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AMD Ryzen CPUs (Zen) Show Very Strong Performance



  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    God love the AMD Loyalists.  Keep hope alive, I say!!!

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    edited February 2017
    Malabooga said:
    Muke said:
    Your childish post proofs I am totally right and why others were makign fun of you in other threads.

    Don't post about hardware when you do not know anything or how it works.

    You obviously know zilch how marketing works. And it is no use trying to teach it to you.

    oh , so posting proof of what you claim is now considered BAD and FUNNY.

    now i completely understand where you are coming from ROFL

    "I do not have to post proof and i make fun of those who do. Dem and their silly proof is so childish, idiot doesnt know internetz debates are based on baseless claims like MINE!" HURR DURR
    Again: even more childish troll remarks and insults which show everyone which material you are made of.

    Oh, and I think you might not get this, since you haven't gotten it in the previous posts:
    I was not even saying your claims are wrong but you are so easily persuaded by ads that it is almost funny. Almost.

    But here is the definition of cherry picking, in case you can't find Google.
    "hurr durr"

    Read that. Read it again, And again. Read it 100x.
    Then read your posts. And the comments. ESPECIALLY the comments.

    maybe some light will pop on.


    In the meantime I go have a good discussion with people that DO know their stuff.
    You can keep on posting and make yourself even more less credible. :)

    And in response to above's poster:

    "Oh yeah, God Bless the AMD loyalists. Keep hope alive!"

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    edited February 2017
    Sure, asking for proving what youre saying is totally childish and should be considered illlegal!

    OTOH basleless claims are how arguments are made!

    i guess it hasnt crossed your petty little mind that AMD could have made their own SYSmark and show Zen utterly demolishes Intel CPUs (like Intel does) and instead they chose to do tests on OPEN SOURCE real world programs that ANYONE can dissect and verify how they work to the smallest detail huh genius? lol
  • GladDogGladDog Member RarePosts: 1,097
    mgilbrtsn said:
    God love the AMD Loyalists.  Keep hope alive, I say!!!

    As I've stated earlier in this thread, I want to see Zen do well.  Will I buy one?  No, my best friend works for Intel and I would feel like a traitor if I bought one.  But good CPUs from AMD will force Intel to give us what we want; price breaks and innovation.  If paying too much for CPUs and seeing 5-8% improvements per generation is OK with you, then you can hate on AMD all you want.  If you want to have affordable upgrades and see the gaming industry moving forward, then you should be rooting for Zen as well.

    The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    edited February 2017
    Malabooga said:
    Sure, asking for proving what youre saying is totally childish and should be considered illlegal!

    OTOH basleless claims are how arguments are made!

    i guess it hasnt crossed your petty little mind that AMD could have made their own SYSmark and show Zen utterly demolishes Intel CPUs (like Intel does) and instead they chose to do tests on OPEN SOURCE real world programs that ANYONE can dissect and verify how they work to the smallest detail huh genius? lol
    You don't get it.

    You mind is so numbed down that you do not even know this discussion was not even about how great/poor Zen is. You are still responding to your "he is putting down AMD rage!" trigger but it's about you jumping on the AMD bandwagon and fanboyism and not seeing what cherry picking means. And I even provided the explanation of it. And you still don't know. When others and me are still eating popcorn and laughing, you still don't know. That's really the sad part.

    The fact that this is not even whether Zen is great or just another bad cpu design and hot air, but about you not seeing through marketing tactics. There. I said it again. You probably still don't see it and start another rant by "give proof hurr durr" dumb remarks.

    The fact that you resort into insults and thrashing 'evil' Intel (and there's where the real reason about your whole thread is exposed -bashing Intel, gratz for exposing yourself instead of hiding it as a attempt to start a discussion) is the classic proof that I, and not you am right.

    And I think you do know that too. And your mind knows only 1 way: respond by insulting.

    Case closed.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    I get it, youre just trolling lol
  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Malabooga said:
    I get it, youre just trolling lol
    Sadly, no.

    You are still not getting it.

