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Any good PvE MMORPG to play bar WoW,FF14, SWTOR and ESO? I miss raiding with friends!!! Do you?

AlpennAlpenn Member UncommonPosts: 30
Im sick of WoW, played it for too long, i dont like Star wars, never did, FF14 is too cartoony and ESO is nice but not a proper PvE game its more PvP really. i really want a PvE game where i can do dungeons and raids with friends any night of the week. what do you recommend?


  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Alpenn said:
    Im sick of WoW, played it for too long, i dont like Star wars, never did, FF14 is too cartoony and ESO is nice but not a proper PvE game its more PvP really. i really want a PvE game where i can do dungeons and raids with friends any night of the week. what do you recommend?

    ESO is more PvP?????
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Horusra said:
    Alpenn said:
    Im sick of WoW, played it for too long, i dont like Star wars, never did, FF14 is too cartoony and ESO is nice but not a proper PvE game its more PvP really. i really want a PvE game where i can do dungeons and raids with friends any night of the week. what do you recommend?

    ESO is more PvP?????
    I couldn't stop laughing at the bit where said FF14 was too cartoony, i mean.. its the least cartoony MMO out there, and, compared to WoW?
    Well, if FF14 is too cartoony, then it means games like Lineage, Blade and Soul, Black Desert, Archeage even, are pretty much out of the question. O.o
  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    You may have to mix it up and play SWTOR.  It's like WoW in a different setting.  You only play fantasy games?  Maybe LOTRO if so.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Mardukk said:
    You may have to mix it up and play SWTOR.  It's like WoW in a different setting.  You only play fantasy games?  Maybe LOTRO if so.
    Well, as one of the pre-requisites is that he wants to play with his friends, he might be better off just asking them what games they are playing, so that he can choose from those.
  • AlpennAlpenn Member UncommonPosts: 30
    Phry said:
    Mardukk said:
    You may have to mix it up and play SWTOR.  It's like WoW in a different setting.  You only play fantasy games?  Maybe LOTRO if so.
    Well, as one of the pre-requisites is that he wants to play with his friends, he might be better off just asking them what games they are playing, so that he can choose from those.
    i dont have many online friends and due to growing up lots of them dont even come online anymore
  • CogohiCogohi Member UncommonPosts: 123
    Phry said:
    I couldn't stop laughing at the bit where said FF14 was too cartoony, i mean.. its the least cartoony MMO out there, and, compared to WoW?
    Well, if FF14 is too cartoony, then it means games like Lineage, Blade and Soul, Black Desert, Archeage even, are pretty much out of the question. O.o
    I suppose nobody should breathe a word about Wildstar either. 

    I really love the raiding there but "cartoony" is an oft raised criticism.  Even better, their next raid tier is scheduled to release in August.
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    EQ2 is right up there with content and raidng alongside WOW.  No other mmo's has the content or the raiding opportunity as EQ2 and WOW. 

  • AlpennAlpenn Member UncommonPosts: 30
    Vardahoth said:
    BDO just released node wars. Plenty of guild activity there. Mostly the game is solo play. There are a few things you can do with guildies such as exp parties at sausans, daily boss scrolls from black spirit, relic scrolls (got from fishing or killing lower level mobs), guild missions, and guild bosses.

    Other than that, I would say you will probably solo 80% of the time. I recommend finding a guild with voip, it makes it much more fun.
    I have tried BDO and i find it too solo and grindy. even when i watch streams of people everytime they are just alone fighting mobs non stop over and over. im looking for raids with guilds killing bosses like i would have done in WoW
  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    I actually find ff14 more cartoony than other games.  Way to arcade game like too. 
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • RamajamaRamajama Member UncommonPosts: 271
    Horusra said:
    Alpenn said:
    Im sick of WoW, played it for too long, i dont like Star wars, never did, FF14 is too cartoony and ESO is nice but not a proper PvE game its more PvP really. i really want a PvE game where i can do dungeons and raids with friends any night of the week. what do you recommend?

    ESO is more PvP?????
    OP probably got that from watching streams of his friends
  • KopogeroKopogero Member UncommonPosts: 1,685
    All these MMO's will rip in late 2017. Players want to socialize, but not be forced to group. Players want glory, fame, conflicts....a virtual worlds that are changing and feel immersive. All these low budgets, garbage MMO's will die quicker than you think when just one good MMO arrives in the market.

    PvE focused MMO's are not the future. Virtual world focused MMO where players are the focal point, the focus of the game play experience are what will help retain the player base. WOW: Legion already admitted they won't have new raiding tier now with every PvP season.

    I might not even buy Legion, I'll just wait it out and catch up on other things I've been missing through the decade. MMO's are at the worst state possible atm, and thats evident in all these outdated, old MMO's that been around for 3+ years are still the only option.

