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So you think you have experienced pvp and claim to be pvp'er but never actually tried darkfall?

This topic / thread is open for debat for anyone who thinks they experienced it all ( pvp wise ) and having a hard time to enjoy a pvp game.

Before reading my post you need to be absolute 200% certain, you wanne leave behind all others, because if you played darkfall every other pvp mmo is bacisly VERY boring ( so be aware )

- forget about visuals and get used to the dark theme open world in darkfall.. after playing couple of days, you will notice the underground feeling of this mmorpg.
- free aim, yes there are some aoe spells.. but everything in this game you need to aim manually
- friendly fire, even people in your own clan take dmg
- server side projectiles calculations
- 500v500 battles.. pretty easy handled by server 
- city building( static locations tho.. but this might change with housing only)
- open world, not 1 instance in this game
- shipbuilding
- housing in open world 
- naval warfare
- player made clans/politics/alliance you name it everything is controlled by the players
- player controlled economics..( no central hub/ no auction house), you do have your own local vendor if you own  a house
- full loot ofcourse

This is not a commercial/marketing post. This is  a reach out to people who are fcking tired of all the same genertic pvp mmo's out here. 

Darkfall aint a game for everyone thats 100% certain, but then again neither are all other games on the market.

What kinda mindset players do play this game you ask? since its very nichy? good question!!

- players who like a game that is focussed on pvp ( obvious ofcourse )
- players who are willing to improve themselves regarding skills( if you play csgo for example.. you will get better after more practise, this counts for darkfall aswell)
- players who rage? yes but also that do not give up easily
- players who enjoy playing in group/clan ( multy options availible, since some poeple enjoy playing it solo )
- a feeling of accomplishment.. yes this is correct place
- some play this game as a crafter/trader/pirate; tbh its a viable option.. but i dont have experience with it myself

Little personal information about myself:

I am a very heavy pvp player, i can enjoy pve games too in mmorpg but after max level in a normal mmo.. im done with it.(story follower basicly)

Games like csgo,battlerite sometimes planetside 2  i also play..( still doing bdo because of the story and visuals, this game is not for me regarding pvp FYI)

Tried alot of pvp mmorpg during the downtime of server of darkfall. Games like eso/gw2/blade and soul.. even swapped to other countries to play simply didnt work out..

Now regarding the internet rep that darkfall has over the internet.. ahh yes ofcourse the statement GANKFEST is very common, because of the ffa pvp.. well all i can say its a pvp game afterall..there are many friendly players that actually raize you when they kill you, but there are also people who will finish you off for the loot..( these are simple facts you need to accept) but every mmo has this.

The game is currently on sales and its pretty cheap.....

I am willing to answer any questions you may have..

Darkfall was already a "complete game"  in 2012. Currently BPG is giving it very much love to make the game more enjoyable and removing it flaws.

My name is David Copperfield, if you toss me a coin ill do a magic trick!?

Cu in agon!!

p.s. if i forgot something...(it might be possible) feel free to add comments.

edit: i forgot something.. if you made the decision to try out.. feel free to msg me either here or on the forums roa.


  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    Its quite true, Darkfall is the PvPers game of the last 10+ years. If you play games for PvP, play darkfall.
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503

  • ThebeastttThebeasttt Member RarePosts: 1,130
    You aren't a real PvP'er unless you play >>insert mmorpg that isn't even remotely balanced here<<

    Real PvP'ers don't take MMORPG's seriously. Play league of legends or CS:GO.
    [Deleted User]
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    PVP "game" players look for balanced PVP such as found in MOBAs, fair and balanced like a good team sport.

    PVP in MMORPGs especially in titles such as this are more like fighting in real life war. 

    Almost never balanced or fair because the stakes are higher and victory by any means is all that matters. (while remaining within the rules if the game of course)

    Most people eschew war, hence this style of PVP is not enjoyed by quite so many.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Well Darkfall has PVP sure, but, its not Eve. :p
  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534
    edited November 2016
    darkfall did nothing neocron hasn't done before.
    this isn't the only PvP game out there.

    and for the record, ofc i tried darkfall, i simply didn't like it's engine.

    uh and just sayin'.... "real pvpers" don't even play mmos.
    they play quake.

    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • AreWeLiveAreWeLive Member UncommonPosts: 202
    You aren't a real PvP'er unless you play >>insert mmorpg that isn't even remotely balanced here<<

    Real PvP'ers don't take MMORPG's seriously. Play league of legends or CS:GO.
    I lol'ed when i read LoL...a MOBA as pvp?

     Why not say hearthstone is pvp as well?

    Just saying it sounds strange to me is all.
  • lufiazlufiaz Member UncommonPosts: 122
    AreWeLive said:
    You aren't a real PvP'er unless you play >>insert mmorpg that isn't even remotely balanced here<<

    Real PvP'ers don't take MMORPG's seriously. Play league of legends or CS:GO.
    I lol'ed when i read LoL...a MOBA as pvp?

