I remember having to work our way all the way to the top of Tower Of Insolence to fight Baium for the Noble Quest. Getting to the top was tough with out a mage who could use sleep on the mobs and even if you got to the top you had to pvp with others trying to get the spawn. It was awesome.
Same for me, but then the OLD Lineage II, not the GoD and later expansions...
Baium (who managed to cancel my BSOE after I poked him), the land dragons and their kick-ass hard dungeons, Fintezza and all those other epic (world)bosses in the game.
Too bad most of these epic bosses have all been tuned down into a simple instance these days
I know this probably will be seen as a negative comment, but I think the MMO that had the best boss fights was TERA way back in early 2011. Back during the early years of TERA, bosses and bams had more mechanics to them after losing so much HP, as well as their enraged mode and special moves. That game really brought me in to love MMORPGs.
... But now a lot of that is removed, stripped from the game and now we have a pile of broken mechanics with an image of it's former self.
Age of Conan [...] Toth-Amon(!) - Another "impossible" boss. In fact, in the eight years that I played Age of Conan, I only ever killed him maybe a dozen times. Most guilds simply cannot handle the second phase and if you lose too many players in the second phase, then you'll never survive the third.
Yep, I too said AoC / TSW (I think, it was long ago, this is a pretty old thread ). My favourite is freeing the chained Frostfather, but that's a dungeon and not a raid, so a more fitting "impossible" comparison: I call your Toth-Amon, and raise it with Flappy :waving: https://youtu.be/kiEhjPGkwwI?t=6m47s (Raztec has pretty good guides, and is a great fella overall)
In a way Flappy is more tough than TA, and not only because of the continuous dancing around the AoEs. I'd say during the years between the two, Funcom had time to come up with more annoyances plus it is a 10-man fight on a tighter area, but with more mechanics, so there's a much smaller room for errors.
I don't like boss fights really... but I guess I will pick everquest.
NEWS FLASH!"A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! http://theeuntitled.bandcamp.com/Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished!https://childrenfromtheheavensbelow.blogspot.com/Watch me game on occasion or make music... https://www.twitch.tv/spoontheeuntitled and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUvqULn678VrF3OasgnbsyA
I voted none because I actually think that 'boss fights' are one of the greatest mistakes the genre made from the very beginning.
The boss fight inevitably becomes a major ride in the themepark, everyone must fight and kill the named boss (complete the ride). This leads to the five boss dungeon and the seemingly endless repetition of the same highly choreographed encounter to equip your raid with the phat loot.
Moving beyond the boss fight and the endlessly resurrecting named MOB is a necessary early step in the path to true innovation in the MMORPG genre.
EQ2 Bosses had the right level of difficulty, not too hard not too easy.
Rift Bosses were actually pretty similar to EQ2, not surprise there as the Lead Designer is the same person.
WoW Bosses were challenging, but too gimmicky, far too much shit to do at the same time.
EQ Bosses were in general the most Epic as they required a huge amount of people to defeat them but in general their mechanics were far too simple.
However, after clicking wow I remembered doing krayt dragons and killing corvettes in space in SWG and how fun that was.
Baium (who managed to cancel my BSOE after I poked him), the land dragons and their kick-ass hard dungeons, Fintezza and all those other epic (world)bosses in the game.
Too bad most of these epic bosses have all been tuned down into a simple instance these days
... But now a lot of that is removed, stripped from the game and now we have a pile of broken mechanics with an image of it's former self.
I call your Toth-Amon, and raise it with Flappy :waving: https://youtu.be/kiEhjPGkwwI?t=6m47s
(Raztec has pretty good guides, and is a great fella overall)
In a way Flappy is more tough than TA, and not only because of the continuous dancing around the AoEs. I'd say during the years between the two, Funcom had time to come up with more annoyances
Bheg is a f..........g pain in the ass.
NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! http://theeuntitled.bandcamp.com/ Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! https://childrenfromtheheavensbelow.blogspot.com/ Watch me game on occasion or make music... https://www.twitch.tv/spoontheeuntitled and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUvqULn678VrF3OasgnbsyA
Can't really get better than these.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The boss fight inevitably becomes a major ride in the themepark, everyone must fight and kill the named boss (complete the ride). This leads to the five boss dungeon and the seemingly endless repetition of the same highly choreographed encounter to equip your raid with the phat loot.
Moving beyond the boss fight and the endlessly resurrecting named MOB is a necessary early step in the path to true innovation in the MMORPG genre.
Best boss fight: FFXIV
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.