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Star Citizen - The Incredible Video Thread



  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    Erillion said:

    If people want less bugs in a game - they should volunteer for Alpha and Beta playtesting.

    Imagine how many more bugs would be squashed if you spent your time posting bug reports instead of re-posting every little thing on the official site here???
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • TalulaRoseTalulaRose Member RarePosts: 1,247
    botrytis said:
    Hysterical - just drawn images no game play. Just what I expected - more hype, no meat. These threads by the 'notorious few' all seem to be doing the same thing...

    Please, let us not build up game hype like GW2, SWTOR, and TSW were. People please learn from the past. Actually, in thinking about it, this game already does have more hype than GW2, so I guess when it doesn't deliver, like they all do, people will whine like little girls.

    TSW was one of the least hyped games and still managed to give a good showing in reviews and polls.

    SC on the other hand, the most hype ever.....where is the game worries, we got videos.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Talonsin said:
    Erillion said:

    If people want less bugs in a game - they should volunteer for Alpha and Beta playtesting.

    Imagine how many more bugs would be squashed if you spent your time posting bug reports instead of re-posting every little thing on the official site here???

    Have fun
  • Underr0Underr0 Member UncommonPosts: 2
    @Erillion ;
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    edited April 2017
    Babuinix said:
    But I have no issues with that video or any other thousands of bug/glitch videos of video games around the web.

    What I find humorous is the low effort putted when you pretend to be surprised that a game in pre-alpha game has bugs or glitches, it's telling really how deluded most are about Star Citizen development. Yes video-games in development are supposed to break that's why they are in development right? Trying to make it like a 5 minute video of one player corresponds to the game state is not only disingenuous but also dishonest. 

    Didn't you watch the posted videos of bugged players in Zelda, Uncharted, Witcher etc? Go on youtube and you find videos of bugs and glitches from probably any game. 

    Would you go post those in the game's respective threads and say "Surprised how glitchy things are" and be taken seriously? 

    Duh  O.o
    Therein lies the problem. You're making an assumption that it's a "low effort putted when you pretend to be surprised" despite me explaining more than once that it is not that.

    As I already said, I see quiite a few posts on these forums, the subreddit and the official forums claiming how this game is better than many other AAA games, that CIG take more time to make sure it's less buggy etc, based on those comments I was surprised at how buggy it was. Not a difficult concept to understand unless you're just being awkward for the sake of it.

    Have fun
    What have post's on forum's / subreddits from random people that think that Star Citizen is better than many other AAA games have to do with a single video showcasing bugs?

    You know that opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one. Why would a completely unrelated video (with said people opinions) have to do with it? Or better how would it relate? 

    Did the videos that I posted about bugs from Zelda BOTW, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 correlated or clash with the opinion of the people that think those games are the best ?

    Games are prone to glitch or bug out even after release, ofc they will bug and glitch during their development. What's special about that? Nothing.

    Why does the fact that people like Star Citizen so much that they feel it's better than released AAA games rustles so many jimmies? =) Yeah I wouldn't trade my Star Citizen/SQ42 20$ anniversary package for the Witcher 3, Uncharted or Zelda but that's me.

    If you haven't been paying attention people love and support Star Citizen despite all the delays or bugs because it's actually pushing boundaries and going for stuff that other's arent going for.

    Since no other space game is allowing what Star Citizen is right now and beyond fans tend to stick around and keep supporting it. That's just the way it is.

    After the mass effect fiasco Star Citizen / SQ42 is the really only hope for space fans.
    Post edited by Babuinix on
  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    Babuinix said:
    What have post's on forum's / subreddits from random people that think that Star Citizen is better than many other AAA games have to do with a single video showcasing bugs?

    You know that opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one. Why would a completely unrelated video (with said people opinions) have to do with it? Or better how would it relate? 

    Did the videos that I posted about bugs from Zelda BOTW, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 correlated or clash with the opinion of the people that think those games are the best ?

    Games are prone to glitch or bug out even after release, ofc they will bug and glitch during their development. What's special about that? Nothing.

    Why does the fact that people like Star Citizen so much that they feel it's better than released AAA games rustles so many jimmies? =) Yeah I wouldn't trade my Star Citizen/SQ42 20$ anniversary package for the Witcher 3, Uncharted or Zelda but that's me.