    But I'll stop now. I broke my own rule which is listed somewhere on this site.
    Have a nice day and let's hope Zen is really that great.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • EvarduneEvardune Member UncommonPosts: 25
    edited February 2017
    filmoret said:
    What about the leaked benchmarks for the RX 480's that showed them almost as fast as the GTX 1080.  Yea those were totally accurate.
    If you mean the AotS benchmark scores where 2 480's beat a 1080 then those were actually accurate.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    Malabooga said:
    Still no a single word WHY are Blender and Handbrake "cherry picking" and "biased"

    those are open source and very popular vendor agnostic programs and are not sponsored by anyone.

    They even gave the file they used for EVERYONE to test in Blender so you can inspect both the application and file to your hearts delight as both can be dowloaded and tested in a few seconds.....and results for 6900k have been verified by those few who have 6900k/6950x.

    And yeah, those are NOT benhcmark or synthetic tests but real world applications used by millions of people every day lol

    Anyway, heres the list of spotted SKUs and (bulk most likely)prices. All Ryzen CPUs are unlocked so you can OC any of them, which is really WELOCMED improvement lol

    For someone interesed in some curiosities, they all have same silicon die with various parts disabled, so "4c/4t" has 4 cores and SMT disabled but its same chip as 8c/16t.
    Let's suppose that there were some set of 20 benchmarks that everyone universally agreed was the best way to benchmark CPUs.  There isn't, but let's just suppose.

    And then when a vendor is about to launch a new CPU, some of those benchmarks will be far more favorable to it than others.  Some will be primarily testing memory bandwidth, others cache performance, others instruction throughput, and yet others branch prediction.

    Let's suppose that the new CPU is, on average, the same speed as the competitor's CPU of a wildly different architecture.  It's extremely unlikely that that would mean that the two CPUs tie in all twenty benchmarks.  Rather, you'd probably be 10% faster in this one, 10% slower in that one, 25% faster in some other, 20% slower in yet another, and so forth.

    If you want to cherry-pick benchmarks, it's pretty easy to do.  Run them all, then pick the ones that are most favorable to your hardware.  Announce performance in those few that are most favorable to you and no others.  Maybe you show your CPU beating the competition by 20%-50% in three benchmarks.

    AMD's marketing history is one of relatively modest cherry-picking.  In the above scenario, I'd expect AMD to release numbers showing them beating the competition by perhaps 5%-10%.  That's enough that there is some cherry-picking going on, but little enough of it that someone who wants to believe that the leaked benchmarks were typical will be able to do so even after reading full reviews.

    By comparison, Nvidia would cook up some weird corner case where they beat the competition by a factor of 10, and try to present that as the benchmark that matters.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    What's a WELOCMED? Some MEDs AMD fanatics take to stay sane?
    It's medicine to let you overclock well.
  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Evardune said:
    filmoret said:
    What about the leaked benchmarks for the RX 480's that showed them almost as fast as the GTX 1080.  Yea those were totally accurate.
    If you mean the AotS benchmark scores where 2 480's beat a 1080 then those were actually accurate.
    Youve just met filmoret, he is just like that, dont worry yourself too much lol
  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    GladDog said:
    mgilbrtsn said:
    God love the AMD Loyalists.  Keep hope alive, I say!!!

    As I've stated earlier in this thread, I want to see Zen do well.  Will I buy one?  No, my best friend works for Intel and I would feel like a traitor if I bought one.  But good CPUs from AMD will force Intel to give us what we want; price breaks and innovation.  If paying too much for CPUs and seeing 5-8% improvements per generation is OK with you, then you can hate on AMD all you want.  If you want to have affordable upgrades and see the gaming industry moving forward, then you should be rooting for Zen as well.

    Agreed.  AMD is literally the only thing keeping both Intel and Nvidia in check.  Nvidia especially has shown they have no qualms overpricing their products.  Without competition, prices would be even more out of control than they already are for Nvidia products.

