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PS4 or Xbox for a slow old man?

MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
Hey guys,

I'm still considering my console options.  Switch is sold out everywhere, and I guess right now, I'd basically just be buying it to play Zelda.  So I've been considering a PS4 or Xbox.

Question is, which of those two has more laid back, easier, less twitchy game options for a slow, uncoordinated old timer?  Or are they about the same libraries, other than a few exclusive titles?



  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    They are about the same libraries, other than a few exclusive titles.

  • OhhPaigeyOhhPaigey Member RarePosts: 1,517
    It's pretty much the same in the end. I've always preferred Playstation over Xbox, but that's all it is, a preference.

    Same thing as Dodge vs Ford, ect.
    When all is said and done, more is always said than done.
  • MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
    OK.  Might as well go for PS4 for FF 12 and 15, then.
  • VicodinTacoVicodinTaco Member UncommonPosts: 804

    OhhPaigey said:

    It's pretty much the same in the end. I've always preferred Playstation over Xbox, but that's all it is, a preference.

    Same thing as Dodge vs Ford, ect.

    Not really tho.

    Playstation has soooooo many titles from PS1 and 2 and even 3 now available.  Especially all those old school RPG's.  (which actually play best on the Vita.)
  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871
    Both are pretty much the same and have the same titles with the exception that each has a few exclusives. The xbox one is backwards compatible though (many great xbox 360 titles available) and i dont think the PS4 is.
  • Kunai_VaxKunai_Vax Member RarePosts: 527
    When i had to make the same decision it basically came down to one thing, which controller felt more comfortable with my hands. I went with PS4. 

  • ZukapeZukape Member UncommonPosts: 93
    I dont know the price range in other countries, but in my country it Xb1 went a lot cheaper. My older brother used to had PS4. After I convinced him to buy xb1 he started to like it a lot.

    Biggest one was Xbox live and psn memberships. On Xbox live every month you get decent games and it adds them to your library, stays with you forever. 

    When I had my first xb1, I had 0 games. Just bare bone console. And I didnt wanted to play xb360 games on next-gen. But due to I was a member for long time. I was collecting free xbox 1 games every month. My brother says it was an issue on ps4. So he wasnt actually able to use it for long time due to lack of free content.

    Another must be mentioned subject is, xbox game pass. They are going to release a membership in next 2months. It is going to contain 100 titles for a small price.

    Both controllers are decent, you might not like both of them. It takes a bit time to get use to it.

    Exclusive titles are to me on XB1 a bit better than PS4, that will sound like a fanboy. But I rather Forza Motorsport than Gran Tourismo. Upcoming PS4 exc. titles are more dominant than xbox one's. But then it still depends what kind of games you like.

    If you dont care about cheap content and If you have a lot of money. None of these above doesnt matter to you at all. So pick anything you want to pick. But If you want to have cheaper entertainment, I highly suggest Xbox One. 

    Last one thing, Xbox One SDK-XDK became a lot easier for developers. So therefore mmorpg's started to crop up on Xbox One. Basicly it means, easier for developers port games from pc to xbox one. 

    End of the day, it is your call. 

  • Starbuck1771Starbuck1771 Member UncommonPosts: 375

    Zukape said:

    I dont know the price range in other countries, but in my country it Xb1 went a lot cheaper. My older brother used to had PS4. After I convinced him to buy xb1 he started to like it a lot.

    Biggest one was Xbox live and psn memberships. On Xbox live every month you get decent games and it adds them to your library, stays with you forever. 

    When I had my first xb1, I had 0 games. Just bare bone console. And I didnt wanted to play xb360 games on next-gen. But due to I was a member for long time. I was collecting free xbox 1 games every month. My brother says it was an issue on ps4. So he wasnt actually able to use it for long time due to lack of free content.

    Another must be mentioned subject is, xbox game pass. They are going to release a membership in next 2months. It is going to contain 100 titles for a small price.

    Both controllers are decent, you might not like both of them. It takes a bit time to get use to it.

    Exclusive titles are to me on XB1 a bit better than PS4, that will sound like a fanboy. But I rather Forza Motorsport than Gran Tourismo. Upcoming PS4 exc. titles are more dominant than xbox one's. But then it still depends what kind of games you like.

    If you dont care about cheap content and If you have a lot of money. None of these above doesnt matter to you at all. So pick anything you want to pick. But If you want to have cheaper entertainment, I highly suggest Xbox One. 

    Last one thing, Xbox One SDK-XDK became a lot easier for developers. So therefore mmorpg's started to crop up on Xbox One. Basicly it means, easier for developers port games from pc to xbox one. 

    End of the day, it is your call. 

    On top of that Xbox is almost ready to release project scorpio.  