    If you haven't been paying attention people love and support Star Citizen despite all the delays or bugs because it's actually pushing boundaries and going for stuff that other's arent going for.

    Since no other space game is allowing what Star Citizen is right now and beyond fans tend to stick around and keep supporting it. That's just the way it is.

    After the mass effect fiasco Star Citizen / SQ42 is the really only hope for space fans.

    I can't believe how obtuse you are choosing to be and all over 1 innocuous sentence and a video. Talk about making a big deal out of nothing, typical SC drama mongering....

    If I am reading a forum and I see a large number of posts about how good a game is then I might look a bit further into it even if it wasn't something I was initially interested in, if people are singing its praises then that's how things work, seeing you try and deny that only makes you look silly.

    Of course games are buggy during alphas, I have already said this. What I was surprised about was HOW buggy it was, from the beginning until the end of the video it was one big steaming pile of janky glitchy shit. That is not what I expected, that is what I was surprised about.

    I don't know why you're repeating the Star Citizen Defence Force's manual at me, you're padding your posts out with a pile of bollocks that have absolutely no relevance here.

    Have fun

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Star Citizen - what makes it different ?

    Have fun

  • ZettaBytesZettaBytes Member UncommonPosts: 37
    An updated video would not go amiss, that one is over two years old :-1:

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    An updated video would not go amiss, that one is over two years old
    And still true. The core features described there have not changed.

    Have fun

  • ZettaBytesZettaBytes Member UncommonPosts: 37
    edited April 2017
    Erillion said:
    An updated video would not go amiss, that one is over two years old
    And still true. The core features described there have not changed.

    Have fun

    You are right, the described features have not changed because all the things he mentioned in the video are still not in the game two years later. Progress?

    I lolled when he said about Squadron 42 coming out later that year (2015) and here we are still tapping out feet with a possible, but not at all probable release, in 2017...

    It is a naff video dreaming and romanticizing over the description of the game, not the reality of the game.


  • kikoodutroa8kikoodutroa8 Member RarePosts: 565
    It's all fine.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    >>> It is a naff video dreaming and romanticizing over the description of the game, not the reality of the game.>>>

    People talk about the "reality" of a game after it has launched. 

    Unless it has escaped your notice - SC is still under development and has not launched yet. They are adding slowly but surely all the things from the games' "description". 

    So the description becomes reality given time. And we backers give it the time it needs. Which is also different to most games out there. 

    Have fun
  • ZettaBytesZettaBytes Member UncommonPosts: 37
    Erillion said:
    >>> It is a naff video dreaming and romanticizing over the description of the game, not the reality of the game.>>>

    People talk about the "reality" of a game after it has launched. 

    Unless it has escaped your notice - SC is still under development and has not launched yet. They are adding slowly but surely all the things from the games' "description". 

    So the description becomes reality given time. And we backers give it the time it needs. Which is also different to most games out there. 

    Have fun

    Reality would be talking about what is currently available to play but on the whole people seem to avoid this. Most of the talk still revolves around dreaming and romanticizing over what might be in the game.

    The description only becomes reality when those features are implemented, that video is over two years old and almost nothing mentioned is yet in game, that is the current reality. 

    Backers have no choice but to give it time because they have no say over the project whatsoever, just like any normal publisher backed game.


  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    Babuinix said:
    What have post's on forum's / subreddits from random people that think that Star Citizen is better than many other AAA games have to do with a single video showcasing bugs?

    You know that opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one. Why would a completely unrelated video (with said people opinions) have to do with it? Or better how would it relate? 

    Did the videos that I posted about bugs from Zelda BOTW, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 correlated or clash with the opinion of the people that think those games are the best ?

    Games are prone to glitch or bug out even after release, ofc they will bug and glitch during their development. What's special about that? Nothing.

    Why does the fact that people like Star Citizen so much that they feel it's better than released AAA games rustles so many jimmies? =) Yeah I wouldn't trade my Star Citizen/SQ42 20$ anniversary package for the Witcher 3, Uncharted or Zelda but that's me.

    If you haven't been paying attention people love and support Star Citizen despite all the delays or bugs because it's actually pushing boundaries and going for stuff that other's arent going for.

