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Ok so I want to go back to MMORPGs. Need help choosing a game!



  • josko9josko9 Member RarePosts: 577
    ESO for solo PvE and PVP hands down. Endgame PvE is not bad, just not as good as WoW or FFXIV (ESO has the best designed dungeons in the genre though).

    I also saw someone mentioned that ESO is not as good RPG as FFXIV. It's quite the opposite actually, FFXIV is barely an RPG, barely better in this aspect than WoW. Those few cinematics don't help when the writing is below average, especially compared to ESO.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    Tortha said:
    Okay, so after six days without comments I think it's about time to wrap this up. First of all, thanks everyone for their time and their advice, you've all been most nice and kind. Seriously, thank you, it's hard to find an internet community so willing to help a noobie like me.

    I've been trying out the free trial of FFXIV, and my only real problem with it is how theme park it feels. @Nyctelios said that the cutscenes make it feel less themeparky but I really don't see how they help, it's still the same as always, do generic quests over and over again until you reach level 50. The cutscenes and the great visuals don't change the fact that it's just a themepark, only the most visually enticing themepark I've ever played. Story seems like it could get interesting later on but most of the cutscenes lack voiceacting and I find myself going through blocks and blocks of uninteresting, generic narration. As an avid reader I am extremely demanding when it comes to narration in non-paper media and FFXIV just fails to catch my eye most of the time, it doesn't make me care enough about its lore to make me go through the infinite blocks of quest text.

    Then again the problem with this kind of MMOs is that they're mostly about the endgame. FFXIV seems like it could have an amazing endgame, but I'm not sure I'm ready to put down dozens of hours going through the same boring quest grind to reach that point. I don't want to just "kill ten rats" over and over and over for weeks of my life. Even if it's "kill ten rats and then enjoy the beautiful cutscene, then kill ten more rats". It's still more of the same.

    I wish ESO had a free trial, because many people praise it but I can't try it for myself. The One Tamriel update seems really alluring, it gives out a very sandbox feel. I hate when MMOs go all like "this is your route and you get to enjoy this part of the world, forget about the rest", because I love to explore, I'm the kind of guy who always wants to have 100% of the world map in any kind of game. I also like that it's meant to be played solo and in small groups, I find that way more manageable, specially for the work season when I can't play that much. In terms of subscrition it also seems better as the ESO plus fee looks like just that, a plus, nothing game chaning.

    But then again there is one big problem with the lack of free trials. I heard a lot of good things about FFXIV but in the end I could try it for myself and find out whether it was a good game for me or not. But with ESO I would have to buy the game and risk wasting my money if I don't like it. Also it seems that the game is much less lively in terms of current players.

    Well, I'll keep researching before making a final decision. Thanks to everyone for contributing!
    Life's too short to over think such a small value purchase. 

    Spend the money, give ESO a go, if it doesn't work out no big deal, less than the cost of a dinner for two 

    But if you are trying to find a sandbox that's a challenge of a different sort without too many good options atm.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • BisloboBislobo Member UncommonPosts: 27
    I would go with ESO
  • PhantorangPhantorang Member UncommonPosts: 6
    edited October 2016
    Ive played ESO, and was impressed by some new stuff they had like phasing, which makes the world actually change after you have done a quest.

    But, the character development is very limited like in most other MMORPGs.

    Worst part with ESO is the immense amount of BOTs and exploitation of the game, I just couldnt take it anymore.

    If you like Story, and great graphics and character development with ALOT of choices, I would go for TSW - The Secret World, its extremely good, with the best storyline, most interesting skill and gear character development, and looks very good.
  • AeolynAeolyn Member UncommonPosts: 350
    Just throwing ArcheAge into the mix, not that it's exceptional but it will keep you busy, nice graphics, f2p, though you will want to sub if you want property(unless you're a wizard at making gold and can afford to buy APEX from the AH), and you can play much of the game without pvp, though you may want to plan for it if you want to sail the seas or go pirate.
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Tortha said:
    I wish ESO had a free trial, because many people praise it but I can't try it for myself. The One Tamriel update seems really alluring, it gives out a very sandbox feel. I hate when MMOs go all like "this is your route and you get to enjoy this part of the world, forget about the rest", because I love to explore, I'm the kind of guy who always wants to have 100% of the world map in any kind of game. I also like that it's meant to be played solo and in small groups, I find that way more manageable, specially for the work season when I can't play that much. In terms of subscrition it also seems better as the ESO plus fee looks like just that, a plus, nothing game chaning.

    But then again there is one big problem with the lack of free trials. <snip>
    You missed the one they ran earlier in the year. So you would have to buy at least the base edition - under $10 in EU, about $15 in the US. (So about the cost of a months sub.)  If you like it and subsequently want to add the DLC - which could be months down the line there is so much content - then there is a discounted 4 pack (the cost will work out about the same as getting the new Gold depending on retailer).

    Other games have free trials or have gone f2p so you can try them of course.
  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    I'd suggest Darkfall ( Rise of Agon if in US ), or TERA.
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