My favourite MMO to the date is sadly World of Warcraft, the first real and strong MMO experience I had, and the one that has kept me up engaged until today. The Lore, lots of content, years of experience, lots of mechanics and re-playability, to me is still the king.
Favorite all time: WoW, Had the best time overall in this game. All time greatest moment in game would have to be the pre-bc world events. Pissing off your own faction by turning quest hubs into zombie towns and not letting them quest was hilarious.
For me its all about EvE Online, been in game since july 08, still playing it, have done everything the game has offer, from scamming , thieving, piwacy to be full on carebear (todays life style)
No other MMO on market offers such freedom to do what you want, the meta game is part of hte game.
I cannot think of another MMO that has as many stories written about it, from the GHSC infiltration for over a year to carry out a contract on a CEO to the theft from EvE Bank (about 100k in real life money)
This game can be hard to get into, but once in it she is a harsh mistress, and to this day (in fact as i type this) im in game.
My first comment ^_^
Well, my favorite MMO is Blade & Soul. Despite the amazing views and graphics, the fast paced attack system is amazing. It's well made, in order. Questing is amazing so is PVP.
My favorite MMO is easily The Secret World...which is an odd choice considering I don't play it that often. Still, there are moments where I get drawn back in, and the atmosphere ropes me in all over again no matter how long I stay away. It's easily one of the better storytelling MMOs going.
City of Heroes was my all time favorite because come on who has never dreamed of being a Super Hero. Unfortunately that time has come to an end and now the replacement has become Elder Scrolls on line.
So many good choices. I play so many great MMOs such as LoTRO, DDO, STO... The list goes on. I think that I have to say that my favorite MMO currently is Guild Wars 2. I have been playing it quite a bit lately. I just really enjoy the fact that no matter what level you are, you can easily enjoy the content because of how the game scales with the content. I also enjoy the fact that there is always something going on. You can just randomly run around the game world and always run across a group of players to party up with to take down one of the world bosses. Or just to goof off in Lion's Arch with some mock battles in costume. Then of course there is the PvP and World vs World. So many things to do, and only so many hours in the day.
All time favourite .. well its a hard decision to make ... but i will give my credits to Anet and the Guild Wars Franchise.This game changed the way of the mmos for me feom gameplay to story plot and also the complexity of the classes .. the lore and combat wise. There are so many good things to say and so many good memories.
EverQuest because it felt as if you were playing your own story within the confines of a world narrative. Plus, although you could solo, benefits went to playing with more people. This gave a better sense of community and that the world was much bigger than you.
My Favourite MMO was SWG, The adventures we had there were second to none, No other game has caught the social entertainment provided, I sat for hours in the cantina's talking with other players. The crafting system was the best I have ever en counted in any MMO, I remember how proud I was of my store and craft trade when you meet random players asking who they would recommend as a good armorsmith, shipwright etc and they mention you name and sending them across the galaxy to visit the shop set up on Naboo.
Game was truly epic and none have ever rivaled it.
Fav. MMO of "ALL TIME"..... hmmm.
Mine would have to be FFXI. It was one of my first in the genre and definitely had many elements that I enjoyed. The social aspect of the game, to this day, no other MMO rivals it. I made many friends. The combo system with Magic Bursts playing off melee combos was soo much fun to pull off when you had a good team! The Dunes will always bring back so many memories.... so many deaths!
Everquest. The first and best MMO I've played. The community, the sense that reputation in game mattered and no instanced content made sure that no action was without consequence.
Fav MMO(RPG) series and game is still Guild Wars. Both the first as well as the second have astounded me from the first to the last gameplay minute.
The First Guild Wars was revered over the whole world as bringing a whole new concept to the MMORPG world and at its top had a very widespread and friendly userbase.
Currently Guild Wars 2 is still grasping my full game attention as the ingame world and events can keep anyone busy who is willing to be openminded in what and how you want/can play the game.
I have picked Skyforge as it is the game I play and enjoy most at the moment.
Combat: I like the combat, it seems to have the right mix of tab target and active combat, you can and will need to dodge here. You have few skills to use and learn per class, so you can focus on the action. Graphics: The graphics is among the best. I like the sci-fi art style and the almost perfect running animation style is upright and not like bend over assassin style that is typical for Asian MMOs. Classes: There are 14 classes in all. 2 supports, 2 tanks and 10 damage. No healer class and im fine with that. I like that you can use the same character for all classes and that you can switch classes without loosing power or progress. Even though the classes are more traditional than sci-fi it dont hurt the game fun for me.
Cash-shop: It is f2p with cash-shop. I dont see anything p2w in the shop and you can get gems for the shop just by playing.
Overall: This is a hub based MMO where you play as team or solo(mostly god) as you please. It dont have all features that big MMOs have like crafting or housing. It focus on what most would do in end game anyway: Combat and gear update. I think it have successed in doing that job well, maybe because it have left out all the "noise".
My favorite MMO to date is probably Guild Wars 2. I think it's one that I can, have, and will always be able to go back to from time to time and enjoy quite a bit.
My favorite is GW2. Great underwater combat, intuitive combat, nice pvp and pve, lots of areas to explore, good variety of classes to play, great dynamic events, easy access to auction house from any location, lots of inventory space set aside for gathering, lots of mini stories by NPCs all over the place, don't have to have legendaries to be an effective player, I could go on. :-)
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Most immersive: Lotro
Best Looking: EVE
No other MMO on market offers such freedom to do what you want, the meta game is part of hte game.
I cannot think of another MMO that has as many stories written about it, from the GHSC infiltration for over a year to carry out a contract on a CEO to the theft from EvE Bank (about 100k in real life money)
This game can be hard to get into, but once in it she is a harsh mistress, and to this day (in fact as i type this) im in game.
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game
where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
Use this code for 21days trial in eve online
Full tower PC
Game was truly epic and none have ever rivaled it.
Me into mmorpg's. I loved the in game adventures and never looked back.
Mine would have to be FFXI. It was one of my first in the genre and definitely had many elements that I enjoyed. The social aspect of the game, to this day, no other MMO rivals it. I made many friends. The combo system with Magic Bursts playing off melee combos was soo much fun to pull off when you had a good team! The Dunes will always bring back so many memories.... so many deaths!
The First Guild Wars was revered over the whole world as bringing a whole new concept to the MMORPG world and at its top had a very widespread and friendly userbase.
Currently Guild Wars 2 is still grasping my full game attention as the ingame world and events can keep anyone busy who is willing to be openminded in what and how you want/can play the game.
I like the combat, it seems to have the right mix of tab target and active combat, you can and will need to dodge here. You have few skills to use and learn per class, so you can focus on the action.
The graphics is among the best. I like the sci-fi art style and the almost perfect running animation style is upright and not like bend over assassin style that is typical for Asian MMOs.
There are 14 classes in all. 2 supports, 2 tanks and 10 damage. No healer class and im fine with that.
I like that you can use the same character for all classes and that you can switch classes without loosing power or progress. Even though the classes are more traditional than sci-fi it dont hurt the game fun for me.
It is f2p with cash-shop. I dont see anything p2w in the shop and you can get gems for the shop just by playing.
This is a hub based MMO where you play as team or solo(mostly god) as you please. It dont have all features that big MMOs have like crafting or housing. It focus on what most would do in end game anyway: Combat and gear update. I think it have successed in doing that job well, maybe because it have left out all the "noise".
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey