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ESO Gold Edition or Final Fantasy 14?

WedlenWedlen Member UncommonPosts: 146
Elder Scroll Online  Gold Edition/all dlc or Final Fantasy 14 with all dlc?

What do you think is the better MMO and why?


  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    edited April 2017
    They're pretty close to each other in overall quality, they're just vastly different games.From combat to overall quest presentation, end-game focus as well as delivery of world content, they use different approaches. ESO feels more worldly, with more of an action combat focus, with full VO. FFXIV, is much more in line with WOW's approach, yet heavily zoned feeling, trinity combat ... it also features a central story that is more JRPG  oriented with VO, etc... 

    Depends which has the more appeal in features and subject matter really. Put it this way ESo = western RPG in MMO format, FFXIV = JRPG in MMO format.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • merv808merv808 Member UncommonPosts: 511
    I think they are both great MMOs. However, I would have to choose FFXIV just because I enjoy the world more. I spend a lot of time and gil in that game playing cards with people, raising and racing chocobos, and just doing fun stuff at the gold saucer. Every MMO has combat, exploring, and crafting, but the best ones offer other reasons to make you want to stay in that world.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    As sais above both qual;ity games just different. Like asking whether Dark Souls is better than Witcher say. The key difference is that FF requires a subscription; ESO doesn't.

    The way to try both would be to:

    • sign up for FF's free trial - they have just changed how it works and you can now get a much better idea 
    • absent a ESO free play period (they have had them) get ESO's standard edition - less than $20. The 4 DLC pack can always be added later if you like it. 

    Even if you subsequently decide to sub to FF you will still be able to play through "main storyline stuff" in ESO treating it as a "single player" game essentially - it is well done.
  • RavingRabbidRavingRabbid Member UncommonPosts: 1,168
    edited April 2017
    I played FF14 briefly with my second oldest son and didnt care for it. He liked it however and likes the feel and flow of the game. I personally prefer ESO as there's alot to do and its come a long way since launch.

    *** Queen Ayrenn after not seeing the Raving Rabbid for months grabbes him and takes him to her chambers. They are not seen for days.... :)  ****

    All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
    Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes

  • WedlenWedlen Member UncommonPosts: 146
    Every video i watch on youtube of ESO always shows a dark nightime feel to the world/environment. IS this the whole game or most of the game? Dark dungeony feel?
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376
    edited April 2017
    i prefer FFXIV , the story , the classes , the world , the music , the gameplay , lore and what not....

    the only "cons" is that FFXIV is p2p , and that endgame is a bit repetitive/grindy

    ESO - i cant say i played it a lot , i tried to enjoy it at least 5-6 times to no avaliable , its f2p so thats a plus , but the gameplay is a bit rough imo.

    my advice:

    Try both games ;

    - ffxiv has a trial up to lvl 30 (limited in chat and money to fight gil sellers)

    - Teso is F2p so go download it :)

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  • Thoth_MosheThoth_Moshe Member UncommonPosts: 240
    Final Fantasy XIV has unlimited free trial
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    You can get FF:XIV plus Heavensward expansion for $19.79 on Humble for the next 4 days.
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Wedlen said:
    Every video i watch on youtube of ESO always shows a dark nightime feel to the world/environment. IS this the whole game or most of the game? Dark dungeony feel?
    There is a day/night cycle in the open world. Most dungeons are underground or indoors but not all.

