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So what's changed over the last, say, 6 years?

BlueProteusBlueProteus Member UncommonPosts: 85
I'm making the rounds again between different games as I sometimes do, and realized it's been years since I checked out WoW.

The main question I have is that I've assumed that the expansions that have come out have mainly been for high level players. But has the base game itself changed that much, or have there been additions made with the expansions that affect lower level players? I don't have a ton of time to play, so I'll probably never see the upper levels anyway.

I'm primarily a solo player mainly interested in harvesting, crafting, and exploring. Somewhat of an altaholic, another reason it's hard to get to the higher levels. My memories of the crafting in WoW are pretty fuzzy. I've liked the crafting in EQ2 and Rift. One thing I do remember from WoW is the really quirky things the engineers could make, I liked that.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Playing: Various Stuff
Played: AC, AoC, ArcheAge, BDO, CoX, EQ2, Eve, GW, LotRO, Ryzom, SWG, SWtOR, Vanguard, WoW, Etc.


  • dllddlld Member UncommonPosts: 615
    A lot has changed but at the same time nothing has changed, level up zones dailies dungeons raids battlegrounds and arenas, same stuff but some in a slighty different package.

    The only thing truly new really is the facebook game of your garrison/class order hall.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    edited October 2016
    Hmm, wasn't it about that time Kaplan left as lead designer? Some people are very hard to replace.

    Things are different but the subscription numbers have been dropping ever since.
  • BlueProteusBlueProteus Member UncommonPosts: 85
    It's just way, way too easy to get good gear now.
    Is that for upper level characters, or for lower and mid level as well?

    Funny, but when you said that the first thing I thought of was Diablo 3. Especially when it first came out, with the auction house, it was stupid easy (and cheap) to get higher level stuff than you could find playing the game.

    As anything changed specific to harvesting/crafting?

    Playing: Various Stuff
    Played: AC, AoC, ArcheAge, BDO, CoX, EQ2, Eve, GW, LotRO, Ryzom, SWG, SWtOR, Vanguard, WoW, Etc.

  • Jamar870Jamar870 Member UncommonPosts: 573
    Part of the crafting in Legion is gained through quests. Also there "trainers" for the crafts. So far the thing in my experience is that as you get better you recipe for an item changes to where you can only make the item for a higher level toon then whern you first got it. Also there is the weapon progression setup where you keep improving your "artifact" weapon.  Basically it changed a little in ways from Warlords of Draenor.

  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,527
    edited October 2016
    Easy answer for this, pretty much the entire game.  In six years there really isn't anything that hasn't been changed in some way or other.

    For me personally crafting has pretty much been made pointless altogether now.  Sure you can craft some upgrade gear for alts ect... But artifacts have pretty much done away with anything important.  There are a couple that still have some use like alchemy.  But almost all of the crafted gear is pointless at this point as you will replace it faster than you can craft it.  Looking at this from a solo player perspective since that is what the OP implied he would play.
  • BlueProteusBlueProteus Member UncommonPosts: 85
    k61977 said:
    Easy answer for this, pretty much the entire game.  In six years there really isn't anything that hasn't been changed in some way or other.

    For me personally crafting has pretty much been made pointless altogether now.  Sure you can craft some upgrade gear for alts ect... But artifacts have pretty much done away with anything important.  There are a couple that still have some use like alchemy.  But almost all of the crafted gear is pointless at this point as you will replace it faster than you can craft it.  Looking at this from a solo player perspective since that is what the OP implied he would play.
    Thanks for the info, I've read the same in a couple places now.

    I think I'll leave WoW to the high-end raid folk and try to ply my meager wares elsewhere. 8)

    Playing: Various Stuff
    Played: AC, AoC, ArcheAge, BDO, CoX, EQ2, Eve, GW, LotRO, Ryzom, SWG, SWtOR, Vanguard, WoW, Etc.

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