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Any decent grinder mmorpgs left out there?

SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
Any decent grinder mmo's out there? I am currently playing priston tale again, but its kinda deserted, no low levels, I've lved a char from 1-60 since I started, and I think I seen someone my level in a field once. Would prefer if the game has it like priston tale where you can solo, but also can party, which ends up having 6-8 people killing stuff for more overall exp. I don't mind light questing, if its mostly for gear. For example Luna Online Reborn is kinda terrible because normal monsters give bascally no exp. My char is like level 12 and gets 0.2 per kill or so. I'd also like a slightly randomized item system like priston tale/diablo 3 if its possible. Graphics don't matter to me as long as: it has active players across all levels that are willing to party up, and isin't too cash shop heavy, I don't mind spending a bit though.

Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

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Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!


  • LogumLogum Member UncommonPosts: 13
    Is there still Raiderz? I remember that it was one of the best pve mmorpg.
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    If you don't expect to PvP effectively for a while Lineage 2 still has an extremely long grind, with players throughout most levels (although it is heavily weighted towards 85+ now because of how easy it is to get 80+. There is a decent party finder that you can specify what you are looking for in a group and whisper the leaders to ask questions prior to joining. 

    The first 50 or so levels are done really quick through simple quests, but then after that it's almost 100% grind. It doesn't take all that long, and through quests and selling materials you can buy items off players pretty easy in the trading towns. It's point and click though so you might not like that type of control scheme. But honestly it's free and it's pretty populated on the few servers they have left (I would reccomend Chronos though since it has the most consistent player count of 2.5k + online). 

    The PvP is really great too and castle sieges are a blast as well as owning castles as a clan / alliance, but the cash shop does make enhancing gear really easy whereas you will have a relatively rough time doing it without the cash shop but it is possible. 
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    What about Black Desert?

    It's a grind game, the gear is not like diablo though, you basically have to enchant gear upwards with a chance to fail. Pretty active player base.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Tree of Savior is a great grinding game, think Ragnarok Online with some minor differences. 

    BDO is great for grinding as well, but I would only suggest t if you like life skills/economy sim aspects as well.

    Tree of Savior on the other hand has some of the more typical mmo PvE content like dungeons, etc that BDO doesn't.

    Both good grinders, just depends what else you might like to do.
  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
  • drachennwolfdrachennwolf Member UncommonPosts: 23
    Black Desert Online. Spend a few dollars, buy some pets and a costume. It's a huge grind but a good grind, the graphics are great, and the PvP is pretty fun.
  • anemoanemo Member RarePosts: 1,903
    If you're looking for a grinder that has grind that grants you ingame advantages over your fellow human players, Albion Online is great.   Though being so focused on PvPer rather than having good random gear, it instead has utterly predictable power curve increases for both gear and leveling.

    WurmOnline is ok if you like crafting, building, and the sort.

    Runescape has always been my favorite grinder.   In My Opinion it has the best rewards in the form of it's quests that take themselves serious at the right times, and in other cases have that British-Monty-Python-Like humor which works in the world. 

    Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.

    "At one point technology meant making tech that could get to the moon, now it means making tech that could get you a taxi."

  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    I should clarify, BDO is a grind once you get to the "soft" level cap.  The leveling quests give you gear so stupid OP you will one-two shot everything.
  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648
    I'm going to say this game for every reply these days: Uncharted Waters online

    It's being releaunched this coming week so everyone will start at the same levels and it's a game that has some massive, but fun grinds... fun, if you like sailing the high seas to trade goods between real-world ports, at least.
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Logum said:
    Is there still Raiderz? I remember that it was one of the best pve mmorpg.
    Shut down 2 years ago.
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    Lerxst said:
    I'm going to say this game for every reply these days: Uncharted Waters online

    It's being releaunched this coming week so everyone will start at the same levels and it's a game that has some massive, but fun grinds... fun, if you like sailing the high seas to trade goods between real-world ports, at least.
    But legacy players will start with additional assets based on their previous play time, so that same starting position for all will be one of great disparity before long.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    I heard Secret World Legends is pretty grindy but dunno about the cash shop.
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    There are plenty of grindy games if you look pass the "MMO" label (or use the "broadened" version).

    Warframe is a fun, grindy game. 
  • vladwwvladww Member UncommonPosts: 417
    Lerxst said:
    I'm going to say this game for every reply these days: Uncharted Waters online

    It's being releaunched this coming week so everyone will start at the same levels and it's a game that has some massive, but fun grinds... fun, if you like sailing the high seas to trade goods between real-world ports, at least.
    Best news i've read here for years

    Playing : Uncharted Waters Online

  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    I tried UWO before and thought it was boring as hell so I dropped it soon after I started it. Might be willing to try it again as I am that desperate.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703
    Siveria said:
    I tried UWO before and thought it was boring as hell so I dropped it soon after I started it. Might be willing to try it again as I am that desperate.
    Yes uwo skill grind can be incredibly long and boring, even worse now it's with a company that's willing to wipe for a cash injection.  Also ppl only seemed to group with their alt accounts and had moved to a p2w model which going by some forum topics(p2w from day 1, why p2w is a good thing etc) is going to be pushed more in that direction.  They've also added plunder(looting) back in.  As knightfalz said players b4 the wipe got additional assets(xp boosts, duccats, guns etc) to boost them ahead.  So while there are a bunch of players at the same lvl atm they won't be for long.

    U could look at lord of the rings online that was always a heavy grind game and if u want to do it free even more so.  Not really my thing but seems to meet most of your requirements.
  • LeoTolstoyLeoTolstoy Member UncommonPosts: 30
    There are plenty of grindy games if you look pass the "MMO" label (or use the "broadened" version).

    Warframe is a fun, grindy game. 
    What a great game. I have downloaded this game 3 times and finally decided to stick with it. The initial learning curve is steep, but well worth the work. I reminds me of a very fast Path of Exile in a 3rd person shooter. Worth a try for sure. B)
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    Currently not grinding in any MMO, waiting for something different especially the more sandboxy play approaches to gameplay within one MMO setting, I'd think a good MMO in that setting is more worth it to spend the time grinding on. 
  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    edited October 2017
    There are plenty of grindy games if you look pass the "MMO" label (or use the "broadened" version).

    Warframe is a fun, grindy game. 
    What a great game. I have downloaded this game 3 times and finally decided to stick with it. The initial learning curve is steep, but well worth the work. I reminds me of a very fast Path of Exile in a 3rd person shooter. Worth a try for sure. B)
    Yeah I played warframe a while back, but eventually quit the game as it just got overly repetive and boring, it was fun for a lil while Honestly can't see myself going back to it though. As for path of exile, I honestly don't like its progression system as its far too easy to screw up and have to scrap a character. I mean I don't want it diablo 3 dumbed down, But like diablo 2 would have been fine.

    I like grinders but at the same time I dislike them, I like the sense of progression/getting stronger grinders usually have, but the thing I dislike is how the gameplay just gets stale pretty quickly due to a lack of skills or things to do otherwise, and I don't mean questing, as most questing is just grinding disguised. I especally hate delivery/talk quests, the ones where it sends you halfway across the world just to deliver someting or talk to a npc, FF14 abuses the hell out of this type of quest.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

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