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My.Com To Take Over All Future Development - Armored Warfare -

ShelassaShelassa MMORPG.COM Staff UncommonPosts: 616
edited February 2017 in News & Features Discussion

imageMy.Com To Take Over All Future Development - Armored Warfare -

Armored Warfare News - The Armored Warfare site has been updated with a post to let players know that the game's development and all future work on the project would be taken over by The new team will continue to work on previously announced content and features as well as future updates.

Read the full story here


  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    I guess it was not generating enough revenue, and rather than going the full-blown cash shop route, Obsidian decided to save their reputation and sold it to someone who will be happy to exploit the "monetization potential" to the max !
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    I've played this, and I like the PVE. But it's just not a market to compete in unless your name is War Thunder. There's not really room for more.

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  • Einherjar25Einherjar25 Member UncommonPosts: 17

    Torval said:

    I guess it was not generating enough revenue, and rather than going the full-blown cash shop route, Obsidian decided to save their reputation and sold it to someone who will be happy to exploit the "monetization potential" to the max !

    There is also a different development mindset and team composition between creating and launching a title and updating and maintaining a live game. Obsidian might not be well suited to the latter.

    Actually, from MY Experience are a bunch of idiots. I won 2 prizes on 2 different occasions in AW and did not receive any of them. On both situation I contacted support MULTIPLE time, BACK AND FORTH and apparently I'm confuse and hallucinated winning something in BOTH cases. Twenty years of playing games online and I have NEVER seen this kind of customers support. AMAZING!
  • Asch126Asch126 Member RarePosts: 543
    Well, time for to fully ruin another game.
  • PurplePoloPlayerPurplePoloPlayer Member UncommonPosts: 145
    What a shame, but not unexpected. I streamed this game heavily for a year or so. The big problem is that you had an RPG studio trying to develop a tank MOBA. They simply didn't know how to code properly. The result was a laggy bug-fest with poor physics. Obsidion tried their best and were open with players but the project never really had a chance. In's hands it is all but finished. It was a fine idea to try to compete with WOT with modern tanks and it's a shame that it couldn't work out.
    Check out my stream at!
  • donger56donger56 Member RarePosts: 443
    It looks like is quickly establishing itself as a bottom feeder taking struggling games and trying to cash in on them. They just took over the publishing for Warface as well. They seem to be using the old SoE playbook of grabbing up games and ruining them with bad business models. This is a good place to stay clear of given their bad track record. 
  • bigcrackerbigcracker Member UncommonPosts: 89
    I tried to like this game because I like warthunder and played WOT back when it first came out. It just wasnt anything different, it literally is WOT with modern day reskin and even worst balancing. I went back for 2.0 with the big PvP/PvE map and it was really fun and exciting but not a lot of players :/ game did turn around but so many games to compete with.
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    donger56 said:
    It looks like is quickly establishing itself as a bottom feeder taking struggling games and trying to cash in on them. They just took over the publishing for Warface as well. They seem to be using the old SoE playbook of grabbing up games and ruining them with bad business models. This is a good place to stay clear of given their bad track record. is a subsidiary of Mail.Ru which is a multi-billion dollar company. They can afford to gamble.
  • ShinamiShinami Member UncommonPosts: 825
    All Development + All Future Work goes to My.Com.
    I guess this is their priority and I wonder if people playing Revelation Online are going to suffer as RO is a published in NA/EU by My.Com.

    Would all of the development in this game give My.Com Priority to move their resources to this game and bail on their previous projects? Or am I speaking too soon?
  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    and that gzme going to go p2w

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Reaffirms over passion,we need to focus  on this business so move that game over to someone else.
    If you are truly serious about a game and it's entire design,you stay on course and focus on those ideas.Some new people can take over and finish ideas already started but how well,they don't even know the game or it's purpose or direction nor long term goals.

    This is imo the state of the entire industry,just a business,nobody really cares about passion in their efforts,at least VERY few do.

    I think this is a good time to point at Smedley,the guy was removed not but 1 month and already he had an entire game to sell us LMAO,so yeah you can see how much effort and passion these guys have...little to NONE,it is just a business.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Blaze_RockerBlaze_Rocker Member UncommonPosts: 370
    Played it for a year. It was fun to drive so many tanks and vehicles I'd never even heard of before. It could have been something awesome but Obsidian kept taking the game in the wrong direction and not fixing persistent bugs. It was fun while it lasted and I miss it but I'll never go back to it ever again. A shame it couldn't have gone to a studio with ample creativity to make it shine.

    Now it's only a matter of time before it staggers and they shut it down.
    R.I.P. AW

    I've got a feevah, and the only prescription... is more cowbell.

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    DMKano said:

    I guess it was not generating enough revenue, and rather than going the full-blown cash shop route, Obsidian decided to save their reputation and sold it to someone who will be happy to exploit the "monetization potential" to the max !

    Just to make things clear, requested Obsidian to make Armored Warfare for them, and Obsidian was never a good fit being an RPG studio, not tank warfare game studio. took this in because they didnt get a WoT killer game, especially since was wanting a game that would steal all players from World of Tanks..... yeah never happened
    If Obsidian "made the game for", why didn't it launch as a game ? Were they keeping Obsidian as "window dressing" to pull in more players ?

    I've never heard of a developer walking away from a profitable title a year after launch. War Thunder is a  minnow compared to the WoT whale, but they're still serving an apparently profitable niche...
  • darkboazdarkboaz Member UncommonPosts: 160 IMHO never did any thing but push to screw over the non Russian players/servers every chance they got. The game moved right next to pay to win fast, when it allowed you to buy vehicles that where maxed out with tier 5 crews. To top it off they rewarded early backers of the game with exclusive vehicles just to decide about a year later that exclusive only was for a year (while still in beta). Glad to see Obsidian left it.
  • darkboazdarkboaz Member UncommonPosts: 160
    By reward I do mean sell and as part of the sale hype the exclusivity of some of the vehicles.
  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    After trying out Skyforge and installing "", every alarm I had from firewall to antivirus sounded off. After a week of trying to tweak things, I was still uncomfortable with the intrusion and access that app wanted from my PC so I uninstalled it.

    I will never install another game that requires "". The idea of requiring an app that turns on P2P file sharing is just not acceptable to me.
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • ananitananit Member RarePosts: 293
    here is an interesting read on what went wrong with AW, written by a design consultant for OE/

    now if world of tanks could get inspired with what armored warfare did right it would be amazing.
    what i mean is :

    - it's actually fun to progress in AW from tier 1 up to 10. in WoT it's actually atrocious and painful to drive in garbage can with the occasional overpowered tank here and there. it gets better at t8 though, sadly 90% of t1 to t8 is just downright horrible.

    - you actually progress in AW even without a premium account. in WoT you go at snail pace backward on sandpaper without premium and it's barely progressing with premium. all of this while being a good player. i can't imagine playing without premium and being bad at wot and i honestly understand why there are so many botters.

    - and lastly the thing i absolutely loved in AW : artilleries are not the overpowered skillless bs sattelite deathstar you get to play in WoT.

    oh and no stupid xvm that lets idiots in artillery focus anyone with a good rating relentlessly.
  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    This came up in Mingles with Jingles today and he spoke to people from both camps a few months ago about this. wanted a WoT type game and hired Obsidian to make one. Obsidian wanted to do things differently and added the PvE stuff.

    For those who don't know Jingles, he's a youtuber, a EU community contributer for WoT and usually does a video a day about WoT, WoWs, AW and a couple of other games.

    If anyone's interested the link is below:
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