    All of the ES games traditionally have had a muted earth tone palette. If anything, ESO brightens that up quite a bit, although never on the same level of brightness and saturation as the GFX-crazed Asian MMOs.
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    edited April 2017
    ESO is way better than FFXIV...FFXIV is way too restrictive and too much themepark for my tastes...ESO is alot more open and youre free to do waht you want.
  • WedlenWedlen Member UncommonPosts: 146
    Such mixed opinions lol. UGH.  I tried downloading FF14 free trial but it stops at 500 mb and gives me an error. ESO im not buying to try but we'll see. Something about ESO jsut doesnt feel right. Like its unpolished or bad anitmaitons etc.
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    Nyctelios said:
    Wedlen said:
    Such mixed opinions lol. UGH.  I tried downloading FF14 free trial but it stops at 500 mb and gives me an error. ESO im not buying to try but we'll see. Something about ESO jsut doesnt feel right. Like its unpolished or bad anitmaitons etc.
    The animations sometimes makes Oblivion and Morrowind looks good. And I'm not talking only about combat animations: There is a quest where a NPC is tied up and it just slides kinda t-posing and then blink tied up. I watched youtube videos to see if it was a bug and was not. 

    Maybe it was patched already, but things like that makes immersion become null.

    But the voice acting, oh boy, it's amazing. And you are free to explore the world, which is great.

    FF14 is the pinnacle of theme-parks, in my opinion: It holds your hand, it tells you a story but does it almost perfectly. The side quests are really strong point and if you like anime bullshit for the sake of having a good laugh there is a bunch of it on them (side quests). FF14 is one of my favorite Final Fantasy titles and one of my favorite mmorpg. They managed to combine those two - which ESO failed miserably, but I confess it's unfair to compare both "approaches".

    The thing that separate the two titles the most if the gameplay: Where ESO feels like a first person RPG FF14 is an arcade orientated game. It feels even better if you play using a controller, which I strongly suggest.
    The big thing that threw me off of FF14 was the amount of loading screens. Some might think that superficial, but for me, it really killed my immersion.

    In RPG's and MMORPG's and some other genre's, immersion is very important to me.

    Has that aspect improved over time?

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • QuarterStackQuarterStack Member RarePosts: 546
    edited April 2017
    As set up, I've played both quite a lot, but FFXIV far more.

    I started FFXIV in 1.0, played through 'til they took servers down, then played 2.0 and 3.0 up 'til around 3.3 or 3.4. I'm a "Legacy" member of FFXIV; I have the Hydaelyn tattoo, name in 2.0's credits, the whole enchilada... I absolutely loved FFXIV through 2.x and into 3.0, after which things started going downhill and I ultimately got fed up with the game's direction, and Yoshida's newfound love for saying "no" and giving arrogant responses to sincere player requests, and left.

    I played ESO back in Beta but didn't care for it, came back some time later and found it had improved greatly. Now ESO it's my main MMO and I will never step foot into FFXIV again. On many levels, ESO has is the kind of MMORPG experience I'd hoped FFXIV would become.

    Anyway... Here's my take... 

    In a nutshell, I'd choose ESO all the way, all day long.

    Why? At this point, ESO is making Yoshida (FFXIV's Producer/Director) and SE look like amateurs. That sounds like a bold thing to say, I know, but I don't say it flippantly. I'll share some of my reasons with you. 

    1. Setting:
    ESO is a self-contained, internally consistent true MMORPG experience set in the Elder Scrolls world. FFXIV is increasingly becoming more of a Final Fantasy Fan Service Simulator than a proper stand-alone title, relying heavily on cross-overs and references to other FF games, cultural references that have no basis in the game world at all, etc.

    2. World Design
    FFXIV's world design in the 2.0 zones is amazing, however, very "guided" and not very open. There's not a lot to discover, as everything is marked on a map. 
    ESO's world design is wide-open and begs to be explored, rewarding you with hidden spots not shown on any maps, treasure chests to be found, out of the way quests to be opened up, tomes to be found which bestow skill-ups upon reading them, and bits of detail that really sell ESO's Tamriel as a, believable, lived-in place. 

    3. Character customization. 
    There's no contest on this. ESO's customization options at character creation utterly dwarf FFXIV's. 

