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Player's Choice 2017 - The Most Wanted MMO - General Awards

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited January 2018 in News & Features Discussion

imagePlayer's Choice 2017 - The Most Wanted MMO - General Awards

Now that we're officially into 2018, it's time to take stock of the year and months ahead and pick your Most Wanted MMO of 2018. Log in, vote, and let's see who comes out on top this year. Who knows, maybe one of them will actually launch finally...

Read the full story here




  • Tirent000Tirent000 Member UncommonPosts: 14
    Star citizen! Should this be next year's vote XD (Just kidding)
    TekaelonFedayginMitaraSirAgravainebeebop500BodeanGanemomrputtsBrunlinSiugand 4 others.
  • BlackboaBlackboa Member UncommonPosts: 167
    Camelot Unchained HYPE!
    FedayginMitaraElorantapantarocollektRealizerGolelorn[Deleted User]
  • PottedPlant22PottedPlant22 Member RarePosts: 800
    Pantheon and CoE having an early lead is not surprising to me for this site.  Interested to see how this plays out.
    MitaraZenJellySignexThunder073KilsinSydor[Deleted User]beweress
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,116
    edited January 2018
    Voted Pantheon

    I should add, since others bring up a good point, there is no guarantee (or any evidence) that it will release in 2018.
    Post edited by Sovrath on
    FedayginMadFrenchieZenJellyjimbobfurleyThunder073OshoKilsinDalorell[Deleted User]McGamerand 6 others.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • VexiusxVexiusx Member UncommonPosts: 212
    Anthem of-course.

    Hope they will show Destiny 2 what it should of been and take their small remaining playerbase away.
    bartoni33FedayginMitaraNordicApacheTacticalZombehOdivNtrJeffSpicoliSignexThunder073anemoand 2 others.
  • Binny45Binny45 Member UncommonPosts: 522
    Pantheon for me. I miss when MMORPGs were as much about being social as well as fun.
    FedayginMitaraViper482ZenerenZenJellyCrispinseraphis79misty44142HJ-NavarreJustsomenooband 12 others.


  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    Giving this one to Monster Hunter World. It should be a fantastic, consumer friendly game and I look forward to its PC launch.

    A few months ago, I would have said Anthem. I still want to be excited for Anthem, but EA has truly proven themselves to be the corporate equivalent of testicular cancer.
    FedayginMitaraRemyVorenderEponyxDamorNyteWytchpokrakSaltyDog79Thunder073Yukmarcgamer2025and 4 others.
  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    edited January 2018
    Vexiusx said:
    Anthem of-course.

    Hope they will show Destiny 2 what it should of been and take their small remaining playerbase away.
    Bought Destiny 2 at launch played about 2-3 hours of  it, wrote game off as a steaming pile of horse shit. Decided to give it a go one last time a few days ago & really enjoying the game now, Go figure.

    Btw game looks glorious in Ultra Wide
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    edited January 2018

    Would I be right in saying that as I found out when I questioned our Top Voted games, most if not all of these will not be out in 2018? In one way that is a very good thing, more development means a better game. But should not the list be only made up of those which at least have a fighting PUG chance of being here in 2018?

    P.S. "Who knows, maybe one of them will actually launch finally..." - I missed that bit, maybe it is just impossible to say.
  • LrdEtriusLrdEtrius Member UncommonPosts: 95
    Some people here really believes that Ashes of Creation will release this year? lol
    AlomarFedayginFrykkaMitaraLeFantomeX-MarKZenJellyOdivNtrAeliousRealizerand 2 others.
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    edited January 2018
    Why not make a list of games confirmed for 2018?

