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Will Competitive Gaming Take Away Our Single Player Fun? - Garrett Fuller -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited December 2017 in News & Features Discussion

imageWill Competitive Gaming Take Away Our Single Player Fun? - Garrett Fuller -

MMOs have always been a ground for creativity. All of the competitive games you see today: SMITE, Overwatch, League of Legends, and so forth have their roots in MMORPGs. This style of game has now become an esport and more investors are getting involved each year. You hear stories of EA shutting down studios over single player games, and begin to ask, are my solo adventures coming to an end?

Read the full story here




  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    EA said it themselves and its obvious that other publishers think the same way, single player games dont pull in as much revenue as mulitplayer titles simply because of post-transactional revenue. Its already bad enough that you pay full price and then pay more for dlc and companies still dont feel that is enough. They want you to pay for the game+dlc+store stuff to make it into a p2p experience. Personally I dont know how to fix it because people will always want more money if they can get it
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    SBFordGobstopper3DHarikenLeiHngWeiMirandelbarasawa[Deleted User]

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited December 2017

    In all honesty, you can't really count Bethesda as the 'savior' since they've pretty much re-released Skyrim like 4-5 times. The only real reason they aren't capitalizing on stuff like this is because multiplayer isn't really their thing unlike EA/Activision or even Ubisoft. They make story driven single player games which are arguably better than the aforementioned so its not surprising that they will continue to do. Lets not forget they are trying to do their post-transnational garbage as well by charging for mods for a game that were free until they realized they could get enough money for them
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Maybe small indie game makers will take chances and make something interesting.  Too bad too many gamers are too interested in the sparkly graphics than game play.

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Trends comes and goes, whenever something really popular comes out EA and Activision tries to cash in on it as well.

    At the moment E-sport games are trendy and so there will be a lot of them made. It is not unlike when the larger pubslishers noticed Wows popularity in 2005.

    There will be another trend in a couple of years taking over the torch and while they will still make E-sport friendly games after that it will be less of them. 

    Singleplayer games will not go away and some variant will eventually be the latest thing that everyone tries to copy, they are just not the hot thing at the moment.

    And I honesty think the current trend will turn soon now, it felt it was on the downslide until Overwatch breathed new life into it but making new as successful games as Lol and OW will not be easy, and when a bunch of them have failed EA and the rest will try to copy whatever is newer and successful instead.

    In a perfect world game designers would ignore whatever game is popular at the time and give us something new and fun but those publishers are too big and uncreative to do that.
    [Deleted User]BeezerbeezBruceYeejshackleford8314deniter
  • LuidenLuiden Member RarePosts: 339
    First off, this is a ignorant article.  League of Legends isn't based on a MMORPG, it was built from the Warcraft 3 engine as a mod if I remember correctly.  It and all these other capture the base kind of games plays right into esports, multiplayer etc but have nothing to do with a MMORPG style game.

    Now to the chief compliant, the fact that it may do away with your single player experience in a MMORPG.. please make that happen yesterday.  If you are playing the game as a single player then you aren't playing a MMORPG.  Please, go back to your xbox on your couch and continue to be isolated in your gaming loneliness. 
    Alomarbartoni33[Deleted User]Gobstopper3Dforcelimawaynejr2Ayin
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,637
    I think the days of solo game AAA titles are numbered. Gaming companies want you online otherwise they can't charge you for more stuff. They want it competitive to entice you to buy more stuff. Another way that revenue design is impacting game design. Gaming ethos, where art thou?

    We once bought a box, now we buy that and then sign up to a pay steam.
  • truewarlordtruewarlord Member UncommonPosts: 78
    "All of the competitive games you see today: SMITE, Overwatch, League of Legends, and so forth have their roots in MMORPGs"...

    This is not true, just came here to point it out. LoL roots comes down to DotA, and DOTA is based in War3 and has nothing to do with WoW or any other MMORPG.
  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,152
    Breath of the wild, Divinity: OS2, Persona 5, Nier automata, Nioh, horizon zero dawn, wolfenstein 2, Hollow Knight, Inside, Cuphead, What Remains of edith finch, night in the woods, west of loathing, darkest dungeon etc.

    Writers should spend more time talking about good games and less time repeating company talking points.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Considering the massive emphasis on multiplayer games it already has. Fortunately if enough people with money have a desire for a product someone will provide for that market.
    Seriously? No new singleplayer games on Steam?

    Get real, while the percentage might be down there stilll are plenty of singleplayer games being made and that is not counting mobile games where a very high percentage is singleplayer.

    As for MMOs I don't think we had a higher percentage of solocontent ever.
  • CazrielCazriel Member RarePosts: 419
    There are things you can do in SP games you just can't do in an MMO or esports title.  Shadow of War, Dark Souls, Civilization, the Sims, Total War, any tower defense game, any grand strategy game.  Sure RPGs or ARPGs are most often taken into multiplayer, but do we need to remember what happened to Age of Empires Online or Civ Online?  Ya. 
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2017
    Single player died for those few big companies the moment they started releasing single player garbage.
    That's what they are salty about. Their multiplayer gargabe still sells microtransactions, but their single player garbage doesn't.

    The best part of all this is that the best single player games are made by other companies, not by any of these "games as a service-lootbox to the throat" companies.

    Between Steam, GoG, and the last 8 generations of consoles + handhelds i have enough games for a life time and still have to buy many more. And the majority are better than the crap these few companies put out lately anyway, so their games as a service can die in a hole. I'll spend my money where it's deserved.

    TL;DR: Make good games or gtfo. Its now even more evident that these publishers are just wasting the talent of so many developers that could be making great games with other companies.