    4.  Character development
    Again, ESO utterly dwarfs FFXIV in this category.

    You choose a base class at character creation, but after that, it's wide-open. There are skill lines for World, Race, Class, Weapon (you can eventually equip 2 weapons at once, each with its own skill bar), Armor, and so on. Then, as you progress, you can join various Guilds, like the Fighter's Guild or Mage's Guild, or Undaunted, etc... each adding another skill line you can work with. Join the DarkBrotherhood or Thieves Guild and get even more skills to unlock and work into your skillset. Become a Vampire or Werewolf and tap into those skill lines. The options available to you in ESO are so wide open and varied, you'd be hard pressed to find some kind of build or playstyle you *couldn't* create, and probably in more than one way. 

    ESO allows you to equip whatever weapons you want, regardless of your class, providing  you more options on how you'd like to build your character.

    In FFXIV, your class/job is decided by your weapon. Equip a polearm, you're a Lancer/Dragoon, period. Equip fist weapons, you're a Pugilist/Monk, period. No weapon choice or variety. You can level up other classes to unlock skills you can "cross-class" with, but they're very limited and quite specific in terms of which are beneficial or not. Character development in FFXIV is very limited overall.

    5. Gear and Weapons
    Yet again... ESO dwarfs FFXIV in this category.

    For a long time now, players have been asking Yoshida/SE to please add more interesting stats to gear, set up gear set bonuses and such to FFXIV, to make character development more interesting. Yoshida has refused (something he does a lot), stating it would be too difficult to balance and "people will feel forced to use certain items based on the stats".... as though that isn't the case already. So, what you get is a limited set of gear choices with very few options. 

    ESO, on the other hand has a ridiculous variety of gear, ranging between light, medium and heavy - and any character can wear any combination of armor they want. You can be a heavy plate wearing mage. You can be a light robe wearing assassin type, or anything in-between. As mentioned above, each armor type has its own skill lines. There are also set bonuses, where as you equip 2, 3, 4, etc pieces of gear, you get additional bonuses. As gear can be mixed and matched you can wear, say, 5 pieces of one set to take advantage of its bonuses, and then 3 of another to take advantage of its bonuses... or any combination you find works for you.
    Gear is found in world drops, dungeons, world bosses, crafting, etc.. 

    I mentioned above that ESO makes Yoshida and SE look like amateurs. I say that because in most every case, where players have asked for something that would make FFXIV more varied, engaging and more in-depth, Yoshida has responded by saying it would be too difficult, not possible, not enough resources to do it, it wouldn't work, etc... In each of those cases ESO has implemented those very things, demonstrating that Yoshida either has no idea what he's talking about, or is just lying to his playerbase.

    FFXIV has been plagued by RMT spam for years now. Players have asked them repeatedly to please deal with it.  SE has made token efforts to deal with it, but none are lasting, and the spam continues. Players have had to turn to 3rd party (unsanctioned) apps to block it because SE can't/won't. The excuse is "it's too difficult to get rid of RMT spam, but we're doing our best. Really". Meanwhile, in all my time playing ESO I've gotten exactly 1 RMT spam, and that was early on. It just doesn't happen. So, clearly it *is* possible to do and, again, either SE doesn't know what they're doing, or Yoshida is lying to his playerbase. 

    How about housing? FFXIV implemented housing a couple years ago now, and it's been a train-wreck ever since. Players couldn't get *any* house, much less the one they wanted, becuase they were bought up - sometimes by folks only interested in re-selling them for several times the cost. They've applied band-aid on top  of ineffective band-aid trying to remedy the symptoms, but they're short-lived and the issues have persisted. The reason for these issues? Well, if you ask Yoshida it would be "resource limitations". Players have suggested ways to improve or even eliminate the problems, such as using instancing, or making them account-wide for people with alts, etc... Yoshida ignored them and just kept doubling down on his broken implementation.

