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'No Planned Future Patches for Single-Player' - Mass Effect: Andromeda -



  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Bakgrind said:

    Siris23 said:

    And another case of EA ruining a great single player franchise chasing multiplayer monetization

    From a business stand point you can't blame them for creating those types of games when you have people willing to spend 60 bucks for a multiplayer game and who are willing to throw their money away by the monetization aspect of it. Case in point if it wasn't for the Cartel Market SWTOR would of died 4 years ago. I dislike that aspect of any game myself,but there's nothing we can do about it until people stop supporting that aspect of the gaming business.
    Unfortunately there are only really 2 choices, you either have something like the cartel market, or you have a subscription, as when it comes to MMO's there needs to be a steady revenue stream in order for the game to remain viable, its something that is even needed in B2P games, as any revenue generated from the box sales is insufficient to maintain the game. Personally, i think that F2P does not favour the consumer, but instead encourages the belief that those who can pay more, are more deserving than those who cannot, in that sense i think that P2P is a far more equitable solution :/
  • Gobstopper3DGobstopper3D Member RarePosts: 970
    edited August 2017

    Bakgrind said:

    Siris23 said:

    And another case of EA ruining a great single player franchise chasing multiplayer monetization

    until people stop supporting that aspect of the gaming business.

    Which isn't going to happen. I think most people who complain about game monetization now are gamers who started playing games before that was a thing. Those who started playing since it's been around don't know any different and assume that it's how it is. As older gamers move on and the new generation of gamers take over we are just going to see more and more of it.

    I think Bioware lost it's soul long ago. Once they decided that the core features of the DA and ME series (story, characters, and dialogue) were not as important as open world, world building, and multiplayer style combat the quality of both series took a nose dive, IMO.

    I already moved on from the ME series and now waiting to see what happens with DA4...

    I'm not an IT Specialist, Game Developer, or Clairvoyant in real life, but like others on here, I play one on the internet.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Phry said:
    ME:A effectively killed the series, whether or not Bioware Montreal was entirely to blame is moot point, the game was plagued, and still is for that matter, with bad animations, and poor writing, you could even say that the failure of ME:A draws some parallels to the ill fated 'new' Ghostbusters movie, where they diverged from the tenets of the original 'IP' and were poorly written, to give EA some credit, while Bioware Montreal is no more, they did salvage what they could. :/
    When they did the Hulk TV series the lead writer in charge of the show wanted to do something different so he didn't want any input from the graphic novels and didn't want his writers to even know the character had a previous history.  He wanted the Hulk to be red for anger instead of green, Stan Lee insisted they keep some things from the novels.

    With ME:A I got the impression they were done with the series after three.  They probably were done after two but just wanted to wrap up the story.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Phry said:
    Bakgrind said:

    Siris23 said:

    And another case of EA ruining a great single player franchise chasing multiplayer monetization

    From a business stand point you can't blame them for creating those types of games when you have people willing to spend 60 bucks for a multiplayer game and who are willing to throw their money away by the monetization aspect of it. Case in point if it wasn't for the Cartel Market SWTOR would of died 4 years ago. I dislike that aspect of any game myself,but there's nothing we can do about it until people stop supporting that aspect of the gaming business.
    Unfortunately there are only really 2 choices, you either have something like the cartel market, or you have a subscription, as when it comes to MMO's there needs to be a steady revenue stream in order for the game to remain viable, its something that is even needed in B2P games, as any revenue generated from the box sales is insufficient to maintain the game. Personally, i think that F2P does not favour the consumer, but instead encourages the belief that those who can pay more, are more deserving than those who cannot, in that sense i think that P2P is a far more equitable solution :/
    The goal has become getting as much money as possible from the consumer and doing or saying what ever it takes to get it.  It's the usual business of putting back as little into the game as possible to increase upper level profits.  

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311
    Hey guys and gals! EA here!

    We just wanted to let you know that while we rushed Bioware to get this game out of the door, sacrificing good time needed to polish up animations and story script, we aren't going to stand for any negative reviews and we're going to have to scale back any plans for the future of this game and the series as a whole.