    Since no other space game is allowing what Star Citizen is right now and beyond fans tend to stick around and keep supporting it. That's just the way it is.

    After the mass effect fiasco Star Citizen / SQ42 is the really only hope for space fans.

    I can't believe how obtuse you are choosing to be and all over 1 innocuous sentence and a video. Talk about making a big deal out of nothing, typical SC drama mongering....

    If I am reading a forum and I see a large number of posts about how good a game is then I might look a bit further into it even if it wasn't something I was initially interested in, if people are singing its praises then that's how things work, seeing you try and deny that only makes you look silly.

    Of course games are buggy during alphas, I have already said this. What I was surprised about was HOW buggy it was, from the beginning until the end of the video it was one big steaming pile of janky glitchy shit. That is not what I expected, that is what I was surprised about.

    I don't know why you're repeating the Star Citizen Defence Force's manual at me, you're padding your posts out with a pile of bollocks that have absolutely no relevance here.

    Have fun

    Aheheh are we still running the april's jokes now? From my pov the only one being trollish obtuse is you by using one single particular video to review the state of a game in progress.

    Nobody is denying that the video is glitchy, that's not even the point, like I've already showed you can find plenty of videos of several award winning games being glitchy. Doesn't mean that the games behave like that ALL the time with All the players. That's where your sad attempt of trolling starts and ends.

    And if you are surprised to see bugs in Star Citizen you must be new here.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    edited April 2017



    Backers have no choice but to give it time

    Au contraire.

    They had three years time to get their money back with minimal fuss (a friend of mine got his refund easily after he lost his job and needed all the money he could get). And even NOW backers still can get a refund, although it requires more effort these days. Many other crowdfunding projects do not even have the option for refunds.

    But very few wanted a refund, despite claims to the contrary from the usual suspects.  

    So .. they had and have a choice. The vast majority chooses to stick with the project. Me included.

    Have fun
  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    edited April 2017
    Babuinix said:
    Aheheh are we still running the april's jokes now? From my pov the only one being trollish obtuse is you by using one single particular video to review the state of a game in progress.

    Nobody is denying that the video is glitchy, that's not even the point, like I've already showed you can find plenty of videos of several award winning games being glitchy. Doesn't mean that the games behave like that ALL the time with All the players. That's where your sad attempt of trolling starts and ends.

    And if you are surprised to see bugs in Star Citizen you must be new here.

    So that's where we are at is it? Your stance is "I think you're being trollish so I'm just going to dig my heels in and not listen to anything that you say..." That hardly leads to a productive discussion.

    The only person making a big deal here is you, continually making assumptions, arguing about motive, state of the game, dreams for the game and so on, most of which have nothing to do with anything.

    You're not even reading what I write, trying to be snarky with "And if you are surprised to see bugs in Star Citizen you must be new here. " when the post you quoted already addresses that, I said "Of course games are buggy during alphas, I have already said this. What I was surprised about was HOW buggy it was..."

    You're just being awkward so that you can cause drama, a proper little SC troll.

  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    Erillion said:
    Au contraire.
    So .. they had and have a choice. The vast majority chooses to stick with the project. Me included.

    Have fun

    I would imagine ZettaBytes is referring to getting the game, they have no option but to wait for it, nothing they say or do will speed the delivery.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Erillion said:
    Au contraire.
    So .. they had and have a choice. The vast majority chooses to stick with the project. Me included.

    Have fun

    I would imagine ZettaBytes is referring to getting the game, they have no option but to wait for it, nothing they say or do will speed the delivery.

    Again ... wrong.

    If people really want to speed the delivery, they can help with Alpha playtesting and send in bug reports to the SC Issue Council. They can actively help to find and document bugs. So that the devs can swat those bugs. There is a whole series of Video blogs about bug-hunting in SC.

    Have fun

  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    edited April 2017
    Erillion said:
    Again ... wrong.
    If people really want to speed the delivery, they can help with Alpha playtesting and send in bug reports to the SC Issue Council. They can actively help to find and document bugs. So that the devs can swat those bugs. There is a whole series of Video blogs about bug-hunting in SC.

    Have fun

    Haha sure thing Erillion....