    ESO implented housing a short while back and, would you be at all surprised by now to know that it's working just fine? Not only can you get *a* house. Not only can  you get exactly the house you want. You can get one of every single house offered in the game. Why? Because, unlike Yoshida's people, the folks at ZOS were smart and realized instancing was a much better way to implement them - something Yoshida ignored when it was suggested. They also made them account-wide to alleviate the problem of availability for alts... another thing Yoshida ignored when it was suggested.

    For as long as this post is, I could go on and on with even more examples of how ESO utterly humiliates FFXIV, on numerous levels. I didn't even get into the writing or voice-acting in each game. ESO takes it hands-down in that category as well - and does so without cheesy cultural references.

    I would also say that while FFXIV is certainly a MMO, ESO is the only one of the two that truly deserves to be called a MMORPG. 

    But of course, the only person who can decide which is better for them is you. 

  • AgnharAgnhar Member UncommonPosts: 108
    edited April 2017
    I have 6K+ hours on ESO, there has been a HUGE lack of content for about 9 months now. When they add a DLC it ends up mostly being a story line that you can finish in less than 3 days and then a few grind dailies that you can do for motif   ( Motifs are armor and weapon skins that can be applied when crafting an armor and weapon, there is no system resembling Transmog or Glamour in ESO, the BIS are raid sets which often you will not like how they look on your character and wish you could make it look like one of those motifs you spent hours upon hours to get just to no get to use it at end game)  and then you have the 4 Raids (trials) available at this moment which get repetitive after the 23 time doing them so you can pray to RNGesus so you can get your BIS piece that you are missing and be done with them.

    Dungeons in ESO are fun, PVP i personally hate it but people who actually like PVP say its fun, but the balance of classes in ESO is super skewed and it shifts every couple of DLCs going towards magic classes some times and melee (stamina) classes other which creates a feeling of "flavor of the month" which most players follow mindlessly.

    Additional things i would have to say are to not be fooled by others saying you can play the game the way you want if you want to partake in challenging end game PVE or PVP content, specially true with PVE as all classes have their cookie cutter builds ( basically even tough there is hundreds of available Gear sets to wear you only should use 2 or 3 with one always being 4-5% superior, which BTW also changes every couple of DLCs which means the set you are wearing got nerfed and/or another set gets a significant buff/change and its now superior, so there you go to farm that set spending lots of hours grinding AGAIN ) because most of the skills of are either fluff or not as good performing as the ones the ones the hard core end game guilds tell you in the forums you should be using (now remember you are free to do as you like but if you don't pull enough DPS and you are doing HARD content you have no right to complain when the other people in your group say that you are dragging down the wipe lane start getting pissed at you) as the class and role you are playing.

    Now on the FFXIV aspect i can not say much about it as i only have about 150-200 hours in the game, but i will give my very limited view of it ( i have only reached lvl 57 ) and i will start by talking about the wide range of classes* you can choose in FFXIV vs ESO.

    Very few things are held in such high regard by me as the importance of a wide variety of choice in classes in an MMO are, this game in particular has a very wide range of choices ( there is 13 classes available for you to choose from and 2 more coming in June bringing the total number to 15 ) for you to make your pick and they are all very different and fun, don't rush go ahead and try a few things or maybe watch gameplay of them on youtube so you can choose what you want to do the MSQ ( main story quest ) with because i guarantee you will like at least 2 of them. Meanwhile in ESO there is 4 ( arguably 12 if you ask a fanboy ) and one more coming in a few months.

    I have partaken in raids in both games but FFXIV has definitely a better design and grasp on this particular aspect, dungeons have been quite enjoyable but i can not give a solid opinion on this as i have not done Hardmode dungeons yet, tough ESO dungeons are as much fun as FFXIV in my limited opinion. The community aspect is a hard topic for me to pick and compare as i have far more experience ( and game time ) in ESO but something i will outright state is that healing is a farm more messier business in FFXIV and the first time people actually are bitchy and outright rude with me for making mistakes while learning how to ( god damn cleric stance i freaking hate it ) heal in a game since 2012 in WoW, i will say how ever that the "guild" ( Free company ) i am on is very nice and helpful ( Azure Infinitum in the realm Midgardsormr of the Aether  NA Datacenter ) and overall awesome and kind people, in ESO tough i never had any issues with this kind of people but that might be because healing requires a lot less skill in that game compared to FFXIV (once again the guild i am on is very nice and helpful Aldmeri Elite in the NA servers).