    FedayginZenJellyPhoebessschruppbeebop500OdivNtrsweetangel20jimbobfurleyThunder073ShadowStyleBand 5 others.
  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    I was split between Ashes and Panth, voted for Ashes in the end. But good luck to all the projects out there. We could all use some good news this year.
    FedayginMitaraAeliousZardayneSneeryRimefang[Deleted User]
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    I nearly forgot to ask Bill, are these Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games? ;)
    MikehaBillMurphyGobstopper3DAlomarFedayginMitarajimbobfurleyHarikenWylfWraithoneand 3 others.
  • Gobstopper3DGobstopper3D Member RarePosts: 970
    You need to make a spot for Other so we could list what we are looking forward to. I could careless about any of those.

    I'm not an IT Specialist, Game Developer, or Clairvoyant in real life, but like others on here, I play one on the internet.

  • TalulaRoseTalulaRose Member RarePosts: 1,247
    Monster Hunter 3 because I get to watch Excessive Profanity play it on Twitch.

    No interest in playing any of the new games at the moment. When they launch and I can see what content is available then I will decide.

    Too many recent instances of games saying "we will have this" and then not deliver but keep the money.
  • Butch808Butch808 Member UncommonPosts: 383
    lol pantheon is gonna be the biggest let-down then. ;P
    pokrakjimbobfurleyJaddenYukmarcCendhariaSiugLeozaurRimefang[Deleted User]
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    Crowfall. No surprise there ;)

    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • meddyckmeddyck Member UncommonPosts: 1,282
    Camelot Unchained is really the only one on the list I'm interested in, but I'd be very surprised if it launches in 2018.

    DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer

  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    Monster Hunter 3 because I get to watch Excessive Profanity play it on Twitch.

    Is that the Edgy hipster from UK who streams in Black White?
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,151
    If I remove all games I don't find to be MMO's and all games that won't release in 2018 the only game left is Bless Online.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • TalulaRoseTalulaRose Member RarePosts: 1,247
    thunderC said:
    Monster Hunter 3 because I get to watch Excessive Profanity play it on Twitch.

    Is that the Edgy hipster from UK who streams in Black White?
    He is an Aussie. But he does stream in black and white.

  • paulythebpaulytheb Member UncommonPosts: 363
    edited January 2018
    I voted Crowfall. I think it has the best chance to be playable by the end of the year of the games I am interested in. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to play Pantheon too, I just think Crowfall will be more about individual achievement and playable sooner. I want to build castles, and work both alone and in groups so both games sound fun and have my interest. >>>>>>>>1) Wasn't Ashes of Creation just announced this past year? I'm interested, but not expecting anything soon.
    >>>>>>>> 2) Elyria is the one where you age and then buy a new character? Yeah I'm gonna need a free trial on that.
    >>>>>>>> 3) Camelot? I know it has it's fans but I am not yet convinced. Didn't play the original.
    >>>>>>>> 4) Star citizen?? LOL!! They have sold so many ships and stuff now, I don't want to play it. Sure you can earn it in game I guess, but why bother at this point.
    >>>>>>>> 5) Sea of thieves is like a maybe.
    >>>>>>>>The rest of it and the shooters and monster hunter junk I have zero interest in.
    Post edited by paulytheb on

    ( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)

    An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.

  • TekaelonTekaelon Member UncommonPosts: 604
    I voted for AoC, but rise of the pantheon was a close second. Star Citizen will be amazing but it will be 2019. Bio Ware is not the same company they once were. Hoping Crowfall will be a solid MMO too.
  • Pirhana7Pirhana7 Member UncommonPosts: 23
    Camelot Unchained all the way. It is trying to do some really cool things with and has a lot of classes and trying to bring back Darkage of Camelots RVR siege warfare. I am also interested in Crowfall my only problem is it is way too cartoony looking and not enough mid evil.

  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,151
    Torval said:
    Shaigh said:
    If I remove all games I don't find to be MMO's and all games that won't release in 2018 the only game left is Bless Online.
    I'm going to be playing Ashes in 2018, dunno about you.
    I hope it won't release in 2018 because if it does its going to be as generic and as flawed as bless online.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
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