    People need to realize to deliver AAA complete MMORPG you need significant resources and time to build it up. It's not child's work with dozen devs or so working in some basement.


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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • SweedeSweede Member UncommonPosts: 210
    Everquest :)


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  • UruketoUruketo Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Alpenn said:
    Im sick of WoW, played it for too long, i dont like Star wars, never did, FF14 is too cartoony and ESO is nice but not a proper PvE game its more PvP really. i really want a PvE game where i can do dungeons and raids with friends any night of the week. what do you recommend?
    I am still a huge fan of RIFT. Tons of PvE content (raids, dungeons, etc.) and optional PvP only on your own terms.

    Uruketo, 70 Bard/Ninja/Warrior
    <Grievance> Free Company
    Final Fantasy XIV - Midgardsormr

  • AlpennAlpenn Member UncommonPosts: 30
    Robokapp said:
    I raid in Rift.

    it has bosses with mechanics.
    whats the population like in that game these days
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Alpenn said:
    Im sick of WoW, played it for too long, i dont like Star wars, never did, FF14 is too cartoony and ESO is nice but not a proper PvE game its more PvP really. i really want a PvE game where i can do dungeons and raids with friends any night of the week. what do you recommend?

    Well if you don't think those games are not at the least up to the level to good (didn't say great or even perfect) then I don't think there is anything out there that is up to your standards of good.  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
    Basically, as has been said, if you don't like the games you mentioned then Rift.

    I think you mean Wildstar is too cartoony, not FFXIV, right? Because FFXIV would also probably be your best bet besides Rift if you want non-cartoony raiding. Good luck.

  • masengo7masengo7 Member CommonPosts: 13
    Allods has a subscription server you can try out that has raiding guilds and such but the population is pretty low, still a fun server if you have the people. $8 a month is way better than the free to play version where people will sell their car for the cash shop.
  • TalulaRoseTalulaRose Member RarePosts: 1,247
    Kopogero said:
    All these MMO's will rip in late 2017. Players want to socialize, but not be forced to group. Players want glory, fame, conflicts....a virtual worlds that are changing and feel immersive. All these low budgets, garbage MMO's will die quicker than you think when just one good MMO arrives in the market.

    PvE focused MMO's are not the future. Virtual world focused MMO where players are the focal point, the focus of the game play experience are what will help retain the player base. WOW: Legion already admitted they won't have new raiding tier now with every PvP season.

    I might not even buy Legion, I'll just wait it out and catch up on other things I've been missing through the decade. MMO's are at the worst state possible atm, and thats evident in all these outdated, old MMO's that been around for 3+ years are still the only option.

    People need to realize to deliver AAA complete MMORPG you need significant resources and time to build it up. It's not child's work with dozen devs or so working in some basement.
    When you manage to get the players to all agree 100% then they can make games where there is a focal point. But we have a very diverse group who all think there focal point is greater than the next persons. Thus the theme park, alittle bit for everyone only to meet the me me or bye consumer.
  • 3ammo3ammo Member UncommonPosts: 3
  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    I recommend trying Darkfall.. if you join an active clan it won't matter if you get jumped while you PVE, just play with people. If you are into PVE, its pretty great.. they have dungeons, boats, housing, etc. The world is huge so if you want to avoid PVP its not hard to do.

    NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    As said above a few times, LotRO is indeed great and has fun raids (even added a new one a couple months ago  ).

    Still, if so-called "harcore" raiding is where your main interest lays, I'd say AoC. (a bit surprised it wasn't mentioned so far... :wink: )
    Funcom is notoriously good with dungeons and raids, fun mechanics, nice balance (even if that part is not that important now as it was back in the days, when you needed 2 from each class for a smooth run), and a progression curve up to T6 - which I never cared about, for the record. I just did the raids occasionally for the fun, never for the drops and for chasing the higher tiers.

    LotRO's raiding kicks in earlier, so you can test them sooner. AoC ones are a bit better, imo, even if I'm a big fan of Hele in LotRO. Both games use 24-man raid groups (LotRO has 12-man versions too).
  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    I'd suggest TERA
  • VahidVahid Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Po_gg said:

    Still, if so-called "harcore" raiding is where your main interest lays, I'd say AoC. (a bit surprised it wasn't mentioned so far... :wink: )
    Funcom is notoriously good with dungeons and raids, fun mechanics, nice balance (even if that part is not that important now as it was back in the days, when you needed 2 from each class for a smooth run), and a progression curve up to T6 - which I never cared about, for the record. I just did the raids occasionally for the fun, never for the drops and for chasing the higher tiers.

    I agree with this comment.  My friends and I started playing AoC again on a PVE server (Crom) a few months ago when Funcom liberalized their free to play policy.  Boss fights in this game are interesting and each one is different, requiring some thought and coordination.
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