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Old EQ1 Friends



  • Scott23Scott23 Member UncommonPosts: 293
    boojiboy said:
    Scott23 said:
    boojiboy said:
    Scott23 said:
    boojiboy said:
    Fazzar - Wizard (Prexus)

    Alliance of the Griffin (for awhile anyway :) )
    Did our guild merge into another in the later years on Prexus?  If so who?  I'm curious.  Alliance of the Griffin continued on into Vanguard, now a lot of us are waiting on Pantheon.
    After just about everybody had moved on AotG became an alt guild for one of the top raiding guilds on Prexus.  For the life of me I can't remember the name of it - it was the guild that Omcduffy (not Mcduffy) was in.  All I know was that I was probably kicked for inactivity as I had moved on to EQ2 before that happened.  The few times I have logged back in to EQ I was unguilded.
    Yes, that's right... now I remember.  But I can't remember the name of the raiding guild either.  I was just messaging McDuffy last week.  He's currently playing WoW :)  McDuffy created the Alliance of the Griffin guild back in the 70s I think as a D&D group  :)

    Yeah, AotG was a group of friends that played D&D.  I believe that it was originally named around 1980 although they had been playing longer than that.  It was named when we started to go to Gencon at U of Wisconsin Parkside :)
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,968
    Innoruuk server (was closed) 

    Gravin: DE Necro
    Dumdar: Ogre Shaman
    Manick: VS Bard
    Bimple: Gnome Enchanter

    and a buch of alts =-)
  • TulerezzerTulerezzer Member UncommonPosts: 15
    Tulerezzer- Halfling Cleric <The Dark Exile>  EQ1

    Seventh Hammer server before it merged to wherever it is now.
  • TheJodaTheJoda Member UncommonPosts: 605
    Anachronox Soulhavester...Talons, Cazic Thule.

    ....Being Banned from MMORPG's forums since 2010, for Trolling the Trolls!!!

  • DagimirDagimir Member UncommonPosts: 20
    Bertoxx server: Gnommie- Gnome rogue- guild Gathering of the wee folk. Ravok- Iksar monk. Dagimir-Dark elf rogue- guild Knights of Valor.

  • XthosXthos Member UncommonPosts: 2,740

    Originally Tarew Marr (think it became Drinal?)

    Xthos - Necromancer

    Desiac - Enchanter (wife)

  • MwahahaMwahaha Member UncommonPosts: 126
    Bloodbrood - Dark Elf Shadowknight
    Bloodlich - Dark Elf Necro 
    Server:  Ayonae Ro
    Guild:  Caelitus 

    Played:  EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, WAR, WoW, LoTRO, CoX, CO, GW2, FFXIV: ARR, AoC, Rift, TSW, SWTOR, TERA, BnS, ESO

  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662
    Hey everyone, this is my first post on thie website in probably seven years. But I am an old EQ1 player and I've been looking forward to Pantheon and have hopes it will be a throwback to that classic MMO. I saw this thread about trying to connect with old friends and realize it's a long shot, but here goes.

    Both my brother and I played EQ and unfortuntely, we can't remember the name of the server, but I can provide some other information that might help.

    My brother played a warrior troll named Hastar and I was an elven ranger named Zindaihas (same as my username). He was a member of the largest guild on the server called Intrepid and I belonged to the second largest guild called Sacred Omen (they were largest and second largest at ttime we were members).

    And he ran with a cleric named Chug and I grouped a lot with an elven druid named Klayen and his friend, a barbarian warrior named Superhoss.

    If this rings any bells with anyone, feel free to respond and we'll keep an eye out for you in Pantheon.

  • ZorlofeZorlofe Member UncommonPosts: 215
    Would love to catch up with some old guildies and hope this game has what it takes.

    Server: Firiona Vie
    Guild: Norrath's Elite Guard
    Toon: Zorlofe Serevent
  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28
    Server:  Terris-Thule
    Guild: I think dawntreaders was my last guild
    Toon: Dancwith Treesnbushes (druid)
  • Mouloxtos85Mouloxtos85 Member UncommonPosts: 66
    And then there is me, sitting in a corner crying for never playing EQ1..
  • AlektraQShinAlektraQShin Member CommonPosts: 1
    Rallos Zek
    Alektra Q`Sin - Wood Elf Druid - <Omniscient>
    Knitemare - Iksar Necromancer - <Harbingers of Thule>
    Daemonite - Dark Elf Wizard - Guildless, little Pk twink for blowing off steam at the expense of others.
  • PecerbusPecerbus Member UncommonPosts: 3
    Pecerbus -  Wizard. Elemental Dawn on Karana server, Night Eternal originally Karana server then moved forget which server. Heaven and Earth forget what sever.  Triadica I believe Solusek Ro. My final guild was with Township Rebellion on Luclin.  Everquest is the only game that I have played and actually miss the people I played along side of. 
  • BluelinerBlueliner Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Pathius/Olestra .Representing Tholluxe Paelles for life! raided mostly with Crystal Dawn, and Eternal Sovergn. may be playing on the TLS Agnarr until Pantheon releases.
  • BluelinerBlueliner Member UncommonPosts: 185

    Zindaihas said:

    Hey everyone, this is my first post on thie website in probably seven years. But I am an old EQ1 player and I've been looking forward to Pantheon and have hopes it will be a throwback to that classic MMO. I saw this thread about trying to connect with old friends and realize it's a long shot, but here goes.

