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Player's Choice 2017 - The Most Wanted MMO - General Awards



  • Kane72Kane72 Member UncommonPosts: 211

    Tirent000 said:

    Star citizen! Should this be next year's vote XD (Just kidding)

    Yeah, coz even next year would be too early.
  • BluefishBluefish Member UncommonPosts: 96
    Those that are following/fans of Pantheon - do we know what size group this game will be designed for? If the answer is unknown, how about: Is there flexibility here, or will it be a fixed group size?
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376
    i feel sorry for ppl that voted SC :lol:
  • Itchen1000Itchen1000 Member UncommonPosts: 17
    Pantheon you are my only hope!
  • BelgaraathBelgaraath Member UncommonPosts: 3,206
    edited January 2018

    bcbully said:

    PvE titles look pretty niche judging by current voting :p

    That's more representative of this site. PVP folks here tend to complain the most and are the most vocal discouraging the PVE Folks, PVE folks like those interested in ESO go to sites like Reddit or their official forum...except for the pure Sandbox crowd which is not representative of the mainstream player.

    There Is Always Hope!

  • alivenaliven Member UncommonPosts: 346
    Those kind of awards are the most stupid thing ever for any award shop. Culture of pre orders and building hype. Die. 
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    keithian said:

    bcbully said:

    PvE titles look pretty niche judging by current voting :p

    That's more representative of this site. PVP folks here tend to complain the most and are the most vocal discouraging the PVE Folks, PVE folks like those interested in ESO go to sites like Reddit or their official forum...escept for the pure Sandbox crowd which is not indicative of the mainstream.
    I'd say it has more to do with need. PvE players have a range of titles. It's harder to be hyped for an upcoming game when you are already committed to an established one. PvP players hunger for new games because quality PvP MMOs are rare and usually short lived.
  • RawynRawyn Member UncommonPosts: 202
    I would like to see more about Amazon's New World but doubt it will be out for 2018 since we haven't heard or seen anything about it for over a year, so I voted Camelot Unchained for 2018.
    [Deleted User]
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Torval said:
    Rawyn said:
    I would like to see more about Amazon's New World but doubt it will be out for 2018 since we haven't heard or seen anything about it for over a year, so I voted Camelot Unchained for 2018.
    I have a feeling we won't hear anything about Amazon titles until they're much closer to their release date. I expect a shorter announcement and hype window to release. It's pure conjecture on my part, but I feel like that is why we've not heard much out of them.
    That release plan would be a breathe of fresh air for the genre.

    80% of articles and news in the genre these days seems to be "here's some more progress on that game in pre-alpha." It's cool in some ways to see, but in the end it's simply hype videos.

    Would be nice to see an announcement from Amazon with an accompanying release window that isn't underwritten with all kinds of "decade of release subject to change."
    [Deleted User]

  • FonclFoncl Member UncommonPosts: 347
    I haven't been following upcoming MMORPGs for a while now, I hope some release as positive surprises. There's only three or four games in that list I even know anything about.

    Camelot Unchained gets my vote, I've been looking forward to it but I don't follow the development of that either. It feels like I'm done with following and discussing games before they are released, which has been my main source of MMO-related entertainment for many years now. It could change quickly with some good MMORPGs released though :]
  • BukkerzBukkerz Member UncommonPosts: 177
    It would be fantastic to see all of the great ideas, story and design to actually come to life in Camelot Unchained. This is my vote and I think a reasonable looking and fluid Beta could catapult interest in this game ....
  • goozmaniagoozmania Member RarePosts: 394
    I'm resting my entire future with this genre on Pantheon. I haven't bothered playing a MMO in almost 5 years, and if Pantheon is bad, I will never again.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    I don't like PvP so I chose Pantheon

  • ScarletAddictScarletAddict Member CommonPosts: 1
    looking forward to CoE and monster hunter, though CoE isn't coming till 2019 at the minimum
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680

    You need to make a spot for Other so we could list what we are looking forward to. I could careless about any of those.

    I thought i was the only one.
  • OdamanOdaman Member UncommonPosts: 195
    edited January 2018
    CU, though crowfall is a close 2nd. Neither will come in 2018, and crowfall fell behind simply because their engine has no chance of dealing with large numbers.
  •   Realitea Realitea Member CommonPosts: 2
    Legends of Aria for sure. With CB1 scheduled for January 15th, and then CB2 a couple months after that, should be great very soon!
  • JustsomenoobJustsomenoob Member UncommonPosts: 880
    star citizen most wanted mmo of 2036.
  • PelagatoPelagato Member UncommonPosts: 673
    star citizen most wanted mmo of 2036.

    How much money those guys got to make that game? 
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Pantheon, if not then Ashes Of Creation. 

  • AeliousAelious Member RarePosts: 3,521

    AoC also is on the radar but depends on how they handle a few things.

    I'm not sure most of these titles will fully release by 2018 but this lineup certainly is promising, whenever they do release.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    Binny45 said:
    Pantheon for me. I miss when MMORPGs were as much about being social as well as fun.
    I think I am more curious to see if that formula can really work anymore. but I get the impression Pantheon won't be releasing in 2018.
  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582
    There should be a "none of the above" option in the poll.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • AzmodeusAzmodeus Member UncommonPosts: 268
    I voted for Pantheon of course. Pantheon is a true old school MMORPG which this site was originally created for and named after.
      OMG I am Ancient!
  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    If Pantheon doesn't release in 2018, then it will be dated from day one, especially in terms of gameplay. That would be a sort of mini-disaster. Wondering if I should get into MOBAs more, TBH, and get my RPG fix on PS4 with single player games. I haven't even played Witcher 3 much, yet, and I've owned it forever :-P
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