    Now onward to the topic of Subscription vs Buy to Play, i will just say that the only way to get a cool looking mount in ESO is to spend real life currency other wise you are stuck with a horse, also one of the perks the optional subscription gives is too good to pass as it makes the overall experience of the game far more enjoyable ( unlimited space for crafting materials which otherwise will clutter you bank and bag and take a lot of your time to sort trough ) , FFXIV does something similar as it has 2 additional retainers that you can get for an extra fee along with the already mandatory sub, not to mention space is a constant issue in that game as your glamour armor takes space and the stacks are only up to 99 ( Although that problem aside you can get amazing rewards in the game like mounts, pets and glamour items from raid bosses, achievements and bought with in game currency )

    As a final point ( as i have been rambling on for far too long now ) the spell visuals in FFXIV are far superior and do provide a feel of impact vs the spells in ESO that are mostly botched animation that you have to cancel ( yes animation cancel is a thing necessary for Hard end game content but it makes every spell/skill that you cast look awful ) to be competitive and also lack a sense of impact.

    Used a generalized term as both games have systems different to the regular class systems you find in most MMOs.
  • TalulaRoseTalulaRose Member RarePosts: 1,247
    For me its which art style do you prefer.

    mmo homeless

    ..............................................hello Chuck
  • QuarterStackQuarterStack Member RarePosts: 546
    edited April 2017
    Agnhar said:
    I have 6K+ hours on ESO, there has been a HUGE lack of content for about 9 months now. When they add a DLC it ends up mostly being a story line that you can finish in less than 3 days and then a few grind dailies that you can do for motif 

    After 6k+ hours in any MMO, I imagine most people might find the content to be thinning out a bit lol. That's 250 full days of play time. I think you meant that as a knock, but it seems to me you've gotten quite a lot out of ESO :).

    Additional things i would have to say are to not be fooled by others saying you can play the game the way you want if you want to partake in challenging end game PVE or PVP content, specially true with PVE as all classes have their cookie cutter builds (basically even tough there is hundreds of available Gear sets to wear you only should use 2 or 3 with one always being 4-5% superior, which BTW also changes every couple of DLCs which means the set you are wearing got nerfed and/or another set gets a significant buff/change and its now superior, so there you go to farm that set spending lots of hours grinding AGAIN) because most of the skills of are either fluff or not as good performing as the ones the ones the hard core end game guilds tell you in the forums you should be using (now remember you are free to do as you like but if you don't pull enough DPS and you are doing HARD content you have no right to complain when the other people in your group that you are dragging down the wipe lane start getting pissed at you) as the class and role you are playing.

    There's nothing to be "fooled by". All of what you just said only applies if you happen to be the type who cares about all that. That's going to hold true regardless of what MMO you're playing. It's no different in FFXIV; people are fussing over what's the best build and "optimal rotation" and all this.

    The thing is, and what people like what you describe continue to not seem to understand... Not everyone gives a crap about all that. They don't want to be/have/play the best. They want to play the way that's most enjoyable for them, and have fun.

    If I just want a cold beer in a frozen mug, I couldn't care less if the bar I'm at doesn't serve the best, most expensive wine in the rarest crystal glasses. I just want to enjoy a cold beer. I'll let the wine connoisseurs worry about the wine stuff.

    For people whose idea of playing a MMO doesn't limit them to the absolute most mathematically optimal races/classes/builds, there are *tons* of possible options they could pursue in ESO. That's just a fact.