    Please buy Battlefront II, we promise it won't be any better than Battlefront (2016). /r

    I'm actually super tilted by this; no so much about the lack of DLC but the fact that they are putting the series in Limbo. I can't say Andromeda is one of my favorites, but the Mass Effect universe is still there, and I still love it. I can't stand to see something that has so much potential be absolutely shit on by money grubbing suits.
  • Harbinger1975Harbinger1975 Member UncommonPosts: 244
    EA. The franchise killer. Another great franchise murdered by those bastards.


  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    EA. The franchise killer. Another great franchise murdered by those bastards.
    EA is doing to its fan base what Shepard did to the Reapers -- complete and utter Red "Destruction" choice.


  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    DMKano said:

    Phry said:

    Bakgrind said:

    Siris23 said:

    And another case of EA ruining a great single player franchise chasing multiplayer monetization

    From a business stand point you can't blame them for creating those types of games when you have people willing to spend 60 bucks for a multiplayer game and who are willing to throw their money away by the monetization aspect of it. Case in point if it wasn't for the Cartel Market SWTOR would of died 4 years ago. I dislike that aspect of any game myself,but there's nothing we can do about it until people stop supporting that aspect of the gaming business.

    Unfortunately there are only really 2 choices, you either have something like the cartel market, or you have a subscription, as when it comes to MMO's there needs to be a steady revenue stream in order for the game to remain viable, its something that is even needed in B2P games, as any revenue generated from the box sales is insufficient to maintain the game. Personally, i think that F2P does not favour the consumer, but instead encourages the belief that those who can pay more, are more deserving than those who cannot, in that sense i think that P2P is a far more equitable solution :/

    pure P2P is unsustainable today as

    1. Player churn today is 2-6 weeks
    2. Max spend per player per month
    3. Barrier cost to return
    4. Majority of competition is F2P/B2P
    5. Even existing P2P games have cash shops to supplement subscriptions
    6. Over time loss of players and loss of revenue is irreversible, which means running at a loss and shutdown happens much faster than games that have cash shops

    Pure P2P is dead. It cannot be sustained for a long period of time in todays online space

    But you are right pure P2P is the fairest solution for the players, too bad it just doesnt work longterm anymore
    There are numerous games that have made a success of P2P, the monetisation method isn't the problem when it comes to a games longevity, if the game is good enough, then people will play them, just a few examples, Final Fantasy XIV:ARR, World of Warcraft, Eve Online are i think the main ones, there are a number of hybrids however that can probably be judged to have a relatively successful P2P option, SW:TOR, Archeage, BDO (30 day VIP package) ESO, and i have no doubt a few other games too, P2P has evolved along with the games themselves, but its far from dead.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    DMKano said:
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:

    Phry said:

    Bakgrind said:

    Siris23 said:

    And another case of EA ruining a great single player franchise chasing multiplayer monetization

    From a business stand point you can't blame them for creating those types of games when you have people willing to spend 60 bucks for a multiplayer game and who are willing to throw their money away by the monetization aspect of it. Case in point if it wasn't for the Cartel Market SWTOR would of died 4 years ago. I dislike that aspect of any game myself,but there's nothing we can do about it until people stop supporting that aspect of the gaming business.

    Unfortunately there are only really 2 choices, you either have something like the cartel market, or you have a subscription, as when it comes to MMO's there needs to be a steady revenue stream in order for the game to remain viable, its something that is even needed in B2P games, as any revenue generated from the box sales is insufficient to maintain the game. Personally, i think that F2P does not favour the consumer, but instead encourages the belief that those who can pay more, are more deserving than those who cannot, in that sense i think that P2P is a far more equitable solution :/

    pure P2P is unsustainable today as

    1. Player churn today is 2-6 weeks
    2. Max spend per player per month
    3. Barrier cost to return
    4. Majority of competition is F2P/B2P
    5. Even existing P2P games have cash shops to supplement subscriptions
    6. Over time loss of players and loss of revenue is irreversible, which means running at a loss and shutdown happens much faster than games that have cash shops

    Pure P2P is dead. It cannot be sustained for a long period of time in todays online space

