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Beta Testing by the Numbers - Nearly 3M Hours of Game Time - Albion Online -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited April 2017 in News & Features Discussion

imageBeta Testing by the Numbers - Nearly 3M Hours of Game Time - Albion Online -

Albion Online News - Sandbox Interactive has released a great new infographic to show off some pretty impressive stats from the Albion Online beta. Numbers include over 210k Founders taking part in 2.8M hours of game time to name just a couple. The data was compiled since the release of the Galahad update and between March 13 and April 9. The numbers will only continue to go up through the game's official launch in July.

Read the full story here



  • postlarvalpostlarval Member EpicPosts: 2,003
    edited April 2017
    This is the game I'm looking most forward to...mainly because I prefer iso games and it's fun. Also, I can play it on my PC, MacBook, and tablet.
    ~~ postlarval ~~

  • XingbairongXingbairong Member RarePosts: 927
    edited April 2017

    DMKano said:

    umm as far as these meaningless huge numbers infographics go (hey marketing teams its time to drop this trend.... and come up with something new) - this one doesnt have any that go into trillions

    So maybe they arent doing so hot - cant even manage a trillion in BS infographic ;)

    So true... Nowadays everyone links some BS pointless infographics that show 100 million kills, 30 million potatoes etc...
    Compared to those, this one feels... like no one is playing lol :P
  • AnthurAnthur Member UncommonPosts: 961
    @OP Link to albion online is not working. You missed the ":".

    So you have to harvest about 4000 resources, farm 100 carrots, craft 1 T1 sword and kill 7 rabbits (total outrage here) for one PvP kill ? Now I understand why only halve the payer base ever killed someone in PvP. :)

    These info graphics are useless.
  • PopplePopple Member UncommonPosts: 239
    Is this the message they are sending? Out of the 164 Countries (with millions of people in them) only 212,815 that bought this game....LOL

    I retired retroactively..Haha

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  • Nickhead420Nickhead420 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Is PvP not that fun? Seems like an awfully low kill count compared to the player base.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • PopplePopple Member UncommonPosts: 239
    edited April 2017
    Popple said:
    Is this the message they are sending? Out of the 164 Countries (with millions of people in them) only 212,815 that bought this game....LOL
    212,815 people spending at least $30 USD equals millions of dollars ;)

    Who said anything about spending? :p I was looking at the amount of people playing out of the 164 Countries.. O.o

    Spell check....

    I retired retroactively..Haha

  • postlarvalpostlarval Member EpicPosts: 2,003
    Don't take the orange ban bait people!
    ~~ postlarval ~~

  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698
    edited April 2017
    Is PvP not that fun? Seems like an awfully low kill count compared to the player base.
    Don't think it is that... Just people are less interested in PvP even in the UO days people just wanted to play and be let alone.
  • RamajamaRamajama Member UncommonPosts: 271
    Good stuff, pretty decent founder numbers. Gonna check it out when it launches.
  • RamajamaRamajama Member UncommonPosts: 271

    DMKano said:

    umm as far as these meaningless huge numbers infographics go (hey marketing teams its time to drop this trend.... and come up with something new) - this one doesnt have any that go into trillions

    So maybe they arent doing so hot - cant even manage a trillion in BS infographic ;)

    Why is number of founders meaningless?
  • josko9josko9 Member RarePosts: 577
    edited April 2017
    200k for an indie game is totally fine. Hell Black Desert Online sold 500k of copies weeks after launch and people heavily bragged about that. With indie made MMOs you have to understand that they rely on copies sold, rather than on trying to maintain a huge playerbase.
  • Asch126Asch126 Member RarePosts: 543
    I like the part where they stated in the forums that subscribing to the game was mandatory to play the game in any significant way.
  • genaknoscgenaknosc Member UncommonPosts: 112
    An approximately 90% of that play time figure is doing the same thing over and over again a thousand times. Amazing game
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    edited April 2017
    IMO this game is impossible to play as a free player, sure you can assuming you aren't going to do crafting and strictly nothing but combat and PVP mainly absolutely...

    However if this is not your focus crafting / farming you have to pay for Premium on 1 or more characters the more you have the more you progress faster this game is like *ARCHE AGE* just not as bad with the having 7 accounts you just use one account 3 characters.

    During my little time of playing I did find the game got very repetitive, the only fun part was being in a black zone and doing Full Loot PVP, beyond the PVP Factor I found Albion very boring, crafting was great, but lack of PVP anywhere but the black zone was bad. Also these numbers are very small, and I hope they do improve the game because otherwise I see these numbers decline slowly over time at least something they aren't going to talk about but seems this way..... I still say Arche Age was the best game until Trion ruined it.
  • 3dom3dom Member RarePosts: 889
    edited April 2017
    They got 212k suckers including myself =( But you don't have to become one: just wait for the thing to go F2P - it already has all the F2P (aka P2W) options like purchasing in-game currency, subscription with 50% xp, loot, manufacturing boost (it basically make the game without subscription completely pointless since there will be zero to none progression), etc. Or at least wait for a year - or two - after release until the devs will make up their mind about core gameplay mechanics and map configuration.

    Thank you for your time!

  • SomeHumanSomeHuman Member UncommonPosts: 560
    This time around I found a guild. Played a lot for about three or four nights, got bored and moved on. I don't feel cheated or anything, and I'm glad I supported the game. The combat is just bleh. Still. PvP amounted to a few Zerg runs. So many other games have developed some pretty inspiring combat with this perspective. So... nice try; I guess. I did notice the players in my guild who love trade and auction halls really having a blast with trying to beat the various markets. My two cents after being out of the game for about a year.

    Gaming since 1985; Online gaming since 1995; No End in Sight! My YouTube Channel:

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited April 2017
    The game has one active enough player base to provide the gameplay loop it should have, so it's kk.
  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713
    People take these things so seriously... it's really just a fun thing for the fans and yes a bit of marketing. Why do people act like marketing is bad sometimes?

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