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Burned out on WoW Legion...not sure what to try next.

WarheroJangoWarheroJango Member UncommonPosts: 8
I've played a range of mmorpgs over the years.

LOTRO during its early 2-3 years it was out, mostly creeped until defilers came out then got bored and moved on.

Went back a forth to SWTOR afew times. Tried getting into it about 4-5 months back but the community didn't seem very friendly or recruit happy when I was around, I wasn't very happy with the story direction anyway: 
SWTOR SPOILERS: Me the leader of a resistance group, having to put up with a bunch of whinos I would've shot out an airlock the minute I met them!? Ha! To the hell with infinite empire and their rip off Starkiller. 

I've also played ESO for awhile about a year back when the Imperial city came out, quitted when I discovered the cool looking armours/gear was thrown behind a wpvp drop all coins for loot system that really pissed me off because I didn't have a group/guild to get behind at the time.

I got into GW2 for awhile before the expansion packs hitted, the wpvp seem cool and the combat system challenging (Not stupidly challenging like Wildstar, its like playing a shooter on Insane 24/7) but when I came back to give the new zone a shot I was so....lost. Didn't really know where I had to go or what I could do with my warrior char character. Then I got killed by a bunch of vines in some canyon and gave up trying to figure it out. 

I've also tried Rift which had a really familiar Warhammer Online feeling to it...but couldn't quite get behind it in story or long term participation, also played Aion for abit turned out to be too grindy. 

Final fantasy 14 was just too weird it had a whole "Oh your a whimp but now a hero" kinda type vibe about it that'd find akin to a Zelda game only cranked up x10. 

I've left Legion behind recently just due to how much of a chore the game has become since to be competitive you have to grind out the power on your Artifact weapon in order to be decent in just about...anything. I've had a good amount of success when I was raiding Emerald Nightmare on Heroic at my peak but my guilds demanding expectation to clear Mythics every week per character (Mistwalker monk and Arms warrior) is just too much. It sapped out the fun and it probably didn't help the GM was well known in an unhealthy way in the community (I won't be pointing fingers or naming names) that didn't take the time to set up a proper guild structure of officers, raid times or some kind of minimal chip in system to raid for mats and ended up shouting at randoms every raid since he somehow expected everyone to bond together and be instant hardcore raiders after being pulled out of w/e they where doing to go raid old raids or try smacking head against new content. 

Anyway, I haven't got much up to date info or any kind of real direction for gaming atm but I'm looking at possibly GW2 or ESO again unless somebody else can suggest something else, otherwise I'll just stick to Gears 4 (if they fix the bloody Horde mode queue) and modded Skyrim.



  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    I've been enjoying EVE and Black Desert Online.

    EVE for an epic sandbox space MMO. I've been playing SOLO (yes solo) for entire 4 months (yes solo for 4 months) and barely do any PvP as I avoid it and in a "dead" area as far people coming by. And yes, as a solo player I got my own player owned starbase (POS). Solo. By myself. Doing only PVE. Which EVE has some of the most awesome PvE of any sandbox game. Of course there is PvP, but like I said I mostly avoid it. I got podded once early on, but otherwise run away or engage the fight if I have nothing to lose

    With one exception with EVE. I would never have got to where I am if I didn't buy PLEX (just one) with real money and sell it for so much ISK I will never worry about ISK again lol. I only fly cheap frigates and the occasional cruiser, so I ALWAYS earn vastly more than I lose. And I've only actually lost a ship three times (and podded once early on like I said). But my area I see like 4-5 people a day in a wide range of systems. Its super quiet and empty, and my own POS area doesn't even see one person except maybe once every 3-6 days. But that plex earned me more money than I'll ever spend in EVE lol. Well the POS was expensive obviously, but I earned tons of ISK doing PVE for an entire 3 months.

    The other fun thing with EVE is building up planets and mining them. That is really fun. Most EVE players don't seem to like the planet feature they came out with, but I love it. I'm not part of any corp though, just the newbie one. 

    Also, dunno if I was even supposed to get a POS in EVE. Cause someone said that is only for player made corps and not the newbie ones or people with no corp or alliance. But I was able to do it, so I dunno. He said I cheated to get it, but I just set it up and it was built. Maybe he was wrong or it bugged, dunno. 

    Very good MMO for solo, group, PVE and PvP.

    And BDO is awesome too. Its very actiony, rather grindy later on (which I don't mind, I like having something to work toward)...but most people play it as a PVE game. My server I'm on barely any PvP at all. Its also pretty challenging.

    BDO is good if you want to dress up a waifu, since that is how most people play on my server lol. They have an event to show off all their characters and their outfits/dye jobs and character appearance. 