    Zettabytes said "Backers have no choice but to give it time because they have no say over the project whatsoever, just like any normal publisher backed game." so perhaps we need to keep the comment in context because you can have quite a bit of bug testing done by players on a publisher backed game as well.

    These points you are trying to make feel like strawmen because you're taking all context away from the original comment.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Erillion said:
    Again ... wrong.
    If people really want to speed the delivery, they can help with Alpha playtesting and send in bug reports to the SC Issue Council. They can actively help to find and document bugs. So that the devs can swat those bugs. There is a whole series of Video blogs about bug-hunting in SC.

    Have fun

    Haha sure thing Erillion....

    Zettabytes said "Backers have no choice but to give it time because they have no say over the project whatsoever, just like any normal publisher backed game." so perhaps we need to keep the comment in context because you can have quite a bit of bug testing done by players on a publisher backed game as well.

    These points you are trying to make feel like strawmen because you're taking all context away from the original comment.

    I disagree with the notion that backers have no say over the project.

    It was our trust into this idea and this project that made it possible in the first place... by supporting the crowdfunding project. There are many ways to communicate our ideas to CIG, from forums to BarCitizen Meetings and big events like GamesCon etc..

    Do the backers dicate how the project is run from day to day ? Hell no! And that is a good thing. You cannot ask 1.8 Million people with contradicting ideas for their input on how decisions should be made in detail. That is why you have a team of devs.

    If this would be a normal publisher backed game ... IT WOULD NOT EXIST AT ALL.

    And how do we know this ? Because CIG tried to find a publisher. But publishers are mostly interested in multi-platform dumbed down "Battlefield Call of Halo Creed  no.8" type of games.  And THAT is a fact - much discussed in video game press circles.

    Have fun

  • MaxBaconMaxBacon Member LegendaryPosts: 7,848
    edited April 2017
    I mean the backers realize one thing... Making a childish tantrum and demand the game NOW will not magically make the game release. Some seem to think that is the solution however...

    Logical people know there's no other solution but wait. Don't want to wait? Get a refund.

    Whine about delays will not change the reality of development, we like it or not.
  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510
    Hating on SC is soooooo 2016.
  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    Erillion said:

    I disagree with the notion that backers have no say over the project.

    It was our trust into this idea and this project that made it possible in the first place... by supporting the crowdfunding project. There are many ways to communicate our ideas to CIG, from forums to BarCitizen Meetings and big events like GamesCon etc..

    Do the backers dicate how the project is run from day to day ? Hell no! And that is a good thing. You cannot ask 1.8 Million people with contradicting ideas for their input on how decisions should be made in detail. That is why you have a team of devs.

    If this would be a normal publisher backed game ... IT WOULD NOT EXIST AT ALL.

    And how do we know this ? Because CIG tried to find a publisher. But publishers are mostly interested in multi-platform dumbed down "Battlefield Call of Halo Creed  no.8" type of games.  And THAT is a fact - much discussed in video game press circles.

    Have fun

    Fair enough, I disagree they have much, if any, say in the project.
    I'm not sure what trust has to do with it but one only has to look at the flight model debate, the controller debate, the LTI debate, the constant feedback about the launcher flooding networks, the lack of TrackIR etc, all massive topics in the community that have existed for years which we've had very little response to. If our say is worth anything then those things would have been adressed far more than they have been.

    Who is asking for them to listen to 1.8 million individual inputs into the game? Why even bring up such an asinine point?

    I kind of agree that publishers go for games that are more assured of returning substantial profits, but that's good business. I think they should be a little bit more open to things outside their box and there are certainly quite a few publisher backed games that are outstanding pieces of work and far from the "Battlefield / CoD / Halo" franchises.

    Space games have always been exceptionally niche so expecting $23+ million from publishers/investors (especially for someone 15 years out of the trade) might well have over optimistic.

  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    edited April 2017
    Hating on SC is soooooo 2016.
    More like middle of 2015 into full swing 90 days top :awesome:
  • Tiamat64Tiamat64 Member RarePosts: 1,545
    Babuinix said:
    Hating on SC is soooooo 2016.
    More like middle of 2015 into full swing 90 days top :awesome:
    Yea, five years from now, someone will be saying "Hating on SC is so 2021!"
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