    Very few things are held in such high regard by me as the importance of a wide variety of choice in classes in an MMO are, this game in particular has a very wide range of choices ( there is 13 classes available for you to choose from and 2 more coming in June bringing the total number to 15 ) for you to make your pick and they are all very different and fun, don't rush go ahead and try a few things or maybe watch gameplay of them on youtube so you can choose what you want to do the MSQ ( main story quest ) with because i guarantee you will like at least 2 of them. Meanwhile in ESO there is 4 ( arguably 12 if you ask a fanboy ) and one more coming in a few months.

    It boils down to options.

    There's far more variety in how you can play with ESO's 4 classes than there are in all of FFXIV's. In ESO, your class choice is just the starting point - everything after that is up to you. In FFXIV, your character is strictly defined and limited by the job you choose, from the weapons you can use, to the skills you have available to you and the type of armor you can wear.

    Hell, Final Fantasy XI offers more variety in playstyle and character development than FFXIV does, and that came out in 2002.

    By the way, pre-emptively labeling someone who might disagree with you a "fanboy" demonstrates a lack of confidence in your position.

    Now onward to the topic of Subscription vs Buy to Play, i will just say that the only way to get a cool looking mount in ESO is to spend real life currency other wise you are stuck with a horse, also one of the perks the optional subscription gives is too good to pass as it makes the overall experience of the game far more enjoyable ( unlimited space for crafting materials which otherwise will clutter you bank and bag and take a lot of your time to sort trough ) , FFXIV does something similar as it has 2 additional retainers that you can get for an extra fee along with the already mandatory sub, not to mention space is a constant issue in that game as your glamour armor takes space and the stacks are only up to 99 ( Although that problem aside you can get amazing rewards in the game like mounts, pets and glamour items from raid bosses, achievements and bought with in game currency )

    FFXIV has cash shop exclusive mounts as well. Several of them.

    Also, if you sub to ESO for the other benefits, you're still getting bonus Crown Points each month which can be used to purchase those mounts without spending anything extra. I'm sitting on near 4k crowns right now, simply 'cause I have nothing to spend them on. I could easily get a mount or two with those and not have to spend anything additional out-of-pocket. Now, if you're not paying a monthly sub, then yes.. it's an additional cost. Of course, you're also not paying a monthly sub, so that's part of the deal.

    As a final point ( as i have been rambling on for far too long now ) the spell visuals in FFXIV are far superior and do provide a feel of impact vs the spells in ESO that are mostly botched animation that you have to cancel ( yes animation cancel is a thing necessary for Hard end game content but it makes every spell/skill that you cast look awful ) to be competitive and also lack a sense of impact.

    Like I said... Beautiful looking graphics and environments is something SE does very well. I'd argue it's one of the things they're best at. However, beauty is only skin deep, and it doesn't define gameplay.

  • NomadMorlockNomadMorlock Member UncommonPosts: 815
    Hands down ESO.  If you want a vast world to explore and experience however or whenever you want, play ESO.  If you want to be directed from content piece to content piece in little boxed zones, then final fantasy.

    If you want very slow, tedious combat which is rarely exciting go with final fantasy.  If you want a more action combat experience that can be fast paced, go with ESO.

    If you want quests which go well beyond "kill 10 rats" go with ESO.  Quest chains are voiced over, meaningful, and contain great stories.  If you want "kill 10 rats" go with Final Fantasy.
  • baphametbaphamet Member RarePosts: 3,311
    give both a try if you have the means. personally i am an ESO guy but i have never been a fan of the asian style mmo's or FF in general so i can't say which one is better.

    i like the darker themed MMO's......goes well with metal playing in the background.  
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    edited April 2017
    Personally ESO, because Square Enix is a Japaneese company, and a company that doesn't listen to consumers to make and improve the game here in the west, for example the housing crisis, and the complete way the Cosmetic System works needs to be made more in line of Guild Wars 2 without the need to constantly use glamours to change appearance, I could understand this many years ago but personally FFXI was better, and at least "ESO" is taking the more western style approach with housing, and cosmetics its not 100% there but its doing it unlike FFXIV...

