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POLL: Are you going to buy the Nintendo Switch?



  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614

    Although I like playing computer games since I was a kid, I feel way too old to play Mario and Zelda lol.
    I leave that to the Millennials.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • GenetikCodeGenetikCode Member UncommonPosts: 48
    I said no because i don't like it, too pricey for what it is. Can understand it if you have kids, so this console will just add to the other console babysitters.
    But if this fails, which i think it will, i cant see why nintendo just launches there game products on the pc, ps4, xbox. I know to them taking that route would be a huge failure, but they would be huge hits for them.
  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088
    Never cared for Nintendo consoles and their popular ips.
  • DoctorhooDoctorhoo Member UncommonPosts: 237
    Yes, But maybe a year after launch
  • HeraseHerase Member RarePosts: 993
    Think I will, will be a nice change of pace. Most big titles on the other consoles feel very serious, will be nice to play a lighthearted type of game and jump back into the classics. Also for some who travels, this will be nice to have on the go. Haven't been following Nintendo since gamecube, so this will be a nice start.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Doctorhoo said:
    Yes, But maybe a year after launch
    Thats probably the best idea, as apparently for the moment at least, there is no online gameplay without using the nintendo app on a smartphone, as it handles all the matchmaking, voice comms and from the look of it, is integral to the Switches ability to go online at all.
    In a years time, there may well be a version of the Switch out that doesn't need a smartphone tied to it. O.o
  • Sal1Sal1 Member UncommonPosts: 430
    Like others have said before me the original poster should have had an undecided option also. My answer was no. If I had the money for a gaming console to play on I'd buy a PS4 or an Xbox One.
  • IggiePuffIggiePuff Member UncommonPosts: 146
    Yes, I already pre-ordered one. But, I keep seeing a lot of people stating "Well, I'm going to wait 8-12 months or so and see how it does first!". If everyone saying that got one at launch or shortly later they wouldn't have to worry about, "What if it flops and not enough people buys it?"

    I believe it will do well enough, heck pre-orders already sold out. Most places sold out of it within a few hours, Gamestop sold out of it by that Sunday. Pretty much everyone that got to try it loved it. So I don't really think we have anything to worry about.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    No,  Nintendo blows..............
  • Joseph_KerrJoseph_Kerr Member RarePosts: 1,113
    No, because how many times can I buy the same three games? Plus I have a PC, XBONE S and a sh!tty Wii U that can't even Netflix so no, I won't be buying the Switch or anything Nintendo ever again. (I grew up on Nintendo, but sometimes you just gotta let things go.)
  • MirathelMirathel Member UncommonPosts: 137
    horrible battery life and the fact that everything NEEDS an accessory. I'm not willing to spend 600 to get the most out of a console. Its just silly. Nintendo is shooting themselves in the foot once again with their out of date consoles. 32 GB storage space?! In an age where digital games sell more they need to wake up and stay with the current times or it will swallow them whole.
  • MirathelMirathel Member UncommonPosts: 137
    edited January 2017
    Kahrek said:
    Yes for sure. I like the feature set and it is a very nice console for letting the family watch netflix or surf on the big screen.

    We currently use our WiiU about 50/50 for mario kart and streaming. Plus let's face it. The kidult in me is drooling over the new Zelda. I want to love it, I need to love it!


    they already announced no streaming apps on switch. No Netflix, no hulu. Nothing....
  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207
    My last console was a PS2 and my last Nintendo system was the SNES.

    I see no reason to revisit consoles unless it's for a 4k blu-ray player as well.
  • IggiePuffIggiePuff Member UncommonPosts: 146
    Mirathel said:
    horrible battery life and the fact that everything NEEDS an accessory. I'm not willing to spend 600 to get the most out of a console. Its just silly. Nintendo is shooting themselves in the foot once again with their out of date consoles. 32 GB storage space?! In an age where digital games sell more they need to wake up and stay with the current times or it will swallow them whole.
    Battery life is only if you play it tablet mode. Dock mode you'll be fine and most people I've heard from has already said, "I am mainly playing it in dock mode." some even said they have no plans at all to play it in tablet mode.

    Not everything needs an accessory, you can buy it for $299.99 plus the games and that's it. 32GB of storage isn't great but you don't really need much since the cartridges can hold a lot plus from what I've read you save games to the cartridges. Need more storage, you can just slap in an SD card, it can go up to 2TB once 2TB SD cards are released. Right now I believe it can go up to 256GB.

    A lot of people do like digital but more love getting the normal physical game. They want the box, any items that comes with it, etc.

    Mirathel said:
    Kahrek said:
    Yes for sure. I like the feature set and it is a very nice console for letting the family watch netflix or surf on the big screen.

    We currently use our WiiU about 50/50 for mario kart and streaming. Plus let's face it. The kidult in me is drooling over the new Zelda. I want to love it, I need to love it!


    they already announced no streaming apps on switch. No Netflix, no hulu. Nothing....
    They said no streaming apps at launch, then said streaming apps might come after launch. I'd be fine if they added them, but to be honest, I'd rather it be a gaming focused console only.
  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    I have one on preorder basically because iv had a itch to play nintendo classic games lately. I know i know, i could save myself alot of money and just download a emulator or even buy that little classic nes box. Truth is i havent owned a nintendo system since the 80s and want one now, Plus that new zelda game looks amazing. Although i have to be honest IM not 100% ill keep it at launch, Apparently people are going to be reselling these on launch day for big bucks so i might just sell it and pick one up 6 months down the road not sure yet.
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    Mirathel said:
    Kahrek said:
    Yes for sure. I like the feature set and it is a very nice console for letting the family watch netflix or surf on the big screen.