    But you are right pure P2P is the fairest solution for the players, too bad it just doesnt work longterm anymore
    There are numerous games that have made a success of P2P, the monetisation method isn't the problem when it comes to a games longevity, if the game is good enough, then people will play them, just a few examples, Final Fantasy XIV:ARR, World of Warcraft, Eve Online are i think the main ones, there are a number of hybrids however that can probably be judged to have a relatively successful P2P option, SW:TOR, Archeage, BDO (30 day VIP package) ESO, and i have no doubt a few other games too, P2P has evolved along with the games themselves, but its far from dead.
    Just to be clear I wad talking abouy 100% pure P2P game

    WoW, FFXIV, EvE all have cash shops to supplement subscriptions

    There is no major pure P2P game left on the market
    True, there i have to agree, though i do think that we will increasingly see more games with a P2P option in one form or another with the F2P option being little more than access to the game with some fairly strict limitations, as we have seen recently with Eve Online with its Alpha (F2P) and Omega(P2P) clones.
  • AnirethAnireth Member UncommonPosts: 940
    The problem is, making money is not enough. Not even making a lot of money. It has to meet the expectations, or it's essentially a loss. Even if it's surprise hit and generates twice as much money in the first week as the company had generated in the last twenty years, if the expectations where for three times as much in the first two days, it's a loss and they'll bury it.

    And multiplayer shooters with lootboxes and stuff promise a lot of money way cheaper (less writing, less voice acting, less *models (though more skins, but they get sold in the shop..), levels can be stand-alone and don't have to make sense etc.)

    I'll wait to the day's end when the moon is high
    And then I'll rise with the tide with a lust for life, I'll
    Amass an army, and we'll harness a horde
    And then we'll limp across the land until we stand at the shore

  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    edited August 2017
    Back on topic, this is pretty much how I feel. :(

    Don't know about anyone else, but I find that posting this significant news, knowing the attention it would receive, on a Saturday was pretty cowardly.


  • bartoni33bartoni33 Member RarePosts: 2,044
    Torval said:

    Torval said:

    Phry said:

    ME:A effectively killed the series, whether or not Bioware Montreal was entirely to blame is moot point, the game was plagued, and still is for that matter, with bad animations, and poor writing, you could even say that the failure of ME:A draws some parallels to the ill fated 'new' Ghostbusters movie, where they diverged from the tenets of the original 'IP' and were poorly written, to give EA some credit, while Bioware Montreal is no more, they did salvage what they could. :/

    I like the new Ghostbusters. I found it hilarious and like the parallels the SNL cast members brought.

    There was absolutely nothing good about that movie. Not one single fucking thing. It's the cinematic equivalent of dangling shiny objects in front of someone's face; a momentary distraction for the simple-minded and easily amused folks.

    Kind of how ME:A compares to the previous three games, actually. Shiny and new, but ultimately devoid of any of the substance which made its predecessors so great, so loved, and so cherished.
    Yeah, I'm already familiar with superficial opinions of the angsty hipster big bang theory loving posers. Nice facile analysis. It probably sounds impressive to mouth breathers. Some even agreed with you.
    For some reason your post comes off as a dis on The Big Bang Theory. If so it's the "hipster" cool thing to hate on BBT ya know right? Just like it's the cool thing to hate on the new Ghostbusters.

    I hope I'm reading your post wrong because the irony is startling coming from a poster I respect like you.

    In fairness I haven't seen the new Ghostbusters but all I have heard from actual people who have seen it leads me to think I've not missed much. BBT on the other hand is a classic, although they do need to shut it down soon before it gets stale.

    Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    what a sad way to go out. The ME universe is still there but I wouldn't get my hopes up for another ME game for at least a decade. Not after this. :( 
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • URMAKERURMAKER Member UncommonPosts: 671
    being that they never offered any kinda season pass i'm sure no dlc was the plan from the start. they're gonna go the gtav route and hope they can sell the hell out of ssome loot boxes or whatever it is they sell in the mulitplayer part.