    Although I do like the Single Player Final Fantasy Series and play up to FFXI online version on PS2 many years ago I can't say FFXIV is great because of the bad design of the cosmetic & housing systems to me this is a big thing in a MMO to be done right.

    And go kill 10 rats you say? Wasn't this a quest in The 4th Coming, Many years ago lol.
  • KalebGraysonKalebGrayson Member RarePosts: 430
    The controls in ESO are wonky.  They just don't feel right.  But ESO IS beautiful, the quests are interesting, and everything is fully voiced.  I personally would choose FFXIV.
  • KhaunsharKhaunshar Member UncommonPosts: 349
    Hmm, personally, I d prefer FFXIV for the long run. First of all, it has vastly more content that is (mostly) still alive! There is litte to no content you cannot do during any given day, if you have a little patience (or just do some other activity) with the Duty Finder queues.
    Ever since its release, it has had a steady, unbroken rhythm of content releases every 3-4 months, each of them expanding the game with LOTS of stuff. Read that again: MAJOR content patches every few months. No other game on the market comes close, and especially not for such a long time. 

    The endgame bosses and raids are really good. Look up Sophia Extreme, or the different Alexander bosses ,for fun, varied and well-balanced 8-man raid content. I never liked the way ESO does its bosses, or its combat in general, because you end up trying to optimize, animation-cancel and stat-stack one or two major moves, and your character always feels like a one-trick-pony, not an adventurer.

    FFXIV has a slow start, and the classic ARR zones (not the newer zones in Heavensward and beyond, those are much better) are guided and somewhat small. 
    However, as far as side activities and sheer content goes, ESO is a dwarf compared to FFXIV.

    ESO is much easier at the high-end though, I ll admit that. The difference between a bad and a great black mage in FFXIV can be 150% additional DPS easily. A bad player is sometimes enough to wipe a raid. A good player is bounds ahead of even a mediocre one, and it really shows in current content and raids. Some guilds never complete the content of the patches or game before the next comes. Many guilds dont even attempt the hard content at all.
    So if you want to see and defeat everything, but are honestly not that great of a player, ESO will probably be more comfortable in that regard.
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Should have gotten ESO Gold a couple months ago when it was half off.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Wedlen said:
    Such mixed opinions lol. UGH.  I tried downloading FF14 free trial but it stops at 500 mb and gives me an error. ESO im not buying to try but we'll see. Something about ESO jsut doesnt feel right. Like its unpolished or bad anitmaitons etc.
    Sounds like you need to choose a different game completely for now.
  • sumdumguy1sumdumguy1 Member RarePosts: 1,373
    Wedlen said:
    Elder Scroll Online  Gold Edition/all dlc or Final Fantasy 14 with all dlc?

    What do you think is the better MMO and why?
    Having played both games pretty extensively, from my perspective, in ESO I felt like I was going around in circles, the story felt generic and trite to me.  I felt like ESO became predicatble and I started losing interest.  If your thinking Skyrim experience, ESO is not this, maybe my issue with it.   I have come back a few times but the new expansion was not the major impact I thought it would be. In fact, my guild went back to play it and when I showed up 6 days later, 3/4 of the guild, maybe even more were already gone.  They finished, said it was nothing special and went back to what they were playing before. 

    FFXIV was much more immersive to me.  I connected and felt part of it.  For me, this is important as I get meaning from the game.  I play for months, take some time off and then come back.  I get wrapped up again in this game like I just started.   I liked the graphics, combat and story in FFXIV and this kept my attention, focus and desire to play.  I never got this feeling from ESO and the times I have gone back to ESO it become more and more obvious to me that its missing something.  

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