    But besides that, there is tons of content, a huge world, and tons of stuff. Even though PvP is enabled at 50 or whatever, it doesn't happen often at all (at least on server I'm on) and they removed all the penalties you get for dying in PvP anyway. So its only a slight annoyance, and a rare annoyance. But tons to explore and do, very good MMO.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914

  • MrMelGibsonMrMelGibson Member EpicPosts: 3,039
    DMKano said:
    Sounds like you've gotten tired of the MMO repetition and grind.

    My suggestion is to play single player/multiplayer games that don't have any of the grindy MMO mechanics.

    Skyrim, Fallout4, etc...
    I agree.  Sometimes you just need to mix it up a bit and try some new things.  You'll get the itch to come back eventually so don't think you won't.  The single player market is flooded with great games.  So many that I have a backlog so long I'm not sure when i'll get to a few of the not high priority (on my list) games :+1:
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited November 2016
    OP, I'd suggest just mixing things up with other MMO genres like arena shooters or mobas so that you still have the social aspect but have something without a true grind at the end of the day. Plus those types are easy to get in, have some fast fun, and quit when you want.

    Several games fit the bill, such as smite/paladins/team fortress 2/dota/list goes on.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Albatroes said:
    OP, I'd suggest just mixing things up with other MMO genres like arena shooters or mobas so that you still have the social aspect but have something without a true grind at the end of the day. Plus those types are easy to get in, have some fast fun, and quit when you want.

    Several games fit the bill, such as smite/paladins/team fortress 2/dota/list goes on.
    Or you bite the bullet and give EVE a try.  Alpha clone expansion on the 15th makes it free to try forever.

    You can even set up a trial account today and it will convert on the 15th.

    It really is quite different from all the rest.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Furh79Furh79 Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Hey OP buy an Xbox one S this holiday season and try out some single  player games or a game like Destiny.  Sounds like you are burnt out on the PC mmo grind.  I've been there many times having a backup like the Xbox has is a great idea. 
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Im gonna try warhammer vermintide, free this weekend on steam.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Maybe you should get GW2 or Rift a second chance?

    Rifts story will take a bit to get into, you should probably play it a bit longer to get into it.

    As for GW2 you might considering grouping if something kills you a couple of times, not all the content is easy to solo, particularly in HoT.
  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    Maybe Overwatch?  Game sold like 20 million copies in 4 months- can't be all bad, right?

    I've got 300 hours and see myself playing at least 300 more.  I prefer MMO gameplay, but the recent trend of monetizing cash shops instead of gameplay has forced me out.  Waiting patiently for the Devs to wake up.

    Camelot Unchained is the next great hope on the horizon, but that won't be for awhile.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    edited November 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    Try out darkfall for yourself. A ton of people hate it, and a ton of people love it. There isn't a middle ground and if you haven't actually played it yourself you won't know which side of the coin you're on. You might find a new game, you might waste $15 bucks or whatever. Is it worth it?
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Marvel Heroes...

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Perhaps you should try FF XIV ARR. 

  • Jonnyp2Jonnyp2 Member UncommonPosts: 243
    Why would you stick around in that guild?  Sounds like if you found a better group of people to play with before you burned yourself out you'd still be enjoying Legion.  

  • Tgiordano92Tgiordano92 Member UncommonPosts: 168
    I've played a range of mmorpgs over the years.

    LOTRO during its early 2-3 years it was out, mostly creeped until defilers came out then got bored and moved on.

    Went back a forth to SWTOR afew times. Tried getting into it about 4-5 months back but the community didn't seem very friendly or recruit happy when I was around, I wasn't very happy with the story direction anyway: 
    SWTOR SPOILERS: Me the leader of a resistance group, having to put up with a bunch of whinos I would've shot out an airlock the minute I met them!? Ha! To the hell with infinite empire and their rip off Starkiller. 

    I've also played ESO for awhile about a year back when the Imperial city came out, quitted when I discovered the cool looking armours/gear was thrown behind a wpvp drop all coins for loot system that really pissed me off because I didn't have a group/guild to get behind at the time.

    I got into GW2 for awhile before the expansion packs hitted, the wpvp seem cool and the combat system challenging (Not stupidly challenging like Wildstar, its like playing a shooter on Insane 24/7) but when I came back to give the new zone a shot I was so....lost. Didn't really know where I had to go or what I could do with my warrior char character. Then I got killed by a bunch of vines in some canyon and gave up trying to figure it out. 

    I've also tried Rift which had a really familiar Warhammer Online feeling to it...but couldn't quite get behind it in story or long term participation, also played Aion for abit turned out to be too grindy. 

    Final fantasy 14 was just too weird it had a whole "Oh your a whimp but now a hero" kinda type vibe about it that'd find akin to a Zelda game only cranked up x10. 

    I've left Legion behind recently just due to how much of a chore the game has become since to be competitive you have to grind out the power on your Artifact weapon in order to be decent in just about...anything. I've had a good amount of success when I was raiding Emerald Nightmare on Heroic at my peak but my guilds demanding expectation to clear Mythics every week per character (Mistwalker monk and Arms warrior) is just too much. It sapped out the fun and it probably didn't help the GM was well known in an unhealthy way in the community (I won't be pointing fingers or naming names) that didn't take the time to set up a proper guild structure of officers, raid times or some kind of minimal chip in system to raid for mats and ended up shouting at randoms every raid since he somehow expected everyone to bond together and be instant hardcore raiders after being pulled out of w/e they where doing to go raid old raids or try smacking head against new content. 

    Anyway, I haven't got much up to date info or any kind of real direction for gaming atm but I'm looking at possibly GW2 or ESO again unless somebody else can suggest something else, otherwise I'll just stick to Gears 4 (if they fix the bloody Horde mode queue) and modded Skyrim.

    I'd go for GW2. Probably the easiest to have fun in (IMO). I love being able to jump in pvp at any level, and not have to worry about gearing up.
  • BossalinieBossalinie Member UncommonPosts: 724
    edited November 2016

    Civ VI

    If you value your sleep, stay away from this one...
    Post edited by Bossalinie on
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    I've played a range of mmorpgs over the years.

    LOTRO during its early 2-3 years it was out, mostly creeped until defilers came out then got bored and moved on.

    Went back a forth to SWTOR afew times. Tried getting into it about 4-5 months back but the community didn't seem very friendly or recruit happy when I was around, I wasn't very happy with the story direction anyway: 
    SWTOR SPOILERS: Me the leader of a resistance group, having to put up with a bunch of whinos I would've shot out an airlock the minute I met them!? Ha! To the hell with infinite empire and their rip off Starkiller. 

    I've also played ESO for awhile about a year back when the Imperial city came out, quitted when I discovered the cool looking armours/gear was thrown behind a wpvp drop all coins for loot system that really pissed me off because I didn't have a group/guild to get behind at the time.

    I got into GW2 for awhile before the expansion packs hitted, the wpvp seem cool and the combat system challenging (Not stupidly challenging like Wildstar, its like playing a shooter on Insane 24/7) but when I came back to give the new zone a shot I was so....lost. Didn't really know where I had to go or what I could do with my warrior char character. Then I got killed by a bunch of vines in some canyon and gave up trying to figure it out. 

    I've also tried Rift which had a really familiar Warhammer Online feeling to it...but couldn't quite get behind it in story or long term participation, also played Aion for abit turned out to be too grindy. 

    Final fantasy 14 was just too weird it had a whole "Oh your a whimp but now a hero" kinda type vibe about it that'd find akin to a Zelda game only cranked up x10. 

    I've left Legion behind recently just due to how much of a chore the game has become since to be competitive you have to grind out the power on your Artifact weapon in order to be decent in just about...anything. I've had a good amount of success when I was raiding Emerald Nightmare on Heroic at my peak but my guilds demanding expectation to clear Mythics every week per character (Mistwalker monk and Arms warrior) is just too much. It sapped out the fun and it probably didn't help the GM was well known in an unhealthy way in the community (I won't be pointing fingers or naming names) that didn't take the time to set up a proper guild structure of officers, raid times or some kind of minimal chip in system to raid for mats and ended up shouting at randoms every raid since he somehow expected everyone to bond together and be instant hardcore raiders after being pulled out of w/e they where doing to go raid old raids or try smacking head against new content. 

    Anyway, I haven't got much up to date info or any kind of real direction for gaming atm but I'm looking at possibly GW2 or ESO again unless somebody else can suggest something else, otherwise I'll just stick to Gears 4 (if they fix the bloody Horde mode queue) and modded Skyrim.

    How about taking a break from games for a couple of months.  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    waynejr2 said:
    I've played a range of mmorpgs over the years.

    LOTRO during its early 2-3 years it was out, mostly creeped until defilers came out then got bored and moved on.

    Went back a forth to SWTOR afew times. Tried getting into it about 4-5 months back but the community didn't seem very friendly or recruit happy when I was around, I wasn't very happy with the story direction anyway: 
    SWTOR SPOILERS: Me the leader of a resistance group, having to put up with a bunch of whinos I would've shot out an airlock the minute I met them!? Ha! To the hell with infinite empire and their rip off Starkiller. 