    We currently use our WiiU about 50/50 for mario kart and streaming. Plus let's face it. The kidult in me is drooling over the new Zelda. I want to love it, I need to love it!


    they already announced no streaming apps on switch. No Netflix, no hulu. Nothing....
    Very disappointing , You have to wonder who this console is aimed at, Im a old a fart and i rarely use netflix never touched hulu i just take it in the butt with comcast so it doesnt matter to me. But i feel like no hulu or netflix knocks out the millinials for this console. Are they targeting kids or 40 somethings? I dont get it, And dont say everyone lol
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • IggiePuffIggiePuff Member UncommonPosts: 146
    thunderC said:
    Mirathel said:
    Kahrek said:
    Yes for sure. I like the feature set and it is a very nice console for letting the family watch netflix or surf on the big screen.

    We currently use our WiiU about 50/50 for mario kart and streaming. Plus let's face it. The kidult in me is drooling over the new Zelda. I want to love it, I need to love it!


    they already announced no streaming apps on switch. No Netflix, no hulu. Nothing....
    Very disappointing , You have to wonder who this console is aimed at, Im a old a fart and i rarely use netflix never touched hulu i just take it in the butt with comcast so it doesnt matter to me. But i feel like no hulu or netflix knocks out the millinials for this console. Are they targeting kids or 40 somethings? I dont get it, And dont say everyone lol
    The streaming apps might come after launch tho, that's what they said. But, come on, do we really need another console to watch Netflix, Hulu, etc on? We have the option of PC, Xbox One, PS4, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, etc, plus some older consoles to watch those on.

    How about keeping a gaming console a gaming console? As I stated before if they add them I'd be fine with it, but we don't really need them. 
  • OnPlayOnPlay Member CommonPosts: 5
    Well Nintendo Switch is so promising. I find it really awesome to have and if I got a chance to have one of it, surely it won't go anywhere as it will be stick in my hands to play all sort of games that I could get from it. Can't wait to have it in my possession.  =)
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,103
    edited January 2017
    Tenkousei said:
    Leaning more towards "no" right now. From the trailers i've seen it looks like the Big N is going further down the path of the E-rating. Another Zelda game, another Mario game, another Mario Kart ... Too much of the same old things for my liking.

    Well, the new Zelda game really is new and so is Super Mario Odyssey.

    I am though, disappointed in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2, as I had expected more, like new tracks ( Kart ) and new maps ( splatoon ).

    The launch lineup is really abysmal. Worse than the WiiU. So frankly, the Switch isn't exactly off to a good start already.
    Seeing the software draught on the WiiU the last 2 years, I had expected Nintendo to have a larger lineup of games on 3rd of March.
    What also stings me, is that Super Mario Odyssey is finished and could have been released on 3rd of March, but instead being delayed to end this year on purpose, just so they have a game to boost holiday sales! /facepalm 

    So eventhough I love Nintendo and love the WiiU (especially my 5 year old son loves it), I hold off on the Switch for now and take a wait and see approach.
  • StellaBellaStellaBella Member UncommonPosts: 32
    I thought Nintendo was on the verge of going belly up, why spend money on that?
  • Stalking1Stalking1 Member UncommonPosts: 10
    I more about PC playing, I use my PS4 just for FIFA and ESO sometimes) the only advantage of Switch - is its mobility. Maybe one day I gonna buy it, but not now.
  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    JeroKane said:
    Tenkousei said:
    Leaning more towards "no" right now. From the trailers i've seen it looks like the Big N is going further down the path of the E-rating. Another Zelda game, another Mario game, another Mario Kart ... Too much of the same old things for my liking.

    The launch lineup is really abysmal. Worse than the WiiU. So frankly, the Switch isn't exactly off to a good start already.
    Seeing the software draught on the WiiU the last 2 years, I had expected Nintendo to have a larger lineup of games on 3rd of March.

    This 100%. The only reason i think this may be different is the early projections have the switch blowing out the wii U in units sold when looking back at the wii u's preorder phase not to mention what they are predicting in total untis sold over the first 2 years. You would have to think if the switch sells like hotcakes in the first 6 months, which its on track to do, developers will be very eager to start producing games. My only concern is this. I feel like in this day and age devs want to be able to release a new game on multiple platforms at  relatively the same time. The switch is not up to par with the Xbox or PS4 in terms of tech so essentially they would have to make a separate game, This scares me.

     I still dont understand why the WII -Wii U and now the switch have all lagged behind in specs/tech to all current consoles they are up against. Its not like we are getting a amazing price point at 300 bucks its not that far off from a new ps4 or xbox, Where is the cost going to? Im guessing all the gimmicks each year, Motion control, Led screen controller and now the portability.
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476
    Already pre ordered. Don't have a Wii U, and I have kids. And the Zelda game looks way too good to miss. So 350$ Zelda machine? Sure. 

    Kids can be gotten rid of by breaking there dinner plates, and forcing them to contribute to social security.
    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    edited January 2017
    I said yes but, its more of a "probably".  The Wii U is the only nintendo system (aside from the virtual boy) that I haven't owned,  and the switch seems like it could be a great product -- but it always comes down to support and what games they end up having and how well those games play.

    Nintendo is filling a niche I wasn't sure existed with this one.  The - "Play non-handheld console games anywhere".  They've pretty much dominated the handheld markets -- some would even contest that their mobile offerings are some of the highest grossing apps as well.  

    This console is something different for sure.  A mixture of a few different type of technology.  Will that translate to wide 3rd party support though? 

  • gobilamokagobilamoka Member UncommonPosts: 9
    I wish to vote for "undecided".. but it's not there.. lol

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