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At what point did you loose hope, if at all ?

delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
Opening day for any mmo is so exciting to me.  So many first days on a new release or even an older game I'm getting into were very much fun, I was like a little kid.

My first time in feeling disappointment was the release of Warhammer Online.  I studied this game so much and the anticipation was unbearable !....... On log in, I instantly didn't like the graphics and I'm not even a graphics fan.  Then the small zones, then two weeks later the feeling was done.

Still, my hope remained high. I had the same feeling with Guild Wars 2.  With my guild in place and all ready to start. I was instantly subjected to my story line, this was ok and played a few days, but the dynamic of everything did me in, I only lasted the first 30 days.  It was well done, very well done but everything was too handed to me so easily.  This was a turn off.

This is when the magic was gone and have been searching since.

Do you have a breaking point, or are you enjoying everything ?



  • PopplePopple Member UncommonPosts: 239
    When WOW hit then none of the Companies could top it.. Not even Free to play Games...The MMO went right down hill and this is why we are here today at forums, waiting for our messiah game to arrive while we all get grey hair...LOL

    I retired retroactively..Haha

  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    When the community became more focused on the finish line than the journey getting there. 

    Remember when you used to log in and make zero progress that night because you were just shooting the shit for 3 hours? 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • postlarvalpostlarval Member EpicPosts: 2,003
    I don't lose hope because I don't engage in 'hoping' in the first place, especially about insignificant things like personal entertainment choices.

    Hope is a useless activity that only serves to keep small children quiet when they are waiting for Santa.

    Hope is an excuse to sit around and do nothing. Be a victim. Even fear and anger are more useful emotions than hope.

    If you don't know what I mean, talk to any MMO player who had an emotional meltdown when SWG closed. That describes it perfectly. What a sad lot they were. Comical, really.
    ~~ postlarval ~~

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    There are things I dislike about some current video games but same thing can be said about every generation of games I have played. Im still having as much fun today as I did in 1980 when I started gaming. I miss some old stuff and I also like some of the new modern twists to games. I will die a gamer. 
  • TyranusPrimeTyranusPrime Member UncommonPosts: 306
    I enjoy everything that I choose to play.. When something ceases being fun or interesting to me, I move on to greener pastures.. I don't think there has been a single MMO I have played that did not have some redeeming value or point of interest.. No real breaking point for me.. I play for the sake of playing.. I play for fun.. and of course, inevitably, when content runs dry and I have enjoyed what I can, I must sadly depart the field of battle..

    As far as hope goes.. I am never bereft of it.. Would I love to see many current MMOs redone? Of course.. Deceased MMOs resurrected? Absolutely.. Its not enough to slap a shiny new bow on an old game or produce a new game with the same old gameplay.. My hope is always to see the genre evolve.. And my greatest hope is to learn the design process and one day make my own game..

    ..because we're gamers, damn it!! - William Massachusetts (Log Horizon)

  • ConsuetudoConsuetudo Member UncommonPosts: 191
    I still have hope. I still think a good MMO will come along. I think it's ridiculous to seriously think such a thing is impossible.
  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    I agree for the most part... I cannot seem to find a new game that gets me excited anymore.

    I had the same experience with Warhammer.. and was my first real big disappointment.

    I feel like Guild Wars 2 was the biggest blow to my soul though.... was soooOOOo disappointed, felt like crying real tears..... lol

    Pretty excited about his new Darkfall version coming out May 5th though! I played the beta and know what to expect. Incredible changes.

    I played seriously 20 games though the last couple years hoping to find a hidden gem of some kind but they were all crap!

    NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!

  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829

    DMKano said:

    As long as we have evolving technology and are progressing to birth of sentient AI there is hope.

    Humanity is flawed and destined to fail as species, but if we can evolve our technology to do better than we have done, it will be our only legacy that is worth anything.

    AI can take over and we can die out knowing that we have surved our purpose, creating something better than ourselves that will far surpass our limits.

    That's deep, Kano. :open_mouth:

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771

    Opening day for any mmo is so exciting to me.  So many first days on a new release or even an older game I'm getting into were very much fun, I was like a little kid.

    My first time in feeling disappointment was the release of Warhammer Online.  I studied this game so much and the anticipation was unbearable !....... On log in, I instantly didn't like the graphics and I'm not even a graphics fan.  Then the small zones, then two weeks later the feeling was done.

    Still, my hope remained high. I had the same feeling with Guild Wars 2.  With my guild in place and all ready to start. I was instantly subjected to my story line, this was ok and played a few days, but the dynamic of everything did me in, I only lasted the first 30 days.  It was well done, very well done but everything was too handed to me so easily.  This was a turn off.

    This is when the magic was gone and have been searching since.

    Do you have a breaking point, or are you enjoying everything ?

    As long as you as posting here, there is hope.  If you want to kill all hope, you must never post here again!  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    As @CrazKanuk said, MMO's have forced the grind bars higher and higher to keep up on how most see them as a race to max level/endgame stuff.

    Then it's all about economic gain, while several MMO's offers several ways to play the game, most people will do the META, the meta will rule the MMO and nothing else matters.

    The META for me causes the worse impact, instead of playing how you want, you'll end up playing as the meta instead, and any attempt to balance that is one absolute nightmare.
  • VelifaxVelifax Member UncommonPosts: 413
    Mine was also a breaking point, albeit a drawn out one. I played through all of Wrath WoW without understanding why i was disappointed. Took until Warlords to realize it wasnt my concurrently changing tastes in games that was causing my ennui. Took another while to realize it was ALL mmos not just WoW.

  • VelifaxVelifax Member UncommonPosts: 413

    What is "losing hope" ? I don't know the meaning of that. I'm having fun playing video games, old and new.

    Your enjoyment threshold is simply lower than mine. Im happy youre happy. But i need something more.
  • DrDread74DrDread74 Member UncommonPosts: 308

    You just haven't realized yet, you got older, the things that appeal to you in your youth don't anymore. That includes MMOs, Crayons, Legos and Ketchup on Chicken Nuggets.

    You are clinging to your youth trying to relive the great feeling of a 40 man raid. Its not going to happen, its unhealthy. Move on, play another game, different genre. Take your MMO blinders off, there are 1000 games around you. Have a NEW glorious experience instead of trying to revive the ones that's 10 years old.

    I moved to League of Legends for years, now I'm on For Honor, next month I might be playing some survival sim. Don't you ever get sick and tired of playing "Catch" on the playground? Lets try Frisbee
     An MMO game I created, solo. It's live now and absolutely free to play!
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    It was over when they made a movie based on CHiPs.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766

    Velifax said:

    What is "losing hope" ? I don't know the meaning of that. I'm having fun playing video games, old and new.

    Your enjoyment threshold is simply lower than mine. Im happy youre happy. But i need something more.

    The arrogant attitude can be returned in a similar way.
    Maybe you have non realistic expectations instead of selecting in the HUGE amount of available games and enjoying those the closest to your tastes.

     some people need more than what the plebs enjoy, otherwise they might feel like they have some sort of common ground with people that are obviously below them. . .
  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766

    sayuu said:

    Velifax said:

    What is "losing hope" ? I don't know the meaning of that. I'm having fun playing video games, old and new.

    Your enjoyment threshold is simply lower than mine. Im happy youre happy. But i need something more.

    The arrogant attitude can be returned in a similar way.
    Maybe you have non realistic expectations instead of selecting in the HUGE amount of available games and enjoying those the closest to your tastes.

     some people need more than what the plebs enjoy, otherwise they might feel like they have some sort of common ground with people that are obviously below them. . .

    I just hope this was sarcasm ;)

    highbrow sarcasm . . . :awesome:
  • SulaaSulaa Member UncommonPosts: 1,329
    In MMORPGs around years 2010-2012.

    It became apparent that Companies are unwilling/unable to

    1. Provide well scripted combat AI for all mobs
    2. Provide fun non-skinner box gameplay
    3. Provide faster pace of hand-made content
    4. Provide cheat free gaming enviroment

    At same time it became apparent that

    5. Budgets are falling
    6. Scaling, semi-procedural and cheap (i.e. waves of enenimes) type of content is gonne be increased
    7. Faceroll difficulty will be set for 90-95% with exception of few raids for harcore raiding crowds.  Even if somehow nice, itneresting difficulty level will be set for quests or normal dungeons - it will be NERFED, usually fast as well.
    8. Microtransactions are gonna stay for a long time in MMORPGs.

    EACH SINGLE points became deal breaker, not acceptable anymore - and it became apparent that comparies are unwilling or unable (type of reason does not matter) to adress those.

    That is when it became apparent that MMORPG genre is finished for me.
  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510

    DMKano said:

    As long as we have evolving technology and are progressing to birth of sentient AI there is hope.

    Humanity is flawed and destined to fail as species, but if we can evolve our technology to do better than we have done, it will be our only legacy that is worth anything.

    AI can take over and we can die out knowing that we have surved our purpose, creating something better than ourselves that will far surpass our limits.

    I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords!
  • VelifaxVelifax Member UncommonPosts: 413

    sayuu said:

    Velifax said:

    What is "losing hope" ? I don't know the meaning of that. I'm having fun playing video games, old and new.

    Your enjoyment threshold is simply lower than mine. Im happy youre happy. But i need something more.

    The arrogant attitude can be returned in a similar way.
    Maybe you have non realistic expectations instead of selecting in the HUGE amount of available games and enjoying those the closest to your tastes.

     some people need more than what the plebs enjoy, otherwise they might feel like they have some sort of common ground with people that are obviously below them. . .

    The arrogant attitude exists only in your imagination. And how would my standards be too high if what i want is available and was available years ago? Clearly my expectations were met.

    And it's, "[i]who[/i] are obviously below them." People are referred to in plural differently from objects.

    Trick question; did you detect the arrogance in that advice?
  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775
    I had a breaking point but Early Access games restored by faith in gaming.

    I am dead serious about that

    Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.

    Please do not respond to me

  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    When Horizons spoiled and then was spit up as a shell of what it was supposed to be.  It made me a cynic.  The genre uses almost nothing that can truly only be done in a MMORPG.  That's kind of sad.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    The blemish arrived all at the same time.
    Devs no longer wanted to invest big so they started to make smaller crappier games and used marketing/advertising/DISGUISED advertising to sell those crap games.We got cash shops and early access to crowd funding,to founders packs.
    At the same time websites began to partner up with these crappy developers to cash in on the lousy games.So then they hired writers and contracted employees to help peddle their disguised advertising.

    It became one massively huge blemish on gaming,instead of devs competing with their product,they began using outside PAID help to market their product.

    We are not seeing ANY indication that developers will,fund,complete and sell a quality finished product.Instead small increments to try and weasel money out of naive people bit by bit and over long periods of time while NEVER finishing a quality product.

    Oh there is yet more.....

    Look no further than the sister site rating games 9.8>9 it's like god himself delivered these games,they must be some amazing games,oh wait no their not even top 20 on Twitch surpassed by crappy games with less than 1 million dollar budgets.

    With all of these TACTICS,it is screaming in our face...CRAP GAMES but hey let us talk you into buying them anyhow !!.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    When it was announced CoH was being canceled, something broke in me. I haven't been able to get into MMOs the same way since. It wasn't for lack of trying. I went to six other MMOs since and nothing drew me in the same way. I don't think there ever will be one like that.
  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775

    Torval said:

    My hope isn't in gaming so there is that.

    I am a bit of a cynic because projects sell the fantastic and then spend a lot of time later explaining "what that really means". The MMO part of the industry is going through those awkward teenage years. It's like they're going through financial puberty and trying to jump every revenue stream they can find. :D

    I'm not going to complain. I have more games available now than ever before. Some of my most cherished games have been graphically overhauled and been patched to run on current Windows. If anything I'm grateful and wish I had more time to burn on playing them all.

    what so many dont see because they are not from the outside looking in is that the 'top tier' of the gaming industry are experts at manipulation. hype up a game, get as many pre-orders has possible then go hide.

    Then wait about 3 months for everyone to forget and then do it again.

    Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.

    Please do not respond to me

  • centkincentkin Member RarePosts: 1,527
    What annoys me is that the games are not providing worlds anymore.

    When it gets to the point where you hardly even read quest text because it is NEVER necessary to. 

    When there is simply no atmosphere to the game, merely tactics.


    When EQ2 launched we actually saw the first game where HALF of the game had a world and the other half didn't.  The sheer oppression of the evil side, drew the players together and they treated each other better than the good side which was a candyland which drove the players to nodesteal etc.  EQ2 was a pretty nice psychological experiment at its launch.

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