  • SamhaelSamhael Member RarePosts: 1,539
    edited December 2017
    "However, it is sad that an amazing single player Star Wars experience is out there and no one will ever get to play it."
    It was truly an amazing experience, I'm sure they would have taken it over in one of the remaining offices. If they haven't, I'm betting it wasn't even meeting their expectations. Heck, I'm thinking they would have released it if it was even meeting average expectations. (if only to recoup some the development costs)
    [Deleted User]
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    People always like to say you feel immersion in mmo's. That's total BS to me. I fondly remember all those years of exploring Morrowind and really feeling part of the world. No mmo ever did that for me.
  • DauzqulDauzqul Member RarePosts: 1,982
    I never understood the desire for solo adventure games. Go here, go there. Watch cut scene. Really boring, IMO.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Only old people want stories and quests....
  • Jimmy562Jimmy562 Member UncommonPosts: 1,158

    Albatroes said:

    In all honesty, you can't really count Bethesda as the 'savior' since they've pretty much re-released Skyrim like 4-5 times. The only real reason they aren't capitalizing on stuff like this is because multiplayer isn't really their thing unlike EA/Activision or even Ubisoft. They make story driven single player games which are arguably better than the aforementioned so its not surprising that they will continue to do. Lets not forget they are trying to do their post-transnational garbage as well by charging for mods for a game that were free until they realized they could get enough money for them

    They also released Prey, Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein 2 this year. 3 quality single player games. I'd consider them to be someone keeping single player alive. I also don't really care for them doing paid mods. They don't affect the old mods at all and as long as it stays that way, they can do what they want.
  • rockraprockrap Member UncommonPosts: 8
    I play almost exclusively solo in the mmorpg's I play so it matters not to me
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2017

    waynejr2 said:

    Maybe small indie game makers will take chances and make something interesting.  Too bad too many gamers are too interested in the sparkly graphics than game play.

    Some indie companies have already shown it is possible to do both (gameplay and graphics) and do well as a small team. Best recent example is Ninja Theory with Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

    I agree that a lot of people prefer eye candy than actually good gameplay. Paying for eye candy over gameplay has slowly been molding the industry the same way paying for lootbox/MTX has been. People dismiss both as "its their money" but they ignore the bigger picture and now we see the trainwreck approaching as a result of those actions. When enough people spend money in the wrong things, the whole market take notice and go the wrong way to chase that money.

  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2017

    Dauzqul said:

    I never understood the desire for solo adventure games. Go here, go there. Watch cut scene. Really boring, IMO.

    Those are the bad games these companies make. The best single player experiences don't boil down to mmo-like task collection gameplay.
    Post edited by rojoArcueid on

  • Dr_BinksDr_Binks Member UncommonPosts: 271
    In some ways I feel it is hurting MMORGP's as well. It is pushing the PVE community out of the games. You can see it in how the studios develop the games. The lack of real content, how the classes are balanced and so on. Of coarse the big studios like EA will jump on that because it makes for a cheaper development cost. After all there in no need for writes to come up with a story and or lore! No need for all work to develop all the quest lines and so on! I they need is a small map so peeps and run around in to kill one another,,,,, and they still get to charge you $65+ for the game so yeah no need to get a rocket man to figger that one out.

  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    edited December 2017
    Is the article's main picture the Star Wars single player game that was cancelled? Man that looked bad ass. :disappointed:
  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311
    EA is never going to let another singleplayer game enter the market, no matter the IP.

    If Disney hadn't stepped on their necks you can bet your ass the MTX would still be active in EASWBF2 no matter how much noise we made, because the sound of CHA-CHING will always be louder.

    I don't blame anyone for buying into this stuff either, it's a shortcut, or a fancy outfit they can assemble that others can't, or even an awesome looking mount. It's a way to feel like you're ahead without having to dedicate the time you used to in older multiplayer games. No one thinks about how they are doing damage to the overall genre they love, and I would never expect them to. I never did, but I sure as hell am now.
  • DavodtheTuttDavodtheTutt Member UncommonPosts: 415
    It's not the solo-play option that I'm worried about, it's the RP aspect, which is largely already gone. You're pretty limited in role-playing in most single-player games, even when they get away from the linear storyline style. Pre-set NPC statements and cut scenes make the "game" more like an interactive movie with some options and participation in killing people and things. MOBAs and games with a focus on PvP and regional/guild/server warfare are more about competitive "killing" than anything else. Even a lot of the PvEs end up being speed runs through battles and pre-set missions in order to obtain Loot and level up to "win" the game by getting to the top. With the PvP and other factors pushing "balancing" to the Nth degree, not only are the details of your character superfluous, it hardly matters what class, race, or anything else you choose.

    I'm looking for a game where players are encouraged to create interesting backgrounds for their characters, and play them according to those personal attributes even if it detracts from doing everything to level up as fast as possible. Where players use the chat option to have their characters talk in character. Where missions have variety, and require teams of characters with distinct abilities. Etc.
  • Shana77Shana77 Member UncommonPosts: 290
    Multiplayer is a thing and with increased bandwith will remain a thing. Multiplayer games, MMO's and especially hybrids will remain big in the future, e-sports will remain big and probably grow even bigger as it may even become olympic sports. But just as video didn't kill radio, multiplayer games will never call the single player game.

    Games like Skyrim, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Galaxy and Horizon Zero Dawn prove that there is still a huge market for solid single player only experiences. I love multiplayer games but there is simply nothing like Zelda BOTW to be experienced in any multiplayer game.
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