     Why not say hearthstone is pvp as well?

    Just saying it sounds strange to me is all.
    Well because Dota and the clones are all about player-versus-player action. Both sides start on equal footing, and how much of an advantage you gain over the other side is solely based on your strategy and team fight execution. Sound wonderful for a team oriented, skill based player-versus-player doesnt it?
    Remember, PVP stands for player-versus-player and by that definition chess is as much of a PVP as Dota or Hearthstone and what not.
    Now if we're talking about mmorpgquestgrindtomaxthendailiespvp then yeah.
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    I'm surprised this thread is even getting some attention now.
    Obvious provoking to lure people on a game is obvious.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    The reason Darkfall failed is no SKill-Caps, and the latest iteration will follow suit with no Skill-Caps , with everyone ending up the same EXACT build..Now New DAwn is apparently trying to break that mold , and ill wait for more feedback, But if they do what they say ill be jumping in ..
    [Deleted User]Maejohl
  • MuktukMuktuk Member UncommonPosts: 84
    The only real PvP is when you're fighting in real life.  Thinking that playing some game makes you tough only reveals the weakness inside.
  • CopperfieldCopperfield Member RarePosts: 654
    You aren't a real PvP'er unless you play >>insert mmorpg that isn't even remotely balanced here<<

    Real PvP'ers don't take MMORPG's seriously. Play league of legends or CS:GO.
    we actually got some pros playing this game from csgo

    he will start promoting darkfall when it launches in q2

    as for the balance part... no classes so.. every fight relies on choices/aiming/stats mangement/positioning and alot of other factors

    but yes its not pixel aiming as in csgo
  • CopperfieldCopperfield Member RarePosts: 654
    Dakeru said:
    I'm surprised this thread is even getting some attention now.
    Obvious provoking to lure people on a game is obvious.
    like i give a shit if people wanne play this game.. its not filling my wallet tbh

    I am just tired of reading the forum here over over again about people that are bored with pvp mmos in general..
  • CopperfieldCopperfield Member RarePosts: 654
    Kyleran said:
    PVP "game" players look for balanced PVP such as found in MOBAs, fair and balanced like a good team sport.

    PVP in MMORPGs especially in titles such as this are more like fighting in real life war. 

    Almost never balanced or fair because the stakes are higher and victory by any means is all that matters. (while remaining within the rules if the game of course)

    Most people eschew war, hence this style of PVP is not enjoyed by quite so many.

    this is pretty response..

    Darkfall is balanced in meta part of the game.. if everyone has a max char the game is balanced.

    But i guess people wanne have easy mode in mmorpg which means

    Time invested into gear --> win a pvp battle

    This is simply not the case in darkfall..

    You can have the best gear wearing in darkfall and still get killed by people in robes, if they are much better then you

    if equally skilled players are fighting eachother.. then you feel the difference in gear is..
  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    Kyleran said:
    PVP "game" players look for balanced PVP such as found in MOBAs, fair and balanced like a good team sport.

    PVP in MMORPGs especially in titles such as this are more like fighting in real life war. 

    Almost never balanced or fair because the stakes are higher and victory by any means is all that matters. (while remaining within the rules if the game of course)

    Most people eschew war, hence this style of PVP is not enjoyed by quite so many.

    this is pretty response..

    Darkfall is balanced in meta part of the game.. if everyone has a max char the game is balanced.

    But i guess people wanne have easy mode in mmorpg which means

    Time invested into gear --> win a pvp battle

    This is simply not the case in darkfall..

    You can have the best gear wearing in darkfall and still get killed by people in robes, if they are much better then you

    if equally skilled players are fighting eachother.. then you feel the difference in gear is..
    Its not like the best players are waiting at the goblin spawn for the noobs to enter... lol

    In the past the griefers were actually kind of bad at the game.... but took advantage of certain elements of the past. Any determined player, whether bad or not, will succeed in this game. Just can't be stupid and know that murphys law always applies first before taking risks.

    If you took a minute to ask for help or just kept at it, you will recover from whatever loss no matter how bad you are at the game. The world is huge and has a lot to offer every type of player.

    Its not like theres FFA PVP only in small areas with baddies always waiting for you... nope..... the world is the biggest non-instanced world that I know of and there are plenty of places to safely farm or do your own thing. Many clans and group are happy to take along cool people even if they are new or lack FPS l33t skills.

    NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!

  • IsilithTehrothIsilithTehroth Member RarePosts: 616
    As others have said Darkfall online is valued as the best pvp mmorpg and most skillful within those that play competitive fps and full loot mmorpgs(UO) for years now. If you never tried it out, you should. Whether or not the team can further enchance the base game is up for grabs but the foundation is already top notch.

    People will have excuses as why to not try it: Bad graphics, full loot, no easy mode, skill based, but many of those people that have played it in the past liked it, but we all admit Aventurine really killed the game and factors like no skill cap and lacking non pvp features hurt alot.


