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Looking for hardcore MMO

OnigodOnigod Member UncommonPosts: 756
I am looking for a hardcore mmo that is playable right now (no more wipes coming)

By hardcore I am looking for either:
- Perma death
- Full loot on pvp
- Open world pvp and preferably death having consequences.
- Difficult gameplay (noone holding ur hands from point A to B.
- I dont mind being grieved on my new character by a maxed player.

A "casual" mmo with a specific server with hardcore server rules is fine to.

I do not like Mortal Online and Eve online and I am waiting for Darkfall: Rise of Agon final wipe unless I find something better ofcourse.

Gameplay > Graphics


  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    UO freeshard while waiting for DF:RoA is probably best bet. There are a couple games with full loot but I know nothing about them. You can google "full loot pvp games" to see the lists.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Fearmeirl said:
    UO freeshard while waiting for DF:RoA is probably best bet. There are a couple games with full loot but I know nothing about them. You can google "full loot pvp games" to see the lists.
    Or .. UO and roll on Atlantic and stay in Fel, or roll on Siege Perilous , both are everything you asked for
  • SomethingUnusualSomethingUnusual Member UncommonPosts: 546
    Not long of a wait until the early access wipe next month. But I don't blame you, I'm in the same boat.
  • OnigodOnigod Member UncommonPosts: 756
    Not long of a wait until the early access wipe next month. But I don't blame you, I'm in the same boat.
    Its now in closed beta and next month it will enter early access.

    From closed beta to early access there will be no wipe but after early acess there will be one so that's not going to be any time soon:)
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    Stalker Online was pretty hardcore but it isnt permadeath....Picture yourself being an english speaker dropped in an obscure part of Russia with the vast majority of the players being Russian....Thats pretty hardcore
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