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LF MMO to play with Girlfriend

MertzaSkertzMertzaSkertz Member UncommonPosts: 161
My girlfriend is wanting something to do in her free time. I love MMOs and have been playing them all the time, but I want to find one that I think she would enjoy playing with me. She really is interested in the social aspect of an MMO. I want to find an MMO that is extremely social and has many features that do not require combat. Also it has to be able to run on a Mac. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 959
    I will suggest Rift or elder scrolls onlone "ESO"

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    I would go for GW2 or ESO, both runs on a mac and both are good games.
  • NyghthowlerNyghthowler Member UncommonPosts: 392
    My personal recommendation would be ESO. I think the in game community is better, and there are a bunch of crafting professions to level up.
    JMO. Good luck.
  • MertzaSkertzMertzaSkertz Member UncommonPosts: 161
    I probably should have mentioned she has a macbook air. I think guild wars 2 will run on it, but I am very doubtful on ESO. Also since GW2 is free that might be an easier sell.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    EQ2,you can get her accustomed to a mmorpg easily with low cost and no real commitment.

    it has housing and i know several females from playing it that loved fixing up houses and crafting furniture as well picking up event items for the house,albeit houses are a cash shop item.However if you don't get too serious and just want to get her a house,you can play the game predominantly for free for quite a while.
    What many do is play free using quests,take on easier dungeons and then when levels become slower they buy credits to unlock better gear/drops.This is because the better gear is locked unless a paying customer in some way or another.
    They used to have the auction house locked as well but last i played i believe it is no longer locked for free players.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 959
    Yeah go ESO..shoul dnot be so hard for gurls _;)

    many games you can play with hands
  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775
    Isnt ESO more solo focused with mostly combat?

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  • EldurianEldurian Member EpicPosts: 2,736
    edited July 2017
    Yeah I'm not sure I would recommend ESO. I actually played it together with my current partner back when we first got together (right as it was coming out) and it was very fun but what we did was build synergistic characters and then ran quests together. Most of the fun revolved around combat.

    Runescape and Wurm are the main two games I can think of that you can have a lot of fun without really doing much combat at all. That is true for EVE and Mortal Online as well but... your girlfriend will have to be tolerant to the idea that sometimes other players will attack and kill her if you pick one of those two.

    The other suggestion is why limit yourself to MMOs? Minecraft is a super solid choice. So is a non-PvP server for Life is Feudal. Really a lot of survival games to pick from. I'd opt for one with a less dangerous environment though as games like Ark Survival really kind of push you into combat to survive.
  • MertzaSkertzMertzaSkertz Member UncommonPosts: 161
    Eldurian said:
    Yeah I'm not sure I would recommend ESO. I actually played it together with my current partner back when we first got together (right as it was coming out) and it was very fun but what we did was build synergistic characters and then ran quests together. Most of the fun revolved around combat.

    Runescape and Wurm are the main two games I can think of that you can have a lot of fun without really doing much combat at all. That is true for EVE and Mortal Online as well but... your girlfriend will have to be tolerant to the idea that sometimes other players will attack and kill her if you pick one of those two.

    The other suggestion is why limit yourself to MMOs? Minecraft is a super solid choice. So is a non-PvP server for Life is Feudal. Really a lot of survival games to pick from. I'd opt for one with a less dangerous environment though as games like Ark Survival really kind of push you into combat to survive.
    I am limiting to MMOs because I want her to find friends beyond myself in these games as well.
  • btdtbtdt Member RarePosts: 523
    You may find that her MacBook Air is not up to the task.  Most of the Mac MMOs are not native Mac applications, meaning they run through an emulator.  Those that are native have sketchy technical support in most cases.  In other words, you get to live with shortcomings compared to your PC brethren. 

    LotRO, GW2, ESO, WoW, FFXVI (Heavensward Expansion only), and EVE online all run on the Mac platform to varying degrees.  Of those, only ESO and WoW are native Mac applications, the rest all run through an emulator.  Emulators are inferior to native applications in every way.  In a lot of cases, Bootcamp is the better option for playing games on a Mac due to better driver support, but not always.

    I've played LotRo, GW2, and WoW on a Mac.  I'd only recommend GW2 or WoW out of those.  WoW is likely to run the best... assuming you meet specs (even WoW is dropping support for many Mac configurations).

    Extremely social?  That will be an even harder bill to fill (on any platform).  Most all of them are solo-centric by design now.  You have to go out of your way to find friends as most aren't interested it socializing at all.
  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    Well, ESO is great....but Social?
    I mean try it by all means, but I am not sure that's what she is looking for.

  • MertzaSkertzMertzaSkertz Member UncommonPosts: 161
    Would Albion Online fit this description?
  • timtracktimtrack Member UncommonPosts: 541
    I've had great success introducing my girlfriend to GW2 and then WoW 1.12. They are both great in their own way so i can't recommend one or the other. Both have provided some very memorable moments for us.
  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    I'm playing Darkfall with my GF (had a previous GF I played with as well...) and we love it!! <3

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  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    I got my wife into mmos a few years ago.  Her gaming experience prior to that was minimal.  WoW, ESO, GW2 and Tera were her favorite mmos we played together.  If the game cost bothers her.  Simply, just like I do.  Buy your partner their games for them.
  • MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
    If you want social, you can't beat Lord of the Rings Online.  People often gather for parties and kin events, and there are frequently concerts in Bree and other parts of the world.  I recommend playing on the Landroval server.
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