office chair design. In my honest opinion, it was money well spent. It is furniture after all. I can't vouch for any other brand, but the Vertagear was well made and extremely comfortable.
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Except one problem,almost NOBODY sits in them with good poster,people are leaning forward gaming.The only time you mildly see proper use is a lazy streamer just sitting back fondling a cell phone asking for subs or donations.
The ergo chairs are outdated and imo a joke,terrible and to see many still charging way to much for those outdated chairs.On that Titan site i posted they are selling those ergo chairs that look rubbish for upwards of 800 dollars you joking me.
Perhaps the most important aspect of a chair if sitting long periods is in the area underneath your knees/hamstring area.You need proper circulation otherwise it will cause long term problems,something you likely won't trace back to sitting in a chair that cuts off circulation through the legs.So more importantly than cost or value whatever,you need to realize if the chair is in anyway cutting off circulation.If you feel like circulation is still good,then great,if not,then everything else doesn't matter,the chair is bad for you.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Your chair is one of the most important parts of working with computers other than the computer itself. A bad chair can hurt things like posture, spine compression, nerve damage, etc... which over time will affect your health. It doesn't matter if you are spending 10 minutes or an hour to be honest get a good chair.