  • SeronysSeronys Member UncommonPosts: 51
    Kyleran said:
    PVP "game" players look for balanced PVP such as found in MOBAs, fair and balanced like a good team sport.

    PVP in MMORPGs especially in titles such as this are more like fighting in real life war. 

    Almost never balanced or fair because the stakes are higher and victory by any means is all that matters. (while remaining within the rules if the game of course)

    Most people eschew war, hence this style of PVP is not enjoyed by quite so many.

    Except in Darkfall there is only so far you can go before your character is maxed, and even before that you're viable for endgame pvp. The only difference between MOBAs and FPS Arenas, is the instance and ranking system, which I keep telling these people they need.

    Your right in the sense that as long as zergs can remain a thing, they will remain a thing, but hasn't stopped us from hosting tournaments with prizes to see who actually is the best. An Arena + ELO system would take Darkfall is the only difference here, the rest Darkfall has.
  • SeronysSeronys Member UncommonPosts: 51
    DMKano said:
    Basically a PSA to play Darkfall with the old sales "you havent really experienced it til you buy our (car, cleaner, insert whatever product X)" tagline. Yeah no thanks. The problem with Darkfall isnt skill caps or any specific feature, its that the overall game is just not very good. Tried it on many occasions and it for me its just not good at all, but it has s niche following which is nice
    What about the overall game? The PVE? Mechanics? Spells? Economy? Just curious what people think makes the game bad, because clearly I am biased and really would like another point of view, i recognize it has flaws, but they're just mirrored out for me :(

    BPG is overhauling A LOT of these systems btw. Aventurine did NOTHING. Most recent changes included adding in Champion Spawns similar to UO system, creating a raid type encounter.
  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    Yes we all know Darkfall are a PVP Arena game,.
  • Saxx0nSaxx0n PR/Brand Manager BitBox Ltd.Member UncommonPosts: 999
    I had fun waiting until the farmers were on their last stroke of the mining animation and popping them in the head with an arrow.
  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775
    ok guys who think they are the PvP shit, if you think Darkfall is not a test of your skills oh please man up and give us a title that you think

    Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.

    Please do not respond to me

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    If DF is the best game for PVP at present,  that explains a lot about why I no longer partake in PVP in MMORPGs.....I'd rather just play a Survival game. Much less of a mindless PVE grind to get to the good part...

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Yes i claim to be a pvpr,likely before many even played a game online.
    Yes i have also played Darkfall.
    I cannot give an honest opinion to which MMO pvp is the best because i do not like pvp in a mmo setting,it is not a purest type pvp nor will a MMO ever offer the maximum skilled pvp i want.

    Overwatch is closer to the pvp i want and i won't even play that game,so imagine how i feel about where Darkfall lies in the scale of 1-10 quality of pvp.

    I believe what happened to cloud most minds in ALL genres,is they joined gaming when it became super diluted.I truly believe i got to play the BEST design for most genres FIRST,then that gave me a better understanding of what developers are doing.I know a LOT of people like to say things like "oh so and so might copy but they do it better",although that is possible,i have seen very little "doing it better" in latter designs.

    I should also point out that DF is a bit too easy to cheat and tough to notice it.In pvp games i have played,i have a really good idea when someone is cheating.Why does this matter,well because the players can leave that server and go to a better server,where as in MMOS you are pretty much locked into the server no matter what.It also matters a lot because in general wide gaming,there is VERY little if any GM proactive work,however on private servers,the GM's are usually active and clamp down on cheating.

    I only scratched the surface a very small bit as to why i am not interested in Darkfall pvp.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • LacedOpiumLacedOpium Member EpicPosts: 2,327
    edited April 2017
    Not sure who this thread is directed toward.  Darkfall has been out for about five years.  I am pretty certain that any player who has experienced pvp and claims to be a pvper has already tried darkfall.  If not, then it is pretty obvious that they are not the  pvp player that they claim to be.  

    In other words, I think its pretty safe to presume that any pvper worth their merit has already tried Darkfall. Not unlike EVE, Darkfall has its niche.   Though any attempts to promote the game need not be begrudged, there is no need to delude oneself into thinking that five years later any additional promotional attempts will make any type of substantial difference in its player base. Darkfall is what it is.  It has a small loyal niche player base and that niche crowd is all it will ever have.  That is the predictable fate for any OWPvP game of its kind.  

  • SeronysSeronys Member UncommonPosts: 51
    Distopia said:
    If DF is the best game for PVP at present,  that explains a lot about why I no longer partake in PVP in MMORPGs.....I'd rather just play a Survival game. Much less of a mindless PVE grind to get to the good part...

    Uhh, the grind has been severely reduced, and you only have to do it once, as opposed to the monthly wipes all the alpha give us your money we promise were working on it titles do. Also the PVP in those games is god awful, full of hackers 1 shotting you with their instaheadshot aimbots.
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