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Marvel Heroes 2016 - Step into 2017 with the Biggest Update Ever -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited January 2017 in News & Features Discussion

imageMarvel Heroes 2016 - Step into 2017 with the Biggest Update Ever -

The biggest systems update ever for Marvel Heroes 2016 is about to land on the live servers this coming Thursday. The culmination of seven months of rigorous work, every single hero (of the 50+ in the game) is receiving a skills pass. The Omega system for end-game progression is being replaced by the Infinity system. Talents are coming to the game along with traits for each hero.

Read the full story here




  • exile01exile01 Member RarePosts: 1,089
    edited January 2017
    It got worse. Simplification for the new generation of ultra short concentration players. Digital dementia.
    Post edited by exile01 on
  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751
    I dunno. I think that the simplification draws me to it. I have no time to take on the "other" job that MMO's were back in the day. I don't have the time nor inclination to grind one specific mob, wait for a timer, or read 20 pages worth of rules that change between patches.
  • Scott_JeslisScott_Jeslis Member RarePosts: 639
    I like the "less choices" model, I hate "theorycrafting" and enjoy more playing with a finite number of combinations, plus it has to make developer's job a bit easier!
  • Scott_JeslisScott_Jeslis Member RarePosts: 639

    exile01 said:

    It got worse. Simplification for the new generation of ultra short concentration players. Digital demencia.

    BTW, it's not "digital dementia" for me, it's having a family, taking care of elderly parents, grandkids, other hobbies, house upkeep, work, etc. i.e. "busy life" ;-)
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    edited January 2017
    exile01 said:
    It got worse. Simplification for the new generation of ultra short concentration players. Digital demencia.
    That's laughable. The old/current version is stupidly simple and has very little build diversity if you know how the game's basic build mechanics work. Max offensive passives, max DoT skills, max a single spender and the best cooldown powers, ignore basics, and, if you have a few points left, throw the rest into your best defensive passive. This is the way to build almost every character and it is mind-numbingly dull.

    Do not talk of simplification if you have no understanding of what depth is. Now, we have to make actual choices and sacrifice things to obtain other benefits. That is a form of depth that this game has never had.
  • AshikuroAshikuro Member UncommonPosts: 68
    I think this was needed. They keep adding new features, item upgrade mechanics, Omegas, teamups, stat stacking, builds, etc... it was just too complicated for new players.
  • OyjordOyjord Member UncommonPosts: 571
    Will they be fixing the horrible inventory system? I won't play Marvel Heroes (nor Project Gorgon) until they fix the miserable inventory mini-game, which tends to dominate 80% of my game time.
  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555
    edited January 2017
    Lot of exciting stuff in this update. Eager to check it out on the live server.
  • Tabloid42Tabloid42 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    Been playing on the Test Server. So much fun. Most of the 'lesser' heroes got way better with this new Talent system. This is a good time for me to build a New team of heroes I used to ignore or have not owned.

    Finally made 'Cosmic' content actually engaging instead of a snoozefest.

    Charges on Dashes take some getting used to if you are used to the old way, of course. But everyone has dedicated travel powers to zip around the map to get to bosses still.

    Not impressed with the Infinity system at all though. It does what it does but it lacks the Marvel flavor of the old system.

    Oh,..and the costume/core split is a godsend. TY.

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    edited January 2017
    I am looking forward to this, though it does still need work in a few heroes' cases.

    Jean, Rogue, Ultron, Nightcrawler, Captain Marvel, Thor, Loki, Taskmaster, Human Torch, Magneto, and Cyclops came out of this happily. Each of them is more fun, interesting, and useful than before.

    Moon Knight and Hawkeye are questionable. They were just reworked so I can't place them. 

    Gambit was destroyed due to a bad resource and excessive wind-ups. Winter Soldier was nerfed hard for no good reason. Nova's melee/movement build is dead on arrival. Punisher is the red-headed stepchild, as always. 