    I've also played ESO for awhile about a year back when the Imperial city came out, quitted when I discovered the cool looking armours/gear was thrown behind a wpvp drop all coins for loot system that really pissed me off because I didn't have a group/guild to get behind at the time.

    I got into GW2 for awhile before the expansion packs hitted, the wpvp seem cool and the combat system challenging (Not stupidly challenging like Wildstar, its like playing a shooter on Insane 24/7) but when I came back to give the new zone a shot I was so....lost. Didn't really know where I had to go or what I could do with my warrior char character. Then I got killed by a bunch of vines in some canyon and gave up trying to figure it out. 

    I've also tried Rift which had a really familiar Warhammer Online feeling to it...but couldn't quite get behind it in story or long term participation, also played Aion for abit turned out to be too grindy. 

    Final fantasy 14 was just too weird it had a whole "Oh your a whimp but now a hero" kinda type vibe about it that'd find akin to a Zelda game only cranked up x10. 

    I've left Legion behind recently just due to how much of a chore the game has become since to be competitive you have to grind out the power on your Artifact weapon in order to be decent in just about...anything. I've had a good amount of success when I was raiding Emerald Nightmare on Heroic at my peak but my guilds demanding expectation to clear Mythics every week per character (Mistwalker monk and Arms warrior) is just too much. It sapped out the fun and it probably didn't help the GM was well known in an unhealthy way in the community (I won't be pointing fingers or naming names) that didn't take the time to set up a proper guild structure of officers, raid times or some kind of minimal chip in system to raid for mats and ended up shouting at randoms every raid since he somehow expected everyone to bond together and be instant hardcore raiders after being pulled out of w/e they where doing to go raid old raids or try smacking head against new content. 

    Anyway, I haven't got much up to date info or any kind of real direction for gaming atm but I'm looking at possibly GW2 or ESO again unless somebody else can suggest something else, otherwise I'll just stick to Gears 4 (if they fix the bloody Horde mode queue) and modded Skyrim.

    How about taking a break from games for a couple of months.
    I find myself rotating through all types of games these days.  MMO's, RPG's, FPS's,  both old and new.  Lately I've been replaying some of the old Splinter Cell games.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • WarheroJangoWarheroJango Member UncommonPosts: 8
    Jonnyp2 said:
    Why would you stick around in that guild?  Sounds like if you found a better group of people to play with before you burned yourself out you'd still be enjoying Legion.  

    For the loot mainly. Yeah the GM wasn't the greatest in the world but he still got results and I figured under the circumstances I couldn't find a sweeter deal (that and we where on Frostmourne playing as Horde outnumbered 4 to 1 not exactly a + under the hellish conditions but his flare for crazy made wpvp just a little more interesting).

    As to what everybody else is saying its all good stuff, I figure should I look at MMORPGS again seriously I might have another swing at ESO since I know more about its story and might have some family interested in trying it again. I still have some older games to fallback on that aren't online dependant, Gears 4 Horde to tear through, HoTs should I need something a little competitive even a Wii u for something more basic.

    ESO is a good choice.
    Civ VI
    Total War: Warhammer
    Dishonored 2 in 5 days!
    Grim Dawn in Co-Op

    I found paradoxes Warlock Master of the Arcane to be very entertaining and Sid Meris Beyond Earth Civilisation almost exactly the same but more "complexity" of added on town bonuses, longer tech trees and some reason 40+ turns of research/settlement time. 

    CA ruined Total War: Warhammer for me. Chaos Warriors are hugely misrepresented whether it was a deliberate design choice to string out the micro transactions or somebody in the office throwing the panic switch due to the fandom that boycotted pre-orders. They are just the worst faction you could've picked to play due to the ridiculous troop costs, poor performance and lack of adaptability against the other factions cheaper more effective units. Besides that the whole Agent system on the single player Campaign was just infuriating all it did was slow you down or outright ruined your experience. That and not letting Chaos build settlements is just ludicrous, granted it wouldn't be in a Chaos hosts interest to rebuild an Imperial city but like the empire they needed to consolidate and sure as hell in lore didn't have to run all the way back into the edges of the Chaos Wastes just to let their horde magically replenish itself.

     holdenhamlet said:
    Maybe Overwatch?  Game sold like 20 million copies in 4 months- can't be all bad, right?
    Its an alright game, I haven't played it in depth but as far as I can see in the opening hours of the game I just have to play Agent 79 and I can't be stopped. Maybe I should play it more but in a way it just feels like a wacky version of Republic Commando, if anybody can remember that game. 

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

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