  • RidrithRidrith Member RarePosts: 869
    I like how everybody is quick to blame EA. How about we put some blame on Bioware Montreal for their shitty development and writing team. Reading through the Kotaku article (which is extremely interesting) seems to be a case of Bioware studios bitching and in-fighting with one another.
    I like to complain about games.
  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    edited August 2017
    The problem with Mass Effect is that it was the story of Shepard, always was and for a lot of fans it always will be. I was dubious about ME:A when it was announced and anything other than an Epic game was never going to be good enough to win over the fans of the franchise. Sadly they failed to deliver.

    And so Bioware joins the long list of games developers to be bought out and destroyed by EA. And they wonder why people hate them.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    Torval said:
    URMAKER said:
    being that they never offered any kinda season pass i'm sure no dlc was the plan from the start. they're gonna go the gtav route and hope they can sell the hell out of ssome loot boxes or whatever it is they sell in the mulitplayer part.
    GTA doesn't have loot boxes. GTA sells in game dollars and people buy stuff with it.
    Only the noobies seem to buy shark cards. There is a new exploit (money glitch) every week in that game a few youtubers seem to find and then share before it's patched; rinse/repeat.
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • NonderyonNonderyon Member UncommonPosts: 189
    I bet, the Quarian Ark been blown up, because they needed to "sword cut" the story.
  • joewolf79joewolf79 Member UncommonPosts: 31

    The problem with Mass Effect is that it was the story of Shepard, always was and for a lot of fans it always will be. I was dubious about ME:A when it was announced and anything other than an Epic game was never going to be good enough to win over the fans of the franchise. Sadly they failed to deliver.

    And so Bioware joins the long list of games developers to be bought out and destroyed by EA. And they wonder why people hate them.

    I think that is a matter of perspective. I mean yes I loved Shepard as my lens to view this universe but for me the series was about building relationships. Supporting Krogans and Geth every chance I got because nobody else would. Becoming BFFs with a Turian. Romancing an exotic space girl. And finally doing the things that needed doing despite being hindered and judged by an ineffectual government that can't see the whole picture from behind their desks.

    I feel like ME:A delivered on these points. Drack and Vetra, hell all the aliens really, made this feel like ME to me, no Shepard required.
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    This is an extremely poor move on the devs side. To me it is basically crapping on the people that actually loved this series and stood behind the devs. These games were not about the multiplayer experience they were solid single player games. Yeah they got bad press reviews and customer reviews because of some dumb decisions they made to save time and money when making the game. Really hate when they take a solid game ip and try and turn it into something completely different to get more players. In my opinion the game wasn't bad at all, I rather enjoyed it, but I also don't play these game for multiplayer either.
  • mail103mail103 Member UncommonPosts: 6
    They make way more money on multi-player stuff than the single player dlcs.
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    mail103 said:
    They make way more money on multi-player stuff than the single player dlcs.
    It's harder to charge micro transactions in single player games. Lord knows they have been trying. 

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • mail103mail103 Member UncommonPosts: 6
    k61977 said:
    This is an extremely poor move on the devs side. To me it is basically crapping on the people that actually loved this series and stood behind the devs. These games were not about the multiplayer experience they were solid single player games. Yeah they got bad press reviews and customer reviews because of some dumb decisions they made to save time and money when making the game. Really hate when they take a solid game ip and try and turn it into something completely different to get more players. In my opinion the game wasn't bad at all, I rather enjoyed it, but I also don't play these game for multiplayer either.
    well we know how Ea does stuff anyway. plus they can make way more money on multiplayer stuff. They dont care about their fans just the profit.
  • WraithoneWraithone Member RarePosts: 3,806
    That is really too bad. The ME universe deserved so much more than that. But given how extremely expensive development has become, and the self inflicted "issues" there have been, I can't say that I'm surprised.
    "If you can't kill it, don't make it mad."
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    I will skip Mass Effect Andromeda, and wait for Mass Effect 5 "Without Denuvo" funny thing is I went to my local best buy and I saw like 5+ Copies of this game on the shelf collectors editions no one was buying I wanted to buy one but I won't buy because of the intrusive DRM.

    This company should totally remake Mass Effect Andromeda or Mass Effect5, keep Denuvo out of the game and make Mass Effect great again, or rather like the original game which ME 1-2 were the best IMO, Mass Effect 3 is where they started going down-hill and Mass Effect Andromeda was the nail in the coffin it didn't have to be that way though.
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