    Both my brother and I played EQ and unfortuntely, we can't remember the name of the server, but I can provide some other information that might help.

    My brother played a warrior troll named Hastar and I was an elven ranger named Zindaihas (same as my username). He was a member of the largest guild on the server called Intrepid and I belonged to the second largest guild called Sacred Omen (they were largest and second largest at ttime we were members).

    And he ran with a cleric named Chug and I grouped a lot with an elven druid named Klayen and his friend, a barbarian warrior named Superhoss.

    If this rings any bells with anyone, feel free to respond and we'll keep an eye out for you in Pantheon.

    The server you describe was Tholluxe Paelles, the greatest server ever!

  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662

    Blueliner said:

    The server you describe was Tholluxe Paelles, the greatest server ever!

    Yes, I realized it was Tholluxe Paelles from your first post when you said you raided with Crystal Dawn.  I joined CD after Sacred Omen broke up.  It was a European guild (and a good one at that), but they let me join because I was able to play during their peak raiding hours.


  • Hawkaya399Hawkaya399 Member RarePosts: 620
    edited May 2017
    Hawkaya was my first character--a ranger--in Mar 1999 on Rallos Zek
    My longtime char Prudis, Ranger (Urbanum Mortum, Inner Council, etc) - Sullon Zek
    Krayel, Paladin (Skyfire Crusaders) - Povar

    I played a few other random chars, like on the roleplaying server. But not very long. ONe of my interesting alts was Thargos, a warrior on Vallon or Rallos Zek. I also played Sellars, a cleric. Both of them were named after the characters in the Otherland books.

    I've met players on live from Sullon Zek. Sullon Zek died in 2005 when all PvP was merged to Zek. I met Kirrban (Kirban) on Zek. Kirban was an uber wizard in ~2002. It's ofc helpful you can put your origin server on your title.
    Post edited by Hawkaya399 on
  • SubilacSubilac Member UncommonPosts: 49
    I started on Xev server right before Kunark was released. I still am friends with about 10 people I was guilded with back then. We have played Wow, Rift, DDO, Age of Conan, etc. together. The community in EQ1 was like no other. 
  • EndlawEndlaw Member UncommonPosts: 9
    Shout out to the Povar crew!  Where are they all? 

    Cyndred - EQ1 - Enchanter - Povar 
  • EronakisEronakis Member UncommonPosts: 2,249
    Eronakis - Erudite Wizard
    Karana Server then merged with Rathe
    Grey Hawke
  • NimrylNimryl Member UncommonPosts: 19
    edited May 2017
    I don't think anyone would remember me anyway tbh.. it's been such a long time.
    I remember a few people tho...

    Torv  (US) server:

    Pauldaniels - DE, Magician naturally and from the UK.
    Downinflames - High elf, cleric.. she was from the US.
    Nikos - gnome necro I think? Uni buddy of mine; got me into EQ.

    Server notes:
    I remember Blades of Wrath was the #1 progression guild.
    Nexxus of Faith was #1 Euro guild on there.
    There was Darkstar Alliance? (I think it was called that) who were a serious raiding guild.. I joined for a while but being from the UK I couldn't hack it... 4am PoFire raids... too hardcore (the time zones)
    There was a Riffraff guild too I think?.. I barely remember them.
    That's all I remember..

    This one might have been AB. Think it was the euro one.

    Falk - Barb, shaman.. I can't remember the guild exactly.. I think it was Dark..something.
    His brother too can't remember his name now. - Human, ranger.. Vague memories.
    ^ These dutch guys helped me LOADS. I'd totally help them without batting an eye in Pantheon if they ever came back... they seriously went out of their way.

    Server notes:
    Didn't really play for long on AB.. quit shortly after moving there. But I'll always remember Falk & his bro for helping me.. :)
    Post edited by Nimryl on
  • EronakisEronakis Member UncommonPosts: 2,249
    edited May 2017
    Pecerbus said:
    Pecerbus -  Wizard. Elemental Dawn on Karana server, Night Eternal originally Karana server then moved forget which server. Heaven and Earth forget what sever.  Triadica I believe Solusek Ro. My final guild was with Township Rebellion on Luclin.  Everquest is the only game that I have played and actually miss the people I played along side of. 
    Hey man! I was also in ED! One of my good friends recruited me and merged with another guild at the time. Do you remember a Wood Elf Druid named Strongwood? I also can't remember the guild leaders name to save my life, he was a monk that started with a V? I also knew another High Elf Wizard in ED called Jonjay I believe? He was a kiting beast! 

    Night Eternal went to Stromm I believe. And I had a Human Paladin friend who was in ED/NE and went to Township on Luclin named Slickone. Remember him?
  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    Elminister Eleazar
    Erudite Wizard
    Devote follower of Soluesk Ro

    Rodcet Nife Server.

    5 years of my life. Right there. On that server.
  • RictisRictis Member UncommonPosts: 1,300
    Weyr Soulflare was my Iksar Shaman on Fennin Ro. I played basically every class / race combination possible since purchase at some point. This game was not even on my radar, but after checking out this thread I went to the official site. I am now looking forward to trying this game out. I hope it comes out soon.
  • KrakajackKrakajack Member CommonPosts: 1

    Krakajack -Shadowknight- First on Povar, then Maelin, then went back to Povar then quit shortly thereafter

     I played EQ stoned and drunk most of the time lol, but I was still a good SK

    Pantheon give Dire Lords FD!!!!!!!

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