    Almost everyone else is as good as or better than before. In a lot of cases (like Iron Man), good talents are used to spice up the same old kit.
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    No change to the crappy inventory/vault system in the game though. Over 60 heroes to play and a lame ass system like that in the game.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    Hariken said:
    No change to the crappy inventory/vault system in the game though. Over 60 heroes to play and a lame ass system like that in the game.
    True, but there were indirect improvements to this. One of the worst space-wasters (Starktech cubes) are being removed, along with a new wardrobe system for costumes that means that you will not need to keep all of the alternate costumes you want to use.
  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766
    edited January 2017
    Hariken said:
    No change to the crappy inventory/vault system in the game though. Over 60 heroes to play and a lame ass system like that in the game.

    what makes it bad?

    what would you like to improve it?

    in regards to the article.

    Can't wait, I've been deliberately not playing until the update went live. fingers crossed it is not to buggy!
    ( though it is Gazillion. I love em to death, but their track record isn't to good when it comes to updates like this) 

    cant wait till thursday! ( i mean saturday, as that's when the game will actually be playable)  :p
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    I do have some concerns about Marvel Heroes and this update.

    1) They've abandoned end game progression for over a year and they never really offered anything as engaging as seasons, D3 greater rifts or POE end game content. What's worse is that they haven never released a dev blog on what they think of the current endgame and where they'd like to take it. I've yet to see a dev even acknowledge that positives of endgame in D3 and POE.

    2) There have been legit leaks, including a deleted post on their forums by one of their artists, STRONGLY indicating that they are pushing a release on PS4. A lot of the design decisions of the upcoming updates appear to be done more to accommodate that than anything else. My gut feeling is that they've decided they need to attract a large number of new players as the veterans aren't paying as much as they used to. But this is partly due to them stepping back content updates and a lack of end game direction. Anyway, veterans are soon to be second class citizens to the console market they hope to attract.

    3) The odds of things feeling polished and ready at release on any of these updates is miniscule. Some heroes will be OP and some will be brokenly underpowered or just plain boring.

    4) In a future patch/update they will be changing how costumes from prestiging works. the biggest change is that you will no longer get a free default costume for prestiging(releveling) a hero. This removes what I find to be the most rewarding aspect of the game, the ability to turn three costumes into a random costume. I spend money based on play time, I've spent about $400 so far and would have spent more if I didn't have to go to D3 or POE for rewarding progression systems. I've bought costumes, stash, teamups, pets, a launch four hero pack and a large Advance Pack. Removing the default costumes is being done because some players are cheap and may get lucky enough to get a costume they really want (never even happened to me in like 100 rerolls). If this and future updates don't make endgame fun, I won't really have anything to do once prestige costumes go away. and once that happens I won't be playing or spending money.

    5) They seem to be ignoring a great deal of feedback and concern regarding what's been put up for test as they are clearly in a rush to get this out. There will be a whole lot of "I told you so" coming there way when the update hits.

    Regardless of my concerns I am interested in seeing if my former main Hulk is more on par with the other top heroes. If he's not or he's dull, then they've got some explaining to do. In the meantime, I'm prestiging heroes before those costumes go away. I am grateful they have been upfront about that change and are giving people time to get as many costumes as they can before that perk is removed.
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071

    Oyjord said:

    Will they be fixing the horrible inventory system? I won't play Marvel Heroes (nor Project Gorgon) until they fix the miserable inventory mini-game, which tends to dominate 80% of my game time.

    I assume you are referring to the vast amount of stuff that drops and needs to be inspected to see if it's worth keeping? I've suggested to them that they should have lowered the drop rates and made the possible rolls be much smaller to atleast increase the likelihood of drops being worthwhile. That still doesn't address the sheer variety of crap that drops
  • UndepthUndepth Member UncommonPosts: 22

    4) In a future patch/update they will be changing how costumes from prestiging works. the biggest change is that you will no longer get a free default costume for prestiging(releveling) a hero. 
    Thanks for the heads up, now I have no reason to come back because that's all I really enjoyed doing was prestiging. What is the point now? Pretty chat colors? No thanks.
  • victorvndoomvictorvndoom Member UncommonPosts: 19
    now with their infinity system i must go level 60, i just went level 30+
    on some characters and unlocked Omega system.. Infinity system is because the new movies are planning for the stones but level 60 is a bit too steep

