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Armored Warfare News - The Armored Warfare site has been updated with a post to let players know that the game's development and all future work on the project would be taken over by The new team will continue to work on previously announced content and features as well as future updates.
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Actually, from MY Experience are a bunch of idiots. I won 2 prizes on 2 different occasions in AW and did not receive any of them. On both situation I contacted support MULTIPLE time, BACK AND FORTH and apparently I'm confuse and hallucinated winning something in BOTH cases. Twenty years of playing games online and I have NEVER seen this kind of customers support. AMAZING!
I guess this is their priority and I wonder if people playing Revelation Online are going to suffer as RO is a published in NA/EU by My.Com.
Would all of the development in this game give My.Com Priority to move their resources to this game and bail on their previous projects? Or am I speaking too soon?
If you are truly serious about a game and it's entire design,you stay on course and focus on those ideas.Some new people can take over and finish ideas already started but how well,they don't even know the game or it's purpose or direction nor long term goals.
This is imo the state of the entire industry,just a business,nobody really cares about passion in their efforts,at least VERY few do.
I think this is a good time to point at Smedley,the guy was removed not but 1 month and already he had an entire game to sell us LMAO,so yeah you can see how much effort and passion these guys have...little to NONE,it is just a business.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Now it's only a matter of time before it staggers and they shut it down.
I've got a feevah, and the only prescription... is more cowbell.
I've never heard of a developer walking away from a profitable title a year after launch. War Thunder is a minnow compared to the WoT whale, but they're still serving an apparently profitable niche...
I will never install another game that requires "". The idea of requiring an app that turns on P2P file sharing is just not acceptable to me.
now if world of tanks could get inspired with what armored warfare did right it would be amazing.
what i mean is :
- it's actually fun to progress in AW from tier 1 up to 10. in WoT it's actually atrocious and painful to drive in garbage can with the occasional overpowered tank here and there. it gets better at t8 though, sadly 90% of t1 to t8 is just downright horrible.
- you actually progress in AW even without a premium account. in WoT you go at snail pace backward on sandpaper without premium and it's barely progressing with premium. all of this while being a good player. i can't imagine playing without premium and being bad at wot and i honestly understand why there are so many botters.
- and lastly the thing i absolutely loved in AW : artilleries are not the overpowered skillless bs sattelite deathstar you get to play in WoT.
oh and no stupid xvm that lets idiots in artillery focus anyone with a good rating relentlessly.
For those who don't know Jingles, he's a youtuber, a EU community contributer for WoT and usually does a video a day about WoT, WoWs, AW and a couple of other games.
If anyone's interested the link is below: