We have a quite a list of cool bits on Dragon Empires today:
McUsher, a DE fan has created a flash version of the DE beta! You can check it out here. Believe it or not, you can actually play this little game, and live with other players! This little gem is being hosted by http://de.utopic.de - a German fan site for Dragon Empires!
RPG Vault have a Q&A on the player driven economy in DE! You can check that out at this link.
Need to send a holiday greeting to a friend? How about a Dragon Empires e-card?! You can view the collection here.
New screenshot - you can check out a cool image of the Yellowback Empire capitol at the official site here.
New story from Gladstone. If you are looking to learn about a little Dragon Empires holiday lore, you can read this.
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