  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    Looks like less point spending, but more options in terms of character loadout. Sounds good, provided it is executed well. As for character balance, I don't expect it. I'm sure there will be some attempt, but they also have to represent the characters well too. Superheroes simply aren't that well balanced one to another in terms of power. Comics get around that with story, but games don't have that option.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    Undepth said:

    4) In a future patch/update they will be changing how costumes from prestiging works. the biggest change is that you will no longer get a free default costume for prestiging(releveling) a hero. 
    Thanks for the heads up, now I have no reason to come back because that's all I really enjoyed doing was prestiging. What is the point now? Pretty chat colors? No thanks.
    He isn't giving you the whole story. The reason why this change is being delayed until a later update is that a new reward system for prestiging is being developed to replace the duplicate costumes. It won't just be "pretty chat colors."
  • ZeroxinZeroxin Member UncommonPosts: 2,515
    edited January 2017

    5) They seem to be ignoring a great deal of feedback and concern regarding what's been put up for test as they are clearly in a rush to get this out. There will be a whole lot of "I told you so" coming there way when the update hits.

    Considering how many dev responses you can read on their responses to feedback, I would have to say you're completely wrong. They LITERALLY changed Rogue from having 1 passive to having 3 because WE ASKED THEM TO. So yea, you're not speaking truth.

    This is not a game.

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    Zeroxin said:

    5) They seem to be ignoring a great deal of feedback and concern regarding what's been put up for test as they are clearly in a rush to get this out. There will be a whole lot of "I told you so" coming there way when the update hits.

    Considering how many dev responses you can read on their responses to feedback, I would have to say you're completely wrong. They LITERALLY changed Rogue from having 1 passive to having 3 because WE ASKED THEM TO. So yea, you're not speaking truth.
    This. It just happens that simultaneously reworking 59 heroes is a massive undertaking. Not to mention the myriad of other changes.
  • sschruppsschrupp Member UncommonPosts: 696

    sayuu said:

    Hariken said:

    No change to the crappy inventory/vault system in the game though. Over 60 heroes to play and a lame ass system like that in the game.

    what makes it bad?

    what would you like to improve it?  :p

    When games have an absurd amount of items you have to collect, filling up your inventory, it annoys the heck out of me. I feel like I'm playing some sort of inventory management game at times. Collect 95 of these... is the bane of my existence. Then there's the insane amount of items used in crafting. Half my inventory is full of various boost potions and items that I don't know if I should save or use.

    I imagine if I played regularly I'd know to just throw away many of the things taking up all my bank space, or they'd actually get used. But every time I log in to check how things are going with the game I look at my 10 free spaces of inventory that immediately get filled up after killing a few things and just decide not to play after 20 minutes of the Inventory Management Game 2016.
  • Germaximus_SGermaximus_S Member UncommonPosts: 1,061

    Torval said:

    Good for them. This is why I love Diablo 3 - there are builds and min-maxing, but the entire fun in the game isn't around spending time doing that. It's easy to get a basic build going and go wreck stuff. That's the heart of ARPG.

    I've been wanting to play again ever since they made the class changes last fall. This bumps it up a notch for sure.

    Exactly. I'm so tired of people acting like the illusion of choice is a good thing. It's really not. Real choice is great, illusion of choice is not.

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  • OhhPaigeyOhhPaigey Member RarePosts: 1,517
    Anybody been playing the updated version recently?

    How is it?
    When all is said and done, more is always said than done.
  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    OhhPaigey said:
    Anybody been playing the updated version recently?

    How is it?
    It depends if you were not doing cosmic stuff and just farted about having fun you probably won't notice too much difference.

    If you were doing cosmic and high end stuff with tons of time into your build and gear...

    They nerfed movement and teleport into the ground. Power points are gone, omega system is gone, and you will probably spend an hour or more going through your inventory. You have to redo the costume enchants on a new item slot (which you will need to farm in cosmic midtown or equivalent), like we needed even more item bloat in this game.

    The infinity system is really simplified and pales in comparison to the omega one.

    It's a mixed bag. Most of which is pretty crap for the high end cosmic stuff and general fast pace of the game.

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