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Star Citizen 3.0 footage bits (UK ATV)

MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,846
edited June 2017 in Star Citizen
So this week the UK ATV, has shown quite a bit of stuff, much of it in the works for the next update (3.0), posted some "giffted" bits bellow:

3.0's Levski landing zone current looks:

3.0's Mobiglass (Mission App)

And the WIP new Mobiglass home screen:

3.0's procedural outposts (emergency shelter & drug lab)

3.0's derelict ships work finalizing

3.0's first basic implementation of character customization:

The new takedowns:

3.0's Kiosk trading UI (grimhex theme/sounds):

Just some of the bits of this development update related to Alpha 3.0 set to release this summer. Full ATV, I think the UK studio update is really worth watching:

Post edited by MaxBacon on


  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,846
    Another just shown UI for the Global Inventory, item transfer between locations:

    Saxx0n[Deleted User]
  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,846
    TL;DR of this UK Studio Update, was just resumed today:

    • Air traffic controller sprint: Initial groundwork complete and now moving on to more functionality including communication with ATC
    • Introducing a new hint system to make initial learning curve lower for new players

    • Changing how a player spawns into a level, removing a large amount of FlowGraph data and simplifies setup for the level  

    • Continuing work for missions in 3.0 with progress on implementation of Mission Broker and Mission Manager

      • These determine how a mission and all objectives are presented to/given to the player to complete and also be tracking what missions a player already has/how far through objectives they are

    • AI locomotion: Refining the way Ai walks/runs around a level

      • Implemented a new path smoothing algorithm which makes AI traversal around corners more natural

    • Graphics team: Wrapping up/bug fixing major features such as lit fog, real time environment probes for planet lightings, etc
    • UK Animation team: Continued work on FPS weapons

      • Arrowhead now close to final with some minor polish work left

      • Takedowns gone from implementation pass to more refined animation pass

      • AI animation work ongoing with improvement to posing of enemy patrol states and reactions to sight/sound

      • Team helping to export remaining gameplay story cinematic scenes so Design can implement and better visualize the story within levels they're working on

    • Derby Animation team: Finishing off facial animations for 3.0 mission givers and Eckhart's body animation is being polished/implemented

      • Some of the team attended a PU audio/facial shoot in London

    • VFX team: Continued tests of new lightning entity focusing on smaller scale interior electrical effects

      • First Levski exterior VFX pass underway

      • Cutlass flight ready VFX including interior damage and thruster effects now done

      • Continued work on atmospheric flight effects with focus on play testing/bug fixing/testing new features provided by Graphics/Engineering teams

      • Ongoing polish for VFX for new weapons and reworked version is continuing up to 3.0 release

    • Art side: Origin 600i concept process now finished

      • Next ground vehicle moving along and about to kick off a whole new round of ships

      • Ship weapons they've take Klaus and Werner styling from FPS weapons and used it to influence worn on Klaus and Werner laser repeater

      • Looking at some cool looking MaxOx neutron repeaters

    • Art team: Working away at further Shubin Mining Station interiors

      • Continued work on providing infrastructure to habitation pods including comms arrays/water collectors/small deployable communication units

    • Space scenes getting facelift for 3.0 release, adding texture and visual interest to space overworld big priority for 3.0 release

      • Reworked some of the distant nebula in Stanton system

      • Working on large scale nebula rendering techniques using Pyro system as a test case, techniques will help create interstellar scale nebula

    • SQ42: Exploring the look/feel of the Coil using powerful fluid simulations to help achieve this look

    • Ongoing work for Truck Stop Stations materials

      • Work on solar panels

      • Rest of Truck Stop team are finalizing main hull pieces before proceeding to front/back sections of stations

      • Special consideration being made to ensure to nothing looks visually repetitive

      • Detailing areas around landing pad ongoing including adding more visual complexity to back of landing pad/around the borders on edge of the pad

    • Surface Outposts: More archetypal outposts have had a dressing and lighting pass including emergency shelter

      • As well as illegal drug lab which may/may not be on one of the moons

      • Planet integration materials for outpost exterior tested/tweaked for sand/ice biomes

      • Branding prototyping explored for procedural locations with Rayari brand as test case including main logos/text along with secondary logos, indents, etc

      • This would procedurally swap brands depending on ownership of the outpost

    • Ship team: Reclaimer work completed on drone room with focus on drone deployment/storage mechanism

      • Engine room also been completed making use of repurposed assets from Idris

      • Exterior damage setup nearing completion with internal geometry being built to be exposed when ship takes damage

    • Work on derelict ship/wreckage elements coming to end for initial batch

      • Support now in place for Design to create mission scenarios based on derelict ships in space/on planets

      • Material variations of each ship created so ships will look embedded to the surface type

      • All that's remaining are technical elements such as LODs, vis areas, collisions

    • Gladius cockpit revamped/relit for new cockpit experience

      • Art side it's been achieved by clearing a channel between top support screens to reveal Gatling gun on the nose, making a range of interactive buttons, remodeling throttle for improved functionality

      • Cockpit canopy extended for better clarity and new interior lighting added

    • Hull C exterior work on finishing landing gear mechanisms and detailing inner bay areas while creating initial animations and work towards final art

      • Front section of interior now modelling complete and getting a detailed lighting pass

      • Once complete tunnel section/rear engine room will be modelled and lit in same fashion

    • Live Design team: Moving ahead with content for PU, giving needed attention to existing Arena Commander and Star Marine maps

      • Dying Star had procedural asteroids added

      • Star Marine maps received balancing changes

      • Echo 11 some adjustments to capture points
    • UI front: New features making their way into mobiGlas

      • Progress on home screen functionality and displaying elements of actor status, atmospheric readouts, suit status readouts, personal overview

      • Player loadout management working as an app in mobiGlas

      • Working to get mobiGlas UI in general to be projected using new render to texture tech

    • Work on designing/implementing upcoming character customization menu on frontend which will be included in 3.0

      • Players will be able to create/customize various characters in PU

    • Audio team: Features for 3.0 release including Procedural Planet Ambience system

      • Refining approach on how to produce ship armaments and first person audio

      • Producing sound schemes for different kinds of diegetic user interfaces that will feature in 3.0

    • Preparation begun for foley session to ensure audio coverage for character clothing/armour and content to extend footsteps system further

    • Progress on foundational audio tech such as dynamic bank loading/actor status system/audio propagation system/music logic system/content production for derelict ships/bespoke 3.0 location sound design and more

    from relay
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