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Account Harsh Ban for improper naming?



  • pupurunpupurun Member UncommonPosts: 561
    Kyleran said:
    I suspect one reason for the harsh ban is you were on a free account, so as you are not yet a paying customer they feel there's nothing really lost here.

    Maybe a future subscriber is lost ?
    [Deleted User]
  • DijonCyanideDijonCyanide Member UncommonPosts: 586
    The OP wasn't just having fun with the character creation process otherwise once the OP found this ill-natured exploit the OP would've erased & begin the character process again & kept creating alternatives.  The OP was intentionally seeking a reaction with this particular look & name.  The OP received a reaction.  There can be a valid discussion about how harsh this penalty was versus the offense & the game's mechanism to even allow such offensive naming.  However, the OP had a goal & proceeded to that goal & the gaming company has every right to enforce a penalty they deem fitting for such offense.  The OP shouldn't then come to these forums whining like a baby about the reaction since it was more severe than the OP anticipated.  The OP should've had a laugh &/or a shock during the character creation process about what likeness that could be created &/or named then kept creating not decide to keep this particular avatar.  The mature action would've been once the OP realized this could be created & named to issue a bug report stating that the game needed to better harness their naming policy.  Instead the OP wanted to stroke his/her own ego with "shock-value".    
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    pupurun said:
    I just created an account in FF XIV to do a free trial. I created a couple of chars..played for almost 1 day and today , just for the laughs, i created a new char and was trying a lot of funny names , just to test the game's naming policy...And boy its loose....The minute i typed ''Adolf Hittler''(their creation actually allows a toothbrush moustache :/ ) and the client accepted it! I was really suprised and of course i could just erase the char but  i new that soon someone would report me and the GMs would force me to chane it....LIKE IT HAPPENS TO ALL MMOS(and trust me i ve played them all) . But then BAM. I realised i was banned (3.5 Naming Right). Oh well ..i WAS asking for it tbh and i suppose SE is a much stricter company than..let's say Blizzard. So i went to my e-mail and there i see that i have received a 216 HOUR BAN (9 DAYS !!!) which is eligible for perma ban as well (on a one day old free account  lol) . Are they serious?  9 days ban for that? I ve played mobas that give 1-3 days ban for harassing and using racist remarks. What was even funnier was that they even accused me of : 3.3 Profanity and Offensive Language  which is hilariously stupid cause that char had a life span of 2 hours tops and i didnt even type ANYTHING to any chat tab .   Any opinions or past experiences?
    You were trying to cause trouble.  Rather than letting you continue to cause trouble for an extended period of time, they decided to just ban you and be done with it.  Good for them.

    You were trying to work around a name checker that blocks offensive names not being clever enough to also block misspellings of them that a human would recognize.  That you intentionally tried to work around it and were able to do so is pretty strong proof that you were there to cause trouble, not a likely paying customer who just wanted to play the game.
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    pupurun said:
    Kyleran said:
    I suspect one reason for the harsh ban is you were on a free account, so as you are not yet a paying customer they feel there's nothing really lost here.

    Maybe a future subscriber is lost ?
    The kind of subscriber they'd rather not have to begin with.
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    "According to the website Beliebte Vornamen (see Vorname Adolf * Statistik und Bedeutung), in 2006, out of 27,700 babies registered, only one was named Adolf."

    Were you born in 2006 by any chance, OP?
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

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  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,257
    PC culture is killing everything. Thank God Southpark and Family Guy has reruns as making jokes is being policed now a days. I saw some one named trump wall in game and gasp it was funny to me.
    Trump not equal to Hitler...

    Both inappropriate in a game.
    [Deleted User]JeffSpicoliMrMelGibson

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    I usually push the envelope in MMO's with silly, immature sometimes borderline offensive names , My current Asuru in GW2 is named LongDong Schlong . I never go the route though of trying to be racist or intentionally trigger someone and trust me im no PC snowflake. But why be a douche ? something like hitler or the N word or any variation is obviously going to send someone into a rage or genuinely hurt them so whats the point? We play MMO's or games to escape the politics and tension of real life so why bring it in. 
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    Renoaku said:
    Well people need to kinda forget world history
    Your posts are usually pretty good but this is one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever seen in my life. Remembering and learning from our history is one of the key ways we make sure we continue to move forward as a society
    I'd love to see a link to one of his "usually pretty good posts".  I guess unless you hate denevo, than disregard.
  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    pupurun said:
    Omg guys you are so repressed. I m not a nazi douchebag and i do not like being treated as one.
      I saw the toothbrush moustache during creation, had a laugh with a friend..tried the name for fun..never expected to pass through...It did...End of story...What i did,CANT compare with actual in game racist and sexist comments and behaviour that gets more lenient bans. Thats all i m saying. And i trully don't care about the account cause as i said ITS A FREE TRIAL. The reason i created the post was to show the disproportional penalties SE applies. You all act as holier than though as if you never fooled around in an online world. And noone yet has answered my question. If using an improper name deserves a perma ban what do racist and sexist behaviours do DESERVE?  The same?  If yes, aren't you equalising a stupid fucking name (its a name after all - it's not as if i named him ''f**yourM*m) to a deliberate, insulting and completely conscious harassment with sexism or racism ingame that usually gets a warning or a 3 day ban from the same freeking company. This is where you are asked to think. NOT IF HITLER WAS A BAD GUY. I think we all KNOW some history and me paraphrasing his name does not constitute his beliefs as my own. .  That's basically your argument.  An argument that only works on weak minded people.
  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    Renoaku said:
    Renoaku said:
    Well people need to kinda forget world history
    Your posts are usually pretty good but this is one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever seen in my life. Remembering and learning from our history is one of the key ways we make sure we continue to move forward as a society

    It's kinda like that Flat earth debate where people say the earth is flat, it makes sense, and it doesn't because science says the earth is round, but then there are so many unproven theories that also make sense too that it could be flat but that goes beyond science.