  • ZukapeZukape Member UncommonPosts: 93
    Like @Starbuck1771 said project scorpio is on the way. If you are not in rush, just buy phat xbox one until then you will have enough library to enjoy project scorpio. 
  • WalterWhiteWalterWhite Member UncommonPosts: 411
    edited April 2017
    I always had a Playstation since they came out over 20 years ago and loved every generation till the PS4 which was due to the poorly made pad ( the  R2 button kept breaking ie trigger button) and was always needing to be charged. Also the PS+ was not worth it as the free games were absolute crap and never played them so I traded it in for an Xbox One and I have been very happy with my decision.

    The Xbox pad is great plus the Games with Gold are great and play most of them which is new but the best part is now my son has switched over to Xbox too and with the gameshare he can play all my games as well at no extra cost which also includes Xbox Live Gold. I buy Xbox Live Gold and can share it with him so he doesn't have to buy it now that is awesome and any game I buy, he get's it too which Sony doesn't do so I save a lot of money every year.

    Also as someone else mentions, you get backwards compatibility with the Xbox so you can play many Xbox 360 games which are very cheap now and you get two every month with GwG.
  • GladDogGladDog Member RarePosts: 1,097
    I'm almost 60, and I just bought an Xbox One S.  I've been pretty much an exclusive PC gamer since the early 90s.  But I love how versatile the One S is, and the fact that 'Games with Gold gets you so many free games every month.  Mostly I have been playing DC Universe Online on it, and at first I was having a pretty good time.  I was able to get into a guild with a lot of players in their 30s, and it was fun. 

    But the potty mouths on global chat have been getting more and more disrespectful, and especially if one of them loses a duel.  You would think the world just collapsed if they lost!  But most games have this type of stuff, it just seems like there has been a lot more of it on the console.  Before you say, 'just don't watch the global chat', that is where a lot of teaming requests come from.

    Then someone started bad mouthing me because I refused to duel with them.  This person asked me 6 times to duel, but I was not interested in duelling a level 30 CR 159 on my level 15 CR12 alt.  I blew that off, but a couple of days later I had someone asking me to duel, which I declined.  Then they asked me again, and again, and again... I was in a safe house, so I zoned to the Watchtower.  But he figured out where I was going, followed me and asked me to duel, again... and again... and again...

    So I logged off and have not logged back in since.  That was 6 days ago.

    If that is the typical experience in a console game, why would I be interested?  I've decided to stick with PC gaming for now... maybe I will try the Xbox again in the future.

    BTW I doubt the PS4 is any better.

    The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    For me it is all about the exclusives I look at which console has the exclusives I want. PS4 wins hands down for me.

  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
    I like the x box way better, although less exclusives I find much better ones.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    I love my Xbox One. As stated above, they both have a good list of games. I would look them over and see what you want to play. I went with Xbox because of Halo. The extras that Xbox has that make it more then a video game system, thats a big part of more value IMO. Also since Xbox moved to Windows 10, there has been an onslaught of games for PC you can play on your xbox. Some really cool and some really dumb. Just some things to think about. 
  • AlexanderVendiAlexanderVendi Member UncommonPosts: 378
    U could just buy a 2'nd hand nintendo wii u which u can find for around 120 - 130$  or so and get zelda for that... there is no difference (there are videos speculating that it runs way better on the wii u) and i would totally trust a older product whit years of improvements over the switch.
    I only had a ps4 , the exclusives where fun for a while but  u finish them and that's it..most pc games these days come whit controller support anyway and u can easily buy a ps4 controller whit a bluetooth adapter for your pc , if u really want controller!

    Save money for weed and pc upgrades!  *oldman* o/
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited April 2017
    Both PS4 and XBO share the same third party games. It's all about the exclusives you want to play. The number of exclusives on PS4 is astonishing, and a lot more coming this year. XBO is supposed to release new ones with Scorpio too but right now it has a poor exclusive library, and you can play those on PC.

    Honestly, until you can get your switch, your best console investment would be on a PS4. I'm still waiting for reasons to get an XBO. Halo doesn't cut it for me and Forza, Gears of War and Recore are on PC.

    My old  xbox 360 has more exclusives that XBO right now (both not playable on PC and not available on XBO backwards compatibility list).

    My thoughts.

  • Dburna86Dburna86 Member CommonPosts: 15
    Zukape said:
    I dont know the price range in other countries, but in my country it Xb1 went a lot cheaper. My older brother used to had PS4. After I convinced him to buy xb1 he started to like it a lot.

    Biggest one was Xbox live and psn memberships. On Xbox live every month you get decent games and it adds them to your library, stays with you forever. 

    When I had my first xb1, I had 0 games. Just bare bone console. And I didnt wanted to play xb360 games on next-gen. But due to I was a member for long time. I was collecting free xbox 1 games every month. My brother says it was an issue on ps4. So he wasnt actually able to use it for long time due to lack of free content.

    Another must be mentioned subject is, xbox game pass. They are going to release a membership in next 2months. It is going to contain 100 titles for a small price.

    Both controllers are decent, you might not like both of them. It takes a bit time to get use to it.