    Only problem I had with AMD was they had bad driver support in the past.  I got a 480 not too long ago and it works like butter.  I get the performance of a 1060 with a gsync monitor but paid like 200-300 less because of freesync.

    People love bandwagoning, though, so logic doesn't apply I guess.
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    Malabooga said:
    filmoret said:
    What about the leaked benchmarks for the RX 480's that showed them almost as fast as the GTX 1080.  Yea those were totally accurate.
    where are those benchmarks, or youre inventing stuff again as usual?

    Oh i have another great example of cherry picked and biased: NVidia Gameworks titles. WHY? because they contain NVidias black box middleware that ONLY NVidia can access (so neither devs or AMD can optimize it) and that can do....anything really (you cant know because its a black box)
    Oh man you know "they" are watching and monitoring everything everywhere.  Now they know that you know!!!
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    some EU prices have popped up

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Asus AM4 motherboards and prices popped up

  • sacredfoolsacredfool Member UncommonPosts: 849
    edited February 2017

    I am not sure AMD understood what everyone meant when they said it has to "compete with Intel"

    I am  pretty sure no one wanted Intel-priced AMD-performance, but rather AMD-priced Intel-performace.

    Judging by the close release date and lack of favourable "leaks" we'll be disappointed.

    Originally posted by nethaniah

    Seriously Farmville? Yeah I think it's great. In a World where half our population is dying of hunger the more fortunate half is spending their time harvesting food that doesn't exist.

  • SoulticeSoultice Member UncommonPosts: 112
    The prices currently posted are now bogus.  No one really knows what AMD performance will be like until we get our hands on some real retail processers.

    I am an old AMD fan but AMD lost me after they continued to release crap processors.  I do not care how many cores you put on a die, it will not compensate for poor single core performance.  Having said that I intend to build a new system this year.  If AMD Ryzen is close to Intell in performance and half the price I will build an AMD rig.

    Motherboard manufacturers are just not showing boards but most are lower end and I think the motherboard manufacturers will introduce higher end boards when they see people actually buying AMD processors.  I do hope AMD is back as I look at Intel processors and they are way overpriced.  When your the lone CPU for performance manufacturer you can charge what the market can bear but man they are expensive.  Intel and Nvidia need some stiff competition to keep them honest.  I hope the new AMD video cards coming out later this year make Nvidia is overpriced as well.

    My budget is 2500 for this build but I would love to spend a lot less for it.
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Oh come on man.. ban evading? Really?
    You and filmoret should have quit this nonsense long ago.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    Dakeru said:
    Oh come on man.. ban evading? Really?
    You and filmoret should have quit this nonsense long ago.
    Thanks for bringing me into something I'm not involved with.  Now its time for you to stop.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    filmoret said:
    Dakeru said:
    Oh come on man.. ban evading? Really?
    You and filmoret should have quit this nonsense long ago.
    Thanks for bringing me into something I'm not involved with.  Now its time for you to stop.
    I laughed so incredibly hard.
    Second best moment on Valentine's Day for me.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    Why are you so desperate about this that you have to evade a ban to post this. I mean seriously what is the matter with you ?

  • carotidcarotid Member UncommonPosts: 425
    kitarad said:
    Why are you so desperate about this that you have to evade a ban to post this. I mean seriously what is the matter with you ?
    People with mental issues have no control.
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    edited February 2017
    Some 3DMark scores have popped up

    • AMD Ryzen: ZD3406BAM88F4_38/34_Y — Eight-Core CPU
    • AMD Ryzen: ZD3301BBM6IF4_37/33_Y — Six-Core CPU
    • AMD Ryzen: ZD3201BBM4KF4_34/32_Y — Quad-Core CPU



    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    Dakeru said:
    filmoret said:
    Dakeru said:
    Oh come on man.. ban evading? Really?
    You and filmoret should have quit this nonsense long ago.
    Thanks for bringing me into something I'm not involved with.  Now its time for you to stop.
    I laughed so incredibly hard.
    Second best moment on Valentine's Day for me.

    What was the first?  Getting a new hat for your tarutaru?  j/k
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