    Lol, it's all starting to make sense now.  Anyone who actually believes that.  Well, their dad doesn't call them Son because they're bright.

  • HellsprodigyHellsprodigy Member UncommonPosts: 27
    pupurun said:
    Omg guys you are so repressed. I m not a nazi douchebag and i do not like being treated as one.
      I saw the toothbrush moustache during creation, had a laugh with a friend..tried the name for fun..never expected to pass through...It did...End of story...What i did,CANT compare with actual in game racist and sexist comments and behaviour that gets more lenient bans. Thats all i m saying. And i trully don't care about the account cause as i said ITS A FREE TRIAL. The reason i created the post was to show the disproportional penalties SE applies. You all act as holier than though as if you never fooled around in an online world. And noone yet has answered my question. If using an improper name deserves a perma ban what do racist and sexist behaviours do DESERVE?  The same?  If yes, aren't you equalising a stupid fucking name (its a name after all - it's not as if i named him ''f**yourM*m) to a deliberate, insulting and completely conscious harassment with sexism or racism ingame that usually gets a warning or a 3 day ban from the same freeking company. This is where you are asked to think. NOT IF HITLER WAS A BAD GUY. I think we all KNOW some history and me paraphrasing his name does not constitute his beliefs as my own.
    No you only named him after a racist, murderer and thought hey this will be funny to do.... You deserved a perma ban and stop trying to convince yourself you did nothing wrong.... It is your fault and you deserved that end of story move the hell on.
    [Deleted User]
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    Good. You deserved it. 
  • RexKushmanRexKushman Member RarePosts: 639
    Renoaku said:
    Well people need to kinda forget world history
    Your posts are usually pretty good but this is one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever seen in my life. Remembering and learning from our history is one of the key ways we make sure we continue to move forward as a society
    I'd love to see a link to one of his "usually pretty good posts".  I guess unless you hate denevo, than disregard.
    I was just trying to be nice :wink:

  • DeadSpockDeadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 403
    Judging by the OPs avatar which was a Greek comedian actor Thanasis Veggos, I'm assuming he is from Greece. Just a heads up guys in Greece a lot of them are Nazis as they have a NeoNazi party called Golden Dawn(Hrisi Afgi) and they are even in parlament which means the population voted for them.
    [Deleted User]
  • DaranarDaranar Member UncommonPosts: 392
    Scorchien said:
    GJ by SE , pretty foolish ,racist and insensitive to even joke ..  " Just for laughs".... you did that huh  .. Seems the last laugh is on you .. They should of perma banned the acct imo
    Very surprised that one wasn't a perma ban.

    If I want a world in which people can purchase success and power with cash, I'll play Real Life. Keep Virtual Worlds Virtual!

  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960
    I can't help but wonder if they'd have the same reaction over say, the name Hirohito? He was after all responsible for slaughtering as many innocent people as the Nazis did, possibly more. Just throwing that out there. 
    [Deleted User]

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  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    I think you got off easy. 

    I don't understand what would possibly possess you to do something so stupid and then come here and complain about the penalty. 
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    Renoaku said:

    Yeah I mean learning from history is one thing, but shaming a person doesn't have to be the name hitler, could be many other names for example if my name was bob, and another person named bob did a major act of terror, that wouldn't get treated as bad as the name hitler generally speaking.

    There are generally a lot of bad things that happened in world history, talking about like the Native Americans, World War 1 & 2, and learning from mistakes to move forward is a great thing, but countries, and even the barrier between cultures and stuff doesn't seem to move on, and in some cases I have learn from personal experiences that somtimes because of history things may not even fully change for a few hundred years if even then.

    Also the history of "genghis khan" many people seem to have forgotten this over the many number of years as well, I wonder if I would get banned for using this name because Age of Empires used to be one of my favorite RTS games.

    There is also so much forgotten world history that has been lost over the 5000+ Years, yet most people who take school only know or think they know about like the first pilgrims 1620, and such, but what about day 0, there is so much forgotten and who knows what society would be like if everyone knew the actual world history of everything assuming someone didn't just hit the reset button to begin with.

    Not that I believe history as it's fully taught anyways because it depends which side your on, how you look at it and there's so many general conspiracies that go around the world history as well.

    It's kinda like that Flat earth debate where people say the earth is flat, it makes sense, and it doesn't because science says the earth is round, but then there are so many unproven theories that also make sense too that it could be flat but that goes beyond science.

    He should just be glad that his account was only a trial account and he didn't waste money on it it's only a 9 day ban too assuming he changes the name, or starts another account I don't think they will life ban it assuming he changes the name and doesn't do it again.
    There is no one alive on the planet who suffered under Genghis Khan but there are still people alive who suffered under Hitler.  See the point?
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

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