    Exclusive titles are to me on XB1 a bit better than PS4, that will sound like a fanboy. But I rather Forza Motorsport than Gran Tourismo. Upcoming PS4 exc. titles are more dominant than xbox one's. But then it still depends what kind of games you like.

    If you dont care about cheap content and If you have a lot of money. None of these above doesnt matter to you at all. So pick anything you want to pick. But If you want to have cheaper entertainment, I highly suggest Xbox One. 

    Last one thing, Xbox One SDK-XDK became a lot easier for developers. So therefore mmorpg's started to crop up on Xbox One. Basicly it means, easier for developers port games from pc to xbox one. 

    End of the day, it is your call. 

    The xbox1 game pass is basically what PSNOW is. It offers over 400 games to stream for a small price every month.

    Also the good thing about XBOX live you get to keep and play the games if u have XBOX live or not on PS4 the free games that are giving monthly can only be played if u have PS+.

    I like both Consoles for different reasons . 

    I highly suggest upgrading the stock HDD to a SSHD .(hybrid drive) not expensive and worth it for the load times boost. 

    He did mention also he was wanting to play ZELDA , I'm not sure but isn't Zelda a Nintendo exclusive? 
  • Dburna86Dburna86 Member CommonPosts: 15
    I like both Consoles for different reasons.
    I do lean more tword the PS4 though .

    You mention wanting to play ZELDA?
     I'm not 100% but I think ZELDA is a Nintendo exclusive game so it wouldn't be available on Ps4 or Xbox1 .

    You would have to look into this if Zelda is your main reason for buying a console.  If not id just say read up on both. PS4 has more exclusive AAA titles than Xbox. 

    All pretty much boils down to what kinda games your into and which system is dedicated more to that Genera of games.

  • Dburna86Dburna86 Member CommonPosts: 15
    edited July 2017
    I always had a Playstation since they came out over 20 years ago and loved every generation till the PS4 which was due to the poorly made pad ( the  R2 button kept breaking ie trigger button) and was always needing to be charged. Also the PS+ was not worth it as the free games were absolute crap and never played them so I traded it in for an Xbox One and I have been very happy with my decision.

    The Xbox pad is great plus the Games with Gold are great and play most of them which is new but the best part is now my son has switched over to Xbox too and with the gameshare he can play all my games as well at no extra cost which also includes Xbox Live Gold. I buy Xbox Live Gold and can share it with him so he doesn't have to buy it now that is awesome and any game I buy, he get's it too which Sony doesn't do so I save a lot of money every year.

    Also as someone else mentions, you get backwards compatibility with the Xbox so you can play many Xbox 360 games which are very cheap now and you get two every month with GwG.
    You can actually Gameshare on Ps. So that bit of info was incorrect. 

    Me and my cousin gameshare with one another anytime one of us buys a new digital game.

    I like the Xbox1 as well though for several reasons u mention above . 

    But I do find myself playing PS4 more though. The great thing about the xbox1s is the 4k native and also the Blueray player can play 4k movies where the PS4 is just a Blueray player.

    The ps4 pro was upgraded to 4k as well but it's honestly no point in buying a upgrade if you do not own or plan on buying a 4K T.V. as well .

    The Ps4 decided not to use backwards compatibility because they offer a service called PSNOW which has 400+ older and newer games you can stream for a fee per month. As you stated though I don't feel its worth it. Maybe if it was included in the PS+ membership but I didn't find it that great .

    The new Ps4 controller are better than when PS4 was 1st released. The battery life is better on the PS3 controller though . 

    Both are great systems though Imo.
  • penandpaperpenandpaper Member UncommonPosts: 174
    The new pirate game in 2014 is Xbox exclusive - GRRRRRRRRRR...

    - From a PS$ owner

    No really, my PS4 has been great for games like Skyrim and the Witcher.  Easy to handle, fun, good interface.

  • centkincentkin Member RarePosts: 1,527
    Hot Shots Golf 7, aka Everyone's Golf, was my reason for ps4.  That comes out Aug 29. 
  • StrikeboyStrikeboy Member CommonPosts: 28
    Reason why i choose PS4 is because of Project Diva Series and Future Tone
  • DeddmeatDeddmeat Member UncommonPosts: 387
    I have both the Xbox One, PS4 Pro .. at that point the Pro was used mostly and now the Xbox One X as well and now the others are just ornamants and the X gets all the glory ;-)

    Remember Xbox has EA Access which Sony for some pea brained reason decided the players didn't want.  £20 a year for plenty of EA games and 10% of store purchases .. worth it to me.


  • AZHokie54AZHokie54 Member UncommonPosts: 295
    Playstation simply for God of War.
  • penandpaperpenandpaper Member UncommonPosts: 174
    If you're more interested in the story and some aspects of gameplay without the twitch, almost all the games have some type of easy mode; Dragon Age on easy is fun because you can play it more as an action RPG. The Witcher has an easy mode.  Just some examples.
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